6otM92 Opening Action

leif erikson

Game of the Month Fanatic
GOTM Staff
Feb 2, 2003
Plymouth, MA
Welcome to the 6otM92 Opening Actions thread.

STOP - Please do not continue reading this thread until you have completed at least 80 to 100 turns in your game.

This thread is used to discuss the game once you've started playing through your first 100 turns. Apart from normal decency, the only posting restrictions are to please not post videos until the deadline is finished and to use the spoiler tags for screenshots. Here you can post questions related to the game and share your achievements/anger/frustration/victories while you play. Please remember that we are running a family friendly site, so express anger or frustration with this in mind. :)

Please use this thread to discuss your goals for the game and your opening moves through the first 100 turns. Anything after that should be posted in the After Actions thread once you have completed your game.

- Where did you settle your cities?
- What did you research and which policies did you choose and why?
- What was your build order?
- How soon did you build a District? Which ones did you prioritize?
- How did you place your districts?
- Did you bother with Culture?? How many cities have you built/captured in the first 100 turns?
- How did you play your governance cards, priorities?
- What City-States did you meet and which ones did you cultivate to your side?
- Were your neighbors peaceful?
- Any surprises?

Please use spoiler tags for any surprise details you'd like kept hidden.
Very fun map. The starting location is very strong due to abundance of food and production.

- What did you research and which policies did you choose and why?
Pottery - Animal Husbandry. Wanted early Irrigation but no rice/wheat tile nearby. Luckily got boosted by a TV.

- What was your build order?
Scout - Settler - Settler - Warriors and Slingers. Went for monument - campus in second city.

- How soon did you build a District? Which ones did you prioritize?
Campus in second city to get ahead of the science game alittle bit.

- Did you bother with Culture?? How many cities have you built/captured in the first 100 turns?
Yes, pillaging a French camp gave me the faith required for oral traditions. Also took Pingala + Conoisseur.
First golden age was pen, voice and brush since I figured that mercenary is a huge priority and I would be building many Ikandas, commercial hubs and stuff.
Captured Paris before classical era, and cleared out Swedes and Japan easily. Took Madrid I think before turn 100.

- How did you play your governance cards, priorities?
Oligarchy is easily achievable at the turn of the era.
Two governors early namely:
Magnus with Black Marketeer (to chop out a few horseman with the + production to calvary card)
Pingala with Grants.
+ Great General Points, and obviously city planning card.

- Any surprises?
Yes, I realised that I have to cross the ocean to eliminate other civs! As of turn 140 I have captured 5 capitals. 4 more to go!
DanQuayle is finished where I'm just getting started. :cry:

Good chops but a moderate amount of hammers, still I made a Petra-cap also so that I could levy troops on the distant continents. It hit the Wheel Eureka in an early hut, so Chariot rush into Knights seemed like it would get results. Mercenaries ASAP to make Chariot Corps. Somebody donated two Harbors for the Cartography bonus, so my armies started swimming in opposite directions to find the next victims after sorting out the neighbors on my own continent. Barbarian Throne, and about to finish Grandmaster's Chapel in my Government Plaza.

Too slow! Several civs have Walls up in their capitals. Thankfully Babylon built me some Catapults, but I'm still looking at about another 20 turns. My gold is stretched between upgrading and levying.

Spoiler :
There are quite some spoilers here post-turn 100. Since I haven't yet researched Cartography by Turn 100 in my game the screenshot (Turn 118) above is really a spoiler and, I guess, not suppose to be there? Same for the "Turn 140" information in the first post.

I'm at Turn 100 when I post

As mentioned above, strong starting position. My aim is to make as much use of the unique abilities as possible, meaning: Build Ikandas and get Mercenaries as soon as possible. My strategy also involved getting some woneders like Pyramids, Apadana and Kilwa Kisiwani, to help building infrastructure to support the tons of Corps & Armies and also to get as many CS allies as possible.

I settled in place and my build order in the capital was: Scout, Scout, Slinger, Settler, Warrior, Builder, Trader

Tech order was: Animal Husbandry, Mining, Bronze Working, Pottery, Irrigation and Masonry. I didn't manage to Eureka the Irrigation but I thought it very important, especially since I took the Pantheon where you get extra Culture for Plantations. This proved very helpful for my Culture and to get Mercenaries quickly.

Civic order: Code of Laws, Foreign Trade, Early Empire, Craftsmanship, State Workforce, Political Philosophy, all of them boosted.

I founded my second city to the Northeast, next to Copper & Stones with the plan to build Pyramids there. My second city was founded to the Southeast, next to the Spices. I built only one more settler, stole one from Japan and one from France.

Pyramids were completed at Turn 60. After I got my first Horseman, Spain and Sweden simultaneously declared a surprise war on me. I had 3 Archers, 3 Warriors and 1 Horseman at this time, sent most of them towards SPain who didn't have a single city wall and few troops, so I quickly took over two of his cities. By Turn 91 I got Mercenaries and took over his last two cities and at the same time I captured the first Swedish city, giving me 3 nice Corps.

At Turn 100, I have defeated Spain, captured Stockholm and am preparing an attack against France. I have 4 Horseman Corps, 1 Swordsman Corps and 1 Crossbowmen Corps. My focus right now is to continue to take Paris, then Japan while building up my commercial infrastructure to be able to support upgrades and larger army. I'm close to research Cartography that should arrive in about 10 turns.

Spoiler Turn 100 :


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- Where did you settle your cities?
Capital is obvious SIP/ 2nd went south on the coast, between sugar and iron, third north volcano / floodplain for era score as I didnt know what turn classicla era comes at King.

- What did you research and which policies did you choose and why?
My experience with Zulu is onlly one game and what I know they are really short on gold. My plan is spam Ikandas, so BW first, when 4 are built, time for 2-3 campuses and CH. Later all cities started with CH or Ikanda-> CH

- What was your build order?
My usual on liwer dificulties is scout / worker / settler / settler. Because of tles available, I delayed worker after settler

- How soon did you build a District? Which ones did you prioritize?
As soon as possible, Ikandas everywhere early. This is a great tool for discounted campuses, even if it costs buying a tile

- Did you bother with Culture??
Not specially. Even though corps are unlocked with civic, you need economy first to support those corps, so it really doeasn't matter to me if I get mercenaary 10 turns earlier

How many cities have you built/captured in the first 100 turns?
15 total, including 2 french and 3 spanish. Too few, I have no experience on King, so I expected more challange from AI, so started war later than I should.
I went +2 faith from quarries, so was able to do enaough faithbuying to settle some cities.
Where did you settle your cities? Settled in place 2nd at the mouth of the river near the stone third along the river to the east also near some stone.
- What did you research and which policies did you choose and why?Pottery,AH,archery,mining,bronze,writing
- What was your build order? Scout,slinger,warriorx3,worker slinger
- How soon did you build a District? Which ones did you prioritize? I built a campus in the capital
- How did you place your districts?I put them where the best adjacencies were
- Did you bother with Culture?? How many cities have you built/captured in the first 100 turns?Settled three captured two.
- How did you play your governance cards, priorities?Pingala with the first two promotions then Magnus and provisioner.
- What City-States did you meet and which ones did you cultivate to your side?NM,LV,Granada,Cahoika,Geneva,Nazca.I have Granada.
- Were your neighbors peaceful?Yep.I however,was not.
- Any surprises I finished off France while one of her cities was a free city.For some reason the city flipped back to France so she got to hang around for another 30 turns before it rebelled again.
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