I had just learned how, or was learning how to use gmax when I found out that I could not export to a "normal" format. So I decided to go for another program, as I want to learn how to make my own units, and with the holiday and all, I have some time to spend too.
In my previous thread someone has mentioned Bryce and Milkshape. Milkshape cost only 20 dollars, but is it good enough?
What program should I go for, what is most similar to gmax, I tried pov-ray but didn't understand a thing, and didn't even bothered to either I guess, it was to different.
What programs do other creators use? I guess alot uses 3dstudio max, but that's quite expensive right? Is it possible to purchase an older version of that program then, since I guess you woulden't need the most up to date just to make some civ units?
In my previous thread someone has mentioned Bryce and Milkshape. Milkshape cost only 20 dollars, but is it good enough?
What program should I go for, what is most similar to gmax, I tried pov-ray but didn't understand a thing, and didn't even bothered to either I guess, it was to different.
What programs do other creators use? I guess alot uses 3dstudio max, but that's quite expensive right? Is it possible to purchase an older version of that program then, since I guess you woulden't need the most up to date just to make some civ units?