Current : See pineappledan's original proposal for 4UC Rome here.
UMU2 - Ballista (replaces Catapult)
Unlocked at Mathematics
100 Production cost / 200 Faith cost
8 CS / 14 RCS / 2 Range (+3 / +1 / 0)
2 MP / 2 Vision
Legatus Legionis - +1 Movement Point if the Unit start its turn with an owned Great General within 2 tiles
Siege Inaccuracy
Limited Visibility
Moves at Half-Speed in Enemy Territory
Proposal : Ballista replaced with Millenarius
UMU2 - Millenarius (replaces Crossbowman) => art by janboruta from this mod by TarcisioCM
Unlocked at Physics (instead of Machinery)
130 Production cost / 300 Faith cost (- 30 / - 50)
17 CS / 19 RCS / 2 Range (+1 / 0 / 0)
2 MP / 2 Vision
Cannot Melee Attack
Attack Malus against Naval Units
Foedus - Gain +2% CS and RCS per conquered City in the Empire.
Limes - Grants +3 Culture when garrisonned into a Fort (instant yield). Lost upon upgrade.
UA - Glory of Rome
Kept as is
UMU1 - Legion
Kept as is
UNW - Carnix
Kept as is, as long as it works as intended
UI - Villa
Same Villa as the one proposed by azum4roll
Rationale : The main problem of the current Roman kit is that its power-spike is concentrated within one tech tier, with 2 land units unlocked. The Roman Legion is both emblematic and interesting, and while the Ballista is unique in its own right, I do think it takes a bit too much from the Russian Licorne in term of identity as a "fast anti-unit artillery". Thus, between the two, this is the one I would choose to remove.
Instead, I chose to propose a unit that taps the late Roman empire / Gothic War period and synergizes with the Roman ability to easily conquer city-states and its focus on military infrastructure.
As usual, thanks for reading.
Edit 1 : Added other components for the Roman kit.
UMU2 - Ballista (replaces Catapult)
Unlocked at Mathematics
100 Production cost / 200 Faith cost
8 CS / 14 RCS / 2 Range (+3 / +1 / 0)
2 MP / 2 Vision
Legatus Legionis - +1 Movement Point if the Unit start its turn with an owned Great General within 2 tiles
Limited Visibility
Moves at Half-Speed in Enemy Territory
Proposal : Ballista replaced with Millenarius
UMU2 - Millenarius (replaces Crossbowman) => art by janboruta from this mod by TarcisioCM
Unlocked at Physics (instead of Machinery)
130 Production cost / 300 Faith cost (- 30 / - 50)
17 CS / 19 RCS / 2 Range (+1 / 0 / 0)
2 MP / 2 Vision
Cannot Melee Attack
Attack Malus against Naval Units
Foedus - Gain +2% CS and RCS per conquered City in the Empire.
Limes - Grants +3 Culture when garrisonned into a Fort (instant yield). Lost upon upgrade.
UA - Glory of Rome
Kept as is
UMU1 - Legion
Kept as is
UNW - Carnix
Kept as is, as long as it works as intended
UI - Villa
Same Villa as the one proposed by azum4roll
Rationale : The main problem of the current Roman kit is that its power-spike is concentrated within one tech tier, with 2 land units unlocked. The Roman Legion is both emblematic and interesting, and while the Ballista is unique in its own right, I do think it takes a bit too much from the Russian Licorne in term of identity as a "fast anti-unit artillery". Thus, between the two, this is the one I would choose to remove.
Instead, I chose to propose a unit that taps the late Roman empire / Gothic War period and synergizes with the Roman ability to easily conquer city-states and its focus on military infrastructure.
As usual, thanks for reading.
Edit 1 : Added other components for the Roman kit.
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