(8-32a) 4UC Poland: Pancerny Tweak, Barbican Replaces Armory Instead

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Lost the game
Jul 17, 2018

UU2 - Pancerny (replaces Heavy Skirmisher)
Unlocked at Physics
Standard costs
Requires 1 Horse

19 :c5strength: (+2) 15 :c5rangedstrength: (+1)
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
City Attack Penalty
Naval Target Penalty
Skirmisher Doctrine
Cover I
Bogurodzica (+25% :c5strength: Combat Strength when defending. Gain 150% of the :c5strength: Combat Strength of defeated Enemy Units as :c5faith: Faith, doubled for Barbarians.)
Charge I (+10% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking Units in Open Terrain. +20% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking Wounded Units.)
Armor Plating I (+25% :c5strength: Combat Strength when defending.)

I wanted to replace Pancerny (since they aren't really skirmishers) but I don't have any other idea that's earlier than Renaissance. This will have to do.
The current version has +25% melee defense and +100% (!!) ranged defense on top of high stats. Cover I is clearly too much, but the +25% universal defense can stay.
Instead of yet another yields on kill promotion, putting a normally melee promotion (rarely picked too) on a ranged unit should be slightly more interesting.

UB2 - Barbican (replaces Castle Armory)
Unlocked at Steel
Requires Barracks

450 :c5production:
Standard maintenance
+1 :c5production: +3 :c5science: +1 :c5gold: (up from +2 :c5science:)
Free Castle on construction
:c5war: Military Supply (up from +1)
+20 XP for Units trained in this City
+10% :c5rangedstrength: City Strike Strength
+33% :c5rangedstrength: Ranged Combat Strength on Garrison Unit

-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5food: and :c5production: Distress

It's mostly the same combined building. It's made to replace Armory just so you don't get to build Alhambra and get "two buildings" for free, which looks like the optimal path as your other unique building is unlocked at Chivalry.
After looking at this I think it’s kind of important the building unlock at the same tech as the building it gives for free. If the human or AI techs to chivalry they might be tempted to build castle, only to realize later they get one for free at steel.

In the OP the barbican is a castle that unlocks at steel, so that the AI doesn’t tech to steel, build an armory, and then get a free one at chivalry. With the base building swapped, the unlock tech also needs to be swapped to address the issue.
After looking at this I think it’s kind of important the building unlock at the same tech as the building it gives for free. If the human or AI techs to chivalry they might be tempted to build castle, only to realize later they get one for free at steel.

In the OP the barbican is a castle that unlocks at steel, so that the AI doesn’t tech to steel, build an armory, and then get a free one at chivalry. With the base building swapped, the unlock tech also needs to be swapped to address the issue.
Wouldn't it be better for him to not be allowed to build castles in the first place?

ie. Replace the castle in the unique buildings table with nothing. If that somehow stops free buildings from being built, I don't know if we want it to work that way.
Wouldn't it be better for him to not be allowed to build castles in the first place?
Pretty sure that wouldn’t work. Then you would give a free null building.

Now that free buildings refund the building cost there is no real damage if someone already builds a castle. Moving the building tech would just minimize a bit of potential funkiness.
We can't have both unique buildings unlock in the same tech.

It's fine that a player techs for Ducal Stable first and build the Castle/Alhambra before going for Steel. The total production spent is always the same.
Proposal sponsored by prior agreement from @azum4roll.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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