Age of Empires 3


Imperial Slave
Nov 27, 2005
Hattiesburg, MS
Holy crap this game's graphics like send my head spinning. Does anybody know alot about this game?
I know it doesn't differ too much from the AoE II formula aside from the emphasis on gunpowder units and artillery and the home city aspect. I've only played the demo so I can't say too much about any of the factions.
Age of Empires 2 used to be my game a couple of years ago when it came out. I'm pretty hoocked on Civ1 now.
It doesn't suck at all (the home city feature is brill) but there are a lot of better games out there!
Multi player is the best part actually. Once you get the hang of the home city feature it all becomes much better ;)
Pretty cool. Not worth the money. Age of Mythology is almost as good for less than half the price. Graphics don't sell a game to me, and while Age of Empires III has some improvements, the most I'll play it is multiplayer at a friend's house.
I lized AOEII it was the game I played for a year maybe il I heard about this game and I got all excited, but I think Empire Earth 2 was a better choice IMO.
It's a good game. But i'm afraid you're going to get bored with it pretty soon. At least that was the case with me. Still a very nice game though.
Ooooo I like it. Played for hours laready. But I can tell it will be one of those games that get you addicited for the first few weeks, until it begins to die down. That happened to me with AOE2.

The Age of Empires III multiplayer servers are turning off on October 30th, in about three days. The end of an era if you ask me. This seems to be the most recent AoE 3 thread in the forum.

AoE III was the game that competed with Civ IV for me. Bought both at the same time about a week after release in 2005, took them both home... despite the fancier graphics AoE III played much better on the computer I had at the time than Civ IV. So for the first year, until a RAM upgrade, it was the one I played the most. I spent many an evening in 2006 in particular playing AoE III online, and a few playing Civ IV Vanilla as well, just before and after the Warlords release. Signed up for the official Age of Empires III forums, posting as El Cazador, many months before joining CivFanatics. Was active there until... 2008 or so? 2009? Though 2006 was my peak AoE III year.

I tried signing into my old accounts, either I'm misremembering their name, or there's an issue connecting to ancient accounts (one from 2005 with the CD release, one from when I bought it on Steam circa 2013), as it says they aren't recognized. Too bad, I signed in circa 2015 and played a couple games, but it would have been nice to have played a few more online before the servers go offline. I'm sure I would have been demolished on my old account with its roughly 2nd Lieutenant (Level 21 to 22) status reflecting my top form, just as I was when I revisited it circa 2015, but it still would have been fun for old times' sake. Probably would have done one game with my best Portuguese city and the organ guns, and one with one of my low-tier cities. At some point they bumped the new city level to 40, I suppose so newcomers weren't so thoroughly at a disadvantage once the playerbase was mostly vetereans, so if you see a city that's lower-level than that, you know it was created ages ago.

Anyone else planning to take AoE III for a spin before it goes offline? AoE III Definitive Edition will still be available thereafter, just not the original. And I believe Direct IP will still work, too. But if you want to play the original for a few rounds against random players from the Internet, you'd best do so soon.

(Update: The servers are still working! Tried one more variant of my old username and guessed right! Time for a couple games!)
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I loved AoE3! Mates and I started playing it again at LAN parties a few years ago with the Unleashed mod which made it more fun (unlocked cards, more wall upgrades, more towers, more ships, and plenty more I forget). I don't play online multiplayer but I really enjoyed playing it over local LAN with my buddies as no one can truly die, so we've had some great games where one of our team gets killed and it seems all over but we go in and rescue his hero unit, get it out there and he uses it to build a new town center while we hold off the onslaught and eventually win the game.

One of our old games where I play badly and don't use any Calvary for some dumb reason lol.

However these days we've migrated over to the Definitive edition as it's added a number of the unleashed mod changes into the main game and makes some other nice improvements like allowing you to rebuild forts if you have the card. Although I must say my mates and I have been having even more fun playing the new Age of Mythology Retold as boy have they made multiplayer in that better now with the recharging spells and titans instead of them being once off!
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