• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

AG's Yields Reduction Mod (AGYRM)

It's interesting to see someone trying to fix yield inflation on VP.
But it seems like you aren't taking recent tech cost changes into account. Because as per v2.7.3 there was a tech cost overhaul which makes all tech costs much more expensive (essentially inflating the costs).

You can probably experiment with it by reverting to the old tech cost.

I'm taking one of the more drastic ways of fixing yield inflation. After all the changes I've made, I'm actually shocked how bloated everything was. It really shows with late-game buildings and Wonders when they had to do everything and have large numbers slapped onto them.

With the changes, I doubt even the old tech costs make any sense. My numbers are much smaller and some of them may need to be even smaller. I think only through feedback and playing can I find proper values for those tech costs. I've already halved the existing tech costs from v3.0.0 and even those may be a bit much starting in the Classical Era.
I'm taking one of the more drastic ways of fixing yield inflation. After all the changes I've made, I'm actually shocked how bloated everything was. It really shows with late-game buildings and Wonders when they had to do everything and have large numbers slapped onto them.

With the changes, I doubt even the old tech costs make any sense. My numbers are much smaller and some of them may need to be even smaller. I think only through feedback and playing can I find proper values for those tech costs. I've already halved the existing tech costs from v3.0.0 and even those may be a bit much starting in the Classical Era.
I'm currently trying to re-balance the cost of EEVP tech costs because it still uses the old cost and not have been updated to reflect the v2.7.3 tech cost change.
So if you play with the current EEVP, the research is much faster than VP.

You can see my calculation here, maybe you can use this as a reference and I could also add your tech costs to this:
Last edited:
Hi everyone! v0.9 of this mod is here! Changelog and details below. This will be the last of the "major" updates for this mod. Remaining tasks will be, through feedback and my own games, tweaking various values to achieve some level of balance along with maintenance (keeping it consistent whenever VP gets a new patch). If I overlooked certain things, they will be patched as well.

With the foundation more or less laid down, I will be working on the other components. I'm not sure when they'll come out but I do plan on chipping away at them. I wish to thank those who took the time to do the poll. There's a split between Local Development Mod and Tweak Mod. I'm still in the design stages of the Tweak Mod while the Local Development Mod still needs more time (see spoiler below for what's been completed thus far). The Tweak Mod will have two components: Core and Experimental. The Core components will stay with the mod while the Experimental component will be scrapped, become a Core component or make its way to one of the modular modmods. The Local Development Mod will be an ongoing thing where some yields will have immediate impact while others will take far longer to implement due to UI and Lua work that go into them.

Spoiler Local Development Mod Teaser :

Local Development Mod.jpg

Atomic Buildings, National Wonders and Wonders Yields Reduced
Information Buildings and Wonders Yields Reduced
Project related Wonders (Apollo Program, Crystal palace, etc..) Yields Reduced
Espionage Siphon Yields Reduced
All Units Cost Reduced
Tech Costs Readjusted up to Modern Era
Tech Costs Reduced from Atomic Era onward

Spoiler Detail :

Spoiler Atomic Buildings :

Cost: 1125 :c5production: Production
4 :c5gold: Maintenance
Allows Airlifts to or from this City. Increases Air Unit Capacity of the City from 2 to 6. +10 Damage to Air Units during Air Strikes on City.

Medical Lab:
Cost: 1125 :c5production: Production
4 :c5gold: Maintenance
+2 Population when completed. 15% of :c5food: Food is carried over after a new Citizen is born. Scientist, Merchant and Engineer Specialists in the City produce +1 of their base Yield.

Military Base:
Cost: 1125 :c5production: Production
4 :c5gold: Maintenance
20 :c5strength:, +200 HP
+25% :c5production: Production of Air Units. +15 Damage to Air Units during Air Strikes on City. Increases the City's Ranged Strike Damage by 10%. Garrisoned Units receive an additional 15 Health when healing in this City.
-1 Unhappiness from Distress. Empire Size Modifier is reduced by 5% in this City.

Police Station:
Cost: 1125 :c5production: Production
4 :c5gold: Maintenance
Improves City Spy Resistance by 50%. When an Enemy Spy is killed in this City, gain :c5science: Science and :c5culture: Culture, scaling with Era and the Level of the Spy killed.
-1 Unhappiness from all Needs.

Recycling Center:
Cost: 1125 :c5production: Production
4 :c5gold: Maintenance
Provides 2 Aluminum.
Maximum of 5 of these Buildings in your Empire.

Cost: 1125 :c5production: Production or 300 :c5faith: Faith
4 :c5gold: Maintenance
+1200 :c5goldenage: GAPs and +20 Influence with all City-States when completed.
+1 :tourism: Tourism from Great Works. Requires a Zoo in the City.

Strategic Defense System:
Cost: 1125 :c5production: Production
4 :c5gold: Maintenance
50% chance to detonate nuclear weapons early. Early detonations destroy Atomic Bombs outright and make Nuclear Missiles only as effective as Atomic Bombs. Reduces population loss from nuclear attack by 75%. +10 Damage to Air Units during Air Strikes on City.

Spoiler Information Buildings :

Hydroelectric Power Plant:
Cost: 1250 :c5production: Production
4 :c5gold: Maintenance
+15% :c5production: Production
All City Process are 10% more efficient at converting :c5production: Production into Yields.
+1 :c5production: Production and :c5gold: Gold on every Lake Tile and tiles next to a River.
Requires 1 Aluminum to be built. City must be built next to a River. City must not contain another energy-producing Plant.

Interpretive Center:
Cost: 1125 :c5production: Production
4 :c5gold: Maintenance
+2 Happiness
+1 :c5culture: Culture and :tourism: Tourism from all Landmarks in Empire.

Nuclear Power Plant:
Cost: 1250 :c5production: Production
4 :c5gold: Maintenance
+50% :c5production: Production
All City Process are 10% more efficient at converting :c5production: Production into Yields.
Requires 1 Uranium to be built. City must not contain another energy-producing Plant.

Solar Farm:
Cost: 1250 :c5production: Production
4 :c5gold: Maintenance
+15% :c5production: Production
All City Process are 10% more efficient at converting :c5production: Production into Yields.
+1 :c5science: Science on all Land tiles.
Requires 1 Aluminum to be built. City must be built on or next to Desert. City must not contain another energy-producing Plant.

Spaceship Factory:
Cost: 1250 :c5production: Production
4 :c5gold: Maintenance
+10% :c5science: Science
+50% :c5production: Production when building Spaceship Parts. Requires 1 Aluminum.

Tidal Power Plant:
Cost: 1250 :c5production: Production
4 :c5gold: Maintenance
+15% :c5production: Production
All City Process are 10% more efficient at converting :c5production: Production into Yields.
+1 :c5production: Production and :c5food: Food on every Sea Tile.
Requires 1 Aluminum to be built. City must be built on the Coast. City must not contain another energy-producing Plant.

Wind Farm:
Cost: 1250 :c5production: Production
4 :c5gold: Maintenance
+15% :c5production: Production
All City Process are 10% more efficient at converting :c5production: Production into Yields.
+1 :c5culture: Culture on all Land tiles.
Requires 1 Aluminum to be built. City must not contain another energy-producing Plant.

Spoiler Atomic Wonders and National Wonders :

Bletchley Park:
Cost: 1200 :c5production: Production
Policies Required: 0
Requires completion of Rationalism Branch. All Scientist Specialists gain +1 :c5science: Science. Improves City Spy Resistance by 15% in all Cities, provides 2 or more Additional Spies (based on number of City-States in game), and levels up all existing Spies.

National Intelligence Agency:
Cost: 65 :c5production: Production
National Population Required: 60 (previously 70)
Improves City Spy Resistance by 15%, provides 1 or more Additional Spies (based on number of City-States in game), and levels up all existing Spies.
-1 Distress in all Cities.

Cost: 1200 :c5production: Production
2 Free Jet Fighter
Policies Required: 0
Requires completion of Imperialism Branch. Increases Military Unit Supply Cap by 1, and the Air Unit Cap by 2 in every City. +50% :c5production: Production of Air Units in the City, and Air Units created in the City gain +20 XP.

The Motherland Calls:
Cost: 1400 :c5production: Production
Free Police Station
Policies Required: 23
Building Maintenance reduced by 15% in all Cities.

Spoiler Information Wonders and National Wonders :

Cost: 2000 :c5production: Production
Policies Required: 27
Receive 2 Free Technologies and +100 Influence with all City-States in the world.

CN Tower:
Cost: 1700 :c5production: Production
Policies Required: 25
+1 Happiness in every City. All Great Works gain +2 :c5gold: Gold and :tourism: Tourism.

Great Firewall:
Cost: 2000 :c5production: Production
Policies Required: 27
All Research Labs gain +3 :c5science: Science. 99.9% reduction in effectiveness of enemy Spies in the City. All other Cities in your Empire get a 25% reduction in enemy Spy effectiveness.

Hubble Space Telescope:
Cost: 2000 :c5production: Production
Free Spaceship Factory and Great Scientist
Policies Required: 27
+25% :c5production: Production when building Spaceship parts.

Sydney Opera House:
Cost: 1700 :c5production: Production
Policies Required: 25
Can only be constructed in a Coastal City. Receive 1 Free Social Policy and +25% :c5culture: Culture in this City. +15 :c5culture: Culture if Themed.

Spoiler Other Wonders and Projects :

Apollo Program:
Cost: 1500 :c5production: Production
If you are the First to complete this, receive 1 Free Great Scientist near your Capital, and your Empire enters a :c5goldenage: Golden Age.

Citizen Earth Protocol:
Cost: 3000 :c5production: Production

Crystal Palace:
Cost: 1875 :c5production: Production
May only be built collaboratively through the World Congress. Receive +1 :c5production: Production and :c5science: Science for all Factories in owned Cities. The Empire enters a Golden Age.

Grand Canal:
Cost: 750 :c5production: Production
May only be built collaboratively through the World Congress. Receive 1 Additional Trade Route. Grants all Naval Units except Submarines and Carriers the Treasure Fleet Promotion, which grants +10% CS when attacking, +1 Sight, and the ability to heal Outside of Friendly Territory.

International Space Station:
Cost: 4125 :c5production: Production
May only be built collaboratively through the World Congress. +1 :c5production: Production from Scientists, and +1 :c5science: Science from Engineers. Great Scientists provide 33% more :c5science: Science when used to discover new Technology.

Manhattan Project:
Cost: 1000 :c5production: Production
If you are the First to complete this, receive 1 Free Atomic Bomb and a Free Medical Lab in your Capital.

Menin Gate:
Cost: 1650 :c5production: Production
+2 Happiness
May only be built collaboratively through the World Congress. Forts, Citadels and Landmarks provide +2 :c5culture: Culture and :c5goldenage: GAPs.

Olympic Village:
Cost: 3375 :c5production: Production
+3 Happiness
May only be built collaboratively through the World Congress. All Stadiums receive +2 :c5gold: Gold and :tourism: Tourism.

United Nations:
Cost: 2550 :c5production: Production
May only be built collaboratively through the World Congress. Receive 1 Additional Delegate in the World Congress for every 8 City-States in the game. When you expend a Great Person, earn 10 Influence with all City-States you have met. Triggers a :c5goldenage: Golden Age, as well as the United Nations Special Session of the World Congress.

Spoiler Misc :

Espionage Yields from Siphoning halved
Unit Costs (include SS parts) reduced
Tech Costs Readjusted between Ancient and Modern Era
Tech Costs reduced from Atomic Era onward

Local Development? So basically your version of JFD's Cities in Development?
It's inspired by JFD's Cities in Development. It probably won't be as in-depth and it's heading in a different direction.
Hi everyone! v0.10 of this mod is here! Changelog and details below. Other than the Authority Policy Tree rework, the rest of the changes are balance changes and bug fixes.

Unit or Promotion Changes:
Reduced Comanche Science from Pillage.
Faith from kills for Pictish Warriors reduced to 50% from 100%.

Building/Wonder/National Wonder Changes:
Palace now provides -5 Unhappiness from Urbanization of all Cities.
Observatory base Science reduced from 3 to 2
Wonder costs increased for same era and previous Era to 125% and 100% respectively

Improvement Changes:
Manufactory gains +1 Production when Machinery, Metallurgy and Manufacturing are researched.
Academy gains +1 Science when Scientific Theory is researched.

Policy Changes:
Free Thought gives +1 (instead of +2) Science to Observatory
Rights of Man gives +1 (instead of +2) Gold to Observatory
Colonialism gives +1 Yield instead of 2 for Monopolies
Equality gains +1 Gold in all Cities.
Expertise loses +1 Production in all Cities and gains +1 Gold in all Cities.
Authority Policy Tree Reworked

Specialist Changes:
Merchants gain +1 Gold when Trade and Banking are researched.
Engineers gain +1 Production when Machinery and Metallurgy are researched.
Civil Servants gain +1 Gold when Civil Service is researched.
Scientists gain +1 Science when Scientific Theory is researched.

Misc. Changes:
Wealth moved to Trade.
GPP reduced from Coup CS Quest
Increased research cost start in Renaissance Era by 10%
Faith Purchase Great People unlocked in Enlightenment Era (as opposed to Industrial Era)
Fixed Tutelary Gods belief (typo resulted in bonuses obtained from Goddess of Protection).
Changed the Policy and Tech Cost increase per City to 2/3/5/10/13/16 for Duel/Tiny/Small/Standard/Large/Huge Maps respectively.

Spoiler Authority Rework :

+25% combat bonus VS barbarians.
Cities gain 10 :c5culture: Culture when their borders expand.
+1 :c5production: Production in every City.

+2 Border Growth Points in every City.

Cities gain 10 :c5faith: Faith and 10 :c5science: Science when their borders expand.

Cities gain 10 :c5gold: Gold when their borders expand. +1 :c5production: Production in every City.

A free Settler appears near the :c5capital: Capital. +1 :c5production: Production in every City.

+15% :c5production: Production when training Melee units. :c5gold: Gold maintenance for units reduced by 15%.

All melee units heal for 15 points after killing a military unit. War Weariness reduced by 25%. :c5gold: Gold maintenance for Routes reduced by 50%.

Unlocks building the Alhambra
Allows the purchasing of Landsknechts, Foreign Legions, and Mercenaries
Allows for the purchase of Great Generals with :c5faith: Faith starting in the Industrial Era.

During the wait for the VP update, I've been working on the Tweak Mod. Below is a small spoiler as to what to expect for it.

Spoiler :


Hi everyone! v0.11 of this mod is here! Changelog and details below. Spies removed until they can be balanced. Difficulties are also changed. Otherwise, it's mostly bugfixes and balance changes.

Building Changes:
Palace provides -2 Unhappiness from all Needs for all Cities.
Constabulary and Arsenal provides -2 Unhappiness from all Needs.
Constabulary and Police Station lose spy effects and gain different bonuses

Specialist Changes:
Guilds tech adds +1 Culture to Writer, Artist and Musician.
Banking tech adds +2 Gold to Merchant.
Astronomy tech adds +1 Science to Scientist.
Chemistry tech adds +1 Production to Engineer.

Promotion Changes:
Barbarians Promotions change in Tweak Mod transferred (no more double movement through certain Terrain/Feature and instead give them more :c5strength: Combat Strength when on those tiles)

Resource Changes:
Wheat, Rice and Maize lose base 1 Food

Improvement Changes:
Farm loses adjacency bonus
Farm now needs Civil Service to get +1 Food from Fresh Water

Civ Changes:
Spain UA no longer speeds up border growth.

Policy Changes:
Tradition Royal Guardhouse Production increased from 2 to 3
Tradition Royal Astrologer Science increased from 2 to 3
Authority Opener Culture decreased from 10 to 5
Authority Opener now gives Brute Force II promotion as its way of giving +25% CS against Barbarians (Original method had Culture yields hardcoded to it when clearing camps)
Dominance Faith and Science decreased from 10 to 5
Foreign Service loses spies and gives yields to Civil Servants.
Covert Action and Double Agents both improve Constabulary and Police Station in addition to another bonus.

Misc Changes:
Fixed Text Typos
No more Spies gained from Renaissance Era and later Eras.
Policy and Tech costs increased to 12/14/15 for Standard, Large and Huge maps respectively
Policy Costs increased

Spoiler Details for v0.11 :

Spoiler Building Changes :

-2 Unhappiness from all Needs.

Police Station:
+10% Tourism and Science in the City.

Spoiler Policy/Tenet Changes :

Foreign Service:
+1 Production from Civil Servants.
Earn Great Diplomats 50% faster.

Covert Action:
+2 Gold and Production to Constabulary and Police Stations.
+15% Science in the Capital

Double Agents:
+2 Science to Constabulary and Police Stations
+2 Science to Civil Servants

Spoiler Difficulty Changes :

The goal of these changes will be making Settler extremely easy so players can roleplay without worry of losing. Chieftain will have the bonuses of Settler halved so it's still relatively easy. Warlord is the most on par with the AI where the AI gets some bonuses to pose a bit of a threat. After that, the other difficulties become progressively harder with Deity supposedly extremely hard to win with.

One of the goals the mod tries to achieve is to lower the unit supply for Warlord and higher difficulties. This is in hopes of addressing the carpet of doom seen in the late game where fewer units will be present for both sides. The challenge for higher difficulty will be both being outnumbered and facing quality units. This will take multiple iterations to get right.

HappinessDefault = 20
ExtraHappinessPerLuxury = 4
PopulationUnhappinessMod = -30
Gold = 400
UnitCostPercent = 50
BuildingCostPercent = 50
ResearchPercent = 50
PolicyPercent = 50
ImprovementCostPercent = 50
EarliestBarbarianReleaseTurn = 100
BarbarianLandTargetRange = 2
BarbarianSeaTargetRange = 2
StartingDefenseUnits = 1
AIGrowthPercent = 100
AITrainPercent = 150
AIConstructPercent = 150
AIWorldConstructPercent = 150
AICreatePercent = 150
AIWorldCreatePercent = 150
AIBuildingCostPercent = 150
AIUnitCostPercent = 150
AIUnitUpgradePercent = 150
AIFreeXP = 0
AIFreeXPPercent = 0
UnitSupplyPopulationPercent = 80
ResistanceCap = 12
AIHappinessDefault = 8
AIMaintenanceFreeUnits = 0
AIUnitSupplyBase = 2
AIUnitSupplyPerCity = 0
AIUnitSupplyPopulationPercent = 5
AIResistanceCap = 80

HappinessDefault = 10
ExtraHappinessPerLuxury = 2
PopulationUnhappinessMod = -15
Gold = 200
UnitCostPercent = 75
BuildingCostPercent = 75
ResearchPercent = 75
PolicyPercent = 75
ImprovementCostPercent = 75
EarliestBarbarianReleaseTurn = 50
BarbarianLandTargetRange = 3
BarbarianSeaTargetRange = 3
StartingDefenseUnits = 1
AIGrowthPercent = 100
AITrainPercent = 125
AIConstructPercent = 125
AIWorldConstructPercent = 125
AICreatePercent = 125
AIWorldCreatePercent = 125
AIBuildingCostPercent = 125
AIUnitCostPercent = 125
AIUnitUpgradePercent = 125
AIFreeXP = 0
AIFreeXPPercent = 0
UnitSupplyPopulationPercent = 40
ResistanceCap = 25
AIHappinessDefault = 8
AIMaintenanceFreeUnits = 0
AIUnitSupplyBase = 2
AIUnitSupplyPerCity = 0
AIUnitSupplyPopulationPercent = 5
AIResistanceCap = 70

HappinessDefault = 5
EarliestBarbarianReleaseTurn = 30
BarbarianLandTargetRange = 5
BarbarianSeaTargetRange = 8
AIStartingDefenseUnits = 1
AIGrowthPercent = 95
AITrainPercent = 100
AIConstructPercent = 100
AIWorldConstructPercent = 100
AICreatePercent = 100
AIWorldCreatePercent = 100
AIBuildingCostPercent = 100
AIUnitCostPercent = 100
AIUnitUpgradePercent = 100
AIFreeXP = 20
AIFreeXPPercent = 25
UnitSupplyBase = 5
UnitSupplyPopulationPercent = 20
AITechCatchUpMod = 2
AIPolicyCatchUpMod = 2
ResistanceCap = 50
AIHappinessDefault = 10
AIMaintenanceFreeUnits = 2
AIUnitSupplyBase = 4
AIUnitSupplyPerCity = 1
AIUnitSupplyPopulationPercent = 10
AIResistanceCap = 60
AIVisionBonus = 1
AIDifficultyBonusTurnInterval = 10
AIDifficultyBonusBase = 1
AIDifficultyBonusA = 100
AIDifficultyBonusB = 40
AIDifficultyBonusC = 0
StartingCityStateDefenseUnits = 2
BarbarianCampGold = 50
AIBarbarianCampGold = 50

HappinessDefault = 5
EarliestBarbarianReleaseTurn = 25
BarbarianLandTargetRange = 6
BarbarianSeaTargetRange = 8
AIStartingDefenseUnits = 1
AIGrowthPercent = 95
AITrainPercent = 95
AIConstructPercent = 90
AIWorldConstructPercent = 100
AICreatePercent = 90
AIWorldCreatePercent = 100
AIBuildingCostPercent = 90
AIUnitCostPercent = 90
AIUnitUpgradePercent = 90
AIFreeXP = 40
AIFreeXPPercent = 50
UnitSupplyBase = 5
UnitSupplyPopulationPercent = 15
AITechCatchUpMod = 3
AIPolicyCatchUpMod = 3
ResistanceCap = 70
AIHappinessDefault = 12
AIMaintenanceFreeUnits = 3
AIUnitSupplyBase = 5
AIUnitSupplyPerCity = 1
AIUnitSupplyPopulationPercent = 10
AIResistanceCap = 50
AIVisionBonus = 1
AIDifficultyBonusTurnInterval = 10
AIDifficultyBonusBase = 1
AIDifficultyBonusA = 100
AIDifficultyBonusB = 0
AIDifficultyBonusC = 10
StartingCityStateDefenseUnits = 2
BarbarianCampGold = 50
AIBarbarianCampGold = 60

HappinessDefault = 5
EarliestBarbarianReleaseTurn = 20
BarbarianLandTargetRange = 7
BarbarianSeaTargetRange = 9
AIStartingDefenseUnits = 1
AIGrowthPercent = 90
AITrainPercent = 90
AIConstructPercent = 80
AIWorldConstructPercent = 100
AICreatePercent = 85
AIWorldCreatePercent = 100
AIBuildingCostPercent = 80
AIUnitCostPercent = 80
AIUnitUpgradePercent = 80
AIFreeXP = 60
AIFreeXPPercent = 75
UnitSupplyBase = 4
UnitSupplyPopulationPercent = 10
ResistanceCap = 90
AIHappinessDefault = 14
AIExtraHappinessPerLuxury = 1
AIMaintenanceFreeUnits = 4
AIUnitSupplyBase = 6
AIUnitSupplyPerCity = 1
AIUnitSupplyPopulationPercent = 15
AITechCatchUpMod = 4
AIPolicyCatchUpMod = 4
AITrainPerEraModifier = -1
AIConstructPerEraModifier = -1
AICreatePerEraModifier = -1
AIResistanceCap = 40
AIVisionBonus = 2
AIDifficultyBonusTurnInterval = 10
AIDifficultyBonusBase = 1
AIDifficultyBonusA = 100
AIDifficultyBonusB = 0
AIDifficultyBonusC = 20
StartingCityStateDefenseUnits = 3
BarbarianCampGold = 40
AIBarbarianCampGold = 70

HappinessDefault = 5
EarliestBarbarianReleaseTurn = 15
BarbarianLandTargetRange = 8
BarbarianSeaTargetRange = 10
AIStartingDefenseUnits = 1
AIGrowthPercent = 90
AITrainPercent = 85
AIConstructPercent = 70
AIWorldConstructPercent = 97
AICreatePercent = 80
AIWorldCreatePercent = 100
AIBuildingCostPercent = 70
AIUnitCostPercent = 70
AIUnitUpgradePercent = 70
AIFreeXP = 80
AIFreeXPPercent = 100
UnitSupplyBase = 4
UnitSupplyPopulationPercent = 10
ResearchPerEraModifier = 1
PolicyPerEraModifier = 1
TrainPerEraModifier = 1
ConstructPerEraModifier = 1
ResistanceCap = 110
AIHappinessDefault = 16
AIExtraHappinessPerLuxury = 1
AIPopulationUnhappinessMod = -5
AIMaintenanceFreeUnits = 5
AIUnitSupplyBase = 7
AIUnitSupplyPerCity = 1
AIUnitSupplyPopulationPercent = 15
AITechCatchUpMod = 5
AIPolicyCatchUpMod = 5
AITrainPerEraModifier = -1
AIConstructPerEraModifier = -1
AICreatePerEraModifier = -1
AIResistanceCap = 30
AIVisionBonus = 2
AIDifficultyBonusTurnInterval = 10
AIDifficultyBonusBase = 1
AIDifficultyBonusA = 100
AIDifficultyBonusB = 0
AIDifficultyBonusC = 30
StartingCityStateDefenseUnits = 3
BarbarianCampGold = 35
AIBarbarianCampGold = 80

HappinessDefault = 5
EarliestBarbarianReleaseTurn = 10
BarbarianLandTargetRange = 9
BarbarianSeaTargetRange = 11
AIStartingDefenseUnits = 2
AIGrowthPercent = 90
AITrainPercent = 80
AIConstructPercent = 70
AIWorldConstructPercent = 95
AICreatePercent = 75
AIWorldCreatePercent = 97
AIBuildingCostPercent = 60
AIUnitCostPercent = 60
AIUnitUpgradePercent = 60
AIFreeXP = 100
AIFreeXPPercent = 125
UnitSupplyBase = 4
UnitSupplyPopulationPercent = 10
UnitUpgradePerEraModifier = 1
GrowthPerEraModifier = 1
ResearchPerEraModifier = 1
PolicyPerEraModifier = 1
TrainPerEraModifier = 1
ConstructPerEraModifier = 1
ResistanceCap = 130
AIHappinessDefault = 18
AIExtraHappinessPerLuxury = 2
AIPopulationUnhappinessMod = -10
AIMaintenanceFreeUnits = 6
AIUnitSupplyBase = 7
AIUnitSupplyPerCity = 2
AIUnitSupplyPopulationPercent = 15
AITechCatchUpMod = 6
AIPolicyCatchUpMod = 6
AITrainPerEraModifier = -2
AIConstructPerEraModifier = -2
AICreatePerEraModifier = -2
AIResistanceCap = 25
AIVisionBonus = 3
AIDifficultyBonusTurnInterval = 10
AIDifficultyBonusBase = 1
AIDifficultyBonusA = 100
AIDifficultyBonusB = 0
AIDifficultyBonusC = 40
StartingCityStateDefenseUnits = 4
BarbarianCampGold = 30
AIBarbarianCampGold = 90

HappinessDefault = 5
EarliestBarbarianReleaseTurn = 10
BarbarianLandTargetRange = 10
BarbarianSeaTargetRange = 12
AIStartingDefenseUnits = 2
AIGrowthPercent = 90
AITrainPercent = 75
AIConstructPercent = 70
AIWorldConstructPercent = 95
AICreatePercent = 70
AIWorldCreatePercent = 95
AIBuildingCostPercent = 50
AIUnitCostPercent = 50
AIUnitUpgradePercent = 50
AIFreeXP = 120
AIFreeXPPercent = 150
UnitSupplyBase = 4
UnitSupplyPopulationPercent = 10
UnitUpgradePerEraModifier = 1
GrowthPerEraModifier = 1
ResearchPerEraModifier = 1
PolicyPerEraModifier = 1
TrainPerEraModifier = 1
ConstructPerEraModifier = 1
ResistanceCap = 150
AIHappinessDefault = 20
AIExtraHappinessPerLuxury = 2
AIPopulationUnhappinessMod = -15
AIMaintenanceFreeUnits = 7
AIUnitSupplyBase = 10
AIUnitSupplyPerCity = 2
AIUnitSupplyPopulationPercent = 15
AITechCatchUpMod = 7
AIPolicyCatchUpMod = 7
AITrainPerEraModifier = -2
AIConstructPerEraModifier = -2
AICreatePerEraModifier = -2
AIResistanceCap = 25
AIVisionBonus = 3
AIDifficultyBonusTurnInterval = 10
AIDifficultyBonusBase = 1
AIDifficultyBonusA = 100
AIDifficultyBonusB = 0
AIDifficultyBonusC = 50
StartingCityStateDefenseUnits = 4
BarbarianCampGold = 25
AIBarbarianCampGold = 100

I am very excited to try out this mod! I always felt that VP is far to complicated and inflated as well.

Thanks for giving he modmod a chance! I don't think this modmod reduces the complexity of VP by much. There are fewer components but I think the overall complexity is still there.
Thanks for giving he modmod a chance! I don't think this modmod reduces the complexity of VP by much. There are fewer components but I think the overall complexity is still there.
I meant shortening texts like for example that the Spain UA no longer gives border growth. I think that not every policy, building or UA needs 3 different effects that buff arbitrary buildings or improvements. The thing I miss the most from Vanilla is how focued and clear everything was. A building often just gave 1 thing.
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Hi everyone! v0.12 of this mod is here! Changelog and details below. This modmod is compatible with VP3.4.

Herbalist cost increased from 35 to 55.
Reverted most changes made in VP v3.4.1 (removed flat damage, more yields, more bonuses, etc...)
Cooperation is now Indulgences (due to belief changes in VP)
Veneration is now Gurukulam (due to belief changes in VP)
Reworked new beliefs (see details)

Spoiler Details for v0.12 :

Not to be confused with the old Cooperation
+1 Food from Internal Food Trade Routes, scaling with Era
+1 Production from Internal Production Trade Routes, scaling with Era

+3 Food
Boosts Pressure of Religious Majority emanating from this City by 25%.
+10% Food and Defense in the City.
-1 Unhappiness from Distress.

+2 Unit Supply
Gain Faith equal to 20% Production cost of units built in this city
-1 Unhappiness from Distress.

No major changes coming to this modmod this time. Working on the Tweak mod for a fairly big experimental version. :)
Hi everyone! v0.13 of this mod is here! Changelog below. With Tweak Mod updated and getting some feedback recently on the modmod, I decided to do a small update for AGYRM. This modmod is now compatible with VP3.5.

Food Building Changes:
Granary food increased from 1 to 2 and no longer boosts Wheat, Bananas, Rice and Maize.
Well food increased from 1 to 2.
Lodge Border Growth Points increased from 1 to 2 and no longer boosts Deer and Bison.
Ger Border Growth Points increased from 1 to 2.
Aqueduct loses +1 Food and now boosts Wheat, Bananas, Rice and Maize.
Harappan Reservoir now boosts Wheat, Bananas, Rice and Maize.
Grocer and Coffee House now boosts Deer and Bison.

Wonder Changes:
Remove Free Worker from Statue of Zeus (Missed it in last update) 

Text Changes:
Updated Austrian UA text (Missed it when Austria UA was changed) 

Belief Changes (mostly nerfing AW and GotS due to how reliable they were):
Ancestor Worship: +1 Faith from Council. +1 Culture if you have at least one Specialist in the City.
God of Commerce: Bugfix where Trade Routes were also getting the bonus and that bonus is now removed.
God of the Sun: +1 Faith from Granaries. +1 Science in Cities with at least 3 Citizens.

New Beliefs added (provide more diverse beliefs due to many components axed from existing beliefs):
God of Abundance: +2 Faith in Cities per active Trade Route to or from the City. +2 Gold from Merchant Specialists.
God of Construction: +1 Faith from Monuments. +2 Gold when a Building is constructed, scaling with Era.
God of Earth: +1 Faith for every 4 Citizens in a City. Natural Wonders gain +2 Faith.
God of Oases: +1 Food and Gold from Oases. +2 Faith and Gold from Markets.
God of Storms: +1 Faith in Coastal Cities. +1 Production from Marshes and Atolls.
Goddess of Creativity: +2 Great Artist Points in the Capital/Holy City. +2 Faith from Artist Specialists.

Great Works Culture increased from 1 to 2 and gains 1 Tourism.
Lower Difficulties get slightly higher base military supply.
Safe to playtest alongside latest vp? tnx

It should be. I checked the changelog of VP v3.6 and there shouldn't be anything that can break this modmod. Thanks!
In the pantheon selection screen, the last entry is bugged.
The Scriveners Office is shown under specialist buildings, but it doesnt have a slot.
Early research is too slow.
Aqueduct seems really bad. Towns and fish too.
I feel like babarian looting is not adjusted, got 36 food stolen very early.
Some events are unbalanced as they give flat yields on buildings. For example my universities have 4 spt.
In the pantheon selection screen, the last entry is bugged.
The Scriveners Office is shown under specialist buildings, but it doesnt have a slot.
Early research is too slow.
Aqueduct seems really bad. Towns and fish too.
I feel like babarian looting is not adjusted, got 36 food stolen very early.
Some events are unbalanced as they give flat yields on buildings. For example my universities have 4 spt.
Both the pantheon and Scrivener's Office bugs will be fixed for the next update.

What gamespeed are you playing as? I play on Standard and it feels reasonable to me. Maybe you can shed light on how long you think early techs should take. Please note that I also increase the tech and policy penalty per city so expanding quickly will slow things down more than VP.

I will look at Aqueduct, Towns and Fish. Thanks for bringing it up!

I'll look into Barbarian looting. I honestly don't know if I can even adjust those values or not.

The modmod is definitely balanced around no events. Maybe in the future after the modmod is in a more complete state do I even consider events.

Also the influence cs rewards are far too low.
In my first ruin i got 145 gold. In the second 45.
The game seems relatively easy on immortal.

Regarding rewards, I purposely made influence rewards much lower. I felt that there was too much rng regarding what missions one can get and how quickly one can ally a CS. Now, allying a CS must be more deliberate and require actively sending diplomatic units and other things.

I play without ruins. Not sure I can ever balance ruins given their random state.

Can you provide a bit more info on your Immortal game like what civ you played? More details can help me figure out how to make the game tougher on higher difficulties. Thanks!

Also the time between turns seems higher than normal.

Time as in the time to process through the turns of the other civs, CS and barbarians? This modmod should have low impact on that. I do recall some people mentioning this issue with VP.

Thanks for all the feedback! I'll make some changes to some of the issues you mentioned. Ruins and Events will come later.
Please note that I also increase the tech and policy penalty per city so expanding quickly will slow things down more than VP.
I play on standard too, but this might explain it a bit, but the AI doesnt do better, maybe because they have more cities. I played Austria and had a decent but not too great start and was equal on policies the whole time and science after 150 turns or so. Science was slow in ancient and classical, I couldnt build any buildings while expanding heavily. These screenshots might be interesting too. (Turn 261)
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