A guide to tiny high scores


Josef Popper 4ever
Oct 2, 2003
Holon, Israel
A Guide to tiny high scores
(by Chaim Rimon, nickname : boogaboo)

0. Introduction
1. Pre-start decisions
1.1. World type screen
1.2. Civilization choice
1.3. AI choice
2. Winning on chieftain, warlord and regent
3. Winning on monarch and emperor
4. Winning on deity
4.1. The situation
4.2. Advantages
4.3. AI war option negated
4.4. Basic knowledge about the AI
4.5. Starting position
4.6. City and workers management
4.7. Gold/Luxuries ratio
4.8. Conquest explained
4.9. Conquest in short
5. Final words

0. Introduction:

This is a guide on how to get best high scores in a tiny world on all difficulties of PTW1.27, not C3C.
There is no need to prove that on such a world, a high score means conquest.
The following is how I did these 2 AI tiny conquests on all difficulties.

1. Pre-start decisions:

1.1. World type screen:
I take an (tiny) arid, cold, 5 billion years, on a small land area pangea.
All I need is a relatively flat world with almost no place 2 hide (poles..)

In all difficulties but deity I take raging barbarians, since they give more sudden gifts than harm (the game is so short, that if something bad happens, I restart).

On deity, I put no barbarians. There are many reasons (except the fact that the score don’t mind) – the barbarian bonus does not exist, the AI could find a settler on a remote place, the AI will get money, science and veterans more easily wile the human player chances get low, the AI will be more defensive, I will have to leave troops to defend sometimes against barbarians, and perhaps a few issues I forgot.

1.2. Civilization choice:
Aztec – the only one.

On all but deity, I didn’t even question – the Jaguar Warrior (JAG) is desperately needed as an early 2 move unit to assault. The early golden-age (GA) is also sometimes needed.
No techs to acquire, no resource to hold.

On deity, I wondered if it will not be more reasonable to switch to a more offensive 2-move unit, but no.
As my notes tell me, [read: (A/D/M, resource, cost)] the Celts (3/2/2, Iron, 50), Iroquois (3/1/2, Horses, 30) and Egyptians (2/1/2, Horses, 20) all need a resource and also techs. It is very hard to get those while building a barracks on deity..
And if I do get them, will they be worthy? No. The cost is too high.
Even with the Egyptians, I could have had 2 JAGs with 4HP instead of 1 unit with increased attack. No thanks.. go to Aztec.

1.3. AI choice:
[Respawn players off , culturally linked start locations off]
I felt no need for a particular civilization, since their aggressiveness does not really matter, and reflect only at me, not at other AI players.
Being from the same culture group, and having put “culturally linked start locations” on does not help to be closer to the AIs on a tiny world.. (thnx, superslug)

What is needed from the AI:
• Militaristic – No – Easier experience for the AI, perhaps barracks on deity. Also some (if W.C is given and not the wheel) gives all initial offensive units of the AI to be Archers instead of Warriors.
• Scientific – No – They have at the start the ability to create spearmen.
spearmen are your true enemy.
• Industrious – No – The extra production will make them have an even higher production, resulting in more units.
• Expansionistic – ok - Y not? Let there be a scout, and I will see the direction it’s coming from!
• Religious – ok – No problema here too. A temple just holds their production of troops..

In short, we are left with the Iroquois and Arabs to play with mostly. I did play vs the Americans also, but this was a mistake.

2. Winning on chieftain, warlord and regent:

The easiest difficulty levels are such that the AI gets no free units, you have a barbarian bonus, and the AI builds at a pace less or equal to you.
Basically, the challenge here is to end the game in 7 turns – at the 3700BC end-of-turn there should be no one left alive but you. The record is so set to 3650BC in these difficulties.

How in 7 turns? Except a lot of luck?
Here it is:
1. You must begin at a land where you can have 5 shields when you get the city size of two. This means any two forests in your city's 1 radius are sufficient.
2. Build the first city where you begin, and tell the worker to join. This boosts production to 5.
3. Switch to 100% luxury. You don’t need money or techs. Happiness adds points.
4. Put your city-workers on the 5 shields, and produce JAGs.
5. 3900BC : first JAG comes out in search of first AI city.
6. 3800BC : second JAG comes out in search of second AI city.
7. 3700BC : a third but useless JAG is produced - by the end of this turn, the game should be finished.

The 2 JAGs that go out must depend on luck (and high places) to find the AI quickly.
Once your units are in range (2) of the AI capitol, attack!
It is best to use range 2 and then enter the city.
Otherwise, they will feel threatened and will defend and/or kick you out (sometimes to a tile where you cannot enter the city in one turn..)
There should usually be no defense on these difficulties, so luck on the location of the AIs is crucial.
Goody huts (if on your way..) may produce a settler, making your score a bit higher..!

3. Winning on monarch and emperor:

Here the issues become more complex, since the AI gets 3 free units at monarch and 6 units + worker at emperor.
Those units should be warriors if you have chosen your AI opponents wisely.
The winning start is exactly the same as in the lower difficulties, but the means are different, since the AI is guarded.
To every capital, it will be very hard to find a city without 2 warriors defending.
With tons of luck, it can be done with 2 JAGs on 2 cities.
However, the chances are so poor, that it would be best to have 3.
I bring 3 JAGs to a radius 2 (outside the culture range) from each AI capitol, then attack!
You still need much luck to pull this off – closeness of the AIs is vital, and so is trying to confuse him (moving also to other directions), and attack with synchronization.
To produce 6 JAGs, it is needed to get to 3400BC, and the 3400 JAG should go to the closest city. I have managed to conquest by 3300BC (3250BC is actual end) with this technique.

Confusing the enemy is needed.
If the AI gets “scared” it may have already invented Bronze Working and automatically builds spearmen. JAGs are no match for spearmen. At least not with the few JAGs available.
The other AI warriors are running around exploring terrain and goody huts, and only then notice a threat at radius 2, outside of culture.
A turn after that, with lucky attack, it’s all over for the AI.
Otherwise… start a new game.

There is always the fear of having to deal with a settler.
Sometimes the AIs get a settler in this timeframe, mostly they don’t.
Barbarians bonus still exist, so you may as well get promoted if barbarians hit and you may still find a settler for those extra population and territory points.

4. Winning on deity:

Here, it’s a longer, different game.
Instead of a few warriors, you now have to deal with {12 warriors + 2 workers + settler} per AI.

4.1. The situation:
Of course, the units are disturbing, but an extra settler does mean an extra city.
This is 2 AIs, each with 2 defended cities and 12 warriors.
I can’t blitz that. I tried to have the first JAGs go looking for that settler, but the second AI still has another city, and in a few turns (about 3200/3100 BC), both capitols will produce their own settler, and the AI expansion is virtually unstoppable (this IS deity).
Because of this vast army, I thought about doing the game with another civilization, but as mentioned in the “choosing civilization”, the Aztec people are finally the best choice.

4.2. Advantages:
We have the JAGs speed, the human brain, and…
What the AI misses again and again.. barracks.
The game is no longer short and barracks is the first thing the city should build.
Make only veterans, there are 24 regular warriors around.. they must be defeated.

4.3. AI war option negated:
Here I come to one of the hardest strategic decision I had to make/test/check.
Can an internal AI war be a catalyst for the destruction of the 24 warriors?
I found out that yes and no.
The AI will randomly every 5-10 games start a war with the neighboring AI (perhaps pressed for space or feels weakness).
When AI war occurs, most of the 24 warriors do get crushed in the process, but an alarming thing is going on – science.
While the war will not last for long, and usually no cities will be destroyed and the growth of new cities will only slightly decrease, these cities are now aware of a war situation, and will produce spearmen and archers.
Whenever and whoever you try to attack, you will now meet fierce spearmen defense. This is bad.
AI war is not wanted.

4.4. Basic knowledge about the AI:
My strategy uses knowledge of the AI actions, which are a must know.
1. When attacked, the AI will go with most of his army to attack your nearest city.
It will also go for units, which you may want to keep on a mountain nearby or far away.
2. When a peace is signed or a main city is threatened, the AI will start to retreat.
3. 1 and 2 may allow you to exactly decide “where do you want the AI stack to go next?” – You may threaten his capitol, and then pull back recursively, or you may sometimes simply pull a JAG from the mountains to where he is exposed, and the AI stack changes direction.. then go back to the mountain, and he does another 180 degrees turn..
4. When attacked or threatened (units hanging around his city), the AI will go full steam for spearmen.
5. The AI will sell cities when stressed – especially when you have already captured or razed one of his cities.
6. The AI will use regulars, except for perhaps if you choose a militaristic AI..

4.5. Starting position :
Any city tiles that can produce 5 shields when the city reaches size 2, and can potentially grow to size 5-6 (quickly as possible) having 11 shields total (1 is corruption) when taking into account that a golden age is happening to produce all these 11 shields. I love 2 cattle – the cattle which is on plains, not grassland cattle.

4.6. City and workers management:
The capitol is your main city and the only one you depend on.
It should build barracks first, and only then begin with JAGs production.
The worker will not join the capitol at deity, but will build needed roads and infrastructure, and after capturing a few slave workers, will finally join the capitol.
My first veteran JAG comes out at 3500BC.
From now on, with the 5 shields I got, I should have another JAG every 2 turns.
Try to make food a priority while maintaining at least 5 shields.
At about 3000BC or earlier, the GA will trigger more shields for the city.
Your goal is to make the capitol produce 11 shields –
1 to corruption and 10 for 1 JAG per turn.
If growing further in city size can be done – go ahead.
Many times the GA will end but you will still be able to produce 1 JAG per turn.
In my high-score game, I had 1 JAG per turn from 2900BC.
The slave workers should be working on a road from the capitol to your enemy, sometimes joining cities or forming colonies (they are also fast roads..;)).
Captured cities can be razed at will, although they might be useful – you can hurry a barracks from a slave, and this can give you a fast healing position near the battlefield, and the city does give a few points at the end..

4.7. Gold/Luxuries ratio:
Science obviously does not exist.
At the very beginning, collect only money. Later, keep a close eye on your city, and raise the entertainment as needed. You will sometimes need every trade you can get to make your people happy when they are supporting all your JAGs. Sometimes a river can save the day.
Capturing an enemy city will ease the army support cost (by 4 more despotic city support).
When the end of the game is coming, plan to spend all your money on luxuries – up to 100% luxuries for another few points.
Don't do it too early, or you will run out of money.

4.8. Conquest explained:
This method is somewhat terrorist – a hit and run tactic to prevent the AI from expanding with his initial advantages.

At start, each AI can have 2 small cities very fast, but he does not defend them well vs. a surprise attack.
You will scout for your enemies, hoping they are both close.
Take on the closest civilization, or one with a "fresh" settler out to kill.
Pick a city – not capitol - The capitol is protected at most times, and has wider culture.
Make sure you have 2 “stacks” of JAGs, even 2 JAGs each will usually do.
Take your JAGs stack at the same turn to a striking distance to a city, but from outside of its culture, and another stack near another target (city or settlers are targets here, nothing else).
It is important that these cities (not settlers) didn’t have these JAGs running around it until that turn. Otherwise, they will be more prepared.

Note that we are not attacking the capitol, "just" destroying existing/future cities.
This comes as a surprise to the AI, and ruins his expansion plans. He will now defend with spearmen, but he has a capitol and maximum one more city.
This city must be bought on the peace agreement. Everything else is optional.
Meanwhile, after we have attacked, we hide in the mountains, or fortify in our city to defend against the masses of warriors.
Many times 3 veteran JAGs can protect a city from 8 warriors, and his warriors take time.. much time.. to get to your capitol.
Sometimes it is not even needed to kill off their units. Take the extra city by peace treaty before they come to your capitol by standing near their capitol and even try attacking a unit to show intention. They want their capitol = the are willing to sacrifice another city.
Kidnapping slave workers is a JAG specialty, use them to build roads and make the capitol (or other cities) big.
Note the AI did not try to defend his cities with most of his troops, but “roared” toward my city, and when peace was signed, he turned back. In between, many unplaced workers were kidnapped and some warriors got murdered (they were near the killer stacks!).

So, one AI has been reduced to his capitol and in a shock (and peace). Leave him alone a bit -
The second AI is unaware or unwilling to be aware of this genocide I made (“this won’t happen 2 me, I’m too strong..”). They still use warriors, and have not awakened.
To the second AI I do exactly the same as quickly as peace is signed with the first AI.
They have expanded but I have grown in numbers.
I cut off their deity AI legs – their cities. again. How can you have accelerated AI production when you have no AI cities?! [I should trademark this sentence]

Now, with 2 crippled AI, in my GA, with many JAGs, I can take on the damned AI capitols by force.
I return to the first AI.
Try to see if they are pulling a settler in the last minute.
Be aware of the settler bug I described at http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=77529.
The AI settler is on a higher priority than his last city.
Of course, try to have a road from your capitol to the AI zones.
Kill the capitol in a "surprise" attack (they are more defended, a large stack is required).
Now kill the second AI in the same manner.
The End.

4.9. Conquest in short:
Terrorize and take the cities advantage from the first AI, then from the second AI (can’t do both at the same time.. they do have a large army, and you want a surprise).
Then, as a second round, do them both “to a bloody pulp”, but beware, there are spearmen in the house..
With luck (and it is always needed), the game should be ending near 2000BC.

5. Final words:

The hidden part of all of this is the micro - organize your city well, know when to sign the peace and how to piss them on, and off.
Also know when this is not the game to continue with. Restart. Resistance is futile.

I know there are some tiny HOF records I can do even better, but I'm quiet until someone challenges me..

I hope u all have fun!
boogaboo, this is an extremely coherent and organized article that explains and illustrates quite a bit of thought behind a format not dealt with often in articles, namely being quick conquest on tiny maps! I wish we had a salute smiley, this will have to do: :thanx:

I do have a singular point I'd like to contribute to the discussion for now:
At deity I have put America and Iroquois, since they are from the same culture group, and have put “culturally linked start locations” on, so they will be close, but I’m not sure that helped.
No. Culturally linked start locations doesn't move start tiles closer, it just arranges civ placement among existing start tiles. Also, if all the civs are from the same group or your map is tiny, then this option doesn't really matter at all.
thnx, superslug!

Just got home, and I appreciate the correction.
Will now edit my post to my (full) satisfaction.

Also I met with the limitation of 15000 characters, which I don't know what to do about.

I put the menu and the last chapter on the next post (yes, the one below with the '!'. There is room for all characters.. :) )

Originally posted by boogaboo
Also I met with the limitation of 15000 characters, which I don't know what to do about.

Normally the article would just continue into the second post, but I took that already!:eek: I suppose you could PM Padma, Chieftess or Moonsinger to see if they could bump me down one so you'd have the first two consecutive posts to edit with...
k.. it's not urgent u know -
I did almost all I wanted.. and time is all we have. :)
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