AG Tweak Mod for AGYRM


Aug 24, 2018
Hi everyone! This is amateurgamer! With the foundation modmod, AGYRM, mostly complete, I've now started on the second modular modmods as voted by those in the poll. This mod will have some core changes that defines it while there will also be a lot of experimental changes. The experimental changes may or may not stay in this mod. However, there is a good chance that a good portion of the experimental changes may find their way into another modular modmod. In order to play this modmod, you will need to enable AGYRM.

The tweak mod updates may vary in size. The first one isn't massive but you may notice that some seemingly small changes can have a big impact. Spoiler below shows the handful of changes made for v0.1. Some changes hint what other changes are coming to this modmod.

Spoiler Details for v0.1 :

All Land Units cost :c5citizen: Population and halts City growth. Civilian (except for Settlers), Diplomatic, Naval and Air Units are exempted.
City now has 600 hit points (up from 300) and heal 25 HP per turn (up from 8).
Settlers require 5 :c5citizen: Population to slow expansion.
Experience required increased from 10 to 20. Promotions now require: 20/60/120/200/300/420/560/720/900/1100 XP,
Max XP gained from fighting City-States and Barbarian Units are now 60 XP and 20 XP respectively.
Healing reduced across the board. Healing in friendly/neutral/enemy territory are now 5/2/1. Healing in Cities is now 10 while heal from pillaging tiles is now 5.
All Mounted Archer Units (Skirmisher, Heavy Skirmisher, Cuirassier, Cavalry and their replacements) Range increased to 2, Movement decreased to 3, Hit Points reduced to 75 (from 100) and both CS and RCS readjusted.
Skirmisher Doctrine no longer provides doubled flanking bonuses and CS when defending against Ranged Attacks. Promotion now gives +25% CS against Melee/Gun Units and -15% CS against Archer Units.
Barbarians Promotions no longer provide double movement through certain Terrain/Feature and instead give them more :c5strength: Combat Strength when on those tiles.

Feedback and suggestions are appreciated!

Link Here.
Hi everyone! Here's an update to the tweak mod. Lots of changes to units, promotions and combat as a whole.

New Units, unit types and promotions.
Reworked and organized promotions.
New resources and one new specialist.
Population cost from Units removed due to difficulty with balance.

Spoiler Details for v0.2 :

Spoiler New Strategic Resources :

Revealed at Agriculture

Holy Relics:
Revealed at Agriculture

Revealed at Agriculture

Revealed at Machinery

Spoiler New/Changed Unit :

Spoiler New Land Units :

Armored Warrior:
35 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Blunt Combat Type
Unlocked by Bronze Working
11 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Blunt I

30 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Blade Combat Type
Unlocked by Mining
9 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Blade I

Elite War Elephant:
160 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
Elephant Combat Type
27 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Elephant I

70 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
Blunt Combat Type
Unlocked by Engineering
17 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Blunt I

Mounted Swordsman:
90 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
Light Cavalry Combat Type
Unlocked by Currency
Horse: -1
21 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Light Cavalry I

Spoiler Changed Ancient Era Land Units :

35 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
8 :c5strength: CS
8 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
Archer I

35 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
8 :c5strength: CS
9 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
Archer I
Indirect Fire

Blunt Combat Type
8 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Blunt I
Brute Force

Chariot Archer:
25 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
6 :c5strength: CS
6 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
Can Move After Attacking
No Defensive Bonuses
May Not Melee Attack
Mounted Archer I

Companion Cavalry:
50 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Heavy Cavalry Combat Type
Horse: -2
Unlocked by Military Strategy
16 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Heavy Cavalry I

7 :c5strength: CS
7 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
Archer I

35 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Polearm Combat Type
13 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Polearm I
Unity (+15% CS per Adjacent Friendly Unit)

45 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Light Cavalry Combat Type
14 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Light Cavalry I

35 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Polearm Combat Type
13 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Polearm I
Armor Plating I

25 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Blunt Combat Type
9 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Blunt I
Brute Force
Jaguar (+33% CS when fighting in Forest/Jungle. +1 :c5moves: Movement)

Pictish Warrior:
35 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Polearm Combat Type
13 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Polearm I
Highlanders (+15% CS in Snow, Tundra, and Hill Tiles without Forest or Jungle.)

20 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
5 :c5strength: CS
5 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
Archer I

35 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Polearm Combat Type
11 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Polearm I

War Chariot:
25 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
6 :c5strength: CS
7 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
Can Move After Attacking
No Defensive Bonuses
May Not Melee Attack
Mounted Archer I
Gift of the Pharaoh

War Elephant:
70 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Elephant Combat Type
18 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Elephant I

20 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Archery Combat Type
5 :c5strength: CS
6 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
Archer I
Concussive Hits (Ranged Attacks by this Unit inflict the Dazed status on other Land Units, reducing their CS by 15% for 5 Turns.)

25 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Blunt Combat Type
8 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Blunt I
Brute Force

Spoiler Changed Classical Era Land Units :

50 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
11 :c5strength: CS
11 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
Atlatl Strike
Archer I

50 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
10 :c5strength: CS
11 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Accuracy I
Siege Engine I

Battering Ram:
50 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Siege Combat Type
15 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
City Attack Only
Skeleton Key
Siege Engine I

70 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
Blade Combat Type
19 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Charge I
Blade I

50 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
10 :c5strength: CS
10 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Siege Engine I

Composite Bow:
55 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Unlocked by Philosophy
11 :c5strength: CS
11 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
Archer I

Horse Archer:
50 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
9 :c5strength: CS
10 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
Can Move After Attacking
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
May Not Melee Attack
Accuracy I
Mounted Archer I

Kris Swordsman:
50 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Blade Combat Type
16 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Mystic Blade
Blade I

50 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Blade Combat Type
16 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Pilum (While Fortified, adjacent Enemy Units take 4 Damage at the beginning of every turn.)
Blade I

Mohawk Warrior:
50 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Blade Combat Type
16 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Mohawk (Double Movement in Forest/Jungle tiles)
Blade I

70 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
Polearm Combat Type
Unlocked by Metal Casting
17 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Polearm I

50 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
9 :c5strength: CS
9 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
Can Move After Attacking
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
May Not Melee Attack
Mounted Archer I

50 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
Blade Combat Type
14 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Blade I

Spoiler Changed Medieval Era Land Units :

Camel Archer:
80 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
12 :c5strength: CS
13 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
Can Move After Attacking
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
May Not Melee Attack
Mounted Archer I
Splash Damage

110 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
Heavy Cavalry Combat Type
Horse: -1
Iron: -1
26 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Heavy Cavalry I
Open Terrain Bonus (30)

80 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
14 :c5strength: CS
15 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
Archer I
Siege Volleys (+10% RCS when adjacent to or in a City. Deals 2 Damage to all Enemy Units adjacent to the targeted Unit (within Range))

Replaces Mounted Swordsman
90 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
Light Cavalry Combat Type
Unlocked by Chivalry
Horse: -1
23 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Light Cavalry I
Ocean Explorer
Charge I

80 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
14 :c5strength: CS
14 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
Archer I

Heavy Skirmisher:
80 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
12 :c5strength: CS
12 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
Can Move After Attacking
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
May Not Melee Attack
Mounted Archer I

80 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
13 :c5strength: CS
14 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Siege Engine I
Missile Fire I

110 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
Heavy Cavalry Combat Type
Horse: -1
Iron: -1
24 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Heavy Cavalry I

80 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
Blade Combat Type
18 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Blade I

Mandekalu Cavalry:
Replaces Mounted Swordsman
90 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
Light Cavalry Combat Type
Unlocked by Chivalry
Horse: -1
23 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Light Cavalry I
Flanking I

Maori Warrior:
Replaces Maceman
80 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
Blunt Combat Type
19 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Haka War Dance
Blunt I

Naresuan's Elephant:
Replaces Elite War Elephant
150 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
Elephant Combat Type
29 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Elephant I
Bonus vs Mounted (50) (Not Lost with Upgrade)

80 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
Blade Combat Type
20 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Quick Study
Blade I

80 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
13 :c5strength: CS
13 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Siege Engine I

Spoiler Naval Units :

Timber: -1
HP increased to 175

Timber: -1
HP increased to 200

Timber: -1
HP increased to 225

Timber: -1
9 :c5strength: CS
9 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

First Rate:
HP increased to 175

Timber: -1
HP increased to 175

Timber: -1
HP increased to 125

Timber: -1
HP increased to 150

Timber: -1
HP increased to 200

Timber: -1
HP increased to 125
12 :c5strength: CS

Sea Beggar:
Timber: -1
HP increased to 225

Ship of the Line:
Timber: -1
HP increased to 250

Timber: -1
HP increased to 150
12 :c5strength: CS

Turtle Ship:
HP increased to 200

Spoiler New Buildings :

Ancient Dock:
unlocked at Fishing
Timber: +1
55 :c5production: Production cost
No :c5gold: Maintenance
+1 :c5gold: Gold

Spoiler Changed Buildings :

Loses +1 Supply Cap

Loses +1 Supply Cap
Timber: +1

Loses +1 Supply Cap

Spoiler New/Changed Promotions :

Spoiler Melee :

Melee promotions include Blade, Polearm and Blunt.

Drill I:
Available to Blade, Blunt and Polearm
Leads to Drill II
+10% CS.
+25% CS when attacking Cities

Drill II:
Available to Blade, Blunt and Polearm
Leads to Drill III
+10% CS.
+25% CS when attacking Cities

Drill III:
Available to Blade, Blunt and Polearm
+10% CS.
+50% CS when attacking Cities

Heavy Infantry I:
Available to Blade, Blunt and Polearm
Leads to Heavy Infantry II
+15% CS when defending.
+25 Hit Points.

Heavy Infantry II:
Available to Blade, Blunt and Polearm
Leads to Heavy Infantry III
+15% CS when defending.
+25 Hit Points.

Heavy Infantry III:
Available to Blade, Blunt and Polearm
+15% CS when defending.
+50 Hit Points.

Available to Blade, Blunt and Polearm
Eliminates combat penalties for attacking from the sea or over a river.
Crossing a river costs only 1 Movement.
+15% CS on Marsh and Flood Plains.

Available to Blade, Blunt and Polearm
+25% CS on Forest and Jungle.
+15% CS when attacking Wounded Units.

Available to Blade, Blunt and Polearm
+35% CS when defending.

Blade promotions are for swordsman units. They are the main shock infantry and are resistant to enemy ranged attacks.

Shock I:
Available to Blade
Leads to Shock II
+20% CS when attacking.
Flanking bonus increased by 10%.

Shock II:
Available to Blade
Leads to Shock III
+20% CS when attacking.
Flanking bonus increased by 10%.

Shock III:
Available to Blade
Leads to Shock IV
+20% CS when attacking.
Flanking bonus increased by 10%.

Shock IV:
Available to Blade
Leads to Shock V
+20% CS when attacking.
Flanking bonus increased by 10%.

Shock V:
Available to Blade
+20% CS when attacking.
Flanking bonus increased by 10%.

Cover I:
Available to Blade
Leads to Cover II
+25% CS when defending against all Ranged Attacks.
+10 Hit Points.

Cover II:
Available to Blade
Leads to Cover III
+25% CS when defending against all Ranged Attacks.
Damage from Cities reduced by 25%.

Cover III:
Available to Blade
+50% CS when defending against all Ranged Attacks.
+15 Hit Points.

Polearm promotions are for spear/pike units. They are the main backbone on open terrain and have bonuses against mounted and mounted archer units.

Formation I:
Available to Polearm
Leads to Formation II
+25% CS when defending in Open Terrain.
+25 Hit Points

Formation II:
Available to Polearm
Leads to Formation III
+25% CS when defending in Open Terrain.
+25 Hit Points

Formation III:
Available to Polearm
Leads to Formation IV
+25% CS when defending in Open Terrain.
+25 Hit Points

Formation IV:
Available to Polearm
Leads to Formation V
+25% CS when defending in Open Terrain.
+25 Hit Points

Formation V:
Available to Polearm
+25% CS when defending in Open Terrain.
+25 Hit Points

Anti-Cavalry I:
Available to Polearm
Leads to Anti-Cavalry II
+33% CS VS Mounted Units.

Anti-Cavalry II:
Available to Polearm
Leads to Anti-Cavalry III
+33% CS VS Mounted Units.

Anti-Cavalry III:
Available to Polearm
+34% CS VS Mounted Units.

Blunt promotions are for axe and mace units. They are the cheapest to produce and have a bonus against enemy infantry units (blade, polearm, blunt and archer)

Bash I:
Available to Blunt
Leads to Bash II
+15% CS when attacking.
Inflict the Bashed (I) status on Enemy Units during melee combat, reducing their CS by 15% for 3 Turns.

Bash II:
Available to Blunt
Leads to Bash III
+15% CS when attacking.
Inflict the Bashed (I) status on Enemy Units during melee combat, reducing their CS by 15% for 3 Turns.

Bash III:
Available to Blunt
Leads to Bash IV
+15% CS when attacking.
Inflict the Bashed (I) status on Enemy Units during melee combat, reducing their CS by 15% for 3 Turns.

Bash IV:
Available to Blunt
Leads to Bash V
+15% CS when attacking.
Inflict the Bashed (II) status on Enemy Units during melee combat, reducing their CS by 33% for 5 Turns.

Bash V:
Available to Blunt
Leads to Bash IV
+15% CS when attacking.
Inflict the Bashed (II) status on Enemy Units during melee combat, reducing their CS by 33% for 5 Turns.

Anti-Melee I:
Available to Blunt
Leads to Anti-Melee II
+33% CS VS Melee Units.

Anti-Melee II:
Available to Blunt
Leads to Anti-Melee III
+33% CS VS Melee Units.

Anti-Melee III:
Available to Blunt
+34% CS VS Melee Units.

Spoiler Mounted :

Mounted promotions include Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry and Elephant.

War Mount I:
Available to Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry and Elephant
Leads to War Mount II
Enemy unit receive -10% CS when adjacent to any unit with this promotion.
+33 Hit Points.

War Mount II:
Available to Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry and Elephant
Leads to War Mount III
Enemy unit receive -10% CS when adjacent to any unit with this promotion.
+33 Hit Points.

War Mount III:
Available to Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry and Elephant
Enemy unit receive -10% CS when adjacent to any unit with this promotion.
+34 Hit Points.

Improved Armor I:
Available to Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry and Elephant
Leads to Improved Armor II
+25% CS when defending.

Improved Armor II:
Available to Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry and Elephant
Leads to Improved Armor III
+25% CS when defending.

Improved Armor III:
Available to Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry and Elephant
+25% CS when defending.

Available to Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry and Elephant
+25 Hit Points.
Generates 50% more Great General Points from combat.

Bonus vs Siege (25):
Available to Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry and Elephant
+25% CS VS Siege Units

Bonus vs Archer (25) :
Available to Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry and Elephant
+25% CS VS Archer Units

Light Cavalry:
Light Cavalry promotions are for lightly armored and mobile cavalry units. They are cheaper, require either no or fewer strategic resources and excel at flanking and have a bonus against archer units.

Flanking I:
Available to Light Cavalry
Leads to Flanking II
Flanking bonus increased by 15%.
+15% CS when attacking.

Flanking II:
Available to Light Cavalry
Leads to Flanking III
Flanking bonus increased by 15%.
+15% CS when attacking Wounded Units.

Flanking III:
Available to Light Cavalry
Leads to Flanking IV
Flanking bonus increased by 15%.
+1 Movement

Flanking IV:
Available to Light Cavalry
Leads to Flanking V
Flanking bonus increased by 15%.
+15 Hit Points.

Flanking V:
Available to Light Cavalry
Flanking bonus increased by 15%.
Ignore Zone of Control

Anti-Archer I:
Available to Light Cavalry
Leads to Anti-Archer II
+33% CS VS Archer Units.

Anti-Archer II:
Available to Light Cavalry
Leads to Anti-Archer III
+33% CS VS Archer Units.

Anti-Archer III:
Available to Light Cavalry
+34% CS VS Archer Units.

Heavy Cavalry:
Heavy Cavalry promotions are for heavily armored and slower cavalry units. They are more expensive, require more strategic resources and excel at charging the enemy from the front while boasting a lot of defense.

Charge I:
Available to Heavy Cavalry
Leads to Charge II
+25% CS when attacking in Open Terrain
+15% CS when attacking Wounded Units.

Charge II:
Available to Heavy Cavalry
Leads to Charge III
+25% CS when attacking in Open Terrain
+15% CS when attacking Wounded Units.

Charge III:
Available to Heavy Cavalry
Leads to Charge IV
+25% CS when attacking in Open Terrain
+15% CS when attacking Wounded Units.

Charge IV:
Available to Heavy Cavalry
Leads to Charge V
+25% CS when attacking in Open Terrain
+15% CS when attacking Wounded Units.

Charge V:
Available to Heavy Cavalry
+25% CS when attacking in Open Terrain
+15% CS when attacking Wounded Units.

Heavy Armor I:
Available to Heavy Cavalry
Leads to Heavy Armor II
+25% CS when defending.
+25 Hit Points.

Heavy Armor II:
Available to Heavy Cavalry
Leads to Heavy Armor III
+25% CS when defending.
+35 Hit Points.

Heavy Armor III:
Available to Heavy Cavalry
+25% CS when defending.
+40 Hit Points.

Elephant promotions are for elephant units. They are the most expensive out of all the mounted units, require no strategic resources and excel at breaking enemy ranks while terrifying the enemy.

Trample I:
Deal 5 Damage to all Enemy Units adjacent to the Unit defeated by this unit.
+20% CS vs Units at or below 50 HP.

Trample II:
Deal 5 Damage to all Enemy Units adjacent to the Unit defeated by this unit.
+20% CS vs Units at or below 50 HP.

Trample III:
Deal 5 Damage to all Enemy Units adjacent to the Unit defeated by this unit.
+20% CS vs Units at or below 50 HP.

Trample IV:
Deal 5 Damage to all Enemy Units adjacent to the Unit defeated by this unit.
+20% CS vs Units at or below 50 HP.

Trample V:
Deal 5 Damage to all Enemy Units adjacent to the Unit defeated by this unit.
+20% CS vs Units at or below 50 HP.

Feared Elephant I:
Available to Elephant
Leads to Feared Elephant II
Enemy unit receive -20% CS when adjacent to any unit with this promotion.
+20% CS when attacking.

Feared Elephant II:
Available to Elephant
Leads to Feared Elephant III
Enemy unit receive -20% CS when adjacent to any unit with this promotion.
+20% CS when attacking.

Feared Elephant III:
Available to Elephant
Enemy unit receive -20% CS when adjacent to any unit with this promotion.
+20% CS when attacking.

Spoiler Archer :

Archer Promotions include Archer and Mounted Archer.

Accuracy I:
Available to Archer and Mounted Archer
Leads to Accuracy II
+5% RCS.
+5% CS when attacking Units above 50% HP.

Accuracy II:
Available to Archer and Mounted Archer
Leads to Accuracy III
+5% RCS.
+5% CS when attacking Units above 50% HP.

Accuracy III:
Available to Archer and Mounted Archer
+5% RCS.
+5% CS when attacking Units above 50% HP.

Barrage I:
Available to Archer and Mounted Archer
Leads to Barrage II
+5% RCS.
+5% CS when attacking Units at or below 50% HP.

Barrage II:
Available to Archer and Mounted Archer
Leads to Barrage III
+5% RCS.
+5% CS when attacking Units at or below 50% HP.

Barrage III:
Available to Archer and Mounted Archer
+5% RCS.
+5% CS when attacking Units at or below 50% HP.

Quick Reload:
Available to Archer and Mounted Archer
+10% RCS.

Available to Archer and Mounted Archer
+15% CS VS Melee Units.

Siege Support:
Available to Archer and Mounted Archer
+10% RCS VS Cities.

Archer promotions are for foot archer units. These units deal the second least amount of damage due to their ability to attack enemy units without retaliation and are especially dangerous to Mounted Archer units.

Missile Fire I:
Available to Archer
Leads to Missile Fire II
+10% CS vs Units above 50 HP.
Deals 2 damage to all enemy units adjacent to targeted unit (within range).

Missile Fire II:
Available to Archer
Leads to Missile Fire III
+10% CS vs Units above 50 HP.
Deals 2 damage to all enemy units adjacent to targeted unit (within range).

Missile Fire III:
Available to Archer
Leads to Missile Fire IV
+10% CS vs Units above 50 HP.
Deals 2 damage to all enemy units adjacent to targeted unit (within range).

Missile Fire IV:
Available to Archer
Leads to Missile Fire V
+10% CS vs Units above 50 HP.
Deals 2 damage to all enemy units adjacent to targeted unit (within range).

Missile Fire V:
Available to Archer
+10% CS vs Units above 50 HP.
Deals 2 damage to all enemy units adjacent to targeted unit (within range).

Anti Mounted Archer I:
Available to Archer
Leads to Anti Mounted Archer II
+50% CS VS Mounted Archer Units.

Anti Mounted Archer II:
Available to Archer
Leads to Anti Mounted Archer III
+50% CS VS Mounted Archer Units.

Anti Mounted Archer III:
Available to Archer
+50% CS VS Mounted Archer Units.

Mounted Ranged:
Mounted Archer promotions are for more mobile archer units. These units deal the least amount of damage due to their ability to kite units, especially when they are properly supported.

Skirmisher I:
Available to Mounted Archer
Leads to Skirmisher II
+25% CS when attacking Units in Open Terrain.

Skirmisher II:
Available to Mounted Archer
Leads to Skirmisher III
+25% CS when attacking Units in Open Terrain.

Skirmisher III:
Available to Mounted Archer
Leads to Skirmisher IV
+25% CS when attacking Units in Open Terrain.

Skirmisher IV:
Available to Mounted Archer
Leads to Skirmisher V
+25% CS when attacking Units in Open Terrain.

Skirmisher V:
Available to Mounted Archer
+25% CS when attacking Units in Open Terrain.

Skirmisher Doctrine:
Available to Mounted Archer
Leads to Coup de Grace
+25% CS VS Melee Units.

Coup de Grace:
Available to Mounted Archer
Leads to Parthian Tactics
+30% RCS when attacking Units at or below 50% HP

Parthian Tactics:
Available to Mounted Archer
Ignores Zone of Control

Spoiler Siege :

Siege promotions are for siege units. These units specialize at attacking Cities and take reduced damage from both ranged attacks and city bombardments.

Available to Siege
Leads to Volley II
+15% RCS when attacking Fortified Units and Cities.

Volley II:
Available to Siege
Leads to Volley III
+15% RCS when attacking Fortified Units and Cities.

Volley III:
Available to Siege
+15% RCS when attacking Fortified Units and Cities.

Splash I:
Available to Siege
Leads to Splash II
Deals 2 damage to all enemy units adjacent to targeted unit (within range).

Splash II:
Available to Siege
Leads to Splash III
Deals 2 damage to all enemy units adjacent to targeted unit (within range).

Splash III:
Available to Siege
Deals 2 damage to all enemy units adjacent to targeted unit (within range).

Wet Hide:
Available to Siege
+15% CS when defending against all Ranged Attacks

Cadaver Projectiles:
Available to Siege
Inflict the Rotting (I) status on Enemy Units following a range attack, reducing their Hit Points by 15 for 4 Turns.

Siege Medic:
Available to Siege
This unit and all others in adjacent tiles heal 3 additional HP per turn

Siege I:
Available to Siege
Leads to Siege II
+25% RCS when attacking Cities.

Siege II:
Available to Siege
Leads to Siege III
+25% RCS when attacking Cities.

Siege III:
Available to Siege
Leads to Siege IV
+25% RCS when attacking Cities.

Siege IV:
Available to Siege
Leads to Siege V
+25% RCS when attacking Cities.

Siege V:
Available to Siege
Leads to Siege II
+50% RCS when attacking Cities.

Field I:
Available to Siege
Leads to Field II
+33% CS when defending against all Ranged Attacks
Damage from Cities reduced by 20%.

Field II:
Available to Siege
Leads to Field III
+33% CS when defending against all Ranged Attacks
Damage from Cities reduced by 20%.

Field III:
Available to Siege
+34% CS when defending against all Ranged Attacks
Damage from Cities reduced by 20%.

Spoiler Mystic Blade :

+15% CS when attacking.
+5% CS when defending.

Ancestral Protection:
+5% CS when attacking.
+15% CS when defending.

Enemy Blade:
Heals 2 HP if the unit begins its turn in Enemy Territory.
2 Damage to all adjacent enemy Units each Turn.

Damage from all sources reduced by 2.
+5 HP when healing.

May Attack Twice.

Sneak Attack:
Flanking bonus increased by 25%.

Spoiler New/Changed Attributes :

Attributes are promotions that are given to unit types (blunt, light cavalry, archer, etc...). They cannot be chosen and are always lost on upgrade.

Blade I:
+25% CS when attacking. +25 Max HP.

Polearm I:
+25% CS vs Mounted Units. +25 Max HP.

Blunt I:
+25% CS vs Melee Units. +25 Max HP.

Archer I:
+50% RCS vs Mounted Archer units.

Mounted Archer I:
+25% CS when attacking Open tiles. +1 Movements.

Light Cavalry I:
+25% CS vs Archer Units. +2 Movements.

Heavy Cavalry I:
+25% CS. +1 Movement. +75 Max HP.

Elephant I:
Nearby enemy units suffer -15% CS. +1 Movement. +150 Max HP.

Siege Engine I:
+25% RCS when attacking Cities.
+15% CS when defending against all Ranged Attacks
Damage from Cities reduced by 20%.

Spoiler New Specialist :

Base: +1 :c5faith: Faith
Buildings with this specialist: Shrine (1) and Temple (2)
+1 :c5faith: Faith at Philosophy and Theology

Spoiler Misc Changes :

Units no longer costs Citizens (due to difficulty balancing Capitals not having Pantheons)
Promotions now reorganized in the Civilopedia.
Settlers require 3 pop now.
Missionaries removed from the game.

Hi everyone! Here's an update to the tweak mod. Smaller update than last time and focus is mostly Renaissance Units and Recon Line. Next update will include changes to Gunpowder Units so it'll probably be a fairly big one.

New Resource related Promotions
Renaissance Era Unit rework and additions
Recon promotion overhaul
Bugfixes and minor balance changes

Spoiler Details for v0.3 :

Spoiler Promotions from Strategic Resources :

If a Land Unit uses strategic resources, each resource used provides a buff in the form of a promotion. These promotions are unique to each strategic resource.

Provides the Horse Promotion (Nearby Enemy Units suffer -10% CS. +10 Hit Points)

Provides the Iron Promotion (+10% CS.)

Spoiler New/Changed Units :

Spoiler Recon Line :

Spoiler Changed Recon Units :

Limited to 1
20 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
8 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Ignore Terrain Cost
Recon I

Limited to 1
40 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
16 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Ignore Terrain Cost
Recon I

Limited to 1
80 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
18 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Extra Sight While Embarked
Ignore Terrain Cost
Ocean Explorer
Recon I

Spoiler Recon Promotions :

Scouting I:
+1 Visibility Range.
Gain +5 XP after Pillaging an Improvement.
+5% CS when defending.

Scouting II:
All adjacent Units Heal 2 Additional HP per turn.
+10% CS when defending.

Scouting III:
+2 XP for every turn spent disembarked in the Enemy Territory of a Major Civ.
No Movement Cost to Pillage.
+15% CS when defending.

Scouting IV:
Unit awards combat bonus to nearby units as if it is a Great General.
+1 Visibility Range.
+20% CS when defending.

Survivalism I:
+25% CS when defending in Jungle and Forest tiles.
+2 HP healed per turn Outside of friendly territory.

Survivalism II:
+25% CS when defending in Open Terrain.
Heal +2 HP per turn.

Survivalism III:
+25% CS when defending in Rough Terrain.
Heal +2 HP per turn.

Survivalism IV:
+25% CS when defending.
Heal +3 HP per turn.

Trailblazer I:
Double Movement in Jungles and Forest.
+5% CS when defending in Jungle and Forest tiles.

Trailblazer II:
+1 Movement.
+5% CS when defending in Open Terrain.

Trailblazer III:
Ignores Zone or Control
+5% CS when defending in Rough Terrain.

Trailblazer IV:
Unit can Embark, cross Mountains and use Enemy Roads/Railroads.
+5% CS when defending.

Spoiler Recon Attributes :

Recon I:
+25% CS when defending.
-90% CS when attacking.
+2 HP healed per turn Outside of friendly territory.

Recon II:
+50% CS when defending.
-90% CS when attacking.
+4 HP healed per turn Outside of friendly territory.

Spoiler Changed Medieval Units :

Upgraded from Horseman
90 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
Light Cavalry Combat Type
Unlocked by Chivalry
23 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Ocean Explorer
Flag Bearers (When revealing or pillaging tiles, gain 2 Gold, Culture and Science, scaling with Era)
Light Cavalry I

80 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
14 :c5strength: CS
15 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
Assize of Arms (+20% CS vs Mounted Units)
Archer I

Spoiler New Renaissance Units :

Battle Elephant:
Upgraded from Elite War Elephant
300 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Elephant Combat Type
Unlocked by Exploration
35 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Elephant II (Nearby enemy units suffer -33% CS. +1 Movement. +200 Hit Points)

Early Dragoon:
150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Mounted Archer Combat Type
Unlocked by Gunpowder
16 :c5strength: CS
16 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
Mounted Archer II (+50% CS when attacking Units in Open Terrain. +1 Movement.)

Heavy Maceman:
Upgraded from Maceman
150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Blunt Combat Type
Unlocked by Astronomy
24 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Blunt II (+33% CS vs Melee Units. +50 Hit Points.)

Spoiler Changed Renaissance Units :

150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Siege Combat Type
17 :c5strength: CS
17 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Siege Engine II (+33% RCS when attacking Cities. +25% CS when defending against all Ranged Attacks. Damage from Cities reduced by 20%.)

Upgraded from Knight
200 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Heavy Cavalry Combat Type
Horse: -1
Iron: -1
31 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Heavy Cavalry II (+33% CS. +1 Movement. +100 Hit Points)

Upgraded from Mounted Swordsman
175 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Light Cavalry Combat Type
Unlocked by Astronomy
30 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Hakkaa Paalle (+33% CS when attacking Wounded Units.)
Light Cavalry II (+50% CS vs Archer Units. +2 Movement.)

1st Hussar (Name Changed from simply Hussar):
Upgraded from Mounted Swordsman
175 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Light Cavalry Combat Type
Unlocked by Astronomy
30 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Wedge Formation (+33% CS when attacking. +1 Movement.)
Light Cavalry II (+50% CS vs Archer Units. +2 Movement.)

Upgraded from Maceman
150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Blunt Combat Type
Unlocked by Astronomy
26 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Ranged Support Fire
Blunt II (+33% CS vs Melee Units. +50 Hit Points.)

150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Archery Combat Type
19 :c5strength: CS
20 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
Archer II (+50% CS vs Mounted Archer Units. +10% RCS when attacking.)

Upgraded from Mounted Swordsman
175 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Light Cavalry Combat Type
Unlocked by Astronomy
28 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Light Cavalry II (+50% CS vs Archer Units. +2 Movement.)

150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Polearm Combat Type
26 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Doppelsoldner (+33% CS when attacking.)
Polearm II (+33% CS vs Mounted Units. +50 Hit Points.)
Note: Loses the "no Experience penalty or purchase cooldown, and can move immediately after being purchased"

150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Archery Combat Type
19 :c5strength: CS
20 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
Musketeer (+33% CS when defending. Earn experience toward promotions 50% faster.)
Archer II (+50% CS vs Mounted Archer Units. +10% RCS when attacking.)

150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Archery Combat Type
19 :c5strength: CS
19 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range
2 :c5moves: Movement
May Not Melee Attack
Archer II (+50% CS vs Mounted Archer Units. +10% RCS when attacking.)

Upgraded from Elite War Elephant
300 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Elephant Combat Type
Unlocked by Exploration
38 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Charge I
Elephant II (Nearby enemy units suffer -33% CS. +1 Movement. +200 Hit Points)

Upgraded from Mounted Swordsman
175 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Light Cavalry Combat Type
Unlocked by Astronomy
30 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Superior Flank Attack
Light Cavalry II (+50% CS vs Archer Units. +2 Movement.)

150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Polearm Combat Type
24 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Polearm II (+33% CS vs Mounted Units. +50 Hit Points.)

Two-Handed Swordsman:
150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Blade Combat Type
24 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
Blade II (+33% CS when attacking. +50 Hit Points.)

Winged Hussar:
Upgraded from Knight
200 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
Heavy Cavalry Combat Type
Horse: -1
Iron: -1
34 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Heavy Charge
Heavy Cavalry II (+33% CS. +1 Movement. +100 Hit Points)

Spoiler Misc :

Elephants now cost more maintenance in addition to their higher costs.

Last edited:
Hi everyone! Here's an update to the tweak mod. The changes don't appear to be much but it does greatly change combat mechanics. I'll include more info in the changelog to explain my reasoning. Feedback is appreciated if anyone has a chance to try it out. These are experimental updates so the implemented change may not meet the expectations. :)

Note: This is compatible with VP v3.4. It should be compatible with VP v3.5 but I haven't tested due to waiting for the bugs to be ironed out for the newest VP update.

Building Changes:

Military buildings up to Renaissance Era were changed so they only provide some of the following bonuses:
-XP to certain unit types (no longer all units)
-% Local Supply (main source of gaining supply that relies on growing cities as opposed to straight up flat amounts)
-Limited Strategic Resources (make it possible to field certain units without relying as heavily on map and being penalized for bad luck)

Defensive buildings up to Renaissance Era were changed so they only provide some of the following bonuses:
-More HP to City
-More CS to City
-More healing to Units in the City
-Unhappiness reduction to all Needs

New buildings added and old buildings moved so there's a Military Building and a Defensive Building in each Era.

Promotion Changes:
Attributes changed to make units more specialized
-attributes may provide more healing (faster replenishment for certain unit types)
-ranged units have bonus against Elephants (to add more counters to Elephants)
-create a split between blade/polearm and blunt (in preparation of gunpowder units for a future update)

Unit Changes:
Unit base production cost adjusted (to reflect their HP regen rate [higher HP regen rate = lower production cost])
Ranged Units RCS lowered to make them more support units than primary damage dealers
Unit CS adjusted for balance reasons

Misc Changes:
Base Healing greatly reduced (Serve as a replenishment mechanic where it takes more time to get units back to full strength)
Unit Supply decreased for both player and AI (The goal is to decrease carpet of doom from AI while still making AIs dangerous)
City RCS is now half of its CS (Cities will play a smaller role in fending off invasions with units playing a bigger role. Cities also more tanky against non-siege ranged units)

Spoiler Details for v0.4 :

Spoiler Military and Defensive Buildings :

Armory (Renaissance Era):
unlocked at Metallurgy
300 :c5production: Production cost
+20 XP to Archer Units (instead of XP to all units)
Increases the Military Unit Supply Cap from Population in this City by 5%
Loses +1 Military Unit Supply Cap
Loses reduction to Distress.

Barracks (Ancient Era):
+1 Iron
+20 XP to Blade and Gun Units (instead of XP to all units)
Loses reduction to Distress.

Castle (Medieval Era):
Unlocked at Machinery
175 :c5production: Production cost
+350 HP
+8 CS (+4 RCS)

Dojo (Renaissance Era):
unlocked at Metallurgy
300 :c5production: Production cost
+20 XP to Archer Units
Increases the Military Unit Supply Cap from Population in this City by 5% (and keeps the +2 Military Unit Supply Cap)
Loses reduction to Distress.

Ducal Stable (Medieval Era):
+3 Horses (increased from +1)
+20 XP to Light and Heavy Cavalry Units
Loses % Production for Mounted Units.

Improved Walls (Classical Era):
unlocked at Engineering
100 :c5production: Production cost
1 :c5gold: Maintenance
Units in the City heals an additional 3 HP
-1 Unhappiness to all Needs

Keep (Renaissance Era):
unlocked at Sovereignty
300 :c5production: Production cost
2 :c5gold: Maintenance
+450 HP
Units in the City heals an additional 3 HP

Mercenary Post (Classical Era):
unlocked at Metal Casting
100 :c5production: Production cost
1 :c5gold: Maintenance
+20 XP to Polearm and Gun Units
Increases the Military Unit Supply Cap from Population in this City by 5%

Royal Guardhouse (Ancient Era):
+100 HP
+2 CS (+1 RCS)

Stable (Medieval Era):
+2 Horses
+20 XP to Heavy Cavalry Units
Loses Military Unit Supply Cap from Population.
Loses % Production for Mounted Units.

Walls (Ancient Era):
+150 HP
+4 CS (+2 RCS)

Walls of Babylon (Ancient Era):
+150 HP
+6 CS (+3 RCS)

Spoiler New/Changed Units :

Spoiler Changed Ancient Era Land Units :

45 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
5 :c5strength: CS
5 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

Armored Warrior:
60 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
11 :c5strength: CS

30 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
8 :c5strength: CS

45 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
5 :c5strength: CS
6 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

Chariot Archer:
30 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
4 :c5strength: CS
4 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

Companion Cavalry:
75 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
14 :c5strength: CS

45 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
12 :c5strength: CS

45 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
10 :c5strength: CS

45 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
12 :c5strength: CS

30 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:

Pictish Warrior:
45 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
12 :c5strength: CS

30 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
3 :c5strength: CS
3 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

45 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
10 :c5strength: CS

War Chariot:
30 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
4 :c5strength: CS
5 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

War Elephant:
95 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:

30 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
3 :c5strength: CS
4 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

35 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:

Spoiler Changed Classical Era Land Units :

80 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
8 :c5strength: CS
8 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

65 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
7 :c5strength: CS
8 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

110 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
19 :c5strength: CS

65 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
7 :c5strength: CS
7 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

Composite Bow:
90 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
8 :c5strength: CS
8 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

Horse Archer:
65 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
6 :c5strength: CS
7 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

Kris Swordsman:
65 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
15 :c5strength: CS

65 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
15 :c5strength: CS

105 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
18 :c5strength: CS

Mohawk Warrior:
65 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
15 :c5strength: CS

Mounted Swordsman:
90 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
16 :c5strength: CS

90 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
16 :c5strength: CS

65 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
6 :c5strength: CS
6 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

65 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
13 :c5strength: CS

Spoiler Changed Medieval Era Land Units :

90 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
18 :c5strength: CS

Camel Archer:
110 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
10 :c5strength: CS
11 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

140 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
24 :c5strength: CS

125 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
14 :c5strength: CS
15 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

90 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
18 :c5strength: CS

125 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
14 :c5strength: CS
14 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

Elite War Elephant:
170 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
27 :c5strength: CS

Heavy Skirmisher:
110 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
10 :c5strength: CS
10 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

110 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
12 :c5strength: CS
13 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

140 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
21 :c5strength: CS

125 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
14 :c5strength: CS
15 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

110 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
18 :c5strength: CS

Mandekalu Cavalry:
90 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
18 :c5strength: CS

Maori Warrior:
105 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
20 :c5strength: CS

Naresuan's Elephant:
170 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
27 :c5strength: CS

110 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
20 :c5strength: CS

110 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
12 :c5strength: CS
12 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

Spoiler Changed Renaissance Units :

1st Hussar (Name Changed from simply Hussar):
150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
26 :c5strength: CS

Battle Elephant:
300 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
36 :c5strength: CS

150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
17 :c5strength: CS
17 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

225 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
30 :c5strength: CS

Early Dragoon:
150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
15 :c5strength: CS
15 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
26 :c5strength: CS

Heavy Maceman:
170 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
26 :c5strength: CS

170 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
28 :c5strength: CS

170 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
19 :c5strength: CS
20 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
24 :c5strength: CS

150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
26 :c5strength: CS

170 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
19 :c5strength: CS
20 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

170 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
19 :c5strength: CS
19 :c5rangedstrength: RCS/ 2 Range

300 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
39 :c5strength: CS

150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
26 :c5strength: CS

150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
24 :c5strength: CS

Two-Handed Swordsman:
150 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
24 :c5strength: CS

Winged Hussar:
225 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
33 :c5strength: CS

Spoiler Changed Attributes :

Blade I:
+25% CS when attacking. +25 Max HP.
Heal an extra 7, 6 and 4 HP per turn in Friendly, Neutral and Enemy Territory respectively.

Polearm I:
+25% CS vs Mounted Units. +25 Max HP.
Heal an extra 7, 6 and 4 HP per turn in Friendly, Neutral and Enemy Territory respectively.

Blunt I:
+25% CS vs Melee Units. +50 Max HP.

Archer I:
+50% RCS vs Mounted Archer and Elephant units.
Heal an extra 2, 2 and 1 HP per turn in Friendly, Neutral and Enemy Territory respectively.

Mounted Archer I:
+25% CS when attacking Open tiles.
+50% CS Vs Elephant Units.
Heal an extra 2, 2 and 1 HP per turn in Friendly, Neutral and Enemy Territory respectively.
+1 Movements.

Light Cavalry I:
+25% CS vs Archer Units. +3 Movements.
Heal an extra 7, 6 and 4 HP per turn in Friendly, Neutral and Enemy Territory respectively.

Siege Engine I:
+25% RCS when attacking Cities.
+15% CS when defending against all Ranged Attacks
Damage from Cities reduced by 20%.
Heal an extra 7, 6 and 4 HP per turn in Friendly, Neutral and Enemy Territory respectively.

Blade II:
+33% CS when attacking. +50 Max HP.
Heal an extra 7, 6 and 4 HP per turn in Friendly, Neutral and Enemy Territory respectively.

Polearm II:
+33% CS vs Mounted Units. +50 Max HP.
Heal an extra 7, 6 and 4 HP per turn in Friendly, Neutral and Enemy Territory respectively.

Blunt II:
+33% CS vs Melee Units. +75 Max HP.

Archer II:
+50% RCS vs Mounted Archer and Elephant units.
+10% RCS when attacking.
Heal an extra 2, 2 and 1 HP per turn in Friendly, Neutral and Enemy Territory respectively.

Mounted Archer II:
+50% CS when attacking Open tiles.
+50% CS Vs Elephant Units.
Heal an extra 2, 2 and 1 HP per turn in Friendly, Neutral and Enemy Territory respectively.
+1 Movements.

Light Cavalry II:
+50% CS vs Archer Units. +3 Movements.
Heal an extra 7, 6 and 4 HP per turn in Friendly, Neutral and Enemy Territory respectively.

Siege Engine II:
+33% RCS when attacking Cities.
+25% CS when defending against all Ranged Attacks
Damage from Cities reduced by 20%.
Heal an extra 7, 6 and 4 HP per turn in Friendly, Neutral and Enemy Territory respectively.

Spoiler Misc :

Base Healing in Friendly, Neutral and Enemy territory set to 3, 2 and 1 respectively.
Unit Supply lowered for both player and AI
Recon Units cost no supply.
City RCS is half of City CS.

I wonder if city taking is even possible with this mod. Has the Ai ever taken another city?
At the moment, I'm not sure. I need to play a longer game to see if it's possible for AI.

As I mentioned, it's quite experimental so numbers will be changed if they cannot. This modmod is mostly serving as a testing ground for ideas I have in cutting down carpet of doom along with other combat related things.
Hi everyone! Just a quick update on this modmod. From now on, all land combat changes will be made in this new modmod.

The next version of the tweak mod will lose anything related to land combat and will actually be used for new experimental ideas. I'm just in the process of making things more modular which makes it easier for both playing and modding. I'm unsure when v0.5 will be out for the tweak mod because it will depend on what ideas I want to try out. Thanks!
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