You make perfect sense. Your English is way better than mine. I take it you're a native (as in UK) speaker? I am handicapped because I am a North American.
What attracts you to the Frànkfurt school? An OLD friend of mine, now passed, who met Herbert Marcuse (who was very old at the time.) He disagreed with Marcuse's (implied) class substitutionalism, but I do not know anything about it. Any books to recommend?
I, however, would highly recommend some non-Marxist takes on the socialist systems of education and medicine, namely: Jonathan Kozol's Children of the Revolution about Cuba's literacy campaign; Revolutionary Doctors by Stephen Brouwer, who is a supporter of one of my organizations -- it's about the MIC (Medicina Integral Comunitaria. or "Inegrated Commnity medicine) health system in Venezuela.
Also, check out the film "Salud.". It about Cuba's medical missions around the world. We know and work with one of the Honduran doctors featured there.
Anyway, keep in touch.