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[Vote] (5-04) God of War Change Proposals

Approval Vote for Proposal #4

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Dec 19, 2017
Current God of War, as of Congress 3:
:c5faith:Faith from Kills (175% of unit CS), and Melee units heal for 10 points after killing a military unit.
+2:c5faith:2:c5production: from Barracks.

VP Congress: Session 5, Proposal 4
Discussion Thread: (5-04) Nerf God of War
Proposer: @pineappledan
Sponsor(s): @pineappledan

Proposal Details
Remove heal on kill from God of War

It's too strong right now, and doesn't need 3 abilities. It's pretty much the default pick if you are going warmonger that game, because it gives so much more value than any other pantheon option.
The :c5faith: on kills already keeps the ability scaling and relevant. An additional heal on kill is unnecessary
Adding Heal on Kill here stacks too much too fast with Authority.

VP Congress: Session 5, Proposal 4a
Discussion Thread: (5-04a) Change God of War
Proposer: @Anarcomu
Sponsor(s): @axatin

Proposal Details
:c5faith:Faith from Kills (150% of unit CS), and Melee units gain 4 XP after killing a military unit.
+2:c5faith:1:c5production: from Barracks.

After playing a while with this pantheon, I found that I can reliably found very early in the game, and even enhanced early as well (though "Hero Worship" might be the reason there), so reducing :c5faith: on kill to 150% looks okay in my book.
The heal on kill is indeed very strong, allowing you to keep pushing, so I propose a bonus 4 XP on melee kill ; it makes your units less "tanky" and add a bonus which exists nowhere else (except with India 4UC).
The faith and production to barracks stacks with Authority which also buff barracks, making them super-buildings. I think reducing :c5production: by 1 would be ok.
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God of War is too strong and needs to be nerfed back down.

Adding XP on kill is a buff.

Don’t buff the thing that needs to be nerfed.
Its only for melee, its only on kill, I dont agree, I think the heal is stronger and this fits the pantheon.
Well, that's the same for actual heal (only for melee on kill). The question is : Is xp better than heal ? I agree now that 4 xp is far too strong.
Well, that's the same for actual heal (only for melee on kill). The question is : Is xp better than heal ? I agree now that 4 xp is far too strong.
Something I didnt think of is that the 4 exp probably still applies on barbs which breaks the barb exp cap (for those who use that setting).
Heal on kill makes barb clearing and agressive play in general more effective, instead of retreat you can go for the kill.
If I get a promo or two extra on some of my melee units that doesnt make much difference ... for me, but reading comments it seems very strong for others.
You also get 10 hp on level up, so 4 xp is also sometimes 10 hp heal on kill.
Well, you do get that 10hp one turn later, in some specific cases you don't get the occasion to gain those 10 hp.
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