A Really Silly Idea I Have for Combat...


Queer Anarcho-Transhumanist
Jul 10, 2013
How about giving the player the option to resolve each unit interaction that has a success/failure percentage, with a minigame of literal chess? Conversely, the difficulty of said game of chess, could be determined by that percentage I mentioned. Do you see any problem with implementing this, or is it a mechanic we can run with?
To be honest even as a fan of series like Total War and hitorical based RTS I dont think CIV needs to resolve the battle in a mini game. Still if something like this would be implemented it would be needed to first bring back unit stacking, other way it would take way more time to resolve with battles every units interaction, plus a "chess game" between just pawns vs rooks would be boring an one sided.
By the way, what I would actually like to have is a limited stacking system of Armies/ Garrison, these with a fixed number of slots for custom groups of units with defined formations, stands and orders determined by the player. Kind like Total War (and Paradox in a minor degree) armies.
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I must admit this would not be an essential feature, just a fun option for those who'd prefer to puzzle rather than gamble
This seems like a really out-there random suggestion that doesn’t fit in with the game. I wouldn’t be in favor of including it.
How about giving the player the option to resolve each unit interaction that has a success/failure percentage, with a minigame of literal chess? Conversely, the difficulty of said game of chess, could be determined by that percentage I mentioned. Do you see any problem with implementing this, or is it a mechanic we can run with?
Like MoO2 gave a similar option (that I always skipped)?
I had to do a double take, to verify I wasn't reading the "Terrible Ideas" forum, LOL.

I wouldn't like the cognitive dissonance. I've oriented my brain to thinking about Civ6 resources, tactics, mechanics, and making sure that I'm NOT thinking about Civ3, Civ5, or any other 4X games... and now I need to switch gears into chess??? Then switch right back, multiple times during a single turn??? No, thank you.
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