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2K should fix some of these CS things

Mar 31, 2012
1. In vanilla, when CS request a road, their workers will auto-build their side of the road, and they will rebuild to align with yours if their road went in the wrong direction. But in GAK, they don't build any roads at all so my worker has to go into their territory to build, which presents a) a hassle because their units move randomly sometimes blocking my worker from building the road on the next tile and that wastes turns, b) a risk because while this CS is friendly but an ally of another and I'm trying to get it to ally, suddenly I get DOW and this CS immediately DOWs too and steal-delete my worker.

Please fix this to let CS worker build roads on their own, it's not like every CS will request one.

2. The destroy CS thing. Hostile CS still have this description in their screen but they have never requested for it since GAK. I know this is a relic from vanilla, so either fix the description OR (this is my suggestion) revive the destroy CS quest for Hostile CS. I think this fits in much better with said personality than just mere bullying.

Spoiler Yes Hostile City-States should request for the destruction of another :

3. Please fix work boats. They still suck at it - build but not send to resources, build when it doesn't have a single resource in sight (!).

4. This is great:

Spoiler Quebec City = historically Iroquois = liberate? :

Sometimes I want to DOW a neighbor just to kill the workboat that's been sitting in a lake for 100 turns. Out of my bomber plane I will yell, "Stop paying maintenance on that!" as it sinks.

(And then the AI thinks it should send a workboat halfway around the world from its capital, again paying a ton in total maintenance, to get it to that new city it founded. Or, leave hose pearls unfished forever. Just buy the thing!)

As far as destroy quests, I agree that would give more authenticity to the Hostile label. But the game would need to make the major Civs not permanently hate you and tank your lux trade and your happiness and make you lose the game like what always happened in Vanilla when you filled a Serious Dispute request. They would need to change that. It was silly in Vanilla to spam the player with missions that led to total game failure, and meanwhile I was just sitting there losing games left and right because of this (I wasn't trying to be a warmongerer, I was just trying to play).
Workboats as a buildable unit seems a little wonky in Civ5.

You also have a hard time improving the sea tiles around puppeted cities if you don't have a naval port sharing the same body of water as that city nearby.

I sometimes have to annex a naval port to serve this purpose but it sometimes doesn't pay to do it unless you have more than a few resource and a legitimate reason to build a navy on that body of water. But then, you could have that puppet city facing a large inland sea with 1 oil and 1 pearl. God damn, annex just for that? Why can't I build my boats in my landlocked cities and ship it to a port? And the AI doesn't annex cities so if they control that, those pearls/oil are never going to be improved.

Also, Why can't I move my admiral over land to a port where he is needed?

I much rather have the option of buying my sea tile improvements as needed, with gold.
Yea, it's too bad a puppeted city doesn't kick out a work boat now and then if it has an unimproved seasource within 3 tiles
i often get quests from mercantile city states asking for their own specialised luxuries like porcelain city states asking me to connect porcelain to their trade routes
I'd agree with this OP. In my most recent game it was particularly annoying. The CS that requested a road could only be accessed by a one tile choke point. And naturally they parked a unit on it - all game.....grr!
I'd agree with this OP. In my most recent game it was particularly annoying. The CS that requested a road could only be accessed by a one tile choke point. And naturally they parked a unit on it - all game.....grr!

Got that right now... no clue why they took out the road building of CS from Vanilla. When they added that to Vanilla I was so happy cause I was tired of trying to thread through CS unit spam to build it myself.

This could be fixed if they'd let you move through/stack your civilian units with friendly/allied CS (or open borders AI). I never understood why they disallowed that because if they did decide to go hostile they'd have my worker in a heartbeat but it's a risk I'd be willing to take to not have to veer offroad or wait for friendly military units to GTFO of my way when I've got work to do....
Also I got a road quest to connect road between the CS and my capital. It's impossible when the two cities are in 2 different continents (harbors dont work, cuz i connect roads with CS and one of city City A, and both City A and my capitals have harbors).
I also don't like how the AI can block civilian units (i.e. workers, great people, etc) in MY territory when I have open borders. Why should my worker take two extra turns to deviate from the road because I allowed my ally the convenience of moving his units peacefully through my country?
Also I got a road quest to connect road between the CS and my capital. It's impossible when the two cities are in 2 different continents (harbors dont work, cuz i connect roads with CS and one of city City A, and both City A and my capitals have harbors).

For the most part this DOES work, I had one bug in a game where it didn't, but in my current game I've done that 3 times (just road from my city with harbor to CS) and it's worked.

I think this might be related to a bug from in Vanilla (pre-G&K if you got the road quest it wouldn't credit it until the CS researched the Wheel... perhaps the harbor issue is the CS not having Compass preventing over-water trade routes... in the current game I'm playing the CS all had Frigates before the asked for a road quest so I never had issues).
Another thing that ties into the now better but still not that good diplomacy:

Warsaw is under my protection and gets invaded by the Turks.
I ask them what they want to make peace. They say they can't make that deal.
I wait a couple of turns. I demand they make peace with Warsaw. They refuse.
When the siege of Warsaw looks like it's going to end with the CS being conquered I finally declare war on the Ottomans. I kill off their units and start marching towards their borders. They offer me gold for peace and I accept.
After declaring war on a civ for attacking a CS that I had previously pledged to protect I am now a warmongering menace to the world.
Road thing is annoying. The destroy a citystate thing should come back, but as an additional rare thing. They will usually request bulling but with another hostile CS in close proximity they should request mutual destruction. Should be fun.

Also workboats are annoying in every part of the game. Especially on naval maps and on wars the AI will destroy all boats in one turn ... they should also be repairable (maybe by military units).
I also don't like how the AI can block civilian units (i.e. workers, great people, etc) in MY territory when I have open borders. Why should my worker take two extra turns to deviate from the road because I allowed my ally the convenience of moving his units peacefully through my country?

Agreed this should be changed
Somewhat unrelated, but I also wish that Cultural and Religious (and even Maritime/Commerce to a lesser extent) CS's would have a very strong propensity to NOT be hostile. Military - sure. But I'm tired of meeting Vatican City and having them be hostile.
Somewhat unrelated, but I also wish that Cultural and Religious (and even Maritime/Commerce to a lesser extent) CS's would have a very strong propensity to NOT be hostile. Military - sure. But I'm tired of meeting Vatican City and having them be hostile.

Yeah, when have a religious people ever been hostile before? :rolleyes:
I also don't like how the AI can block civilian units (i.e. workers, great people, etc) in MY territory when I have open borders. Why should my worker take two extra turns to deviate from the road because I allowed my ally the convenience of moving his units peacefully through my country?

Have to admit i hate this as well gave Japan open borders then he marched a huge army into my territory and sat it there on holiday making it hell to move around my own empire.
Also I got a road quest to connect road between the CS and my capital. It's impossible when the two cities are in 2 different continents (harbors dont work, cuz i connect roads with CS and one of city City A, and both City A and my capitals have harbors).

You just have to build a city on the CS continent with a harbor to link back to your capital and then build a road from there.
Also I got a road quest to connect road between the CS and my capital. It's impossible when the two cities are in 2 different continents (harbors dont work, cuz i connect roads with CS and one of city City A, and both City A and my capitals have harbors).

I believe that was one of the things which was allegedly fixed in the first G&K patch.

Couldn't honestly tell you because I gave up on building roads to city states for the reasons already mentioned in this thread.
i often get quests from mercantile city states asking for their own specialised luxuries like porcelain city states asking me to connect porcelain to their trade routes

Did you try the "Improve a Resource" option on the screen where you give a gift to the city state? Perhaps if you improve their resource, they will be satisfied.
I believe that was one of the things which was allegedly fixed in the first G&K patch.

Couldn't honestly tell you because I gave up on building roads to city states for the reasons already mentioned in this thread.
They can often be a ripoff. Every tile is GPT and so when a CS thirty tiles away starts asking for a road, I laugh. "No but here's a bribe."

Unless, of course, the road matches my planned expansion or conquest path.

Either way, the CS requests having expiration dates is a big improvement in G&K. It's good to get asked something else when you clearly aren't doing the stupid not-worth-it-thing. Back in Vanilla I sat and pined at Sidon for an entire marathon-length game after their second request: build a road. I'm pretty sure that request popped up when I learned how to make roads. That was the only thing they requested forever.

But twice in G&K I've had the CS not even realize or acknowledge when the road is done: the second time being tonight, when I got what should have been an easy already-exists road request.
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