This proposal only involves military components of the civilizations below. It will thus be compatible with any proposal that modifies other components.
Current :
Byzantium :
UMU1 - Cataphract (replaces Knight)
Unlocked at Chivalry
175 Production cost / 300 Faith cost
Requires Horse
MP / 2 Vision (-1 / 0)
CS (+3)
Cover I
CS in Open Terrain
Can move after attacking
Minor City Attack Penalty (-25% instead of -33%)
No Terrain Defense
Persia :
UMU1 - Immortal (replaces Spearman)
Unlocked at Bronze Working
70 Production cost / 150 Faith cost
MP / 2 Vision
CS (+1)
Armor Plating I - +25% CS when defending
Faster Healing - +10 HP when healing
Formation I
UMU2 - Qizilbash (replaces Lancer):
available at Metallurgy
350 Production cost / 450 Faith Cost (0 / -50)
Can be Purchased with Faith without the Zealotry Tenet
Requires Horses
Movement / 2 Vision
Safavi Agitator - Gains +10
Faith, +20
Gold and +30
GAP when pillaging a tile, scaling with Era
Can move after attacking
City attack penalty
No Terrain Defense
America :
UMU 1 - Minuteman (replaces Musketman)
Unlocked at Metallurgy
325 Production cost / 500 Faith cost
MP / 2 Vision (+1 Vision from UA)
CS / 31
RCS / 2 Range (+1 / +1 / 0)
Barrage I - +10%
RCS when attacking ; +10%
RCS when attacking Units above 50% HP
Golden Age points from Kills
Ignores Terrain cost
Cannot Melee Attack
Attack malus against Naval Units
Proposal :
Byzantium - Replace the Cataphract by the Varangian Guard.
Persia - Change both Persian UMU : the Immortal is replaced by the Tagma, which is an earlier and tweaked version of the current Cataphract, while the Qizilbash is replaced by the Zamburakchi, which is a tweaked version of the current Minuteman.
America - Rework the Minuteman to become a unique skirmisher / infantry mix.
Byzantium :
UMU 1 - Varangian Guard (unique UnitClass)
Unlocked at Chivalry ; obsoletes at Rifling ; upgrades into Tercio
Same promotion tree as Melee Units
Cannot be Produced ; must be purchased with
Does not suffer from Experience or Movement maluses when purchased with Gold
Production Cost => same Gold cost a Knights
Has increased maintenance cost
2 MP / 2 Vision
Imperial Guard - +40%
CS, reduced by 4% per tile away from the
Capital ; +15 max HP
Other components would be the ones from hokath's proposal for Byzantium / Arabia
Persia :
UMU 1 - Tagma (replaces Horseman) => new arts from Ethnic Diversity can be used
Unlocked at Military Theory
110 Production cost / 150 Faith cost (+20 / 0)
Requires Horse
MP / 2 Vision (-1 / 0)
CS (+2)
Armor Plating I
Can Move after Attacking
Minor Attack malus against Cities (-15% CS) - Lost upon upgrade
No Terrain Defense
Attack Malus against Cities (-33% CS)
UMU 2 - Zamburakchi (replaces the Musketman) => art from this mod
Unlocked at Metallurgy
Production cost / 500
Faith cost
MP / 2 Vision
CS / 31
RCS / 2 Range (+1 / 1 / 0)
Ignores Terrain cost
Golden Age points from Kills
Cannot Melee attack
Attack malus against Ship Units
Other components would be the one proposed by pineappledan.
America :
UMU 1 - Minuteman (replaces Commando)
Unlocked at Metallurgy (instead of Railroad)
Production cost / 500
Faith cost (-125 / -100)
Suffers no experience or movement penalty when purchased with
Requires no Building in the City to be purchased
3 MP / 3 Vision
32 CS / 2 ASD
+25% CS when attacking
Brute Force
Mobilization - When spawned, upgraded or at the start of a war, fully heal and gain 20%
CS for 15 turns (number of turns scaling with GameSpeed)
Smuggling Network - Gain bonus
Gold from pillaging improvements and plundering Trade Routes ; lost upon upgrade
Other components would the ones proposed by pineappledan.
Rationale :
The main reason of all these change is to concentrate into Persia some the units and gameplay elements that corresponds better to its history and themes as a military power.
Cataphract / Tagma instead of the Immortal : Persia was the birthplace of armored cavalry which was later copied by other regional powers. Its infantry, in contrast, was mostly light and meant to occupy terrain and provide arrow fire. Thus, not only are the Immortal suspect in term of historicity (we don't even know if they truly were the "elite guard" Herodotus talked about), but their force the Persian military in VP into a direction that is static and grindy instead of the mobile forms of warfare known in the region. Thus, it seemed logical to propose this replacement of the Immortals by the Tagma, an early and expensive (for its era) version of the Cataphract whose lack of mobility and smaller malus against cities is meant to be counterbalanced by the Persian UA. Plus, this allows the civilization to truly be an expansionist menace in the early game to better use the economical parts of its kit later on.
Zamburakchi (current Minuteman) instead of the Qizilbash : Since Persia now has its early unique heavy mounted unit, the Qizilbash isn't needed anymore. The replacement unit however doesn't want to be about early Persia too to avoid an excessive early game power spike, and so we should stay within the chronological borders of the later Persian states. This, plus the fact that the current version of the Minuteman, in term of gameplay, offers exactly what we want for Persia (mobility increased by the UA and golden age points from kills), explains my choice. If the art make people uncomfortable (ranged camel that isn't mounted) then there art ways to change to unit to be only made of foot soldiers.
Varangian Guard instead of Cataphract : This change is to take within the context of my proposal 8-02a / 8-08a where Byzantium is meant to receive the current Arabia's UA, and so would be centered around its capital city. The Varangian Guard is meant to act as the final rampart within the defensive kit that I proposed, acting as a mix between a mercenary unit and a royal guard. Its bonuses make it a straightfoward but powerful unit that can be fielded very quickly whatever the gameplan of the player. It isn't restricted in term of number, but its increase maintenance cost can be a burder if fielded in large numbers.
Minuteman rework : Meant to act as a firefighter sort of unit, taking the speed and versatility of the Commando and combining it with economic warfare for an explosive cocktail that takes advantage of the civ's obsession with gaining gold to fuel its UA.
As always, thanks for reading.
Edit 1 : Reworked the Minuteman, now an early and Gold focused Commando that thrives on economic warfare.
(8-01) 4UC America
This is a thread for discussing the addition of 2 more unique components to the American civilization.
[Sponsored] - (8-31) 4UC Persia
This is a thread for discussing the addition of 2 more unique components to the Persian civilization.
(8-08) 4UC Byzantium
This is a thread for discussing the addition of 2 more unique components to the Byzantine civilization.
Current :
Byzantium :
UMU1 - Cataphract (replaces Knight)
Unlocked at Chivalry
175 Production cost / 300 Faith cost
Requires Horse


Cover I

Can move after attacking
Minor City Attack Penalty (-25% instead of -33%)
Persia :
UMU1 - Immortal (replaces Spearman)
Unlocked at Bronze Working
70 Production cost / 150 Faith cost


Armor Plating I - +25% CS when defending
Faster Healing - +10 HP when healing
Formation I
UMU2 - Qizilbash (replaces Lancer):
available at Metallurgy
350 Production cost / 450 Faith Cost (0 / -50)
Can be Purchased with Faith without the Zealotry Tenet
Requires Horses


Safavi Agitator - Gains +10

Can move after attacking
City attack penalty
No Terrain Defense
America :
UMU 1 - Minuteman (replaces Musketman)
Unlocked at Metallurgy
325 Production cost / 500 Faith cost


Barrage I - +10%

Golden Age points from Kills
Ignores Terrain cost
Cannot Melee Attack
Attack malus against Naval Units
Proposal :
Byzantium - Replace the Cataphract by the Varangian Guard.
Persia - Change both Persian UMU : the Immortal is replaced by the Tagma, which is an earlier and tweaked version of the current Cataphract, while the Qizilbash is replaced by the Zamburakchi, which is a tweaked version of the current Minuteman.
America - Rework the Minuteman to become a unique skirmisher / infantry mix.
Byzantium :
UMU 1 - Varangian Guard (unique UnitClass)
Unlocked at Chivalry ; obsoletes at Rifling ; upgrades into Tercio
Same promotion tree as Melee Units
Cannot be Produced ; must be purchased with

Does not suffer from Experience or Movement maluses when purchased with Gold

Has increased maintenance cost
2 MP / 2 Vision

Imperial Guard - +40%

Other components would be the ones from hokath's proposal for Byzantium / Arabia
Persia :
UMU 1 - Tagma (replaces Horseman) => new arts from Ethnic Diversity can be used
Unlocked at Military Theory
110 Production cost / 150 Faith cost (+20 / 0)
Requires Horse


Armor Plating I
Can Move after Attacking
Minor Attack malus against Cities (-15% CS) - Lost upon upgrade
No Terrain Defense
UMU 2 - Zamburakchi (replaces the Musketman) => art from this mod
Unlocked at Metallurgy



Ignores Terrain cost
Golden Age points from Kills
Cannot Melee attack
Attack malus against Ship Units
Other components would be the one proposed by pineappledan.
America :
UMU 1 - Minuteman (replaces Commando)
Unlocked at Metallurgy (instead of Railroad)

Suffers no experience or movement penalty when purchased with

Requires no Building in the City to be purchased
3 MP / 3 Vision
32 CS / 2 ASD
+25% CS when attacking
Brute Force
Mobilization - When spawned, upgraded or at the start of a war, fully heal and gain 20%

Smuggling Network - Gain bonus

Other components would the ones proposed by pineappledan.
Rationale :
The main reason of all these change is to concentrate into Persia some the units and gameplay elements that corresponds better to its history and themes as a military power.
Cataphract / Tagma instead of the Immortal : Persia was the birthplace of armored cavalry which was later copied by other regional powers. Its infantry, in contrast, was mostly light and meant to occupy terrain and provide arrow fire. Thus, not only are the Immortal suspect in term of historicity (we don't even know if they truly were the "elite guard" Herodotus talked about), but their force the Persian military in VP into a direction that is static and grindy instead of the mobile forms of warfare known in the region. Thus, it seemed logical to propose this replacement of the Immortals by the Tagma, an early and expensive (for its era) version of the Cataphract whose lack of mobility and smaller malus against cities is meant to be counterbalanced by the Persian UA. Plus, this allows the civilization to truly be an expansionist menace in the early game to better use the economical parts of its kit later on.
Zamburakchi (current Minuteman) instead of the Qizilbash : Since Persia now has its early unique heavy mounted unit, the Qizilbash isn't needed anymore. The replacement unit however doesn't want to be about early Persia too to avoid an excessive early game power spike, and so we should stay within the chronological borders of the later Persian states. This, plus the fact that the current version of the Minuteman, in term of gameplay, offers exactly what we want for Persia (mobility increased by the UA and golden age points from kills), explains my choice. If the art make people uncomfortable (ranged camel that isn't mounted) then there art ways to change to unit to be only made of foot soldiers.
Varangian Guard instead of Cataphract : This change is to take within the context of my proposal 8-02a / 8-08a where Byzantium is meant to receive the current Arabia's UA, and so would be centered around its capital city. The Varangian Guard is meant to act as the final rampart within the defensive kit that I proposed, acting as a mix between a mercenary unit and a royal guard. Its bonuses make it a straightfoward but powerful unit that can be fielded very quickly whatever the gameplan of the player. It isn't restricted in term of number, but its increase maintenance cost can be a burder if fielded in large numbers.
Minuteman rework : Meant to act as a firefighter sort of unit, taking the speed and versatility of the Commando and combining it with economic warfare for an explosive cocktail that takes advantage of the civ's obsession with gaining gold to fuel its UA.
As always, thanks for reading.

Edit 1 : Reworked the Minuteman, now an early and Gold focused Commando that thrives on economic warfare.
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