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Agenda Tweaks 1.2

I've been inspired by the Milder Agendas & Diplomacy mod by MyopicCat to go ahead and include a similar change I'd been testing out (halving the initial values for agenda modifiers), but had been hesitating to release as I didn't get much of a chance to run through complete tests. I was concerned about it making the AI less inclined to go to war, but based on some of my recent quick games (using AI+ as well) I think the risk of it having negative effects is low.

That being said, I've taken care to separate the modifier changes from the turn requirement changes, so if you want to keep the turn requirement changes while getting rid of this mod's modifier changes, you can do so easily by deleting the "modifierChanges" file in the AgendaTweaks folder. Doing this will restore compatibility with other modifier-change mods like Milder Agendas.
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As a side note, I noticed that currently some of the leader agendas don't have modifier values that can be altered through the database. So some leaders will be easier to get along with than others as a result of the "halving the agenda modifier values" change. For now I think the change should still stand, as it does make the diplomatic aspect more interesting. The leaders with unchangeable agenda modifier values are:
  • Saladin
  • Catherine
  • Cleopatra
  • Trajan
  • Hojo
  • Harald
The "Paranoid" agenda modifiers are also unavailable in the database.
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