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Adding national flavor to National Wonders


Isolationist Bastard
Nov 2, 2001
in isolation
If you were Louis XIV leading the French, would you want to build the Hermitage when you had a handful of French museums to choose from instead??

As a fan of re-naming things, I'd like to be able to re-name my National Wonders once built...or if a modder wanted to go to the effort of making certain National Wonders for certain empires, that would be pretty neat, too...so there could be the main list of National Wonders with generic names:
Heroic Epic, Ironworks, National Epic, and National Park sound generic enough for me; the others could be replaced with generics like Grand Theatre (instead of Globe), Art Museum (Hermitage), Waterworks (Moai Statues), National Monument (Mt. Rushmore), Great University (Oxford's), Military Hospital (Red Cross), Financial Markets (Wall Street), and Elite Military Academy (West Point).

Once built (or upon requesting the build, or anytime between those two points), the player should be able to rename the Wonder to whatever they'd like. But the effects of the buildings would still be the same.

And to make them more generic for different nations, the icons for a few of them should be changed to something more generic, specifically Mt. Rushmore, Red Cross, Wall Street, and West Point.
VLGoldenJew said:
Hell I'd like to see Civilization specific National Wonders, although that'd be difficult to balance. Maybe region specific national wonders?

I'm thinking just renaming the wonders, but keeping their effects the same. That would keep the balance in order with what the programmers gave us, but allows us to customize the feel of it. For civ specific "wonders," they did give us the Unique Buildings...that's something...
I like the idea, except. I think if you build the National Wonder first like... Mt Rushmore, then you get the name Mt. Rushmore, and the rest get the National Monument. Or if they get to Rename it, then the first built should get a slight advantage over the others.
meatwad4289 said:
I like the idea, except. I think if you build the National Wonder first like... Mt Rushmore, then you get the name Mt. Rushmore, and the rest get the National Monument. Or if they get to Rename it, then the first built should get a slight advantage over the others.
I kind of like not knowing what the other guys have without earning the knowledge (through espionage spending). Giving the first to build a special bonus also gives the player a bonus in knowing whether they were the first to build or not. I'd rather not know that immediately.
Well I'd prefer to first see a 'default' name that was based on civilization, with renaming added.

So if the Aztecs build the 'Museum', the default name would be 'Museum' [since I don't know of any major Aztec museums] If the French built it, the default name would be the 'Louvre' if the Russians built it it would be the 'Hermitage'.

Adding a Renaming Feature would be good too, but I'd rather they did the other thing first (also be nice if renaming applied to World Wonders as well.)
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