A.I basically lets you win.

I can also completely confirm the thread's title.

In my previous game (Soyuz), I played pretty badly for multiple reasons and had basically no military. Hutama went completely runaway beastmode and began conquering everybody (he has done this every game so far, he's bonkers). By the end, he had conquered the entire map (5 other civs) save for me and two small Brazilian water cities (which I had completely encircled with my own territory with moving water cities).

Since I refused Open Borders to Hutama, he could never get to the Brazilian cities to wipe him out... so he was stuck at eternal, inefficient war with Brasilia. While completely ignoring me for the entire game! Even when I had the Mind Flower up for OVER A 100 TURNS (Marathon Fun :lol:) and was waiting for it to finally give me the win, he kept being nice to me and never attacked me. If that is not "letting me win", I don't know what is :rolleyes:
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