A song of Ice and Fire - Civ4 mods thread


Oct 25, 2005
Southend, UK

ASOIAF is an extremely popular and detailed world brought to us by the author George R R Martin and several people in this folder had expressed the desire to amke a mod based in this world. A Civ 4 scenario\mod world would work extremely well and if done right be very popular I think.

I figured that since there are atleast 3 people who wanted to make a mod based or atleast inspired by the story that we could use this thread to share ideas or just keep each other up to date on how progress is going.

Since I haven't got the game yet (damned Euro release date) all I've done so far is document what I want to do with the mod.

The most obvious and epic mod to make is the war in Westeros, known as the War of the Five kings (or the Five Kings War). This would involve a map of Westeros with the main factions as Stark, Lannister, Greyjoy, Stannis and Renly (could be set just before Stannis and Renly parly in the books). This is what I had planned to create and I'm sure I'm not the only one as it has such a detailed history and therefore would be ideal.

However if there are alot of these mods being made by different people then I'll probably try some more unique mods too, for example a map of the Vale with the Aryns and the mountain clans as the factions.

So yeah, post here if you're making one or indeed if you would be interested in playing one and if anyone has websites or betas then post links so we can download and try them out!

As soon as I have something concrete within the game I'll come back and post an update of my own progress.
this ASOIAF sounds good. WOuldn't mind reading it myself, but until then I would prefer a Edge chronicles (beutifuly detailed childredn's fantasy by paul stewart and chris riddel), or a Dune (inventive sci-fi by Frank Herbet) list of scenarios.

what age would you recomend ASOIAF?
It's a very brutal and vivid set of books. If it had a film certification it would be an 18 (or X rated if you're in the US) for the sex alone. Definately a book for adults only.

But it's definately brilliant and I would highly recommend it.
Feet: work with us on this... we should get a team together, lay out a plan, and then start in on the mod. better one great mod than a bunch of maps with the civs names changed....

also, more factions. what about Tyrell, Dorne, Targaryen, the wildlings?

religions will definately have to be included as well.

i just think it will come out alot better if we have a bit of patience. lets get an independant website up and start recruiting a few artists... make sure we have a great map, etc... before a mod is put out that is just half-baked and turns people off ASOIAF mods.

A grand idea I agree. And I would totally be up for that, I had fully intended to buy a domain name, some webspace and some bandwidth for the mod, assuming I felt it good enough for people to actually want to play it.

My one reservation I have however is this. I am distinctly looking forward to recreating Westeros in the Worldbuilder, placing the cities and resources "just so", creating "hero" units for each faction. Editing the religions for each faction and so on and so on. In other words I'm doing it for fun! My problem is that the more people involved the less I will acually, in a practical sense, get to do. I would not expect to begin this joint venture with you agreeing for me to do what I consider to be the fun part of the mod. ;)
Basically I'm saying that we would need to decide what aspects of the mod we would each manage. Too many cooks spoil the broth and all that (have you heard that expression?). If we can agree on who does what then I say we go for it.

I'm no kind of artist and programming is not down my street at all so we would have to get others involved for these aspects anyway.

Now then, my thinking was to just have 5 factions. The reason being that this keeps the game focused and the gameplay easier. However maybe we could do several versions of the mod, broadening or narrowing the focus depending on hom many factions we want to include... I dunno. I'll copy and paste in what I had typed up so far and peeps can feel free to criticise it, I'm not proud and know I may have got some things wrong or made some bad decisions so don't hold back. :)

*Nothing to see here, move along now ¬_¬*
Feet said:
It's a very brutal and vivid set of books. If it had a film certification it would be an 18 (or X rated if you're in the US) for the sex alone. Definately a book for adults only.

But it's definately brilliant and I would highly recommend it.

+1! I just LOVE the series! Will definitely try that mod! :)
We definately also need House Tyrell (the Rose, capital Highgarden, Mace Tyrell) , House Martell (the Red Viper, capital Dorne, Oberyn Martell), House Targaryen (three-headed dragon, capital TBD (one of the free cities on eastern edge of map... will only include a few), Danerys), the Wildlings (Silver harp on black field, capital the FrostFangs, Mance Raydar) and The Brave Companions (golden bow on black field, capital is that town their based in i have to look up, leader Berric Dandarion (sp.)).

i see this project being much more involved than simply changeing tech names and wonder names, etc... i want to do different leaderheads, a "call the banners" function, etc.. and make it really nice.

But i think its a bad idea to give away so much though! ;) Im going to start building the map and stuff tonight / tommorow and get up a website. When i have one ill post hte URL so we can do a forum there rather than here. Anyone who wants to help with the mod send me a msg in civfantics, contacdt Feet or drop me an email at jbutler@law.tulane.edu

If I gave the impression that I just wanted to change the name of civs and stuff then I apologize. I always thought this would be a full scale mod with a customized interface, artwork and scripted sequences. The whole dealy and I would not be satisfied with anything less.

I've emailed you John and edited out my plan. :p

Let's talk. :)
I am planning on a mod taking place during either the age of heroes or during the targaryen rule. Therefore it will not "compete" with the mod you are making. But it might be a good idea to share resources like graphics, interface, units etc.
Yes. Yes. Yes.

Please do this mod - I'd help if I could, but the only thing I'd be of any use would be some low-level reskins, and even then they'd probably look pretty shoddy. So I'll wait patiently and hope some more talented people will get aboard.

By the way - I think a Northern scenario would be a good way to get your feet under you... have the player command the Night Watch and fight off the Wildling invasions and all of that. Or maybe not, considering they don't really have towns.

Anyways, I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.
Feet said:
It's a very brutal and vivid set of books. If it had a film certification it would be an 18 (or X rated if you're in the US) for the sex alone. Definately a book for adults only.

But it's definately brilliant and I would highly recommend it.

I agree - it is extremely graphic, but fantastic!

I hope that you guys have success modding something together... check out westeros and message board links on his links page for MAJOR spoilers and a world-wide map.


btw-dont hate me but I already read AFFC a couple of weeks ago - bought the book from amazon.uk
I'd just like to say I'm really looking forward to this... huge fan of GRRM's works and think it would be cool to help Stark take back the North =)

Speaking of, at what point will you be setting it?

*Major spoilers for the books to follow*

Will the Greyjoys have control over the North yet? Will the wildlings have attacked? Will you start with Renly's host, or after it when a whole lot of them defected? What about the battle where Baratheon and Lannister fought?
I'm very enthusiastic about this. I started trying to put together a Westeros map for CivIII Conquests, but I could never get the coastline right so I gave up on it. I never did get the hang of mapping.
However, the CivIV map editor's supposed ability to create maps out of jpeg files could be very useful, if someone were to get their hands on a jpeg of GRRM's Westeros maps with the different terrains appropriately colored.

My suggestion for the factions would be: Stark/Tully (perhaps make them separate, allied factions?), Arryn, Lannister, Baratheon (since Stannis alone would be too weak), Tyrell, Greyjoy, Martell. The map would end at The Wall, to keep this a purely "historical" war without all the magical fantasy elements interfering with what Civ was really made for: a good, straight up fight.

Religion adds an intriguing element, since the land would probably be divided up among four religions: The Old Gods in the Stark lands, The Seven in the rest of mainland Westeros, the Drowned God in the Iron Islands, and R'h'lor* a small but growing religion based on Dragonstone.
Religious differences would making keeping conquered lands and forging alliances tricky - as well they should be.

Sadly, I don't have CivIV quite yet (I promised myself I'd wait until I have more time), so I can't actively participate.
*the spelling escapes me
I have heard of it and heard that it's very good. :)

I've never played it myself though. Thanks for the link. :)

just started work on a bts asoiaf mod/scenario

right now i'm working on the westeros map and i'm trying to see what's possible as far as python/sdk changes

i can handle all the xml and most of the python work but would appreciate any sdk/c++ help as well as any art/modelling

so far i'm thinking of keeping it in the context of the five kings and leaving other factions as minor civs who's behaviour would be control with events.
I'd suggest instead of bumping this long dead thread you'd be better off starting your own as you move along with your modifications. That way you do "own" the thread and coveted first post. ;)
hehe...i will when i've accomplished a bit more and need serious help to move the project forward....but i just came upon this thread randomly so i wanted to post and at least let ppl know that the idea is not totally dead =)

actually.. i'll probably start a thread when i'm done with the map
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