Advice moving up to emperor

Yes swapped to king instead, emperor requires too much for me.
And in an ideal world I want to delay bronze working otherwise I'd easily fall way back in tech on emperor.
I see the synergy with akropolis which gives a good amount of culture but hey even on king Ethiopia are some 4-5 techs ahead, and thats with me getting great library (sure he does have a city with barringer and could in theory also have great barrier reef) .

The Hoplites are strong for a spear but benefits more to AI early game jerk move, if I go on an early stomp I'll dig my own tech grave, atleast thats what happened when I tested.
They do help as I can delay of ironworking since they are basically swordsmen in strength.

Akropolis feels strong, now I've got it in several cities and getting almost 100 culture/kill (epic speed).

I think you're overexpanding. How many cities do you have?

You don't want to overexpand with Authority because then you're playing it like Progress. Overexpanding dilutes the yields you get from kills/city captures and detracts from your Happiness and production queues. Rush bronze working, time your settling with Imperium, and focus on harassing, crippling or outright killing (maybe leave them on one city) at least one weak neighbour.
Nope, that is from my most recent game on the latest version. The thing is, the different in science I believe has an impact on steal rate. So if the divide is larger, steals are quicker. I don't have facts to that, its just a theory.
Well, remember that for every civ that knows the technology you are researching, you get a discount.
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