(7-08b) Polynesia Changes

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Aug 9, 2017
Alberta, Canada
Host Note: The Moai yield changes in this proposal were not passed. (7-08-2) Change Moai Yields From Tech was passed instead in the (7-89) confirmatory revote.

Counterproposal to this:
Spoiler Polynesia UA Proposal :

Current Polynesia UA
  • +1 Sight when Embarked. Units can Embark and enter Deep Ocean immediately.
  • +2 :c5food: Food from Fishing boats and atolls.
  • Melee and Gunpowder Units can construct fishing Boats.
  • No :c5unhappy:unhappiness from isolation.
Current Moai yields:
Base: 1 :c5production: 1 :c5culture: 2 BGP, +1 :c5culture: if adjacent to city, +1 :c5culture: per adjacent Moai
  • Engineering: +1 :c5production:
  • Astronomy: +1 :c5culture: -1 BGP
  • Architecture: +1 :c5culture: -1 BGP
  • Flight: +1 :c5gold:

Proposed Polynesia UA
  • +2 Sight when Embarked. Units can Embark and enter Deep Ocean immediately.
  • +2 :c5production: Production from Fishing boats and Atolls
  • Melee and Gunpowder Units can construct fishing Boats.
  • No :c5unhappy:unhappiness from isolation.

Proposed Moai yields
  • Base: 1 :c5production: 1 :c5culture: 2 BGP, +1 :c5culture: if adjacent to city, +1 :c5culture: per adjacent Moai
  • Engineering: +1 :c5production:
  • Astronomy: +1 :c5culture: -1 BGP
  • Architecture: +1 :c5culture: -1 BGP
  • Flight: +2 :tourism:

There is also a proposal to change the UU into a scout. In combination with the embarked vision bonuses, this should make Polynesia's early scouting and settling phase much more potent.

  • Polynesia is doing poorly in test games, and are appear to be in need of some buffs. I diagnose the problem as being too unfocused on converting their tile culture into CV power
  • The +2 embarked vision will help Polynesia find more land faster while embarked. This is a vision radius of 3, equivalent to a scout unit's base vision on land. This means Polynesian naval scouting will not suffer a vision penalty when embarked. Polynesian units can also survey coastline while remaining inside deep ocean, outside the interference of naval barbs until they are ready to commit.
  • Extra food on Fish and Atolls, both already food-rich tiles, is overkill. Coastal/island cities suffer for lack of production, not food.
  • The +1 :c5gold: gold on a late tech boost on the Moai doesn't help Polynesia push towards that CV, and it makes their UI yields more similar to all the other UIs. This is more unique, and more sharply directed at Polynesia's core VC
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all the 7-30's in different directions but w/ same numbering are a little confusing, but I do like being able to look at this civ UA changes one-by-one.

Would you consider doing something for ocean transit? I'm guessing my moai stuff won't get into next phase, but say we had a flat double ocean move on embarked melee, worker, settler unlocked at sailing -- right now settling really distant islands is mostly a human play, but it IS the way poly becomes competitive on its existing kit.
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I don't think the AI ever uses combat units to build improvements currently. But not sure how much this affects their performance.
Quite a lot for Polynesia. Work Boats aren't cheap.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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