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(8-29) 4UC Netherlands


Aug 9, 2017
Alberta, Canada
This is a thread for discussing the addition of 2 more unique components to the Dutch civilization.

Spoiler Full kit with 4UC changes :


Spoiler Description of new components and changes to existing kit, differences from base component are underlined: :

UM - Goedendag (replaces Pikeman):
available at Steel
100 :c5production: Production Cost
20 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement​
Anti-cavalry bonus​
"Burgemeeste" (+33% :c5strength: CS if within 2 tiles of a friendly City)​
"Goedendag!" ( +10% :c5strength: CS for all adjacent ally units)​

UB - Doelen (replaces Constabulary)
available at Banking
500 :c5production: Production Cost
4:c5gold: Maintenance
+3:c5production: Production​
+5:c5strength: Defense
1 Artist Specialist Slot
-1 :c5unhappy: unhappiness from Distress​
25 spy defense in City, plus 1 per 2:c5citizen: Citizens in the city​
50 :c5culture: Culture When you capture or identify a foreign Spy in this City, scaling with era
+1:c5science: Science, :c5culture: Culture, and :c5gold: Gold for each Global Monopoly you control
50 :c5culture: Culture When you capture or identify a foreign Spy in this City, scaling with era
This doesn't exist in the base Constabulary anymore. Unless you want to add it back just for this UB?
The base constab was for identify only. And yes, it’s intended as a unique bonus, that’s why it is underlined
The yields are only on counterspy missions now. Buildings don't have yields at all.
That is thematically fitting for the "neighbourhood watch" that the UB portrays
The combat aura could be dropped from the Goedendag and be no worse for wear. I think that added simplicity would make the unit stand out better.
Now if only Pikes can unlock earlier.
The monopoly bonus on the Doelen is pretty cool. I don't mind the combat aura, its like a reverse fear aura that the elephants have.
Overall grade: A-
Good thematic and mechanical tie-ins, but the UU is a bit mechanically weak.

Theme - A. Medieval Burgher levy that defeated french professional knights and inaugurated the infantry revolution. It’s a pretty neat historical tidbit.
Mechanics - C. Supercharged melee versions of the city adjacency bonuses that already exist on the chu ko nu. At 10% the adjacent unit combat bonus is kind of pointless. I think we can drop that.
Uniqueness - B. Not many unique pikes, and the berserker is far more aggressive while this unit is very defensive.

Theme - S. The unique constabulary we deserve. Actual thematic tie-in to the base building and an integral part of Dutch artistic and political life in the Dutch Golden Age.
Mechanics - A. Gives a bonus in all cities for each monopoly you control, which pairs very well with the UA trade ability, giving an extra bonus outside of the monopolies themselves to trade for resources up to the cap, and more strategically than just getting as many as possible for the UA yields.
Uniqueness – A. Much better thematic and mechanical tie-in to the constabulary than the base VP’s unique constable.
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