A pyramid in Bosnia?


Sitting Wool
Dec 2, 2004
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Thirty kilometers north of Sarajevo, in town Visoko, this April archeological excavations should begin. One of the leaders of excavations, Semir Osmanagic, believes that they will find pyramids, similar to Aztec, Mayan and Incan. He already named the pyramid: Bosnian Sun pyramid.

He expects another pyramid in vicinity, to make a pair, like in Americas, Sun and Moon pyramid, Huaca del Sol, Huaca de la Luna.

Age of pyramids is yet to be determined. Some think they may be early medieval graves, made by Bogomils, old Bosnian Christian sect. Osmanagic though, believes pyramid is older.

Interesting. We'll see what the excavations will show. I seriously doubt they are made by Pre-Illyric people, as Osmanagic claims.

This sounds as your typical "If my history is boring, I need to spice it up"-thing...

BTW, I hope you all know that everything cool comes from Sweden, including Magog, Atlantis and the Goths... ;)
Magog? Isn't that from the Old Testament?

Or this a different Magog?
I think we had this pyramid a few months ago.
I have taken it from Slovenian magazine, and translated it. I'm too very sceptical, as they've found Troy couple of years ago down there, and all sorts of stuff.

But, this part of Europe is historically very versatile, many civilizations have left their marks. I doubt it's an real pyramid, but I think it's quite possible it's pyramid shaped necropole.

Well, if we won't hear nothing about it soon, it means it was just natural pyramid shaped hill. Which is also quite possible.
Xineoph said:
Magog? Isn't that from the Old Testament?

Or this a different Magog?

Magog is also a town in Québec (and the region around it is probably my favorite region of Québec), but I doubt that's the one he meant :-D
I thought a Magog was an impish creature that could throw fire balls. Or maybe that's just in Heroes of Might and Magic.
Yes, it's the biblical Magog. Olof Rudbeck wrote a book called Atlantica, in which he claimed that everyone and his brother was actually from Sweden, including Magog.
:lol: i like that phrase, "everyone and his brother"
I had once seen a documentary where people were discussing the theory that Troy was somewhere in Denmark. A danish commentator noted the small problem that at the 8 century BC or before, there werent any castles there :)
More like pictures of a hill, really.

It'll take a lot more to convince me there's a pyramid there.
mrtn said:

This sounds as your typical "If my history is boring, I need to spice it up"-thing...

BTW, I hope you all know that everything cool comes from Sweden, including Magog, Atlantis and the Goths... ;)

Things not from there: Prussians (my ancestors), Sony, Nintendo, and most of all..........ME!!!!!!! (Yes I know there are many more things NOT from Sweden).

Oh, BTW mrtn, this says you're wrong about the Goths:



Now On topic:
This is rather interesting the similarities, but I most pyramids that were built started off as stepped pyramids (Egyptians, Babylonians, the ziggurats in particular, American Indians). The stepped pyramid is just a stage in pyramid building, dirt mound, mud brick mastabas/pyramida, stepped pyramid, true pyramid (yes I know there were bent pyramids, but I'm lazy). It would be rather farfetched to say that all these people had contact with each other solely on the basis of pyramid similarity. Though they didn't really say this in the statements on the first post.
Magog is mentioned in Revelations (New Testament), and in the Book of Daniel (Old Testament). Not 100% sure, but I think that's where it is. Those books are classified as prophetic books.
Tank Guy, read my later post, were I explain that that was claimed by Olov Rudbeck 300 years ago, not by me. :rolleyes:

On topic, the picture SinanZiric posted doesn't convince me at all.
If course it doesnt convince you , its normal , cause they have been discovered not so long ago , excavations on the way
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