(8-36a) 4UC Russia: Ostrog and Licorne Changes

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Lost the game
Jul 17, 2018

UB1 - Ostrog (replaces Bastion Fort)
Unlocked at Navigation
Standard costs and maintenance

+3 :c5production:
:c5strength: City Strength (+2)
+4 Damage Reduction (up from +2)
Indirect Fire on :c5rangedstrength: City Strike
+2 :c5production: Production and +2 :c5gold: Gold on Camps, Mines, Lumber Mills, and Strategic Resources
Garrison heals 5HP regardless of action
Enemy Units expend all :c5moves: Movement when entering land territory owned by this City
+10% :c5war: Military Supply from :c5citizen: Population (+5% if supply rework passes)
-5% :c5citystate: Empire Size Modifier for :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from Needs

Yields on improvements are already on Pogost. This focuses more on strategic resources instead. It's still a net loss on yields so I put 2 more damage reduction to compensate.
I've also considered giving attrition damage (2 or 3 per turn) to each land tile owned by the city, but I'm not sure if the AI can handle that.

UU2 - Licorne (replaces Field Gun)
Unlocked at Rifling
Standard costs

17 :c5strength: 45 :c5rangedstrength: (+5)
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Siege Engine
Siege Inaccuracy
Indirect Fire
Cover I
Moves at Half-Speed in Enemy Territory
Can Move After Attacking (Lost on upgrade)
Grapeshot (+33% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking Melee and Gunpowder Units.)

The current Licorne is insane. It unlocks earlier when Tercio is the main infantry unit, and completely decimates them while tanking at least one hit (even with a bit of flanking) because of the +50% bonus, if they can catch up at all. It also naturally resists ranged by being a siege unit, so the only weakness is Lancer, which requires tech parity with Russia, a civ with a :c5science: Science focus.

The proposed version pushes back the unlock to Rifling, re-adds the half speed in enemy territory, and nerfs Grapeshot so it only negates Siege Inaccuracy (-33%) against Melee and Gunpowder units. Nonetheless, with 45 base :c5rangedstrength: RCS it's still going to do a large chunk of damage against Fusiliers, especially in open terrain. Lancers remain a counter, but not as much.
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This proposal can be accomplished without new DLL code, and is therefore sponsored by @azum4roll.
I've also considered giving attrition damage (2 or 3 per turn) to each land tile owned by the city, but I'm not sure if the AI can handle that
No thanks. Too much like Shoshone encampments

Also pogost requires a little dll
Proposal sponsored by prior agreement from @azum4roll.
Timestamp post to arrange all the threads in a neat order.
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