[LP] Leader Spotlight: Nzinga Mbande

what first looks? their animation?
Normally, that's part of it. But, with these leader trailers already revealing that, I think we're most interested in what their leader abilities will be. Those get revealed in the First Looks.
Dev livestream confirmed she can found a religion. (Kongo no longer stuck with Mvemba's nerf buff).
BUT I really hope she can plant forest too like Vietnam, cos the Mbanza is also a nerfbuff and puts Kongo at a real disadvantage in Apocalypse mode (cos fires burn Mbanzas amongst other things).
Dev livestream confirmed she can found a religion. (Kongo no longer stuck with Mvemba's nerf buff).

What this leads me to think is how they are going to handle the fact the “no religion” nerf was also a limit on Kongo’s CUA Nkisi providing free resources from Relics (as you had less relic slots available). ¿Maybe she’ll be blocked of building archeological museums to the same effect? (But she had an Arch. Museum in the screenshot, right?)
If this was NFP world, I’d guess she would have no malus and just would be a straight up better version of the Kongo.

But, the leader pass is giving me Gathering Storm vibes more than NFP so I’m pretty optimistic that there will be either a malus or something that doesn’t just directly layer on top of a relic bonus but encourages an alternative path.

We will find out soon! :)
Okay, that was not the voice I expected for her leader model

Definitely sounds like a heavier woman with that voice, but I like it.

I think this model is already one of my favourites.

It is a great model. I will look forward to seeing her in my games.
I'm happy recent marketing has been using Mama Munu Dile Late as Kongo's music instead of their actual theme. I prefer it.

Also, am I the only one who was taken aback at her oversized hatchet when I first saw it in her hands? :lol: Particularly in the one video where they showed off all three Great Negotiators at once.
Really curious about her abilities. Kongo was one of my early favourites, but Mvemba's ability was more of a malus than anything else. I wonder what route they will go with Nzinga.
I'm happy recent marketing has been using Mama Munu Dile Late as Kongo's music instead of their actual theme. I prefer it.
That explains why it didn't trigger my allergic reaction to Kongo's theme. :p
Edit: what language is that?
Well @Andrew Johnson [FXS] said on Twitter that we should figure it out and that the language wasn't easy to track down... so it's a challenge!

History in Bits has made a video about the inability of the Kongo civ to found a religion, was just released, so I'll plug it here too:

I'm a bit confused, isn't Nzinga supposed to be a last name? Why do you have Mvemba a Nzinga and her Great General's name was Ana Nzinga but her name is listed as Nzinga Mbande? Why suddenly a switch in order?
I'm a bit confused, isn't Nzinga supposed to be a last name? Why do you have Mvemba a Nzinga and her Great General's name was Ana Nzinga but her name is listed as Nzinga Mbande? Why suddenly a switch in order?
I don't think it would make sense for them to name her "Ana" when they didn't use "Afonso" for Mvemba.

I don't think it's last name.
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