Spain has been recently reworked again and it looks like the 4uc integration isn't going to change it much, so I hope this photojournal can stay relevant even after the update coming out soon. The AI has a hard time exploiting this civ and I even witnessed it failing to found a religion with it (it also 'always' picks god of expanse, that is a crap belief no matter your civ/playstyle, maybe it works on lower difficulties) so it consistently ranked terribly low in every AI vs AI game stats analysys. Guess what, Spain is overpowered in player hands, as long as you can play authority efficiently in the early game and rush conquistadors in a timely fashion.
I play with the current 4UC (it adds 2 uniques in the late Renaissance/early Industrial, so early-mid game stays the same, mostly a buff for the opponents) and I am testing the Unit Supply rework (that at a first glance looks like a nerf to early warmongers) on the communitas map that makes for pretty albeit badly balanced maps, but more on that later. No boring events, I really hope we finally get rid of them as the 'default' setting on the next pool
Starting Location:
Some annoying small rivers typical of communitas map and rough terrain so barb hunting won't be quick at first, also low production. Marsh sugar is a terrible resource to improve but a great tile to work early on, this will make for a strong 3-4pop capital. Moving the starting units doesn't reveal any natural wonder or new luxuries so moving the settler is pointless. Mining into Animal Husbandry/Bronze Working to unlock Pyramids and hopefully reveal some nearby strategical resources. Monument/shrine, using the early bonus Spain gold to buy a second pathfinder after I send the first into one direction but the warrior spots ancient ruins in the opposite one.
T14 First Policy, a quick pantheon in sight and early exploration
I'm going to pick Authority (the only policy branch that makes sense as Spain, Progress could work on an isolated start because it's flexible enough, but even then I'd simply stay small as Authority 1-2 civs and farm barbs until I can send conquistadors oversea) and ignore all that backyard (also called barbarian farming area) in order to forward settle my opponents. There's even the funtain of youth but is right in between England and Mayas so I'm not going to contest it, better they fight over it while I settle a more defensive position.
T23 Pyramids and expansion plans
I get a production ruin so I can skip investing in the Pyramids that are ready at a safe turn, instead I buy a slinger to escort the settler and help get rid of some juycy camps before Askia takes them (and he would profit a lot by it, so better farm those than the ones spawning near Madrid). My scouts (fun fact, both pathfinders have been upgraded and that makes for great early barb hunters...but it would have been funnier to upgrade them manually at sailing and then find a upgrade ruin for early conquistadors, oh well that's for wet dreams only) go for trailblazer III so they can move quick and cross water before I research fishing but it looks like there's deep ocean in between my continent and the other ones. Still worth it in order to grab more ruins and spot some CS for more quests.
After Pyramids I'm going to build another settler before Madrid grows to 6 (because that would make me waste too much food, and it's not like I have many good early tiles to keep my citizens busy) and settle a couple of very hard to take desert cities in between me, Askia and Lizzy, and then work on the Statue of Zeus that works quite good with my pantheon of choice, God of War, due to the free barracks. It also is the pantheon that scales the best in the mid-late game and with enough early barb hunting it's easy to found first, a bit like playing Aztecs. That's also why I love-hate it, it makes early warmongers playing too similar. Spain bonus faith upon aquiring new tiles is very useful in order to get the first pantheon (fine, second after India) but it scales poorly and provides maybe 100ish faith before the first prophet is born, you can ignore shrine in the expansions but need some good faith source elsewhere, be it a nice pantheon or religious CSs.
T30 Forward Settling
There're only 3 good tiles worth working in Madrid, the 2 sugars and an atoll, but a lot of chopping can be done in order to speed up settlers and the SoZ so the barb camp gold goes into a rush bought worker. The expansion gold instead goes straight into a monument so that Imperium bonus yields trigger faster, and because getting policies quick is very important for your first tree: in the past it was possible to efficiently go left Authority and mix with Tradition sovereignty for quick border growth but that's an outdated concept now that the finisher doubles the Imperium (once Tribute) yields and you get 10% scaling culture AND science with each Authority policy. Dominance has also been moved deeper in the tree and while I always go for the left side first (faster, more rewarding early expansion) I need Dominance for my first war against the AI (5 flat supply, heal on melee kill are game changers).
I'm taking a detour to Trade tech due to early markets being worth it with sugar and because I want to complete a quest and ally Almaty asap, early militaristic civs are very rearding due to free science and units. Having vision there is also going to be useful to avoid having loose barbarians in between my cities.
Almaty slighty pisses me expanding into a horse tile right before I settle Seville but that's not too bad if I can perma ally it, I'm more interested into having a canal in between those cities in case I need to move a navy around. While Barcelona is going to be a production powerhouse (mines, pastures, soon a forge and a quick Petra right after) Seville is there mostly to block Askia and work the Old Faithful. Tribute settler is going to found a city next the Barringer Crater east of Madrid revealing enough fog of war to not have barb camps spawn in that direction, leaving the north jungle as the only farming ground. All the bonus gold I'm getting from new settlements, barb camps, border growth and cs quests goes into workers and investing in the expansion buildings.
I'm not going past 4 cities with 'classical' settlers, it's simply not worth it to delay science/culture progression once my borders are secure and there's not much supply to gain out of rapid expansion anymore either.
T56 Classical Era
Unsurprisingly Pacal is quite ahead of me in the tech race, but he's also going for the bottom part of the tech tree: the 4UC mod gives him the Plitz Court so he beelined Masonry and that means he is already working on the Terracotta Army I wanted for myself but I spot being under construction in Palenque... I'm not even trying to contest it. Masonry is still a good tech due to Watermills and Arenas granting solid production. All my 4 cities are in fact riverside and could benefit from a watermill, it's hard not to find a small river to settle next to it on these communitas map but there're almost comical situations like that small lake next Barcelona with 4 1-tile rivers. You could also ask yourself how there can be desert in between my cities with 5 rivers, 8 lake tiles and 2 oasis...sometime I forget this is not supposed to be a real life simulator.
T69 Working on those CS alliances
A good number of CS is asking me for a trade route, and one asked me to complete Petra. 2 birds with one stone, I almost starved Barcelona in order to complete Petra quicker. I research Iron working hoping for Almaty to gift me a swordman but it prefers to send me a next to useless (at least, for barb hunting) catapult. No biggie, Colossus is on the way as well.
I rush bought some horsemen out of the capital (thinking they'll benefit from extra morale once I build the heroic epic there) in order to move at a decent pace in the barb filled jungle and also be ready to ride back south when horde units spawn next to Almaty, while spearmen level with Shock I -> Woodsman promotions. Should they grab some more experience in a real war they'll go Amphibious next, as mobility is the key.
Pacal is cheating science as usual but we become friends due to England being our common foe, I'm going to agree for a coop war and work on stealing Samarkand alliance from Lizzy.
T73 Religion
Askia is still friendly so I don't feel the urge of going over the supply cap, but having 4 cities with Barracks already and knowing I can't improve it with lighthouses anymore makes me really want Dominance before I trigger the war against England. Reclusive Antwerp is asking for the 'wrong' quests so I'm happy to tribute it and shave some culture turns off.
My founder belief, Council of Elders, is the weakest ones in the long run but the plan here is get to Compass quick, nothing else matters for a successful Spain especially if you want to fight the deity AI with conquistadors before they get to gunpowder/metallurgy, and every drop of science is important. As a side benefit, between it and the Indulgences follower I can siphon a lot of quick production in the capital so I might wonderwhore a bit as well, that Great Lighthouse not being constructed by the civs on the other continent yet is still up for grab and is a nice war wonder to have for when I'll be ready to sport a serious navy. I can finish it the next turn, saving the gold to invest into it during the CS turns to be sure the AI doesn't "steal" it from me during this turn.
T79 War! Also, more War!
Deceptive Askia declares on me, I'm not worried for my cities but Samarkand is on flat land and I have to protect it and the caravan in between us. Here I think the new supply cap is not doing a favor to Songhai because in past he could have flooded the battlefield with units, now those spears from Samarkand are holding him just for the time I need to make sure his catapults can't focus fire the CS. I'll have to ignore England but Pacal is more than able to hold her swords with his Atlatists and soon Knights, because he already entered Medieval thanks to the Oracle. No biggie, he's out of uniques after Classical and won't be able to snowball as a player would: I'm going to attack him eventually, but for now it's a good thing he's successful so I have a good ally I can even send gold requests to.
I'm also teching toward Chivalry (Currency->Philosophy->Engineering, and Metal Casting->Physics->Compass after that) in order to upgrade my horsemen before Askia gets his Mandelaku, and on the way there I'll make sure to have composite bows to deal with those annoying skirmishers that are quite good in AI hands when on defence (but not that efficient on the offense, also this map rough terrain doesn't reward them too much because they can't retreat enough to avoid a counter attack).
To Be Continued...
I play with the current 4UC (it adds 2 uniques in the late Renaissance/early Industrial, so early-mid game stays the same, mostly a buff for the opponents) and I am testing the Unit Supply rework (that at a first glance looks like a nerf to early warmongers) on the communitas map that makes for pretty albeit badly balanced maps, but more on that later. No boring events, I really hope we finally get rid of them as the 'default' setting on the next pool
Spoiler :
Starting Location:
Spoiler :
Some annoying small rivers typical of communitas map and rough terrain so barb hunting won't be quick at first, also low production. Marsh sugar is a terrible resource to improve but a great tile to work early on, this will make for a strong 3-4pop capital. Moving the starting units doesn't reveal any natural wonder or new luxuries so moving the settler is pointless. Mining into Animal Husbandry/Bronze Working to unlock Pyramids and hopefully reveal some nearby strategical resources. Monument/shrine, using the early bonus Spain gold to buy a second pathfinder after I send the first into one direction but the warrior spots ancient ruins in the opposite one.
T14 First Policy, a quick pantheon in sight and early exploration
Spoiler :
I'm going to pick Authority (the only policy branch that makes sense as Spain, Progress could work on an isolated start because it's flexible enough, but even then I'd simply stay small as Authority 1-2 civs and farm barbs until I can send conquistadors oversea) and ignore all that backyard (also called barbarian farming area) in order to forward settle my opponents. There's even the funtain of youth but is right in between England and Mayas so I'm not going to contest it, better they fight over it while I settle a more defensive position.
T23 Pyramids and expansion plans
Spoiler :
I get a production ruin so I can skip investing in the Pyramids that are ready at a safe turn, instead I buy a slinger to escort the settler and help get rid of some juycy camps before Askia takes them (and he would profit a lot by it, so better farm those than the ones spawning near Madrid). My scouts (fun fact, both pathfinders have been upgraded and that makes for great early barb hunters...but it would have been funnier to upgrade them manually at sailing and then find a upgrade ruin for early conquistadors, oh well that's for wet dreams only) go for trailblazer III so they can move quick and cross water before I research fishing but it looks like there's deep ocean in between my continent and the other ones. Still worth it in order to grab more ruins and spot some CS for more quests.
After Pyramids I'm going to build another settler before Madrid grows to 6 (because that would make me waste too much food, and it's not like I have many good early tiles to keep my citizens busy) and settle a couple of very hard to take desert cities in between me, Askia and Lizzy, and then work on the Statue of Zeus that works quite good with my pantheon of choice, God of War, due to the free barracks. It also is the pantheon that scales the best in the mid-late game and with enough early barb hunting it's easy to found first, a bit like playing Aztecs. That's also why I love-hate it, it makes early warmongers playing too similar. Spain bonus faith upon aquiring new tiles is very useful in order to get the first pantheon (fine, second after India) but it scales poorly and provides maybe 100ish faith before the first prophet is born, you can ignore shrine in the expansions but need some good faith source elsewhere, be it a nice pantheon or religious CSs.
T30 Forward Settling
Spoiler :
There're only 3 good tiles worth working in Madrid, the 2 sugars and an atoll, but a lot of chopping can be done in order to speed up settlers and the SoZ so the barb camp gold goes into a rush bought worker. The expansion gold instead goes straight into a monument so that Imperium bonus yields trigger faster, and because getting policies quick is very important for your first tree: in the past it was possible to efficiently go left Authority and mix with Tradition sovereignty for quick border growth but that's an outdated concept now that the finisher doubles the Imperium (once Tribute) yields and you get 10% scaling culture AND science with each Authority policy. Dominance has also been moved deeper in the tree and while I always go for the left side first (faster, more rewarding early expansion) I need Dominance for my first war against the AI (5 flat supply, heal on melee kill are game changers).
I'm taking a detour to Trade tech due to early markets being worth it with sugar and because I want to complete a quest and ally Almaty asap, early militaristic civs are very rearding due to free science and units. Having vision there is also going to be useful to avoid having loose barbarians in between my cities.
Spoiler :
Almaty slighty pisses me expanding into a horse tile right before I settle Seville but that's not too bad if I can perma ally it, I'm more interested into having a canal in between those cities in case I need to move a navy around. While Barcelona is going to be a production powerhouse (mines, pastures, soon a forge and a quick Petra right after) Seville is there mostly to block Askia and work the Old Faithful. Tribute settler is going to found a city next the Barringer Crater east of Madrid revealing enough fog of war to not have barb camps spawn in that direction, leaving the north jungle as the only farming ground. All the bonus gold I'm getting from new settlements, barb camps, border growth and cs quests goes into workers and investing in the expansion buildings.
I'm not going past 4 cities with 'classical' settlers, it's simply not worth it to delay science/culture progression once my borders are secure and there's not much supply to gain out of rapid expansion anymore either.
T56 Classical Era
Spoiler :
Unsurprisingly Pacal is quite ahead of me in the tech race, but he's also going for the bottom part of the tech tree: the 4UC mod gives him the Plitz Court so he beelined Masonry and that means he is already working on the Terracotta Army I wanted for myself but I spot being under construction in Palenque... I'm not even trying to contest it. Masonry is still a good tech due to Watermills and Arenas granting solid production. All my 4 cities are in fact riverside and could benefit from a watermill, it's hard not to find a small river to settle next to it on these communitas map but there're almost comical situations like that small lake next Barcelona with 4 1-tile rivers. You could also ask yourself how there can be desert in between my cities with 5 rivers, 8 lake tiles and 2 oasis...sometime I forget this is not supposed to be a real life simulator.
T69 Working on those CS alliances
Spoiler :
A good number of CS is asking me for a trade route, and one asked me to complete Petra. 2 birds with one stone, I almost starved Barcelona in order to complete Petra quicker. I research Iron working hoping for Almaty to gift me a swordman but it prefers to send me a next to useless (at least, for barb hunting) catapult. No biggie, Colossus is on the way as well.
I rush bought some horsemen out of the capital (thinking they'll benefit from extra morale once I build the heroic epic there) in order to move at a decent pace in the barb filled jungle and also be ready to ride back south when horde units spawn next to Almaty, while spearmen level with Shock I -> Woodsman promotions. Should they grab some more experience in a real war they'll go Amphibious next, as mobility is the key.
Pacal is cheating science as usual but we become friends due to England being our common foe, I'm going to agree for a coop war and work on stealing Samarkand alliance from Lizzy.
T73 Religion
Spoiler :
Askia is still friendly so I don't feel the urge of going over the supply cap, but having 4 cities with Barracks already and knowing I can't improve it with lighthouses anymore makes me really want Dominance before I trigger the war against England. Reclusive Antwerp is asking for the 'wrong' quests so I'm happy to tribute it and shave some culture turns off.
My founder belief, Council of Elders, is the weakest ones in the long run but the plan here is get to Compass quick, nothing else matters for a successful Spain especially if you want to fight the deity AI with conquistadors before they get to gunpowder/metallurgy, and every drop of science is important. As a side benefit, between it and the Indulgences follower I can siphon a lot of quick production in the capital so I might wonderwhore a bit as well, that Great Lighthouse not being constructed by the civs on the other continent yet is still up for grab and is a nice war wonder to have for when I'll be ready to sport a serious navy. I can finish it the next turn, saving the gold to invest into it during the CS turns to be sure the AI doesn't "steal" it from me during this turn.
T79 War! Also, more War!
Spoiler :
Deceptive Askia declares on me, I'm not worried for my cities but Samarkand is on flat land and I have to protect it and the caravan in between us. Here I think the new supply cap is not doing a favor to Songhai because in past he could have flooded the battlefield with units, now those spears from Samarkand are holding him just for the time I need to make sure his catapults can't focus fire the CS. I'll have to ignore England but Pacal is more than able to hold her swords with his Atlatists and soon Knights, because he already entered Medieval thanks to the Oracle. No biggie, he's out of uniques after Classical and won't be able to snowball as a player would: I'm going to attack him eventually, but for now it's a good thing he's successful so I have a good ally I can even send gold requests to.
I'm also teching toward Chivalry (Currency->Philosophy->Engineering, and Metal Casting->Physics->Compass after that) in order to upgrade my horsemen before Askia gets his Mandelaku, and on the way there I'll make sure to have composite bows to deal with those annoying skirmishers that are quite good in AI hands when on defence (but not that efficient on the offense, also this map rough terrain doesn't reward them too much because they can't retreat enough to avoid a counter attack).
To Be Continued...