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AG's Tweaks Mod


Aug 24, 2018
AG's Tweaks Mod

AG's Tweaks Mod began, as the name suggested, as a simple tweak mod with a few number changes. As time went, my ambition for it grew and I integrated my past modular mods along with some of the popular modmods. As of now, I'm unsure how big the scope of this mod will be. However, the goal is to have an overhaul mod that plays quite differently from Vox Populi. The mod is very much a work in progress. It is being regularly (as much as free time allows) updated with ideally a new patch every month. Maybe, after a few years, we'll see a mod that's more polished and offers enough for people to want to play it.

Now, let's discuss briefly what this mod has to offer.

New Eras:
As of this moment, the eras available in this mod are, in chronological order:
Neolithic, Copper, Bronze, Iron (formerly Ancient), Early Classical, Classical, Late Classical, Medieval, Renaissance, Enlightenment, Industrial, Machine, Modern, Atomic, Information

The underlined eras aren't available in base VP and they all come with their own technologies. Iron Era, previously Ancient Era, and Classical Era have gone through a big rework so they will be quite different from base VP as well. Other techs might be moved around as well.

More Eras are expected to be added to the late game. There are no further details on them.

The Enlightenment Era is found here. All credits goes to those who worked on the mod. The mod is fully integrated into my mod so one needn't worry about compatibility or even downloading the original mod.

New Buildings:
New buildings are added to all the eras. Due to time limitations, the additions are largely focused on the eras prior to Medieval Era. As the early game become more developed, expect more buildings to be gradually added to the eras.

New Units:
New groups can be grouped into the following: shared, regional, mercenary, barbarian and slave.

Shared units:
These units are available to all civilization unless they have a replacement. The shared units are meant to fill some gaps or niches to provide more options when it comes to building up a military.

Regional units:
These units are part of the regional system. For more information, please see Regional System.

Mercenary units:
These units are purchasable by Gold only and have their own sets of promotions to pick with. They are generally limited in quantity but make up with their quality and other benefits like never needing strategic resources.

Barbarian units:
These units will greatly bolster the ranks of the barbarians making barbarians an actual threat in the early to mid game. Don't underestimate them as they will make your fights challenging with their unique group of units and promotions.

Slave units:
These units are cheap options that are weaker than your standard units. They require the Slave strategic resource.

More Wonders:
As of this moment, the mod doesn't add any new Wonders except those from More Wonders for VP. All credits go to those who work on the mod. Like the Enlightenment Era mod, the More Wonders mod is also fully integrated. However, it did go through massive reworks to accommodate the new mechanics and focus of this mod.

Regional System:
All civilizations are place into a 'region' or group. Each region has its own unique units and bonuses that differentiate them from other regions. Bonus are currently being worked on but some rough ideas include: special beliefs, new promotions, bonuses to buildings/improvements.

New Promotion System:
There are many promotions that are reused but they will function different in terms of what they can offer and, with mutual exclusivity, the pathing for promotions differ greatly from VP. Careful choices have to be made because it's much harder to grab every single promotion. The end goal is for more specialized options that provide a noticeable boosts to any units. The specialization can make it an interesting experience when it comes to deciding upon what to take on what units.

New Resources:
There are new strategic resources introduced. Slave was introduced in the Bronze Era and used/produced by units and buildings. Energy, Steel, Ammunition and Explosives are introduced in Enlightenment and Industrial Eras to change the focuses of the late mid-game in terms of economy and military.

New/Changed Mechanics:
The mechanics/changes at various degree of progress are mentioned here:

  • Most units now cost :c5citizen: Population and halts City growth. To build an army, you will have to sacrifice the growth of your Cities. These will result in much smaller Cities in the early game.
  • Expansion has been slowed greatly in the early game to avoid much of the map occupied within the first two eras. Settlers are unlocked later and requires a larger population before they can be built.
  • The religion system is being reworked with new buildings, Pantheons and other changes
  • Overall yields (from buildings, improvements, policies, etc) decreased drastically to avoid yield bloat in late game
  • Reworked policies with more policies per policy tree and weaker bonuses early on
  • Defenders get more advantages making offensive wars challenging. City recover Hit Points a lot faster while healing in enemy or neutral territory is very low making it easier for defenders to get units back into battle after being wounded.
  • City-States don't play a big role until Renaissance Era with all diplomatic related buildings and units unlocked starting in that era. Diplomatic mechanics will go through changes but those are coming in the future with no plan as of this moment.
  • Barbarians become an actual threat not to be trifled with. They will cause problems and cannot be ignored. Barbarians will access their own units that tend to be stronger in their own ways. The goal is to improve their quality and/or increase their quantity. Ignore a military at your own risk or the Barbarians might halt all your attempts to move forward.
  • Civilization UA, UU and UB all going through changes with a regional system to diversify them further
For more details, please check out the links to the version below. Each of those links takes you to a thread that includes the various changes already implemented.

Spoiler Archived Versions :

AG's Tweak for VP v0.1 [Progress Tweaks]: Link
AG's Tweak for VP v0.2 [Progress Tweaks and minor gameplay change]: Link
AG's Tweak for VP v0.3 [Ancient Era Rework 1]: Link
AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.1 [Ancient Era Rework 2]: Link
AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.2 [Classical Era Rework 1]: Link
AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.3 [Medieval Era Rework 1]: Link
AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.4 [Religion Rework 1]: Link
AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.5 [Renaissance Era Rework 1]: Link
AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.6 [Pre-Classical Era Rework 1]: Link
AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.7 [Misc Rework 1]: Link
AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.8 [Misc Rework 2]: Link
AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.9 [Misc Rework 3]: Link
AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.10 [Unit Rework 1]: Link
AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.11 [Pre-Medieval Era Rework 1]: Link {Pre-VP(2.00)}
AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.12 [Pre-Renaissance Era Rework 1]: Link

AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.13 [Pre-Renaissance Era Rework 2]: Link

Compatible Mods:
This mod is incompatible with any mods that make changes to the tech tree. It should, in theory, be compatible with the rest of the mods that work with VP. However, balance was never taken into account if other mods are included so use other mods at your own risk.

The following mods cannot be played with this mod due to them already being integrated (and modified to suit the mod) or could cause conflicts:

UI Improved City View (Vox Populi with EUI)
Enlightenment Era for Vox Populi
More Wonders for VP

Mods/Ideas to be Integrated:
Modified Modern Era Mod
AG's Extra Victory Conditions (Will need to be reworked prior to integration but the basic foundation is there)
Zeppelin/Scouting Line Upgrade Path (Will need a complete rework but the ideas are there)
AG's Late Game Mod (Lots of ideas to be pulled from there)
Unique City-States (Will be tackling once changes and balances reach Renaissance Era. Meant to spice things up and give more incentive to ally or even befriend CS)
World Congress Reformation (Some ideas will be borrowed but the concepts will be fleshed out for the mod)

Possible Mods/Ideas to be Integrated:
Civics and Reforms (A lot of great ideas and concepts. Unsure if going down that route or how to handle balancing)

Future Updates:
The following list will change as priorities change. Some will remain as rough ideas while others are ongoing and might be implemented in one of the upcoming patch.
  • Balance Changes (Ongoing)
  • New Improvements
  • Melee Units split up into: Polearm, Blunt and Blades
  • Overhaul of the naval combat (includes but not limited to unit changes, different focuses for unit groups and special promotions available to a few or one group)
  • Introduce a complete axeman/maceman line that will run in parallel with the swords and spears line
  • Introduce a cavalry split into light cavalry and heavy cavalry with promotions and other things differentiating them
  • Overhaul the spy system (Way in the future)
  • Second unique building for all the civilizations
  • More regional system bonuses implemented
  • More diverse barbarians in later eras
  • Two new ideologies and two new victory conditions
  • New resources introduced to add more mechanics
  • Rework the religion further to make better use of buildings while also make non-founders have a catchup mechanic later in the game
  • Integrate Energy resource fully in the late game to ensure that energy is vital and lacking it will halt progress moving forward
  • Fully implement the slave and mercenary mechanics so it exists through the eras and not limited to only the early game
  • Make some government system (details still to be determined)
  • Make map tweaks that will change the distribution of resources
  • Make buildings like Train Station and Seaport more important by making them prerequisite of important economical and military buildings

Known Bugs:
Policy Tree UI bugged but it works. (Fix is a low priority)
New Yield UI isn't showing all the information but it works. (Fix is a low priority)
UI involving new yields still need work (health showing as food on terrain, details for other yields dependent on the new yields not showing) [New yields work as intended. UI is lower on the priority as it's a time-consuming task]

Help Wanted:
Given the scope of the mod, I would appreciate any help that can be given. Help can include the following but not limited to:
  • Playtest: Providing feedback and report bugs can aid the development and balance of the mod.
  • Modding: People with experience with XML, SQL, Lua and/or even C++ can speed up the development of the mod
  • Artist: People with artistic skills and are willing to help make icons (promotions, buildings, etc)
  • Civilopedia Editor: People who want to update Civilopedia entries, make changes to names and update text to reflect the actual game
Feel free to DM me with any questions/comments regarding the mod development.
Last edited:
Spoiler AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.14 [Pre-Industrial Era Rework 1] :

Spoiler Building/Wonder XP Changes :

Most buildings only provide 2 XP to new units if it's Land or Naval Units.
Buildings that provide 3-5 XP will be very specific (Mounted only, Archer only, etc...)
Really limit XP to all Land or Naval Units (make it a premium so experienced units really do shine)
For Elephants, improved Ivory will unlock a few buildings that will provide more combat benefits for Elephants through promotions and more experience.
These buildings will all be maintenance free if they don't provide yields. Otherwise, they share similar maintenance as buildings of the same era.

Ancient Docks:
Water Units: +2 XP

Land Units: +2 XP
Water Units: +2 XP
Air Units: +2 XP


Cavalry Barracks:
Mounted Units: +5 XP

Drill School:

Early Boatyard:
Water Units: +2 XP

Early Sports Arena:
Land Units: +2 XP

Early Stable:
Mounted Units: +5 XP

Early Weaponsmith:
Melee Units: +5 XP

Engineer School:

Iron Smelters:
Melee Units: +5 XP

Ordnance Board:

Round Pen:
Mounted Units: +5 XP

Statue of Zeus:
Land Units: +5 XP
Water Units: +5 XP
Air Units: +5 XP

Land Units: +2 XP

Spoiler New Resource and their respective buildings :

Unlocked at Machinery.
Only available through buildings.
Used by units that are "gunpowder" units and needed to make Explosives

Field Gun:
Niter: -1
Iron: -1

Light Infantry:
Niter: -1


Cannon Foundry:
Unlocked at Gunpowder
Maintenance: -2 :c5gold:
Iron: -1
Niter: +2
Siege Units: +10% :c5production:
Siege Units: +5 XP
+1 :c5production: Production

Unlocked at Flintlock
Maintenance: -2 :c5gold:
Iron: -1
Niter: +3
Blunt Units: +15% :c5production:
Blunt Units: +5 XP
+1 :c5gold: Gold
Loses Supply Cap increase

Musket Manufactory:
Unlocked at Chemistry
Maintenance: -2 :c5gold:
Iron: -1
Niter: +2
Archer Units: +10% :c5production:
Archer Units: +5 XP
+1 :c5production: Production

Ordnance Factory:
Unlocked at Manufacturing
Maintenance: -2 :c5gold:
Iron: -1
Niter: +2
Blunt Units: +10% :c5production:
Polearm Units: +10% :c5production:
Blunt Units: +5 XP
Polearm Units: +5 XP
+1 :c5production: Production

Small Arms Factory:
Unlocked at Flintlock
Maintenance: -2 :c5gold:
Iron: -1
Niter: +3
Archer Units: +10% :c5production:
Archer Units: +5 XP
+1 :c5gold: Gold

Spoiler New/Changed Units (Non-Regional) :

Iron Era:
Early Trireme:
Unlocked at Sail Making
Upgrades to Trireme
50 :c5production: Production
Timber: -1
10 :c5strength: CS
3 :c5moves: Movement
Cannot End Turn on Ocean Tile
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Strong Hull

War Elephant:
9 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

Classical Era:

Blade Combat Type
100 :c5production: Production
15 :c5strength: CS
Heavy Infantry


Unlocked at Trade
Upgrades to Galleass
75 :c5production: Production
Timber: -1
9 :c5strength: CS
11 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
3 :c5moves: Movement
Cannot End Turn on Ocean Tile
May Not Melee Attack
Can Move After Attacking
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Bombardment III

Unlocked at Trade
Upgrades to Caravel
75 :c5production: Production
Timber: -1
13 :c5strength: CS
4 :c5moves: Movement
Cannot End Turn on Ocean Tile
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Strong Hull

Medieval Era:
14 :c5strength: CS

Camel Archer:
100 :c5production: Production
10 :c5strength: CS
11 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

Unlocked at Compass
Upgrades to Carrack
120 :c5production: Production
Timber: -1
17 :c5strength: CS
4 :c5moves: Movement
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Strong Hull

Heavy Mounted Combat Type
180 :c5production: Production
22 :c5strength: CS

80 :c5production: Production
12 :c5strength: CS
13 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

Replaces Mounted Swordsman
120 :c5production: Production
18 :c5strength: CS
Cavalry I

80 :c5production: Production
10 :c5strength: CS
12 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

Elite War Elephant:
Unlocked at Machinery
Upgrades to Battle Elephant
200 :c5production: Production
22 :c5strength: CS
10 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
3 :c5moves: Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)

100 :c5production: Production
13 :c5strength: CS

Free Company:
120 :c5production: Production (Can be purchased only)
15 :c5strength: CS

Unlocked at Guilds
Upgrades to Galleon
120 :c5production: Production
Timber: -1
13 :c5strength: CS
15 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
4 :c5moves: Movement
Cannot End Turn on Ocean Tile
May Not Melee Attack
Can Move After Attacking
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Bombardment III

Heavy Skirmisher:
Mounted Archer Combat Type
100 :c5production: Production
9 :c5strength: CS
9 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

120 :c5production: Production
10 :c5strength: CS
15 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
Bonus vs Melee (25)
Loses Logistics and Cover I

160 :c5production: Production
20 :c5strength: CS
3 :c5moves: Movements

Polearm Combat Type
160 :c5production: Production
20 :c5strength: CS
Tight Formation

Blade Combat Type
100 :c5production: Production
14 :c5strength: CS
Heavy Infantry

Blunt Combat Type
100 :c5production: Production
15 :c5strength: CS
Bonus vs Melee (25)

Mandekalu Cavalry:
Replaces Mounted Swordsman
120 :c5production: Production
18 :c5strength: CS
Cavalry I

Maori Warrior:
Blade Combat Type
90 :c5production: Production
Replaces Longswordsman
Upgrades into Tercios
17 :c5strength: CS

Mounted Swordsman:
120 :c5production: Production

Naresuan's Elephant:
Elephant Combat Type
Replaces Elite War Elephant
180 :c5production: Production
24 :c5strength: CS
12 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

80 :c5production: Production
13 :c5strength: CS
Tight Formation

Blade Combat Type
100 :c5production: Production
16 :c5strength: CS
Heavy Infantry

120 :c5production: Production
10 :c5strength: CS
12 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
Loses Cover I and Siege Inaccuracy

Renaissance Era:
150 :c5production: Production
16 :c5strength: CS

Battle Elephant:
Unlocked at Metallurgy
Upgrades to Elite Battle Elephant
Elephant Combat Type
320 :c5production: Production
29 :c5strength: CS
14 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

200 :c5production: Production
Niter: -1
Iron: -1
15 :c5strength: CS
17 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
Loses Cover I and Siege Inaccuracy

Unlocked at Exploration

Cuirassier (now part of the Heavy Cavalry line):
Heavy Mounted Combat Type
Upgraded from Knight
Upgrades to Uhlan
270 :c5production: Production
Horse: -1
Iron: -1
27 :c5strength: CS
Armored Cavalry I

Early Dragoon (Takes the previous role of Cuirassier):
Mounted Archer Combat Type
Unlocked at Metallurgy
Obsolete at Fortification
Upgrades to Dragoon
180 :c5production: Production
Niter: -1
Horse: -1
15 :c5strength: CS
16 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
2 Range
3 Movement
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
May Not Melee Attack
Can Move After Attacking
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)
Skirmisher Doctrine

Unlocked at Exploration

Heavy Maceman:
Blunt Combat Type
Unlocked at Chemistry
Obsolete at Flintlock
Upgrades to Grenadier
180 :c5production: Production
Iron: -1
21 :c5strength: CS
2 Movement
Bonus vs Melee (25)

180 :c5production: Production
Niter: -1
16 :c5strength: CS
17 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
Parthian Tactics
Loses Lightning Warfare

Polearm Combat Type
140 :c5production: Production
19 :c5strength: CS
Tight Formation
Loses Bonus vs Gunpowder (25)

160 :c5production: Production
Niter: -1
17 :c5strength: CS
20 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
Ranged I
Loses Naval Target Penalty

Upgrades to Uhlan
210 :c5production: Production
22 :c5strength: CS
Cavalry I

Blade Combat Type
Replaces Two-Handed Swordsman
180 :c5production: Production
Iron: -1
23 :c5strength: CS
Heavy Infantry
Ambushing I
Loses Formation I and Lightning Warfare

150 :c5production: Production
Niter: -1
15 :c5strength: CS
19 :c5rangedstrength: RCS
Ranged I
Loses Naval Target Penalty

Elephant Combat Type
Replaces Battle Elephant

Polearm Combat Type
150 :c5production: Production
Niter: -1
18 :c5strength: CS
Tight Formation

Two-Handed Swordsman:
Blade Combat Type
180 :c5production: Production
20 :c5strength: CS
Heavy Infantry
Loses Shock I

Winged Hussar:
Heavy Mounted Combat Type
Upgraded from Knight
Upgrades to Uhlan
270 :c5production: Production
Horse: -1
Iron: -1
30 :c5strength: CS
Armored Cavalry I

Enlightenment Era:
Unlocked at Warships

Elite Battle Elephant:
Unlocked at Fortification
Elephant Combat Type
:c5production: Production
:c5strength: CS
:c5rangedstrength: RCS

Unlocked at Flintlock

Spoiler Regional Units :

African War Elephant:
130 :c5production: Production or 100 :c5faith: Faith
13 :c5strength: CS
9 :c5rangedstrength: RCS


Black Tug:













Ship of the Line:


Turtle Ship:

Spoiler Promotion Changes :

Feared Elephant:
Enemy units receive -33% :c5strength: CS when adjacent to any Unit with this promotion
Move to Elephant Promotion Category

Flag Bearers:
When revealing tiles, gain 1 :c5gold: Gold in the nearest owned City

Haka War Dance:
Enemy Units receive -50% :c5strength: CS when adjacent to any Unit with this promotion

Siege Promotions:
Anti-Elephant: +50% :c5strength: CS vs Elephant Units.
Accuracy I
Accuracy II
Accuracy III
Accuracy IV
Accuracy V
Bombardment I
Bombardment II
City Defense I
City Defense II
Coordination I (+15% :c5rangedstrength: Ranged Combat Strength if adjacent to a Friendly Unit. +5% :c5strength: CS when defending.)
Coordination II (+15% :c5rangedstrength: Ranged Combat Strength if adjacent to a Friendly Unit. +5% :c5strength: CS when defending.)
Coordination III (+15% :c5rangedstrength: Ranged Combat Strength if adjacent to a Friendly Unit. +10% :c5strength: CS when defending.)
Coordination IV (+20% :c5rangedstrength: Ranged Combat Strength if adjacent to a Friendly Unit. +15% :c5strength: CS when defending.)
Coordination V (+25% :c5rangedstrength: Ranged Combat Strength if adjacent to a Friendly Unit. +15% :c5strength: CS when defending.)
Field I
Field II
Field III
Field IV
Field V
Field VI
Field Hospital I
Field Hospital II
Incendiary I
Incendiary II
Mobility IV
Naval Defense I
Naval Defense II
Rotting I (+5% :c5rangedstrength: RCS. Ranged Attacks by this Unit inflict the Rot I status on other units, reducing their :c5strength: Combat Strength by 25% and Max HP by 10 for 2 turns.)
Rotting II (+10% :c5rangedstrength: RCS.)
Rotting III (+15% :c5rangedstrength: RCS.)
Rotting IV (+20% :c5rangedstrength: RCS. Ranged Attacks by this Unit inflict the Rot II status on other units, reducing their :c5strength: Combat Strength by 50% and Max HP by 25 for 5 turns.)
Rotting V (+25% :c5rangedstrength: RCS.)
Set Up
Siege I
Siege II
Siege III
Siege IV
Siege V
Siege VI
Siege Mobility I
Siege Mobility II
Siege Mobility III
Siege Mobility IV
Siege Mobility V
Volley I
Volley II

Mercenary Promotions:

Spoiler Naval Promotions :

Melee Naval:

All Naval Melee Units will start off with the promotion:
Strong Hull: +50 HP.

Ramming I > Ramming II > Ramming III > Ramming IV > Ramming V > Ramming VI
Ramming II > Press Gang > Supply
Ramming III > Dreadnought I > Dreadnought II > Dreadnought III

Dreadnought I: +15% :c5strength: CS. +25% CS when defending against Ranged Attacks.
Dreadnought II: +20% :c5strength: CS. Immune to Ignited Plague.
Dreadnought III: +25% :c5strength: CS. +30 Hit Points.
Press Gang: Pillaging costs no :c5moves: Movement. Heals +5 HP per turn.
Supply: May heal damage Outside of Friendly Territory. Heals +5 HP per turn.
Ramming I: +25% :c5strength: CS vs Naval Ranged units
Ramming II: +25% :c5strength: CS vs Naval Ranged units. Apply Breached I status (-25 HP and -25% :c5strength: CS for 2 turns.)
Ramming III: +25% :c5strength: CS vs Naval Ranged units.
Ramming IV: +25% :c5strength: CS vs Naval Ranged units.
Ramming V: +25% :c5strength: CS vs Naval Ranged units. Apply Breached II status (-50 HP and -100% :c5strength: CS for 4 turns.)
Ramming VI: +75% :c5strength: CS vs Naval Ranged units.

Boarding Party I > Boarding Party II > Boarding Party III > Boarding Party IV > Boarding Party V > Boarding Party VI
Boarding Party II > Piracy I > Piracy II
Boarding Party III > Navigator I > Navigator II > Breacher

Boarding Party I: +25% :c5strength: CS vs Naval Melee units.
Boarding Party II: +25% :c5strength: CS vs Naval Melee units. Apply Boarded I status (-1 Movement and -25% :c5strength: CS for 1 turn.)
Boarding Party III: +25% :c5strength: CS vs Naval Melee units.
Boarding Party IV: +25% :c5strength: CS vs Naval Melee units.
Boarding Party V: +25% :c5strength: CS vs Naval Melee units. Apply Boarded II status (-2 Movement and -50% :c5strength: CS for 2 turns.)
Boarding Party VI: +75% :c5strength: CS vs Naval Melee units.
Breacher: +10% :c5strength: CS per Adjacent Enemy Unit when defending. Deal 10 Damage to all Enemy Units Adjacent to a Unit defeated by this Unit.
Navigator I: +1 :c5moves: Movement and Sight. Immune to Breached Plagues.
Navigator II: +1 :c5moves: Movement and Sight.
Piracy I: Flanking bonus increased by 25%. 25% chance to withdraw from Melee Combat.
Piracy II: Ignores Zone of Control. Gain 100% of the :c5strength: CS of defeated Enemy Units as :c5gold: Gold.

Ranged Naval Units focus on: Skirmishing and Support

All Naval Ranged Units will start off with the promotion:
Bombardment III: +15% :c5rangedstrength: RCS.

Targeting I > Targeting II > Targeting III > Targeting IV > Targeting V > Targeting VI
Targeting II > Sentry > Mobility
Targeting III > Flaming Arrows I > Flaming Arrows II > Flaming Arrows III

Targeting I: +15% :c5rangedstrength: RCS Vs Naval Units. +10% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking Units at or below 50 HP.
Targeting II: +15% :c5rangedstrength: RCS Vs Naval Units. +10% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking Units at or below 50 HP.
Targeting III: +20% :c5rangedstrength: RCS Vs Naval Units. +15% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking Units at or below 50 HP.
Targeting IV: +20% :c5rangedstrength: RCS Vs Naval Units. +15% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking Units at or below 50 HP.
Targeting V: +25% :c5rangedstrength: RCS Vs Naval Units. +20% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking Units at or below 50 HP.
Targeting VI: +25% :c5rangedstrength: RCS Vs Naval Units. +20% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking Units at or below 50 HP.
Sentry: +25% :c5strength: when defending. +1 :c5moves: Movement.
Mobility: +1 :c5moves: Movement. +25% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking Units at or below 50 HP.
Flaming Arrows I: +15 :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking. Apply Ignited I status (-50% :c5strength: CS and -1 Movement for 1 turn)
Flaming Arrows II: +20% RCS when attacking.
Flaming Arrows III: +25 :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking. Apply Ignited II status (-100% :c5strength: CS and -1 Movement for 2 turns.)

Missile Fire I > Missile Fire II > Missile Fire III > Missile Fire IV > Missile Fire V > Missile Fire VI
Missile Fire II > Broadside > Shrapnel Rounds
Missile Fire III > Splash Damage I > Indomitable > Splash Damage II

Missile Fire I: +15% :c5rangedstrength: RCS Vs Land Units. +10% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking Units above 50 HP.
Missile Fire II: +15% :c5rangedstrength: RCS Vs Land Units. +10% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking Units above 50 HP.
Missile Fire III: +20% :c5rangedstrength: RCS Vs Land Units. +15% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking Units above 50 HP.
Missile Fire IV: +20% :c5rangedstrength: RCS Vs Land Units. +15% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking Units above 50 HP.
Missile Fire V: +25% :c5rangedstrength: RCS Vs Land Units. +20% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking Units above 50 HP.
Missile Fire VI: +25% :c5rangedstrength: RCS Vs Land Units. +20% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking Units above 50 HP.
Broadside: +25% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking Cities.
Shrapnel Rounds: +50 :c5rangedstrength: RCS Vs Land Units.
Indomitable: +25% :c5strength: CS when defending. Immune to Boarded Plagues.
Splash Damage I: Deals 5 Damage to all Enemy Units Adjacent to targeted Unit (within Range)
Splash Damage II: Deals 5 Damage to all Enemy Units Adjacent to targeted Unit (within Range)

Spoiler New Yields :

Health affects :c5food: Food

Health can be positive (healthy) and negative (unhealthy). Healthy increases city growth by ensuring more :c5food: Food is added for growth while unhealthy decreases city growth by wasting more :c5food: Food.

Health will be affected by:
  • +1 Health for Oasis
  • +1 Health in City with Fresh Water
  • Granary: +1 Health to Wheat
  • Harbor: +1 Health to Fish
  • Grocer: +1 Health to Banana
  • Modern building for cattle, deer and sheep (Might extend these extra health to some luxury resources too)
  • Jungles, Floodplains and Marshes also produce -1 Health
  • Some buildings (aqueduct, hospital, etc) will provide health as flat yields while others (factories, forge, etc) will reduce health
  • -2 Health per pop
  • Policies can either provide Health to the Capital or a building in all Cities
Each positive health provides +1 :c5food: Food to the City when growing while each negative health consume an extra 2 :c5food: Food.
Loyalty affects a city's willingness to stay with the empire. It can be broken down into the following thresholds and effects:

Loyal: 60%-100% (Cities heal more per turn with scaling to how much loyalty you have above 60)
Neutral: 40%-60%
Disloyal: 10%-40% (City spawns rebel units in tiles adjacent to city. City will take steady HP damage.)
Separatist: 0-10% (City spawns rebel units in tiles adjacent to city. City has a 5% chance to fall into Barbarian hands.)

Sources of Loyalty:
Capital Cities: +40% Loyalty
Founded Cities: +60% Loyalty
Occupied Cities: 0% Loyalty
Occupied Cities with Courthouse: +40% Loyalty
Puppet City: +70% Loyalty
Occupied/Puppet Cities: -1%/-0.5% Loyalty per Population
City with Garrison: +10% Loyalty
-0.5% Loyalty per Crime/Heresy/Corruption
Crime and Corruption:
+3 Crime and Corruption per Pop in a Puppet as opposed to +1 Crime and Corruption per Pop in Owned and Occupied Cities.

Resource Changes:
Bananas: +1 Health
Citrus Monopoly: +2 Health on Tile
Salt Monopoly: +2 Health on Tile

Granary: +1 Health to Wheat

Building Yield Changes:
Aqueduct: +1 Health
Forge: -1 Health
Garden: +1 Health
Herbalist: +1 Health
Water Mill: +1 Health
Well: +1 Health

Castle: -1 Crime
Workshop: -1 Health

Constabulary: -2 Crime
Grocer: +1 Health

Wind Mill: +1 Health

Factory: -2 Health
Hospital: +4 Health
Medical Lab: +3 Health
Refinery: -3 Health
Train Station: -2 Health

Spoiler Timber Changes :

New Buildings:
Early Woodcutter's Hut:
No Maintenance
Cost: 200 :c5production: Production
Unlocked at City Governance.
+1 :c5gold: Gold
Timber: +1
Can only be built in a City within 1 tile of a Forest.

Woodcutter's Hut:
No Maintenance
Cost: 200 :c5production: Production
Unlocked at City Governance.
+2 :c5gold: Gold
Timber: +1
Can only be built in a City within 1 tile of a Forest.

Spoiler UI Changes :

Strategic Resource display on the top panel changed (using what was implemented in VP)

Spoiler Yield Changes :

Crime is reduced by Defense provided by buildings where every 1 CS reduces the Crime by 0.1
Crime now reduces :c5culture: Culture by a percentage and increases :c5science: Science by the same amount

Spoiler Civ UA Changes :

25% discount when purchasing tiles. Can purchase tiles already owned by other Civilizations, though at a much higher :c5gold: Gold cost than normal.
Loses: Tile purchases grant :c5production: Production, scaling with Era. All Land Military Units have +1 Sight.

When you complete a Historic Event, your :c5capital: Capital gains 25% towards the progress of a random :c5greatperson: Great Person.
Loses: Gain +1 :c5science: Science and :c5culture: Culture in Capital when you complete a Historic Event.

Kills give you +2% towards your Great Writer :c5greatperson: Progress.
All Great Works produce +1 :c5science: Science.
Loses: When you conquer a City, gain either a Technology already known by the owner and not you or, if impossible, a large :c5science: Science boost.

Can use :c5gold: Gold to arrange Marriages with Allied City-States. While at peace with the City-State, Marriages eliminate :c5influence: Influence decay, grant an additional World Congress Delegate, and provide a +15% :c5greatperson: Great Person Rate boost in the :c5capital: Capital.
Loses: +50% Rewards from City-State Quests

Receive :c5gold: Gold and :c5food: Food for each Unit you kill. When you complete a favorable Peace Treaty, a :c5goldenage: Golden Age begins.

Receive a free Great Scientist when you discover Writing. Great Scientists are earned 50% faster than normal.
Loses: :c5gold: Gold investments in Buildings reduce their :c5production: Production cost by an additional 15%.

When a :c5goldenage: Golden Age begins, 40% of your Civilizations :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points are converted into :c5gold: Gold and :tourism: Tourism, and your Cities gain ten turns of Carnival. +25% :c5culture: Culture and -50% :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from needs in your Cities during Carnival.

Is always eligible to found a Religion, and receives an additional Belief when founding a Religion. Is also allowed to choose Beliefs already present in other Religions.
Loses: -15% :c5faith: Faith purchase costs, and may purchase unlocked :c5greatperson: Great People with :c5faith: Faith as early as the Classical Era.

+15 :c5gold: Gold when founding Cities, scaling with Era. Ancient Docks, Lighthouse, Harbor, Seaport receive +2 :c5gold: Gold.
Loses: The :trade: Trade Route Resource Diversity modifier is either doubled if the value is positive or halved if negative

Has a unique set of Pantheon Beliefs that no one else can benefit from.
Loses: Owned Cities with your Religion generate nor receive foreign Religious Pressure. +3 :c5faith: Faith in all the Cities you own where your Religion is the majority.

UA Rework in the plans...

Embarked Units have +1 :c5moves: Movement points and pay just 1 :c5moves: Movement point to Disembark. All Melee Land Units gain the Viking promotion (Has no :c5moves: Movement point cost to Pillage tiles. +25% :c5strength: Combat Strength when on Pillaged Tiles.) , and all Melee Naval Units gain the Longboat promotion (Has no :c5moves: Movement point cost to Pillage tiles. +25% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking or defending on Coastal Tiles.).

+25% :c5production: Production towards constructing Wonders, increasing to +50% during :c5goldenage: Golden Ages. Artifacts provide +2 :c5science: Science and :c5culture: Culture.

All Naval and Embarked Units have +1 :c5moves: Movement. Naval Unit :c5gold: Gold maintenance is reduced by 25%. Palace produces +4 Intel.

When you complete a Policy Branch, adopt a Belief, or choose your first Ideology, receive a free Technology.

+20% Damage for each subsequent attack against a single target during a turn. Great Works provide +2 :c5production: Production.
Loses: When you conquer a City, gain Great Artist, Writer, and Musician Points Points in your :c5capital: Capital and a temporary boost to :c5culture: Culture and :c5production: Production in all Cities.

+1 :c5production: Production and :c5faith: Faith from Defensive Buildings (Early Walls, Walls, Castle, Bastion, Arsenal and Military Base.

City-State :c5influence: Influence degrades at half and recovers at twice the normal rate. All City-State Territory treats your Units as friendly Units, allowing them to gain the Friendly Territory healing bonus within the borders of any City-State even if the one in question is at war with you.
Loses: Each City-State alliance boosts the :c5strength: CS of owned and Allied Units by +5% (up to +25% total).

Friendly and enemy :c5unhappy: War Weariness is modified by 50%. Your Cities claim adjacent unowned Land Tiles when they earn a tile of the same type. All Cities gain +10 Loyalty.
Loses: Your Mounted Melee and Armor Units can capture defeated enemy Units.

Units may cross and ignore terrain costs when on Mountains. Cities, Roads and Railroads may be built on Mountains. Mountains produce :c5food: Food, scaling with Era.
Loses: Units ignore terrain costs when on Hills. :c5science: Science from Mountains.

Great Prophets require 50% less :c5faith: Faith. Converts 50% of citizens in every City to the new majority religion when you found.
Loses: Starts the game with a Pantheon. Each Follower of your Primary Religion in a City increases Religious Pressure and :c5food: Growth. Cannot build Missionaries.

When you found or conquer a City, one of three unique Luxury Resources will appear next to or under the City. The three possible Luxury Resources that can appear are Clove, Pepper, and Nutmeg.
Loses: +5% to Yield and :c5goldenage: Golden Age duration modifiers from Global Monopolies; +2 to Yields and :c5happy: Happiness from Global Monopoly.

Forest and Jungle tiles establish :c5trade: City Connections. Land Melee Units start with the Woodsman IV promotion (+33% :c5strength: CS in Forests and Jungles), and all of your Units gain +33% :c5strength: CS if within 3 tiles of a Natural Wonder.
Loses: Units ignore terrain costs in Forests and Jungles.

When a Great Admiral or Great General is born, receive Great Artist, Writer, and Musician Points in your :c5capital: Capital. Blade Units start with Great General I Promotion.
Loses: +1 :c5culture: Culture and :c5faith: Faith from Defense and Military Training Buildings.

+1 :c5science: Science from Scientist, Engineer and Merchant Specialists, increasing by +1 in Bronze, Early Classical, Late Classical, Renaissance, Industrial, and Atomic Eras.
Loses: +30% :c5greatperson: Great Person Rate during :c5goldenage: Golden Ages. Gain 50 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points when a :c5greatperson: Great Person is born, scaling with Era.

After researching Mathematics, receive a bonus :c5greatperson: Great Person at the end of every Maya Long Count calendar cycle (every 394 years). Each bonus :c5greatperson: Great Person can only be chosen once.

Mounted Archer Units gain Mongol Terror Promotion (+1 :c5moves: Movement. +25% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking.).
Loses: Mounted Ranged Units (including Helicopter Gunships, Light Tanks, and other similar Units) gain +2 :c5moves: Movement and ignore enemy Zones of Control. +50% Tribute Yields from City-State bullying.

+1 to all Yields in :c5capital: Capital per unique :trade: Trade Route partner, scaling with Era.
Trade Route Yields to or from Moroccan Cities are not affected by distance. Can plunder Trade Units connected to unowned Cities without needing to declare war.

+2 :c5gold: Gold for each different Luxury Resource you export to other Civilizations, scaling with Era. +1 :c5culture: Culture for each different Luxury Resource you import from other Civilizations and City-States, scaling with Era. Can import duplicate Resources, and Major Civilization imports count towards Monopolies.

Completing a :trade: Trade Route grants +40 :c5science: Science and :c5food: Food to the origin City if International, or :c5culture: Culture and :c5gold: Gold if Internal. Bonuses scale with Era.

:c5goldenage: Golden Ages last 50% longer, and 20% of your :c5gold: Gold income converts into :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points every turn.
Loses: During a :c5goldenage: Golden Age, your Units receive +1 :c5moves: Movement and a +15% :c5strength: CS bonus.

+1 :c5production: Production and :c5gold: Gold to Mines. Gain 2 additional Free Tenets when you adopt an Ideology for the first time.
Loses: Gain a free Social Policy in the Classical Era, and every other Era after.

+1 Sight when Embarked, can always Embark and move over Oceans. +1 :c5food: Food from Fishing Boats and Atolls, and melee Naval Units can construct Fishing Boats.
Loses: No :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from Isolation.

When a Trade Route Unit moves, receive +1 :c5gold: Gold and Great Admiral Points (for Cargo Ships) or Great General Points (for Caravans), scaling with Era.
Loses: :c5science: Science from Trade Route Units.

+15% :c5production: Production towards Buildings present in :c5production: Capital. +3 :c5production: Production to Palace.
Loses: When you conquer a City, the City retains all its Buildings and you immediately acquire additional territory around the City.

Iron, Coat and Aluminum provide double their normal quantity. Receive +5 :c5science: Science when your borders expand naturally, scaling with Era.
Loses: All Strategic Resources provide double their normal quantity. Border growth rate is 25% faster.

Land Units receive a combat bonus when fighting with their own territory. Horse provide double its normal quantity.
Loses: Founded Cities start with additional territory.

+50% Rewards from City-State Quests. +50% Yields from Friendly and Allied City-States. +50% to :c5strength: CS of Allied City State Capitals.
Loses: +10 Experience to Units gifted by City-States.

Triple :c5gold: Gold from pillaging Encampments and Cities. Land Units gain the Amphibious Promotion, and move along Rivers as if they were Roads. Rivers create City Connections.
Loses: Land Units gain the War Canoe Promotion.

+2 :c5faith: Faith and :c5gold: Gold to the Totems. May build Missions in all Cities.
Spoiler Mission :

Unlocked at Chivalry
100 :c5production: Production (May be Faith Purchased)
-1 Crime
+3 :c5strength: CS and +50 HP
25% of :c5faith: Faith Purchases in City converted to :c5food: Food and :c5production: Production.

Loses: Inquisitors unlock earlier, do not cost :c5gold: Gold Maintenance. Gain an Inquisitor whenever a City is conquered. May Purchase Naval Units with :c5faith: Faith.

Land Melee Units have +20% :c5strength: CS when attacking, and Siege Units have +1 :c5moves: Movement. Great General combat bonus increased by 15%.
Loses: Units are healed and earn +15 XP when a Great General is born.

50% Maintenance for Melee and Gun Units. All Units require 25% less Experience for Promotions.
Loses: Your military ignores Alliance and Protect penalties and is 50% more effective at intimidating City-States.

Cannot create Settlers or Annex Cities. Trade Route cap doubled, target restrictions removed. Puppets have -30% Yield penalties, can use :c5gold: Gold and gain :c5happy: Happiness like Cities.
Loses: Free Merchant of Venice at Trade.

Spoiler Misc Changes :

Garrisoned Cities will have much lower RCS overall.
Barbarians heal faster and Encampments provide higher defenses
Removed Lock Growth option (too cheesy!)
Remove Missionaries altogether.
Ancient Dock is a prerequisite for Lighthouse.
Early Walls is a prerequisite for Walls.

Walls is a prerequisite for Reinforced Walls.
Early Weaponsmith is unlocked through Iron Smelter and prerequisite of Weaponsmith

Last edited:
Spoiler AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.12 [Pre-Renaissance Era Rework 1] :

Spoiler OW Dune Mod Design :

  • How much of an impact should war have on the mod? Should there be carpets of doom or should there be fewer but stronger units that will circle one another as they duel each other in many engagements?
  • How big of an impact should the tribes have on the mod? Should they be difficult to eliminate or should they be merely a speed bump to those wishing to expand? Should there be big enough bonuses where allying tribes is enticing enough to not eliminate them?
  • Should the council members be available to all Factions? Or should only a handful be available to each faction which not only differentiates them but also contribute to their more unique playstyle?
  • What role should fuel have? Should they only be limited to Siege Units and Vehicle Units? Or should they cover other buildings that rely on Urban tiles to emphasis their importance?
  • Are we going to limit Vehicle Units only to the Ornithoptors and Harvesters? In the original Dune, there aren't that many vehicles due to the presence of Sandworm. Meanwhile, the rest will be seen as Siege due to their artillery nature.
  • How long should the games take? More than 200 but should it be doubled? Tripled? Quadrupled? The length determines how long it takes to finish projects and how fast paced wars should be.
  • How valuable should techs be? Should they be unlocked at a steady state? Should they take longer and be more valuable? Should they vary depending on how valuable they are?


Spoiler Melee/Gun Unit Changes :

Early Macemen:
Upgrades to Maceman.

Free Company:
Available to all civilization (no longer limited to Authority only)
Limit: 3 (Costs no supply)
100 :c5production:
16 :c5strength: CS
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Tight Formation
City Plunder
No Movement Cost to Pillage
Can move after purchase

Upgrades to Maceman.

100 :c5production:
15 :c5strength: CS
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Heavy Infantry

Unlocked at Physics.
Iron: -1
100 :c5production:
15 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Bonus vs Melee (25)

80 :c5production:
14 :c5strength: CS
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Tight Formation

Spoiler Mounted Changes :

Upgrades to Light Cavalry

Horse: -1
Iron: -1
120 :c5production:
19 :c5strength: CS

Light Cavalry:
Unlocked at Horse Breeding
Upgrades to Mounted Swordsman
Horse: -1
65 :c5production:
12 :c5strength: CS
4 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)
Cavalry I

Medium Cavalry:
Unlocked at Horse Breeding
Upgrades to Knights
Horse: -1
85 :c5production:
14 :c5strength: CS
3 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)
Cavalry I

Mounted Swords:
Unlocked at Chivalry
Horse: -1
100 :c5production:
16 :c5strength: CS
4 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)
Cavalry I

Spoiler Archer Changes :

Unlocked at Combat System

80 :c5production:
12 :c5strength: CS / 14 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (2 Range)

Heavy Skirmisher:
100 :c5production:
11 :c5strength: CS / 11 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (2 Range)

Spoiler Siege Changes :

100 :c5production:
9 :c5strength: CS / 12 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (2 Range)

Spoiler Barbarian Units :

Ballista (Siege Unit):
Unlocked at Early Siege
Replaces Catapult
Barbarian Only
50 :c5production:
8 :c5strength: CS / 13 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (2 Range)
2 :c5moves: Move
May Not Melee Attack
Bonus vs Cities (100)
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Limited Visibility
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Cover II
Sniper I

Battering Ram (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Early Siege
Barbarian Only
50 :c5production:
13 :c5strength: CS
3 :c5moves: Move
No defensive terrain bonuses
Bonus vs Cities (150)
Moves at half-speed in enemy territory
Limited Visibility
Ram (+50% :c5strength: CS when defending against all Ranged Attacks. Damage from Cities reduced by 90%.)

Blowgunner (Archer Unit):
Unlocked at Organized Warfare
Replaces Archer
Barbarian Only
35 :c5production:
5 :c5strength: CS / 6 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (1 Range)
3 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Can Move After Attacking
Ranged I
Blowdart (Ranged Attacks by this Unit inflict the Poisoned IV status on other units, reducing their max HP by 10 and their :c5moves: Movement by 1 for 6 turns.)

Unlocked at The Wheel.
Replaces Warrior
Barbarian Only
2 :c5moves: Movement
5 :c5strength: CS
No Maintenance
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Bonus vs Melee (25)

Bubing (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Organized Warfare
Replaces Early Swordsman
Barbarian Only
45 :c5production:
10 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Heavy Infantry
Jian (+33% :c5strength: CS when attacking)

Unlocked at Copper Weapons
Replaces Early Axeman
Barbarian Only
2 :c5moves: Movement
4 :c5strength: CS
5 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (1 Range)
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Ranged I

Heavy Horse (Mounted Unit):
Unlocked at Horse Breeding
Replaces Medium Cavalry
Barbarian Only
65 :c5production:
17 :c5strength: CS
3 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)
Armored Cavalry I (+33% :c5strength: CS when attacking. +25 Hit Points)

Khopesh (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Iron Weapons
Upgrades to Pikeman
Replaces Spearman
Barbarian Only
50 :c5production:
11 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Tight Formation
Disarm (Melee Attacks by this Unit inflict the Disarmed status on other units, reducing their :c5strength: CS when defending by 33% for 3 turns.)

Koa (Recon Unit):
Unlocked at Sailing
Upgrades to Explorer
Replaces Scout
Barbarian Only
45 :c5production:
11 :c5strength: CS
3 :c5moves: Move
Ignores Terrain Cost
Treasure Hunter
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Scout I
Leiomano (Inflict Bleeding I status on enemies during melee combat, reducing their :c5strength: Combat Strength by 25% and HP by 10 for 2 turns.)

Sacred Band (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Military Theory
Upgrades to Maceman
Replaces Early Maceman
50 :c5production:
13 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Tight Formation
Heavy Infantry

Scutarii Cavalry (Mounted Unit):
Unlocked at Military Theory
Upgrades to Light Cavalry
Replaces Horseman
50 :c5production:
14 :c5strength: CS
4 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)
Cavalry I
Frenzied Charge (+33% :c5strength: CS vs Wounded Units)

Barbarian Archer, Spearman, Horseman and Swordsman current unused.
Spoiler Unused Barbarian Units :

Barbarian Archer:
Unlocked at Bronze Working
Barbarian Only
6 :c5strength: CS / 10 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (2 Range)
2 :c5moves: Move
May Not Melee Attack
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Ranged I

Barbarian Horseman:
Unlocked at Horseback Riding
Replaces Light Horse
Barbarian Only
12 :c5strength: CS
3 :c5moves: Move
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Cavalry I

Barbarian Spearman:
Unlocked at Bronze Working
Replaces Early Spearman
Barbarian Only
11 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Tight Formation

Barbarian Swordsman:
Unlocked at Horseback Riding
Replaces Axeman
Barbarian Only
11 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Bonus vs Melee (25)

Spoiler Mercenary Rework :

Mercenary Spearman:
Unlocked at Mercenaries
Limit: 5 (Costs no supply)
40 :c5production: Production (Gold Purchase Only)
2 :c5moves: Movement
9 :c5strength: CS
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Tight Formation

Mercenary Archer:
Unlocked at Hunting
Limit: 3 (Costs no supply)
35 :c5production: Production (Gold Purchase Only)
2 :c5moves: Movement
5 :c5strength: CS / 8 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (2 Range)
May Not Melee Attack
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Ranged I

Mercenary Axeman:
Unlocked at Mercenaries
Limit: 2 (Costs no supply)
40 :c5production: Production (Gold Purchase Only)
2 :c5moves: Movement
8 :c5strength: CS
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Bonus vs Melee (25)

Mercenary Elephant:
Unlocked at Military Theory
Limit: 1 (Costs no supply)
60 :c5production: Production (Gold Purchase Only)
3 :c5moves: Movement
14 :c5strength: CS
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
War Elephant

Mercenary Horseman:
Unlocked at Military Theory
Limit: 2 (Costs no supply)
50 :c5production: Production (Gold Purchase Only)
5 :c5moves: Movement
13 :c5strength: CS
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Cavalry I

Mercenary Swordsman:
Unlocked at Republic
Limit: 3 (Costs no supply)
65 :c5production: Production (Gold Purchase Only)
2 :c5moves: Movement
13 :c5strength: CS
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Heavy Infantry

Mercenary Composite Bowman:
Unlocked at Republic
Limit: 5 (Costs no supply)
65 :c5production: Production (Gold Purchase Only)
2 :c5moves: Movement
8 :c5strength: CS / 12 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (2 Range)
May Not Melee Attack
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Ranged I

Spoiler Slave Units and Promotions :

Slave Melee Units have multiple upgrade paths to choose from.

Slave Slinger:
Unlocked at Hunting
Upgrades into Composite Bowman
Slave: -1
No Maintenance and No Supply
5 :c5production: Production
3 :c5moves: Movement
3 :c5strength: CS / 4 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (2 Range)
May Not Melee Attack
Can Pillage Improved Tiles

Slave Spearman:
Unlocked at Hill Forts
Upgrades into Maceman, Longswordsman or Pikeman.
Slave: -1
No Maintenance and No Supply
10 :c5production: Production
3 :c5moves: Movement
5 :c5strength: CS
Can Pillage Improved Tiles

Slave Worker:
Unlocked at Organized Warfare
Limit: 1
100% faster work rate than a Worker.
Can do the following:
  • Construct a Road
  • Construct a Railroad
  • Construct a Farm
  • Construct a Mine
  • Remove Jungle
  • Clear a Marsh
  • Chop Down a Forest
  • Scrub Fallout
  • Repair an Improvement
  • Remove a Road
No Maintenance
10 :c5production: Production
3 :c5moves: Movement
Aren't improved by Wonders, Policies and Buildings.

Spoiler Units by Region and Era :

Classical Eras:
Medicine Man (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Early Medicine
Upgrades to Maceman
60 :c5production:
9 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Bonus vs Melee (25)
Spiritual Leader (Units in this tile and in adjacent tiles Heal 5 Additional HP per turn. Adjacent enemy units receive -15% :c5strength: CS)

Qamutiik (Archer Unit):
Unlocked at Mathematics
Upgrades to Heavy Skirmisher
No Horses Needed
60 :c5production:
7 :c5strength: CS / 8 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (2 Range)
3 :c5moves: Move
May Not Melee Attack
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)
Can Move After Attacking
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Skirmisher Doctrine
Skirmisher Doctrine II

Plumed Archer (Archer Unit):
Unlocked at Early Battle Formation
Upgrades to Crossbowman
45 :c5production:
9 :c5strength: CS / 11 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (2 Range)
2 :c5moves: Move
May Not Melee Attack
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Ranged I
Armored Archer (+25 HP. +15% :c5strength: CS when defending.)

Kamayuk (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Republic
Upgrades to Pikeman
60 :c5production:
11 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Tight Formation
Guard I (+25% :c5strength: CS when adjacent to Cities)

Iry-pdt (Archer Unit):
Unlocked at Early Siege
Upgrades to Crossbowman
No Maintenance
30 :c5production:
7 :c5strength: CS / 8 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (2 Range)
2 :c5moves: Move
May Not Melee Attack
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Ranged I

Galatian Guard (Mercenary Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Early Battle Formation
Upgrades to Longswordsman
Limit: 5 (Costs no supply)
No Iron Needed.
Replaces Swordsman
65 :c5production: (Gold Purchase Only)
13 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Heavy Infantry
Shieldwall (+25% :c5strength: CS when defending. +25% :c5strength: CS when defending against all Ranged Attacks.)

Tarkan (Mounted Unit):
Unlocked at Horse Breeding
Upgrades to Mounted Swordsman
Horse: -1
60 :c5production:
14 :c5strength: CS
4 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)
Cavalry I
Raider A (+18% :c5strength: CS when attacking Cities. Steal :c5gold: Gold equal to 100% of the damage inflicted on a City, capping at City's :c5strength: CS x 10.)

Kipchak (Archery Unit):
Unlocked at City Governance
Upgrades to Heavy Skirmisher
Horse: -1
60 :c5production:
7 :c5strength: CS / 7 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (2 Range)
3 :c5moves: Move
May Not Melee Attack
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)
Can Move After Attacking
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Skirmisher Doctrine
Harasser (+15% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking. Ranged Attacks by this Unit inflict the Harassed I status on other units, reducing their :c5moves: Movement by 1 for 1 turns.)

Karambit Warrior (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Combat Sports
Upgrades to Maceman
30 :c5production:
8 :c5strength: CS
3 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Bonus vs Melee (25)
Swarming (Flanking bonus increased by 25%)

Jibing (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Horse Breeding
Upgrades to Pikeman
65 :c5production:
11 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Tight Formation
Dismount (+33% :c5strength: CS vs Mounted Units)

Huskarl (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Early Battle Formation
Upgrades to Maceman
65 :c5production:
12 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Heavy Infantry
Mail Armor (+33% :c5strength: CS when defending against all Ranged Attacks.)

Sword Master (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Early Battle Formation
Replaces the Swordsman
Upgrades to Longswordsman
Iron: -1
65 :c5production:
13 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Heavy Infantry
Bonus vs Melee (25)
Headhunt (+15% :c5strength: CS)

Companion Cavalry (Mounted Unit):
Unlocked at Horse Breeding
Upgrades to Mounted Swordsman
Horse: -1
60 :c5production:
14 :c5strength: CS
4 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)
Cavalry I
Xyston (+33% :c5strength: CS when attacking a unit with full health)

Praetorian (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Mathematics
Upgrades to Longswordsman
65 :c5production:
13 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Heavy Infantry
Testudo (Reduce all sources of damage by 5.)

Oathsworn (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Monarchy
Upgrades to Longswordsman
65 :c5production:
14 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Heavy Infantry
Hide (+33% :c5strength: CS in Rough Terrain)

Tribesman (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Masonry
Upgrades to Pikeman
50 :c5production:
11 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Tight Formation

Woad Raider (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Early Writing
Upgrades to Maceman
60 :c5production:
11 :c5strength: CS
3 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Bonus vs Melee (25)
Raider B (No Movement Cost when pillaging. +15% :c5strength: CS on Pillaged tiles.)

Veteran Shield Warriors (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Combat Sports
Upgrades to Pikeman
60 :c5production:
11 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Tight Formation
Experienced (+15% :c5strength: CS. Earns experience towards promotions 100% faster)

African War Elephant (Mounted Unit):
Unlocked at Mathematics
No Ivory needed.
70 :c5production: Production
3 :c5moves: Movement
16 :c5strength: CS
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
War Elephant I

Balearic Slinger (Mercenary Ranged Unit):
Unlocked at Canal System
Upgrades to Crossbowman
Limit: 10 (Costs no supply)
45 :c5production: (Gold Purchase Only)
8 :c5strength: CS / 11 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (2 Range)
2 :c5moves: Move
May Not Melee Attack
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Ranged I

Spoiler Terrain and Feature Yield Changes :

Cerro de Potosi: 1 :c5production: Production, (1 :c5gold: Gold / era)
El Dorado: 1 :c5gold: Gold, (1 :c5gold: Gold / era)
Fountain of Youth: 1 :c5food: Food, (1 :c5food: Food / era), Everlasting Youth
King Solomon's Mines: 1 :c5production: Production, (1 :c5faith: Faith / era)
Krakatoa: 1 :c5culture: Culture, (1 :c5production: Production / era)
Lake Victoria: 1 :c5science: Science, (1 :c5food: Food / era)
Mt. Fuji: 1 :c5culture: Culture, (1 :c5faith: Faith / era)
Mt. Kailash: 1 :c5faith: Faith, (1 :c5faith: Faith / era)
Mt. Kilimanjaro: 1 :c5culture: Culture, (1 :c5production: Production / era), Attitude Training
Mt. Sinai: 1 :c5food: Food. (1 :c5faith: Faith / era)
Old Faithful: 1 :c5science: Science, (1 :c5gold: Gold / era)
Rock of Gibraltar: 1 :c5production: Production, (1 :c5gold: Gold / era)
Sri Pada: 1 :c5food: Food, (1 :c5food: Food / era), Sacred Steps
The Barringer Crater: 1 :c5production: Production, (1 :c5production: Production / era)
The Grand Mesa: 1 :c5culture: Culture, (1 :c5food: Food / era)
The Great Barrier Reef: 1 :c5science: Science, (1 :c5food: Food / era)
Uluru: 1 :c5faith: Faith, (1 :c5production: Production / era)

Spoiler Misc Changes :

Tree of Life :c5gold: Gold removed.
Barbarian settings adjusted.
Captured Settlers and Worker become Slave Worker. Captured Slave Worker becomes Worker.

Spoiler Religion Rework :

Religions will be changed with the assumption that Large maps will be used with 10 Players and 20 CS. Max active Religions to be determined.

Rituals are unlocked through Fervor (75) and provide small bonuses (in :c5food: Food, :c5production: Production, :c5gold: Gold or Health). One Ritual is needed before the player can pick a Myth (150 Fervor). Myth provide a bigger bonus than Rituals including :c5faith: Faith that's needed to unlock a Pantheon. Pantheons will be stronger, though not as strong as the VP bonuses. Pantheons are also more expensive to acquire (200 :c5faith: Faith). First Prophet will require 800 :c5faith: Faith).

Rituals (20):
Ceremonial Dance:
+2 Fervor.

Ceremonial Robes:
+1 Fervor and :c5production: Production.

God of the Earth:
+1 Fervor and :c5production: Production.

God of Fire:
+1 Fervor and :c5production: Production.

God of Luck:
+1 Fervor and +2 :c5gold: Gold.

God of Storms:
+1 Fervor and :c5production: Production.

Goddess of Harvest:
+1 Fervor and +2 :c5food: Food.

Goddess of the Hearth:
+1 Fervor and +2 Health.

Goddess of Purity:
+1 Fervor and +2 Health.

Goddess of Rejuvenation:
+1 Fervor and +2 :c5food: Food.

Goddess of Vitality:
+1 Fervor and +2 Health.

Goddess of Water:
+1 Fervor and +2 :c5food: Food.

Purification Rituals:
+1 Fervor and +2 Health.

Rainmaking Rituals:
+1 Fervor and +2 :c5food: Food.

Religious Idols:
+1 Fervor and :c5production: Production.

Spiritual Carvings:
+1 Fervor and +2 :c5gold: Gold.

Stone Circles:
+1 Fervor and :c5production: Production.

Tears of the Gods:
+1 Fervor and +2 :c5food: Food.

Trickster God:
+2 Fervor.

Whispers of the Muses:
+2 Fervor.

Myths (10):
Ancestor Worship:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5production: Production from Council.

Earth Mother:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+1 :c5faith: Faith from resources improved by Mines (Iron, Salt, Gold, Silver, etc...)

God of Craftsmen:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +2 :c5gold: Gold from Stone Works.

God of the Open Sky:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+1 :c5faith: Faith from resources improved by Pastures (Cattle, Sheep, Horses)

Goddess of Fertility:
+1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5food: Food
+2 :c5faith: Faith for Cities with at least 3 :c5citizen: Citizens.

Goddess of Springtime:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +2 :c5food: Food from Herbalists.

Goddess of the Hunt:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+1 :c5faith: Faith and Health from Camps.

God of War:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+10% :c5production: Production towards Units.
Gain :c5faith: Faith from killing military units.

God of Fields:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5food: Food in City per worked Plains or worked Grassland tiles without Hills or Features.

Goddess of Renewal:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+1 :c5faith: Faith and Health for every Jungle or Forest tiles worked by a City.

Goddess of Rain:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Coasts.

Goddess of Inspiration:

God of Knowledge:

God of the Sea:
+1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5gold: Gold from Fishing Boats.
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5production: Production from Atolls.

Spirit of the Desert:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Desert tiles with resources.

God of the Sun:
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5goldenage: GAP from Granaries.

Goddess of Beauty:
+1:c5faith: Faith from World Wonders,
+1 Great Artist and Great Engineer Points in your :c5capital: Capital.

Goddess of Protection:
+2 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5culture: Culture from Barracks.

Goddess of the Home:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Shrines. + 25% faster :c5food: Growth Rate.

Tutelary Gods:
+2 :c5faith: Faith and +2 :c5production: Production from Walls.

God of Commerce:
+2 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5science: Science from Markets.

God of Stars and Sky:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Tundra and Snow tiles with resources.

Goddess of Festivals:
+1 :c5gold: Gold and :c5faith: Faith for every unique Luxury Resource owned or imported.

Goddess of Nature:
+1 :c5faith: Faith for every 2 Mountains within 3 tiles of a City (capping at the City's population). Natural Wonders gain +1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5culture: Culture.

Goddess of Swamps:
+1 :c5faith: Faith in City per worked Marsh and +1 :c5production: Production in City per 2 worked Marshes.

God of All Creation:
+1 :c5culture: Culture in the :c5capital: Capital
+1 :c5gold: Gold in :c5capital:Capital for every 2 Pantheons ever founded (caps at 8 Pantheons total).

God of Expanse:
+25% faster border growth, and gain 10 :c5faith: Faith and 5 :c5production: Production every time a City expands its borders naturally, scaling with Era and Gamespeed.

God of Labor:
+4 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points and :c5faith: Faith when a new Building is constructed.

+1 :c5faith: Faith in :c5capital: Capital. +1 :c5gold: Gold and :c5science: Science in :c5capital: Capital for every 5 Followers of your Pantheon in owned cities.

Goddess of the Wisdom:
+1 :c5science: Science and :c5faith: Faith from Palace.

Spoiler Bonuses needing a belief :

+5 :c5culture: Culture when a :c5citizen: Citizen is born.
Bonus to Quarries
Bonus to Plantation

Last edited:
Spoiler AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.13 [Pre-Renaissance Era Rework 2] :

Spoiler Unit Combat Type Changes :

Melee will become: Polearm, Blade and Blunt
Archer will become: Archer and Mounted Archer

In terms of hard counters, we have:
Polearm > Cavalry (Both Mounted and Heavy Mounted) > Siege > Elephant > Blunt > Blade > Archer > Mounted Archer > Polearm

Groups will have a built-in promotion:
Tight Formation

Cavalry I

Heavy Mounted:
Armored Cavalry

Anti-Elephant (+50% :c5strength: CS vs Elephant Units.)

Elephantry (+50 Hit Points. Adjacent enemy units receive -20% CS)

Bonus vs Melee (25)

Heavy Infantry

Ranged I

Mounted Archer:
Skirmisher Doctrine

Spoiler Melee Unit Changes :

Blunt Combat Type

Blunt Combat Type

Blade Combat Type

Dog Soldier:
Blade Combat Type

Early Axeman:
Blunt Combat Type

Early Maceman:
Blunt Combat Type

Early Spearman:
Polearm Combat Type

Early Swordsman:
Blade Combat Type

Polearm Combat Type

Polearm Combat Type

Blade Combat Type

Polearm Combat Type

Blunt Combat Type
Loses Heals 25 Damage if Kills a Unit
Jaguar [formerly Combat Bonus in Forest/Jungle (33)]: +33% :c5strength: CS when fighting in Forest/Jungle. Heals 10 Damage if Kills a Unit.

Polearm Combat Type

Polearm Combat Type

Karambit Warrior:
Blunt Combat Type

Polearm Combat Type

Kris Swordsman:
Blade Combat Type

Blade Combat Type

Medicine Man:
Blunt Combat Type

Mohawk Warrior:
Blade Combat Type

Blade Combat Type

Polearm Combat Type

Pictish Warrior:
Blade Combat Type

Blade Combat Type

Sacred Band:
Polearm Combat Type

Polearm Combat Type

Sword Master:
Blade Combat Type

Blade Combat Type

Polearm Combat Type

Veteran Shield Warriors:
Polearm Combat Type

Blunt Combat Type

Blunt Combat Type

Woad Raider:
Blunt Combat Type

Spoiler Mounted/Heavy Mounted/Elephant Changes :

War Elephants:
No longer needs Barracks in City and improved Ivory nearby
Now has 11 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (due to new Elephant promotions)

Spoiler Archer/Siege Line Changes :

Horse Archer:
Mounted Archer Combat Type

Mounted Archer Combat Type

Numidian Cavalry:
Mounted Archer Combat Type

Mounted Archer Combat Type

Mounted Archer Combat Type

War Chariot:
Mounted Archer Combat Type

Spoiler Promotion Changes :

Promotions for Melee now split up into: Melee, Polearm, Blade and Blunt with Melee promotions being available to all the melee (non-mounted) units.

Shared Promotions:
Medic: This Unit and all Units in adjacent tiles Heal 2 Additional HP per turn.
Medic II: This Unit and all Units in adjacent tiles Heal 3 Additional HP per turn. This Unit Heals 2 Additional HP per turn when outside of Friendly Territory.
Trample I (now Heavy Mounted and Elephant): +20% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking.
Trample II (now Heavy Mounted and Elephant) +15% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking. Inflict Disruption IV status on enemies during melee combat.
Trample III (now Heavy Mounted and Elephant): +20% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking.
Trample IV (now Heavy Mounted and Elephant): +25% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking.
Trample V (now Heavy Mounted and Elephant): +30% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking. Inflict Disruption V status on enemies during melee combat.
Trample VI (now Heavy Mounted and Elephant) +60% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking.

Melee Promotions:
March II: All Units in adjacent tiles Heal 2 Additional HP per turn
March III: All Units in adjacent tiles Heal 3 Additional HP per turn. This Unit Heals 3 Additional HP per turn when Outside of Friendly Territory.
Veteran I: +10% :c5strength: Combat Strength vs Melee Units. Earn experience towards promotions 20% faster. (Unlocked at Organized Warfare)
Veteran II: +15% :c5strength: Combat Strength vs Melee Units. Earn experience towards promotions 30% faster.
Woodsman II
Woodsman III

Polearm Promotions:
Formation I: (Unlocked at Organized Warfare)
Formation II
Formation III
Formation IV
Formation V: +50% :c5strength: Combat Strength vs Mounted Units. +45% :c5strength: Combat Strength when defending in Open Terrain.
Formation VI: +50% :c5strength: Combat Strength vs Mounted Units. +45% :c5strength: Combat Strength when defending in Open Terrain.
Mobility: (Unlocked at Organized Warfare)
Mobility II
Mobility III
Spearhead I
Spearhead II
Spear Wall
Tight Formation
Tight Formation II
Tight Formation III

Blunt Promotions:
Bonus vs Melee (25)
Bonus vs Melee (50) [Previously Bonus vs Melee/Gunpowder (50) but changed due to change to Gun Units]
Drill I: +5% :c5strength: Combat Strength. +10 HP. (Unlocked at Organized Warfare)
Drill II: +5% :c5strength: Combat Strength. +10 HP.
Drill III: +5% :c5strength: Combat Strength. +15 HP.
Drill IV: +10% :c5strength: Combat Strength. +15 HP.
Drill V: +10% :c5strength: Combat Strength. +25 HP.
Drill VI: +15% :c5strength: Combat Strength. +25 HP.
Overrun: Flanking bonus increased by 15%. +10 HP when you defeat an enemy.
Overrun II: Flanking bonus increased by 15%. When you advance after destroying an Enemy Unit, all newly-adjacent Enemy Units take 10 damage.
Stalwart: +10% :c5strength: Combat Strength when defending. +15 HP. (Unlocked at Organized Warfare)
Stalwart II: +15% :c5strength: Combat Strength when defending. +15 HP.
Stalwart III: +25% :c5strength: Combat Strength when defending. +20 HP.

Blade Promotions:
Bonus vs Archer (50)
City Assault
City Assault II
City Assault III
Cover I: (Unlocked at Organized Warfare)
Cover II
Heavy Infantry
Heavy Infantry II
Heavy Infantry III
Shock I: Inflicts Disruption I status on enemies during melee combat. (Unlocked at Organized Warfare)
Shock II
Shock III:
Shock IV:
Shock V: +20% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking. Inflicts Disruption II status on enemies during melee combat.
Shock VI: +50% :c5strength: Combat Strength when attacking.

Gun Promotions:
Enhanced Flank Attack [For Mercenaries]
Field Works
Tank Ambush
Tank Ambush II
Tank Hunter I
Tank Hunter II

Mounted Promotions:
Ambushing I
Ambushing II
Ambushing III
Ambushing IV
Ambushing V
Cavalry I
Cavalry II
Cavalry III
Cavalry IV (+25% :c5strength: CS when attacking. +25% :c5strength: CS in Open Terrain)
March IV
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)
Pillaging I
Pillaging II
Recon I
Recon II
Recon III
Recon IV
Recon V
Recon VI
Rout I
Rout II
Scouting 1
Scouting 2
Siege Hunter I
Siege Hunter II
Support I
Support II

Elephant Promotions:
Elephantry (+50 Hit Points. Adjacent enemy units receive -20% CS)
War Elephant I
War Elephant II
War Elephant III
Elephant Archer I (Cannot melee attack. +1 Range. +25 Hit Points)
Elephant Archer II (+25 Hit Points. +5% :c5strength: CS when defending.)
Elephant Archer III (+25 Hit Points. +5% :c5strength: CS when defending.)
Elephant Archer IV (+25 Hit Points. +5% :c5strength: CS when defending.)
Elephant Archer V (+15% :c5strength: CS when defending.)
Elephant Archer VI (+20% :c5strength: CS when defending.)

Heavy Mounted Promotions:
Armored Cavalry
Armored Cavalry II (+33% :c5strength: CS when attacking. +25 Hit Points.)
Armored Cavalry III (+33% :c5strength: CS when attacking. +25 Hit Points.)
Armored Cavalry IV (+50% :c5strength: CS when attacking. +25 Hit Points.)
Body Guards I
Body Guards II
Charge III
Charge IV
Charge V
Hammer Blow I
Hammer Blow II
Heavy Armor I
Heavy Armor II
Heavy Cavalry I
Heavy Cavalry II
Heavy Cavalry III
Heavy Cavalry IV
Heavy Cavalry V
Loose Formation I
Loose Formation II

Ranged Promotions:
Anti-Melee I
Anti-Melee II
Assistance I (+25% :c5rangedstrength: RCS if adjacent to a Friendly Unit)
Assistance II (+25% :c5rangedstrength: RCS if adjacent to a Friendly Unit)
Barrage I
Barrage II
Barrage III
Blanket Fire I
Blanket Fire II
Counter-Sniper I
Counter-Sniper II
Horsebane I
Horsebane II
Marksman I
Marksman II
Marksman III
Marksman IV
Marksman V
May Not Melee Attack
Poisonous I: +10% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking. Ranged Attacks by this Unit inflict Poisoned I status on other Units.
Poisonous II: +15% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking.
Poisonous III: +20% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking.
Poisonous IV: +25% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking. Ranged Attacks by this Unit inflict Poisoned II status on other Units.
Poisonous V: +55% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking.
Ranged I (+10% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking.)
Ranged II (+20% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking.)
Ranged III (+30% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking.)
Ranged IV (+40% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking.)
Sharpshooter I
Sharpshooter II
Sharpshooter III
Sharpshooter IV
Sharpshooter V
Sharpshooter VI
Slow Poison I
Slow Poison II
Sniper I
Sniper II
Sniper III
Sniper IV
Sniper V
Solo I
Solo II
Support Fire I: +15% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking.
Support Fire II: +10% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking. Ranged Attacks by this Unit inflict Barraged I status on other Units.
Support Fire III: +15% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking.
Support Fire IV: +20% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking.
Support Fire V: +25% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking. Ranged Attacks by this Unit inflict Barraged II status on other Units.
Support Fire VI: +55% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking.
Suppression I
Suppression II
Venomous I: +10% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking. Ranged Attacks by this Unit inflict Venom I status on other Units.
Venomous II: +15% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking.
Venomous III: +20% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking.
Venomous IV: +25% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking. Ranged Attacks by this Unit inflict Venom II status on other Units.
Venomous V: +55% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking.

Mounted Ranged Promotions:
Coup de Grace
Parthian Tactics
Skirmisher Doctrine
Skirmisher Doctrine II
Skirmisher Doctrine III

Scouting Promotions:
Attack Bonus (25)
Brute Force

Plague Promotions:
Barraged I: -15% :c5strength: CS for 4 turns.
Barraged II: -50% :c5strength: CS for 8 turns.
Disruption I: -30% :c5strength: CS for 2 turns.
Disruption II: -75% :c5strength: CS for 4 turns.
Disruption IV: -50% :c5strength: CS for 4 turns.
Disruption V: -100% :c5strength: CS for 6 turns.
Poisoned I: -1 Movement for 2 turns.
Poisoned II: -2 Movement for 4 turns.
Venom I: -10 HP for 2 turns.
Venom II: -35 HP for 5 turns.

Unique Promotions:
Where promotions given to unique units are located. Meant to clean things up in the other categories.

Bonus vs Gunpowder (25) [For Impi]
Bonuses in Snow, Tundra, and Hills [For Pictish Warrior]
Jaguar {formerly Combat Bonus in Forest/Jungle (33)} [For Jaguar]
Combat Bonus in Forest/Jungle (33) [For Mohawk Warrior]
Doppelsoldner [For Landsknecht]
Grenadiers [For Carolean]
Haka War Dance [For Maori Warrior]
Raider [For Mandekalu Cavalry]
Ranged Support Fire [For Impi]
Two Hander [For Two-Handed Swordsman]

Mystic Blade Promotions:
Ancestral Protection
Mystic Blade
Enemy Blade (Heal 5 HP if the unit ends its turn in Enemy Territory. 2 Damage to all adjacent enemy Units each Turn.)
Invulnerability (Damage from all sources reduced by 2. +10 HP when healing.)
Sneak Attack

Eight Virtues of Bushido:
Eight Virtues of Bushido
Self Control

Ikanda Promotions:
Buffalo Chest
Buffalo Horns
Buffalo Loins

Other Promotions:
Slave (+5% :c5strength: CS when attacking.)
Experienced Slave (+5% :c5strength: CS when attacking)
Veteran Slave (+15% :c5strength: CS when attacking. Earn experience toward promotions 100% faster.)

Unused Promotions:
Barraged III
Bonus vs Mounted (100)
Bonus vs Siege (25)
Disruption III
Guerilla Fighter
Naval Target Penalty
Penalty vs Mounted (33)
Poisoned III
Rough Terrain Penalty
Spear Throw [old Impi promotion?]
Transfer Movement to General
Venom III

Spoiler Naval Unit Changes :

Naval Units no longer use Supply. Instead, they will require strategic resources to be built. Early game naval units need Timber while late game naval units need Steel.

No Supply
Timber: -1

Early Trireme:
No Supply
Timber: -1

No Supply
Timber: -1

No Supply
Timber: -1

Changed Buildings:
Ancient Docks:
Timber: +2

Timber: +1

Early Boat Yard:
Timber: +2

Spoiler Religion Rework :

The following buildings are mutually exclusive:

Only 1 allowed in the world.
No Maintenance
Cost: 30 :c5production: Production
Unlocked at Ceremonial Burial
+2 :c5faith: Faith
+2 :c5culture: Culture when Theology is researched

Church of the Nativity:
Only 1 allowed in the world.
No Maintenance
Cost: 30 :c5production: Production
Unlocked at Worship
+2 :c5faith: Faith
+6 :c5faith: Faith when Theology is researched

Kong Miao:
Only 1 allowed in the world.
No Maintenance
Cost: 30 :c5production: Production
Unlocked at Ritual
+2 :c5faith: Faith
+6 :c5food: Food when Theology is researched

Kashi Vishwanath:
Only 1 allowed in the world.
No Maintenance
Cost: 30 :c5production: Production
Unlocked at Ritual
+2 :c5faith: Faith
+6 :c5gold: Gold when Theology is researched

Masjid Al-Haram:
Only 1 allowed in the world.
No Maintenance
Cost: 30 :c5production: Production
Unlocked at Ritual
+2 :c5faith: Faith
+6 :c5goldenage: GAP when Theology is researched

Temple of Solomon:
Only 1 allowed in the world.
No Maintenance
Cost: 30 :c5production: Production
Unlocked at Mysticism
+2 :c5faith: Faith
+6 :c5production: Production when Theology is researched

Dai Miao:
Only 1 allowed in the world.
No Maintenance
Cost: 30 :c5production: Production
Unlocked at Mysticism
+2 :c5faith: Faith
+2 :c5science: Science when Theology is researched

New Specialist:
Base: 2 :c5faith: Faith
Theology: +2 :c5faith: Faith
Astronomy: +1 :c5science: Science

Monk Slots:
Shrine: 1 Slot
Temple: 2 Slots
Grand Temple: 1 Slot
Monastery: 1 Slot
Hagia Sophia: 1 Slot

New Great Person:
Great Monk:
The Great Monk can construct the special Sanctuary improvement which, when worked, produces :c5faith: Faith. The Great Monk is expended when used to make the Sanctuary. When expended, gain +1 Holy Relic.

Base Yields: +2 :c5faith: Faith

Spoiler New Yields :

New yields are introduced to add a bit more depth into decision making.
Health affects :c5food: Food

Health can be positive (healthy) and negative (unhealthy). Healthy increases city growth by ensuring more :c5food: Food is added for growth while unhealthy decreases city growth by wasting more :c5food: Food.

Health will be affected by:
  • +1 Health for Oasis
  • +1 Health in City with Fresh Water
  • If possible, Jungles, Floodplains and Marshes also produce -1 Health
  • Some buildings (aqueduct, hospital, etc) will provide health as flat yields while others (factories, forge, etc) will reduce health
  • -2 Health per pop
  • Policies can either provide Health to the Capital or a building in all Cities
Each positive health provides +1 :c5food: Food to the City when growing while each negative health consume an extra 2 :c5food: Food.
Heresy mainly affects :c5faith: Faith
  • +0.25 Heresy per Pop
  • :c5science: Science buildings starting in Enlightenment Era increases Heresy

Each Heresy produces -4 :c5faith: Faith, +1 :c5food: Food and +1 :c5science: Science. 0 Heresy will see no change in :c5faith: Faith, :c5food: Food and :c5science: Science.
Corruption affects :c5gold: Gold
  • +0.34 Corruption per Pop
  • Policies and certain buildings produce Corruption.

Each Corruption produces +4 :c5gold: Gold, -1 :c5production: Production and -1 :c5food: Food.
Crime affects everything.
  • +1 Crime per Pop
  • Policies, buildings, beliefs, etc... reduces Crime
Each Crime produces +2 :c5gold: Gold, +1 :c5science: Science, -1 :c5food: Food, -1 :c5culture: Culture, -2 :c5goldenage: GAP and -1 :c5production: Production.
Building Yield Changes:
Shaman Hut: +2 Health (No longer provides +1 :c5science: Science)
Tree of Life: +2 Health, -2 Crime

Advanced Pottery Kiln: -1 Health

Early Canal: +2 Health, +3 :c5food: Food
Early Constabulary: -3 Crime
Early Courthouse: -2 Crime, -2 Corruption
Early Dam: +3 Health, +7 :c5food: Food
Early Tax Office: +10 :c5gold: Gold, -2 Corruption (No longer provides +5 :c5food: Food and :c5production: Production)
Slave Market: +2 Crime (No longer affects Distress)
Slave Pen: +2 Crime (No longer affects Distress)
Tin Smelter: -2 Health

Early Shrine: -1 Heresy
Early Weaponsmith: -1 Health
Iron Smelters: -1 Health
Weaponsmith: -1 Health

Spoiler Modified Modern Era Changes :

Cars - Car Factory
Electronics - Electronics Electronics
Furniture - Furniture Factory
Television - Television Factory
Soft Drink - Soft Drink Plant
Fast Food - Fast Food Restaurant
Liquor - Liquor Distillery

One Luxury associated with each Corporation. The luxury will spawn underneath the city where the associated building is built. The buildings require the Corporation Office to build.

Car Factory:
Requires: Civilized Jewelers Office
No Maintenance.
+5 :c5production: Production to Factory in the city.
Luxury Monopoly Bonus: +10% :c5production: Production

Electronics Factory:
Requires: Centaurus Extractors Office
No Maintenance.
+5 :c5science: Science to Factory in the city.
Luxury Monopoly Bonus: +5% :c5science: Science

Furniture Factory:
Requires: Giorgio Armeier Office
No Maintenance.
+5 :c5gold: Gold to Factory in the city.
Luxury Monopoly Bonus: +10% :c5gold: Gold

Television Factory:
Requires: Trader Sid's Office
No Maintenance.
+5 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points to Factory in the city.
Luxury Monopoly Bonus: +25% :c5goldenage: Golden Age Lengths

Soft Drink Plant:
Requires: Hexxon Refinery Office
No Maintenance.
+5 :tourism: Tourism to Factory in the city.
Luxury Monopoly Bonus: Units gain +5 HP when Healing

Fast Food Restaurant:
Requires: TwoKay Foods Office
No Maintenance.
+5 :c5culture: Culture to Factory in the city.
Luxury Monopoly Bonus: +5% :c5culture: Culture

Liquor Distillery:
Requires: Firaxite Materials Office
No Maintenance.
+5 :c5food: Food to Factory in the city.
Luxury Monopoly Bonus: +10% :c5food: Food

Spoiler Misc Changes :

Aztec UA now gives :c5gold: Gold and :c5food: Food (instead of :c5gold: Gold and :c5faith: Faith)

Last edited:
Spoiler Mod Concepts :

Neolithic Era:
All civs and CS start with a military unit. The unit has 1 movement and 1 vision. It's stronger than all Barbarians at the time and kills give a global yield. Once the global yield reaches a certain value, it has the option to settle a City.

Slave Units have the following traits:
-Have no :c5gold: Unit Maintenance
-Require a Slave resource
-Cheaper to produce and don't use up Citizens
-Don't use up :c5war: Unit Supply
-Tend to be weaker than standard units
-Slave specific promotions (need Slave class)

Mercenary Units have the following traits:
-Higher :c5gold: Unit Maintenance
-Can only be purchased by :c5gold: Gold
-Don't require strategic resources
-Limited in numbers
-Don't use up :c5war: Unit Supply
-Don't use up Citizens
-Stronger than standard units
-Can move after purchase
-Mercenary specific promotions (Mercenary Melee and Mercenary Ranged class)

Urban and Rural Improvements:
-Urban improvements must be built adjacent to Cities and produces ( :c5culture: / :c5gold: / :c5science:)
-Rural improvements can be built on their assigned terrain/features and produces ( :c5faith: / :c5food: / :c5production:)

Spoiler Religion Rework and Loyalty Brainstorm :

Civilization starts off with +1 Fervor from Tree of Life.

There will be five minor beliefs to be picked with their costs scaling like: 20/40/60/80/100 Fervor.
Once all five minor beliefs are picked, then you get to pick a Pantheon Belief.
Once a Pantheon Belief is achieved, Fervor is converted into :c5faith: Faith and would be dedicated to getting a Great Prophet.

Loyalty affects a city's willingness to stay with the empire. It can be broken down into the following thresholds and effects:

Patriotic: 80%-100% (-50% Crime)
Loyal: 60%-80% (-25% Crime)
Neutral: 40%-60%
Disloyal: 20%-40% (+25% Crime. City spawns rebel units.)
Separatist: 0-20% (+50% Crime. City spawns rebel units. City becomes a City State or return to its original founder, if applicable)

Sources of Loyalty:
Founded Cities: +60% Loyalty
Capital Cities: +40% Loyalty
Captured Cities: 0% Loyalty
Captured Cities with Courthouse: +20% Loyalty
Captured Cities as a Puppet: +50% Loyalty
Captured Cities with Original Owner eliminated: +20% Loyalty
Occupied/Puppet Cities: -3%/-1% Loyalty per Population
City with Garrison: +10% Loyalty
City with City Connection: +5% Loyalty
-2% Loyalty per local Unhappiness
-0.5% Loyalty per Crime/Heresy/Corruption

Spoiler Long Term Gameplan :

Neolithic Era:
Very slow pace of Yields ( :c5science: / :c5food: / :c5production: ) as civilization is still in its infancy.
Harassment of barbs that are threats to units outside the City itself

Copper Era:
Medium pace of Yields ( :c5science: / :c5food: / :c5production: ) as civilization is picking up momentum.
Harassment of Barbarians who can be a challenge.

Bronze Era:
Accelerated pace of Yields ( :c5science: / :c5food: / :c5production: ) from buildings that show up in a flourishing metropolis
Rise of Barbarians who are constantly swarming the player and AI

Iron Era:
:c5food: Food and :c5faith: Faith Main Yields. Units cost Population to build except those that need Slaves as strategic resource.
Units needing Slaves will be weaker but quicker to build.
All Improvements drastically weaker (provide only 1 yield more than unimproved resource
All Buildings have no maintenance (to cover road maintenance)
Very low military unit supply (Removed from Barracks and Walls)
Very strong barbarians
Quest Rewards generate low influence and lower yields
Tradition focuses on strong Capital. Progress focuses on slight expansion with more emphasis to infrastructure, Authority focuses on slight expansion with more emphasis to tributes and pushing back barbarian hordes

Classical Era:
:c5food: Food, :c5faith: Faith and :c5production: Production Main Yields.
Units cost Population to build except those that need Slaves as strategic resource.
Units needing Slaves will be weaker but quicker to build.
No Diplomatic Units (Scrivener's Office pushed to Renaissance Era)
Very low military unit supply
Strong barbarians
Quest Rewards generate low influence and lower yields

Medieval Era:
:c5food: Food, :c5production: Production and :c5gold: Gold Main Yields.
Units cost Population to build except those that need Slaves as strategic resource.
Units needing Slaves will be weaker but quicker to build.
Low military unit supply (Still +1 from Armory and 10% from Castle)
Quest Rewards generate low influence and lower yields

Renaissance Era:
:c5food: Food, :c5production: Production and :c5gold: Gold Main Yields. Units cost Population to build
Units needing Slaves slowly phasing out.
Mercenary units (purchased by :c5gold: Gold only) grow in importance and don't use up Population.
Rise of CS competition with unlocking of Diplomatic Units and Diplomatic specialist slots
Quest Rewards generate low influence and lower yields

Enlightenment Era:
:c5food: Food, :c5production: Production, :c5gold: Gold and :c5science: Science Main Yields. Units cost Population to build
Mercenary units (purchased by :c5gold: Gold only) grow in importance and don't use up Population.

Industrial Era:
:c5food: Food, :c5production: Production, :c5gold: Gold and :c5science: Science Main Yields. Units cost Population to build
Unlocks Spies

Spoiler Religion Rework Gameplan :

Totems available at the first column of tech tree to provide more specialization
Rework all Pantheons so they A) are more balanced and B) provide small benefits Faith needed for Religion may be changed depending on how this goes.
Add new buildings in Classical Era that have totems as pre-requisite. These will further specialization while helping with the religion race. Idea is to have more buildings so player is always making decisions on what they need to do.
Founders of religions will want to get to Theology quickly to unlock a building (requires a Holy City) that will unlock a lot of good bonuses/other buildings
Founder, Enhancer, Follower and Reformation Beliefs need to be reworked so there are more focuses as opposed to a bunch of different beliefs that are mashed together.

Naval Base:
Cannot be adjacent to one another.
Acquires adjacent tiles.
Can only be built outside friendly territory that's adjacent to friendly territory
Provides defensive bonuses.
Cannot be pillaged.
Claims adjacent tiles.

Spoiler Late Game Military Rework :

-Battleship Line:
  • Will be a slower moving ship (no move after attacking) but will share the same :c5moves: Movement as Cruisers (though fewer promotions that can increase :c5moves: Movement)
  • Hits quite hard (higher :c5rangedstrength: RCS)
  • Can only attacking Sea Domain.
-Cruiser Line:
  • Can move after attacking.
  • Decent against air and hover units
  • Can attack all Domains
-Destroyer Line:
  • are very fast (highest base :c5moves: Movement) and more promotions that can increase :c5moves: Movement
  • Aren't the sturdiest (being melee)
  • Pick off weakened enemies (bonus vs Wounded)
  • Counter enemy Naval Helicopters and air units.
-Naval Helicopter Line:
  • Submarine hunters (bonus vs Submarines and more promotions to make them potent)
  • Their mobility is only matched by Destroyers (same base :c5moves: Movement as Destroyers)
  • Can See Submarines Promotion more easily
  • Ignore ZoC
-Submarine Line:
  • Is Invisible
  • Good against isolated ships.
  • Penalty to defenses.

>> (Main Counter) and > (Secondary Counter(s))

Destroyer >> Naval Helicopter >> Submarine >> Battleships >> Cruisers >> Destroyer

Cruisers > Naval Helicopter, Destroyer > Submarine, Naval Helicopter > Battleship, Submarine > Cruisers, Battleships > Destroyer

Battleship Line:
unlocked at Dynamite
50 :c5strength: 55 :c5rangedstrength: Range 2
4 :c5moves: moves
2 base Sight range
May not Melee Attack
Dominance I (+50 HP, Damage from all sources reduced by 5, Immune to the Boarded effect)
Range Attack Only in Domain

unlocked at Ballistics
60 :c5strength: 65 :c5rangedstrength: Range 3
4 :c5moves: moves
2 base Sight range
May not Melee Attack
Dominance I (+50 HP, Damage from all sources reduced by 5, Immune to the Boarded effect)
Dominance II (+50 HP, Damage from all sources reduced by 5)
Range Attack Only in Domain

unlocked at Nuclear Fission
75 :c5strength: 80 :c5rangedstrength: Range 3
5 :c5moves: moves
2 base Sight range
May not Melee Attack
Dominance I (+50 HP, Damage from all sources reduced by 5, Immune to the Boarded effect)
Dominance II (+50 HP, Damage from all sources reduced by 5)
Range Attack Only in Domain

Destroyer Line:
unlocked at Industrialization
50 :c5strength: CS
5 :c5moves: moves
Air Strike Defense: 5
2 base Sight range
Can Pillage Improved Tiles

unlocked at Rocketry
60 :c5strength: CS
6 :c5moves: moves
Intercept :c5rangedstrength: 2
Air Strike Defense: 30
2 base Sight range
Interceptor I
Can Pillage Improved Tiles

Heavy Destroyer
unlocked at Advanced Ballistics
80 :c5strength: CS
6 :c5moves: moves
Intercept :c5rangedstrength: 3
Air Strike Defense: 45
2 base Sight range
Interceptor I
Can Pillage Improved Tiles

Cruiser Line:
Light Cruiser
unlocked at Dynamite
40 :c5strength: 40 :c5rangedstrength: Range 2
4 :c5moves: moves
Air Strike Defense: 5
2 base Sight range
May not Melee Attack
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Can Move after Attacking
Bonus vs Destroyers (25)
Major Penalty Attacking Cities (25)

unlocked at Ballistics
50 :c5strength: 55 :c5rangedstrength: Range 2
5 :c5moves: moves
Intercept :c5rangedstrength: 2
Air Strike Defense: 30
2 base Sight range
May not Melee Attack
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Can Move after Attacking
Bonus vs Destroyers (75)
Major Penalty Attacking Cities (25)
Interceptor I

Heavy Cruiser
unlocked at Nuclear Fission
75 :c5strength: 70 :c5rangedstrength: Range 2
5 :c5moves: moves
Intercept :c5rangedstrength: 2
Air Strike Defense: 45
2 base Sight range
May not Melee Attack
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Can Move after Attacking
Bonus vs Destroyers (75)
Major Penalty Attacking Cities (25)
Interceptor I

Naval Helicopter Line:
unlocked at Steam Power
40:c5strength: 45:c5rangedstrength: Range 1
5 :c5moves: moves
3 base Sight range
Can Move after Attacking
Spotter (2 XP per turn in enemy territory)
Cannot Pillage
Major Penalty Attacking Cities (75)
Zeppelin Hovering (can pass through mountains and Coast/Ocean without embarking, Ignores ZoC, +2 Sight range, Immune to the Boarded effect) [Lost on Upgrade]

Naval Helicopter
unlocked at Rocketry
50:c5strength: 55:c5rangedstrength: Range 1
6 :c5moves: moves
2 base Sight range
Can Move after Attacking
Cannot Pillage
Major Penalty Attacking Cities (75)
Bonus vs Submarine (33)
Naval Hovering (can pass through mountains and Coast/Ocean without embarking, Ignores ZoC, Immune to the Boarded effect)

Naval Attack Helicopter
unlocked at Advanced Ballistics
70:c5strength: 75:c5rangedstrength: Range 1
6 :c5moves: moves
2 base Sight range
Can Move after Attacking
Cannot Pillage
Major Penalty Attacking Cities (75)
Bonus vs Submarine (33)
Naval Hovering (can pass through mountains and Coast/Ocean without embarking, Ignores ZoC, Immune to the Boarded effect)

Submarine Line:
unlocked at Industrialization
40:c5strength: 45:c5rangedstrength: Range 1
5 :c5moves: moves
2 base Sight range
Can Move After Attacking
Is Invisible (Submarine)
Can See Submarines
May Not Melee Attack
Major Penalty Attacking Cities (75)
Range Attack Only in Domain

unlocked at Rocketry
45:c5strength: 60:c5rangedstrength: Range 1
6 :c5moves: moves
2 base Sight range
Can Move After Attacking
Is Invisible (Submarine)
Can See Submarines
May Not Melee Attack
May Enter Ice Tiles
Major Penalty Attacking Cities (75)
Range Attack Only in Domain

Nuclear Submarine
unlocked at Advanced Ballistics
70:c5strength: 75:c5rangedstrength: Range 1
6 :c5moves: moves
2 base Sight range
Can Move After Attacking
Is Invisible (Submarine)
Can See Submarines
May Not Melee Attack
Major Penalty Attacking Cities (75)
Can Carry 2 Cargo
Extra Sight (1)
Range Attack Only in Domain

Spoiler Notes on Civ UA :

Nerf :c5production: Production from tile purchase.

Yields should be fine with Wonder spamming harder and fewer GP overall.

*Must change conquer City bonus due to nerfs to early city conquest.*

If too strong, can increase the base :c5gold: Gold needed for Marriages.

Nerf :c5gold: Gold and :c5faith: Faith gained (possibly by 50%).




Nerf :c5gold: Gold from 125 to 60.

Change Celtic Pantheons.

Rework to prevent too many yields.


Reduce yields from Artifacts (how much depends on Classical Yields)

Remove starting with a Spy. Move it to UB.


UA may change depending on how hard it is to conquer Cities.


*Bonus very late. Need some earlier bonuses.*


Need games to observe if yields must be removed and which yields.



Free Promotion needs to be changed due to Promotion mod.


May need to change text unless yields must be changed too.


*Tribute Yields may need to be nerfed depending on if tribute yields can be changed or not.*

If yields too high, decreasing/delay TR unlocked through technology.

Nerf yields from UA.

Nerf yields from both ITR and ETR.


*Change free Policies due to too boring.*

Lower :c5food: Food from Fishing Boats and Atolls from 2 to 1.

Lower :c5science: Science, :c5gold: Gold and GPPs from 4 to 2. If yields too high, decreasing/delay TR unlocked through technology.


Nerf :c5science: Science from border expansion from 20 to 10.

Replace the Ruins component with something useful for those who play without ruins.

May need to adjust :c5influence: Influence depending on the rewards of CS.


Nerf :c5faith: Faith and :c5gold: Gold to acceptable values.



May need to adjust how easy it is to bully CS.

Spoiler Civ Groups :

America 1: America, Polynesia, The Iroquois, The Shoshone

America 2: Brazil, The Aztecs, The Inca, The Mayan,

Asia 1: Arabia, Assyria, Babylon, Egypt

Asia 2: China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Siam

Asia 3: Mongolia, Persia, India, The Ottomans

Europe 1: Austria, France, Germany, Venice

Europe 2: Byzantium, Carthage, Greece, Rome

Europe 3: Denmark, Russia, Sweden, Poland

Europe 4: England, Portugal, Spain, The Celts, The Netherlands

Africa 1: Ethiopia, Morocco, Songhai, The Zulu

Spoiler :

Spoiler Regional Groups :

America 1 (AM1): America, Polynesia, The Iroquois, The Shoshone

America 2 (AM2): Brazil, The Aztecs, The Inca, The Mayan,

Asia 1 (AS1): Arabia, Assyria, Babylon, Egypt

Asia 2 (AS2): Mongolia, Persia, India, The Ottomans, The Huns

Asia 3 (AS3): China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Siam

Europe 1 (EU1): Austria, France, Germany, Venice

Europe 2 (EU2): Byzantium, Greece, Rome, The Celts

Europe 3 (EU3): Denmark, Russia, Sweden, Poland

Europe 4 (EU4): England, Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands

Africa 1 (AF1): Carthage, Ethiopia, Morocco, Songhai, The Zulu

Spoiler Units by Region and Era :

Eagle Warrior
Yellow Brow
Oromo Warrior
Coureur des Bois
Expeditionary Force
Apache Cavalry
Medicine Man

Light Eastern Cavalry
Tiger Cavalry
Early Crossbowman
Eastern Armored Cavalry
Eastern Heavy Infantry
Ballista Elephant
Onager Wagon
Yuezhi Horse Archer
Kushan Elephant
Farsakh Cannon
Enkidu Warrior
Ansar Warrior
Yumi Archer
Dhanurdhara (Archer Unit):
Aswar (Mounted Unit):

Sacred Band
Gallic Warrior
East Indiaman
Groethungi Cavalry

Apedemak Archer
Yan Lifida
Fengu Gunner
Simba Rebel
Chewa Regiment

Iron Era:

Holcan (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Iron Weapons
Replaces Spearman
50 :c5production:
11 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Tight Formation
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Prisoner Capture (Killing a military unit generates :c5food: Food)

Dog Soldier (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Military Theory
Replaces Early Swordsman
50 :c5production:
No Iron Needed
10 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Heavy Infantry
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Dog Sash (+33% :c5strength: CS when defending)

Vulture (Melee Unit):
Unlocked at Iron Tools
Replaces Early Maceman
50 :c5production:
Iron: -1
10 :c5strength: CS
2 :c5moves: Move
Bonus vs Melee (25)
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Vultures of Sumer (+10 HP when you defeat an enemy)

Peltast (Archery Unit):
Unlocked at Hunting
Replaces Archer
35 :c5production:
5 :c5strength: CS/ 8 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (2 Range)
2 :c5moves: Move
Ranged I
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Javelin (+25% :c5rangedstrength: RCS vs Archer Units)

Qibing (Mounted Unit):
Unlocked at Military Theory
Replaces Horseman
50 :c5production:
Horse: -1
13 :c5strength: CS
4 :c5moves: Move
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)
Cavalry I
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Heavenly Horse (+50 Hit Points)

Warband (Melee Unit):

Replaces Pathfinder

Phalanx (Melee Unit):

Briton Slingers (Archery Unit):
Unlocked at Hunting
30 :c5production:
5 :c5strength: CS/ 7 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (2 Range)
3 :c5moves: Move
Ranged I
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Slingshot (+15% :c5rangedstrength: RCS when attacking.)

Leves (Archery Unit):
Unlocked at Hunting
No Maintenance and costs no Supply
15 :c5production:
3 :c5strength: CS/ 4 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (2 Range)
2 :c5moves: Move
Ranged I
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Screening (+25% :c5rangedstrength: RCS vs Recon Units)

Numidian Cavalry (Archery Unit):
Unlocked at Iron Smelter
Replaces Skirmisher
50 :c5production:
Horse: -1
5 :c5strength: CS/ 7 :c5rangedstrength: RCS (2 Range)
3 :c5moves: Move
No Defensive Terrain Bonuses
Can Move After Attacking
Penalty Attacking Cities (33)
Skirmisher Doctrine
Can Pillage Improved Tiles
Cantabrian Circle (+33% :c5rangedstrength: RCS vs Melee Units)

Early Classical Era:











Classical Era:










Late Classical Era:










Medieval Era:










Renaissance Era:










Enlightenment Era:










Spoiler New Eras :

Classical Era break down into X (X TBD) different Eras.
Ideas will be drawn from Major Civilizations during the Classical Antiquity which includes, but not limited to:

-Alexander's Empire

-Achaemenid Empire
-Parthian Empire/Sassanid Empire
-Maurya Empire
-Kushan Empire
-Hopewell Tradition
-Nok Culture

-Techs needing a home:
  • Diplomacy
  • Alchemy
  • Algebra
  • Early Banking
  • Apiculture
  • Caste System
  • Community
  • Dualism
  • Hardening
  • Heritage
  • Ideograms

-Buildings needing a home:

-Roman Empire
-Qin/Han Dynasty
-Aksumite Empire
-Gupta Empire

Era 1 - 600 BCE to 200 BCE

Era 2 - 200 BCE to 200 CE

Era 3 - 200 CE to 500 CE

Spoiler Regional Bonuses :

Shoshone's Land Expansion upon settling a City
Additional yields to government buildings
Special promotions
Min setpoint to CS relations
Reduced war weariness
Additional combat strength from being 3 tiles from Natural Wonder
Double quantity of certain strategic resources
Reduced penalties in puppet cities
Multiple Upgrade Paths

Spoiler Shelved Ideas :

Spoiler Governments :

Governments differ in the following categories:
  • Worker Speed Reduction (and maybe increases if code allows it)
  • Corruption/Waste: Maintenance of buildings
  • Unit Supply: ones that emphasize military more gets more supply
  • Unit Experience: ones that emphasize quality see units gain more experience
  • Yields: different yield emphasis
  • Workers work 10% faster
  • High Corruption/Waste: 3 more :c5gold: Maintenance than buildings of the same era
  • Modest Unit Supply: +3 per building
  • Modest Experience gain: +5 XP per building
  • Emphasizes :c5production: Production and Religion
Never Capture
+2 :c5production: Production and :c5faith: Faith
Maintenance: -3 :c5gold:
+3 Supply
Land Units: +5 XP
Water Units: +5 XP
Air Units: +5 XP
Workers work 10% faster.

  • Workers work 10% faster
  • High Corruption/Waste: 3 more :c5gold: Maintenance than buildings of the same era
  • Low Unit Supply: +2 per building
  • No Experience gain: 0 XP per building
  • Emphasizes :c5food: Food and Improvements
Manor House:
Never Capture
+2 :c5food: Food
Maintenance: -3 :c5gold:
+2 Supply
Workers work 10% faster

  • Workers work 20% faster
  • Very High Corruption/Waste: 4 more :c5gold: Maintenance than buildings of the same era
  • High Unit Supply: +4 per building
  • Low Experience gain: +2 XP per building
  • Emphasizes :c5faith: Faith and Defensive
Grand Palace:
Never Capture
+2 :c5faith: Faith and +6 :c5strength: Defenses
Maintenance: -4 :c5gold:
+4 Supply
Land Units: +2 XP
Water Units: +2 XP
Air Units: +2 XP
Workers work 20% faster

  • Workers work 20% faster
  • Low Corruption/Waste: 1 more :c5gold: Maintenance than buildings of the same era
  • No Unit Supply: +1 per building
  • No Experience gain: 0 XP per building
  • Emphasizes :c5science: Science and Infrastructure
State Embassy:
Never Capture
+2 :c5science: Science
Maintenance: -1 :c5gold:
+1 Supply
Workers work 20% faster

  • Workers work 20% slower
  • Very Low Corruption/Waste: No :c5gold: Maintenance increase
  • No Unit Supply: 0 per building
  • No Experience gain: 0 XP per building
  • Emphasizes :c5culture: Culture and Growth
City Hall:
  • Workers work 30% faster
  • Very Low Corruption/Waste: No :c5gold: Maintenance increase
  • Very High Unit Supply: +5 per building
  • High Experience gain: +10 XP per building
  • Emphasizes :c5gold: Gold and Offensives
Victory Monument:
  • Workers work 30% slower
  • Very High Corruption/Waste: 4 more :c5gold: Maintenance than buildings of the same era
  • Very High Unit Supply: +5 per building
  • High Experience gain: +10 XP per building
  • Emphasizes :c5goldenage: GAP and Great People

Spoiler Civics :

Civics will be broken into the following focuses:
A) Specialists & Great People: faster generation rates, more and better Great Works, etc...
B) Military Units: more strategic resources, unique units, more experience, etc...
C) Infrastructure: more yields (food and production), unique improvements, unique buildings, faster improvements, more benefits for wider empires due to bonus to connected cities
D) Economy: more gold, more and/or better TR, lower building maintenance, cheaper investments or purchase
E) Religion: more faith, stronger religions, better beliefs, more religious buildings, cheaper religious units and building purchases

A) Representation, Pacifism,
B) Despotism, Hereditary Rule, Police State, Vassalage, Nationhood
C) Barbarism, Bureaucracy, Free Speech, Serfdom, Decentralization, State Property, Environmentalism
D) Universal Suffrage, Slavery, Emancipation, Mercantilism, Free Market
E) Tribalism, Paganism, Organized Religion, Theocracy, Free Religion

Spoiler Misc Changes :

Tree of Life :c5gold: Gold removed.
Barbarian settings adjusted.
Captured Settlers and Worker become Slave Worker. Captured Slave Worker becomes Worker.

Spoiler Religion Rework :

Religions will be changed with the assumption that Large maps will be used with 10 Players and 20 CS. Max active Religions to be determined.

Rituals are unlocked through Fervor (75) and provide small bonuses (in :c5food: Food, :c5production: Production, :c5gold: Gold or Health). One Ritual is needed before the player can pick a Myth (150 Fervor). Myth provide a bigger bonus than Rituals including :c5faith: Faith that's needed to unlock a Pantheon. Pantheons will be stronger, though not as strong as the VP bonuses. Pantheons are also more expensive to acquire (200 :c5faith: Faith). First Prophet will require 800 :c5faith: Faith).

Rituals (20):
Ceremonial Dance:
+2 Fervor.

Ceremonial Robes:
+1 Fervor and :c5production: Production.

God of the Earth:
+1 Fervor and :c5production: Production.

God of Fire:
+1 Fervor and :c5production: Production.

God of Luck:
+1 Fervor and +2 :c5gold: Gold.

God of Storms:
+1 Fervor and :c5production: Production.

Goddess of Harvest:
+1 Fervor and +2 :c5food: Food.

Goddess of the Hearth:
+1 Fervor and +2 Health.

Goddess of Purity:
+1 Fervor and +2 Health.

Goddess of Rejuvenation:
+1 Fervor and +2 :c5food: Food.

Goddess of Vitality:
+1 Fervor and +2 Health.

Goddess of Water:
+1 Fervor and +2 :c5food: Food.

Purification Rituals:
+1 Fervor and +2 Health.

Rainmaking Rituals:
+1 Fervor and +2 :c5food: Food.

Religious Idols:
+1 Fervor and :c5production: Production.

Spiritual Carvings:
+1 Fervor and +2 :c5gold: Gold.

Stone Circles:
+1 Fervor and :c5production: Production.

Tears of the Gods:
+1 Fervor and +2 :c5food: Food.

Trickster God:
+2 Fervor.

Whispers of the Muses:
+2 Fervor.

Myths (10):
Ancestor Worship:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5production: Production from Council.

Earth Mother:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+1 :c5faith: Faith from resources improved by Mines (Iron, Salt, Gold, Silver, etc...)

God of Craftsmen:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +2 :c5gold: Gold from Stone Works.

God of the Open Sky:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+1 :c5faith: Faith from resources improved by Pastures (Cattle, Sheep, Horses)

Goddess of Fertility:
+1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5food: Food
+2 :c5faith: Faith for Cities with at least 3 :c5citizen: Citizens.

Goddess of Springtime:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +2 :c5food: Food from Herbalists.

Goddess of the Hunt:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+1 :c5faith: Faith and Health from Camps.

God of War:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+10% :c5production: Production towards Units.
Gain :c5faith: Faith from killing military units.

God of Fields:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5food: Food in City per worked Plains or worked Grassland tiles without Hills or Features.

Goddess of Renewal:
+1 :c5faith: Faith
+1 :c5faith: Faith and Health for every Jungle or Forest tiles worked by a City.

Goddess of Rain:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Coasts.

Goddess of Inspiration:

God of Knowledge:

God of the Sea:
+1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5gold: Gold from Fishing Boats.
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5production: Production from Atolls.

Spirit of the Desert:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Desert tiles with resources.

God of the Sun:
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5goldenage: GAP from Granaries.

Goddess of Beauty:
+1:c5faith: Faith from World Wonders,
+1 Great Artist and Great Engineer Points in your :c5capital: Capital.

Goddess of Protection:
+2 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5culture: Culture from Barracks.

Goddess of the Home:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Shrines. + 25% faster :c5food: Growth Rate.

Tutelary Gods:
+2 :c5faith: Faith and +2 :c5production: Production from Walls.

God of Commerce:
+2 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5science: Science from Markets.

God of Stars and Sky:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Tundra and Snow tiles with resources.

Goddess of Festivals:
+1 :c5gold: Gold and :c5faith: Faith for every unique Luxury Resource owned or imported.

Goddess of Nature:
+1 :c5faith: Faith for every 2 Mountains within 3 tiles of a City (capping at the City's population). Natural Wonders gain +1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5culture: Culture.

Goddess of Swamps:
+1 :c5faith: Faith in City per worked Marsh and +1 :c5production: Production in City per 2 worked Marshes.

God of All Creation:
+1 :c5culture: Culture in the :c5capital: Capital
+1 :c5gold: Gold in :c5capital:Capital for every 2 Pantheons ever founded (caps at 8 Pantheons total).

God of Expanse:
+25% faster border growth, and gain 10 :c5faith: Faith and 5 :c5production: Production every time a City expands its borders naturally, scaling with Era and Gamespeed.

God of Labor:
+4 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points and :c5faith: Faith when a new Building is constructed.

+1 :c5faith: Faith in :c5capital: Capital. +1 :c5gold: Gold and :c5science: Science in :c5capital: Capital for every 5 Followers of your Pantheon in owned cities.

Goddess of the Wisdom:
+1 :c5science: Science and :c5faith: Faith from Palace.

Spoiler Bonuses needing a belief :

+5 :c5culture: Culture when a :c5citizen: Citizen is born.
Bonus to Quarries
Bonus to Plantation

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Different Progress approach. Feedback and reporting bugs is appreciated. Thanks! :)

Spoiler AG's Tweak for VP v0.1 :

Opener: Receive 30 :c5culture: Culture when a Technology is researched, scaling with Era, and 30 :c5culture: Culture per Technology already unlocked (not scaling with Era). (Increased from 15 to 30 :c5culture: Culture)

Scaler: 8 :c5culture: Culture when a Technology is researched. (Decreased from 15 to 8).

Fraternity: +3 :c5science: Science from :c5trade: City Connection. :c5gold: Gold maintenance for Routes reduced by 50%. (Loses +3 :c5food: Food. Gains cheaper roads.)

Equality: +2 :c5happy: Happiness in every City. :c5unhappy: Unhappiness Needs Modifier from :c5gold: Poverty, :c5science: Illiteracy, :c5culture: Boredom and :c5food:/:c5production: Distress reduced by 10% in all Cities. (Happiness scales per 10 as opposed to 15 Citizens.) Each city you found will increase the :c5culture: Culture cost of policies by 33% less than normal.

Discipline: Each City with a garrison generates +1 :c5happy: Happiness and +2 :c5culture: Culture. :c5gold: Gold maintenance for Units reduced by 20%. (Loses road maintenance reduction. Gains more unit maintenance reduction.)


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Different Progress approach. Feedback and reporting bugs is appreciated. Thanks! :)

Spoiler AG's Tweak for VP v0.1 :

Opener: Receive 30 :c5culture: Culture when a Technology is researched, scaling with Era, and 30 :c5culture: Culture per Technology already unlocked (not scaling with Era). (Increased from 15 to 30 :c5culture: Culture)

Scaler: 8 :c5culture: Culture when a Technology is researched. (Decreased from 15 to 8).

Fraternity: +3 :c5science: Science from :c5trade: City Connection. :c5gold: Gold maintenance for Routes reduced by 50%. (Loses +3 :c5food: Food. Gains cheaper roads.)

Equality: +2 :c5happy: Happiness in every City. :c5unhappy: Unhappiness Needs Modifier from :c5gold: Poverty, :c5science: Illiteracy, :c5culture: Boredom and :c5food:/:c5production: Distress reduced by 10% in all Cities. (Happiness scales per 10 as opposed to 15 Citizens.) Each city you found will increase the :c5culture: Culture cost of policies by 33% less than normal.

Discipline: Each City with a garrison generates +1 :c5happy: Happiness and +2 :c5culture: Culture. :c5gold: Gold maintenance for Units reduced by 20%. (Loses road maintenance reduction. Gains more unit maintenance reduction.)
I've done 30 on the opener before. I felt it was too strong at getting you a follow-up policy very quickly on Marathon. I think settling on 20 would be fine if the scalers weren't messed around with. I'm also of the opinion that the equality policy was fine the way it was before anyway. It is +1 happiness in all cities that can't be stolen like great works or have the city captured and destroy any of the appropriate buildings. I don't know if the food loss is entirely appropriate to be honest, especially since you basically removed instant gratification yields from it so unless you were pre-building roads and killing your GPT the policy won't do anything. You can't really work tiles if your Cities can't grow either so you run into that issue. The gold maintenance for routes imo just being tacked onto it is arguably a fine thing on its own without really needing to adjust the policy because it allows wide play to be more easily accessible with the Policy Tree quicker.

Also I tend to find anything that reduces policy cost scaling that is obtained through a policy to be very OP because there aren't many good ways to deal with opponents who slingshot in culture gains, and having a policy that does it basically immediately encourages picking it up over any other policy cause it means you spend less turns overall unlocking policies.

Honestly for Base VPs case it'd be easy to argue the Progress Tree just needs route costs reduced to allow quicker wide play from it and then just have the Discipline Policy for Authority remove maintenance costs for garrisoned units in Cities, Forts, Citadels, and any unique defensive improvements effectively removed. Maybe don't include cities in that for the garrisons but it is a thought.

Anyways I'd say let some other people have a go at it for this revision. Honestly all my policy changes would basically require someone to be ok with changes to every policy tree which is why I'm not too interested in making a downloadable mod for it.
I've done 30 on the opener before. I felt it was too strong at getting you a follow-up policy very quickly on Marathon. I think settling on 20 would be fine if the scalers weren't messed around with. I'm also of the opinion that the equality policy was fine the way it was before anyway. It is +1 happiness in all cities that can't be stolen like great works or have the city captured and destroy any of the appropriate buildings. I don't know if the food loss is entirely appropriate to be honest, especially since you basically removed instant gratification yields from it so unless you were pre-building roads and killing your GPT the policy won't do anything. You can't really work tiles if your Cities can't grow either so you run into that issue. The gold maintenance for routes imo just being tacked onto it is arguably a fine thing on its own without really needing to adjust the policy because it allows wide play to be more easily accessible with the Policy Tree quicker.

Also I tend to find anything that reduces policy cost scaling that is obtained through a policy to be very OP because there aren't many good ways to deal with opponents who slingshot in culture gains, and having a policy that does it basically immediately encourages picking it up over any other policy cause it means you spend less turns overall unlocking policies.

Honestly for Base VPs case it'd be easy to argue the Progress Tree just needs route costs reduced to allow quicker wide play from it and then just have the Discipline Policy for Authority remove maintenance costs for garrisoned units in Cities, Forts, Citadels, and any unique defensive improvements effectively removed. Maybe don't include cities in that for the garrisons but it is a thought.

Anyways I'd say let some other people have a go at it for this revision. Honestly all my policy changes would basically require someone to be ok with changes to every policy tree which is why I'm not too interested in making a downloadable mod for it.

My intention is to give a quick boost to policies but slow it down later. This version of Progress will likely jump ahead in Policies but then it must work hard to stay ahead. At least, that's the hope. I changed Equality because, when I play Progress, I rarely get a City to 15 Citizens except for the Capital and possibly one or two others. That bonus feels wasted as my Cities aren't gonna be generally large enough to enjoy it. 2 Happiness should help with going wider and, with the food gone, it'd be nice as my Cities won't be growing as quickly (and thus no longer needing to stop growth in Cities).

Overall, this is meant to be a trial to see how things go. I'll tweak things further if I don't like it or it's too strong....or there's always buffing Tradition and Authority to bring them up.
v0.2 is now out! Feedback and bug reports are appreciated!

Workers and Military Units before Medieval Era stop growth in Cities like Settlers. This is meant to simulate units requiring resources that would otherwise grow Cities. I'm quite curious to see how this changes things.

City HP and healing rate are also increased. This is my attempt of weakening warmongering as it's very powerful at the moment. More changes might be coming depending on what I observe in my games.

Spoiler AG's Tweak for VP v0.2 :

Spoiler Policies :

Opener: Receive 30 :c5culture: Culture when a Technology is researched, scaling with Era, and 30 :c5culture: Culture per Technology already unlocked (not scaling with Era). (Increased from 15 to 30 :c5culture: Culture)

Scaler: 8 :c5culture: Culture when a Technology is researched. (Decreased from 15 to 8).

Fraternity: +3 :c5science: Science from :c5trade: City Connection. :c5gold: Gold maintenance for Routes reduced by 50%. (Loses +3 :c5food: Food. Gains cheaper roads.)

Equality: +2 :c5happy: Happiness in every City. :c5unhappy: Unhappiness Needs Modifier from :c5gold: Poverty, :c5science: Illiteracy, :c5culture: Boredom and :c5food:/:c5production: Distress reduced by 10% in all Cities. (Happiness scales per 10 as opposed to 15 Citizens.) Each city you found will increase the :c5culture: Culture cost of policies by 33% less than normal.

Discipline: Each City with a garrison generates +1 :c5happy: Happiness and +2 :c5culture: Culture. :c5gold: Gold maintenance for Units reduced by 20%. (Loses road maintenance reduction. Gains more unit maintenance reduction.)

Spoiler Misc Changes :

Workers and Military Units (Up to Medieval Era) stop City's growth until completed (like Settlers).

City HP and healing rate increased.



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This will be the start of my big project. The focus of this update is for the Ancient Era only. There are still things I must do (like Celtic Pantheons) so it's not yet complete. However, there are enough changes that testing will be needed. I'd appreciate any feedback or bug reports if anyone wants to give it a go.

Once I'm happy with Ancient Era, I will move onto Classical Era and onward.

Summary of v0.3:
Yields have been decreased from everything (policies, buildings, terrain, resources, etc...). Goal is to make it so late game isn't just giving buildings and policies ridiculous amounts of yields.
There are some game changing mechanics like all units requiring population like Settlers
Barbarians will be more of a problem (or at least that's the intention). More changes will be made so that's achieved.
Some Civilization UA has been changed (with a few more still happening) to accommodate the lower yields.
Pathfinder got a new promotion and aren't as fragile against Barbarians anymore.

To do list:
Celtic Pantheons
Other changes depending on my own playing experiences and player feedback

Details are in the spoilers.
Spoiler AG's Tweak for VP v0.3 [Ancient Era Rework 1] :

Spoiler Policies :

+2 :c5food: Food, :c5citizen: Population, and :c5happy: Happiness in the :c5capital: Capital
+1 :c5culture: Culture in the Capital for every 2 :c5citizen: Citizens.
+5% :c5food: Growth in all Cities.

+3% :c5food: Growth in all Cities, and +1 :c5science: Science in your :c5capital: Capital.

Cities with a garrison gain +25% :c5rangedstrength: Ranged Combat Strength. Royal Guardhouse built in :c5capital: Capital (1 Engineer Specialist, +5 :c5strength: Defense, +50 Hit Points, +2 :c5production: Production).

:c5culture: Culture cost of tiles reduced by 20% (exponentially) in all Cities. Court Chapel built in :c5capital: Capital (1 Artist Specialist, 1 :greatwork: Great Work of Art slot, +2 :c5faith: Faith).

National Wonders with Building requirements gain +1 :c5happy: Happiness. Court Astrologer built in :c5capital: Capital (1 Scientist Specialist, +2 :c5science: Science).

Expending a Great Person grants 25 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points and :c5culture: Culture, scaling with Era. Palace Garden built in :c5capital: Capital (1 Writer Specialist, 1 :greatwork: Great Work of Writing slot, +3 :c5food: Food; Monument and Garden provide +1 :c5culture: Culture in every City).

Specialists in :c5capital: Capital consume half the normal amount of :c5food: Food. State Treasury built in :c5capital: Capital (1 Merchant Specialist, +2 :c5gold: Gold, +10% :c5greatperson: Great Person Rate in City).

Unlocks building the University of Sankore.
+1 :c5food: Food from all Great Person Improvements and Landmarks.
Throne Room built in :c5capital: Capital (+5% to all Yields, 1 Musician Specialist, 1 :greatwork: Great Work of Music slot, :c5goldenage: Golden Ages last 10% longer).
Allows for the purchase of Great Engineers with :c5faith: Faith starting in the Industrial Era.

Receive 10 :c5science: Science when a :c5citizen: Citizen is born in your :c5capital: Capital.
Receive 10 :c5science: Science for every :c5citizen: Citizen already in your :c5capital: Capital, scaling with Era.
Receive 15 :c5culture: Culture when a Technology is researched, scaling with Era, and 15 :c5culture: Culture per Technology already unlocked (not scaling with Era).

5 :c5culture: Culture when a Technology is researched.

+1 :c5moves: Movement for all Civilian Units. Workers and Trade Units are trained 50% more quickly. +1 :c5production: Production in every City.

A Worker appears near the :c5capital: Capital. +1 :c5gold: Gold in every City. Tile improvement rate increased by 25%.

+10% :c5production: Production towards buildings. Cities earn 5 :c5culture: Culture when they construct Buildings, scaling with Era.

+1 :c5science: Science from :c5trade: City Connection. :c5gold: Gold maintenance for Routes reduced by 50%.

+2 :c5happy: Happiness in every City. :c5unhappy: Unhappiness Needs Modifier from :c5gold: Poverty, :c5science: Illiteracy, :c5culture: Boredom and :c5food:/:c5production: Distress reduced by 10% in all Cities. Each city you found will increase the :c5culture: Culture cost of policies by 33% less than normal.

Unlocks building the Forbidden Palace.
Receive 10 :c5gold: Gold when a :c5citizen: Citizen is born in any city, scaling with Era.
+1 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points in every City.
Allows for the purchase of Great Writers with :c5faith: Faith starting in the Industrial Era.

+25% combat bonus VS Barbarians, and receive announcements when Barbarian Camps spawn in revealed territory.
Gains :c5culture: Culture when you kill Units and clear Barbarian Camps. (50%)
+1 :c5production: Production in every City.

+1 :c5production: Production in every City.

Cities gain 10 :c5gold: Gold and :c5production: Production when their borders expand, scaling with Era. Gain :c5culture: Culture in :c5capital: Capital equal to 10% of Tributes demanded from City-States.

Killing a military unit generates :c5science: Science based on the :c5strength: Strength of the defeated unit (50%), and Melee units heal for 15 points after killing a military unit. Unit Supply generated by :c5citizen: Population increased by 10%.

Receive 20 :c5science: Science and :c5culture: Culture when you found or conquer Cities, scaling with era. Conquest bonus also scales based on City :c5citizen: Population. Killing a military unit generates :c5food: Food based on the :c5strength: Strength of the defeated unit (25%).

Each City with a garrison generates +1 :c5happy: Happiness and +1 :c5culture: Culture. :c5gold: Gold maintenance for Units reduced by 25%.

Unit gain +10% :c5strength: Strength. Supply-free military Units spawn near Cities that reach (or have already reached) a multiple of 7 :c5citizen: Citizens for the first time. :c5war: War Weariness reduced by 25%.

Unlocks building Alhambra.
Yields from Tribute Policy doubled.
Allows the purchasing of Free Companies and Foreign Legions as their prerequisite technologies are researched.
Allows for the purchase of Great Generals with :c5faith: Faith starting in the Industrial Era.

Spoiler Pantheon Changes :

Ancestor Worship
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Council. +1 :c5production: Production from Stones.

Earth Mother
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Mines on improved resources
+1 :c5production: Production in a City.

God of All Creation
+1 :c5culture: Culture in the :c5capital: Capital
+1 :c5food: Food and :c5gold: Gold in :c5capital:Capital for every 2 Pantheons ever founded (caps at 8 Pantheons total).

God of Commerce
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +2 :c5gold: Gold in Cities with a :c5trade: City Connection, and in your :c5capital: Capital after gaining a second city.

God of Craftsmen
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5production: Production from Quarries.
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Stone Works.

God of Expanse
+25% faster border growth, and gain 10 :c5faith: Faith and 10 :c5production: Production every time a City expands its borders naturally, scaling with Era and Gamespeed.

God of the Open Sky
+1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5gold: Gold from Pastures.

God of the Sea
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Fishing Boats.
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5production: Production from Atolls.

God of Stars and Sky
+1 :c5faith:Faith and :c5food: Food from Tundra and Snow tiles with resources.

God of the Sun
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Granaries. +1 :c5goldenage: GAP from Wheat.

God of War
+10% :c5production: Production towards Units.
Gain :c5faith: Faith from killing military units.

+1 :c5faith: Faith in :c5capital: Capital. +1 :c5faith: Faith, :c5gold: Gold and :c5science: Science in :c5capital: Capital for every 5 Followers of your Pantheon in owned cities.

Goddess of Beauty
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Palace. +1:c5faith: Faith from World Wonders,
+1 Great Artist and Great Engineer Points in your :c5capital: Capital.

Goddess of Festivals
+1 :c5culture: Culture and :c5faith: Faith for every unique Luxury Resource owned or imported.

Goddess of Nature
+1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5gold: Gold for every 3 Mountains within 3 tiles of a City (capping at the City's population). Natural Wonders gain +1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5culture: Culture.

God of Protection
+10 HP healed per turn in friendly territory.
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Palace.
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5culture: Culture from Barracks.

Goddess of Purity
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Lakes, +1 :c5production: Production from Marshes. +1 :c5happy: Happiness from Cities on rivers.

Goddess of Renewal
+1 :c5faith: Faith for every 2 Jungle or 2 Forest tiles worked by a City. +1 :c5science: Science from Markets.

Goddess of Springtime
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5gold: Gold from Plantations. +1 :c5science: Science from Herbalists.

Goddess of the Home
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Shrines. + 25% faster :c5food: Growth Rate.

Goddess of the Hunt
+1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5food: Food from Camps.

Goddess of the Wisdom
+1 :c5faith: Faith, and :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points in every City. +1 :c5science: Science and :c5faith: Faith from Palace.

Spirit of the Desert
+1 :c5faith: Faith, :c5production: Production, and :c5gold: Gold from Desert tiles with resources.

Tutelary Gods
+10% increase in City Ranged Combat Strength
+2 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5production: Production from Walls.

Spoiler Building Changes :

-Ancient Era-
No Maintenance.
(No longer gives military supply and loses 1 :c5science: Science)

1 :c5science: Science
Cinnamon: +1 :c5production: Production
Sugar: +1 :c5gold: Gold
(Less yields to Cinnamon and Sugar. Less :c5science: Science)

(No more :c5science: Science for City growth)

No Maintenance.

No Maintenance.
(No more :c5production: Production from Plantations and Camps)

No Maintenance.
+25 XP for all Units (up from 15).
(No longer gives military supply and loses 1 :c5science: Science)

No Maintenance.
(No more :c5production: Production from Camps)

+2 :c5gold: Gold
Cinnamon: +1 :c5production: Production
Sugar: +1 :c5gold: Gold
(Less yields to Cinnamon and Sugar. Less :c5gold: Gold)

1 :c5culture: Culture
(Less :c5culture: Culture)

3 :c5production: Production, 3 :c5gold: Gold, 3 :c5science: Science, 1 :c5culture: Culture (Less :c5gold: Gold and :c5science: Science)

1 :c5faith: Faith
(Less :c5faith: Faith)

1 :c5culture: Culture
1 :c5faith: Faith

Stone Works:
No Maintenance
Stone: +1 :c5production: Production
Marble: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Salt: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Jade: +1 :c5production: Production
(Less yields to Stone, Marble, Salt and Jade.)

No Maintenance.
Stone: +1 :c5production: Production
Marble: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Salt: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Jade: +1 :c5production: Production
(Loses +10% :c5production: Production when constructing Buildings in this City. Less yields to Stone, Marble, Salt and Jade.)

No Maintenance
+150 HP
(25 more HP)

Walls of Babylon:
No Maintenance
+200 HP
+1 :c5science: Science to Academy
(+50 HP)

No Maintenance
+1 :c5food: Food and +1 :c5production: Production
(No additional :c5production: Production from scaling population. Less :c5production: Production.)

Spoiler Terrain and Feature Yield Changes :

Coast: 1 :c5food: Food
Grassland: 1 :c5food: Food
Hill: 1 :c5production: Production
Plains: 1 :c5food: Food

Atoll: 1 :c5food: Food,1 :c5production: Production
Cerro de Potosi: 1 :c5production: Production, 2 :c5gold: Gold, (1 :c5production: Production and 1 :c5gold: Gold) / era
El Dorado: 3 :c5gold: Gold, (1 :c5gold: Gold and 1 :c5culture: Culture) / era
Flood Plain: 2 :c5food: Food
Fountain of Youth: 2 :c5food: Food, (1 :c5food: Food and 1 :c5science: Science) / era, Everlasting Youth
Jungle: 1 :c5production: Production
King Solomon's Mines: 1 :c5production: Production, 2 :c5faith: Faith, (1 :c5production: Production and 1 :c5faith: Faith) / era
Krakatoa: 2 :c5production: Production, 1 :c5culture: Culture, (1 :c5production: Production and 1 :c5science: Science) / era
Lake Victoria: 2 :c5food: Food, 1 :c5science: Science, (2 :c5food: Food) / era
Lakes: 1 :c5food: Food
Mt. Fuji: 1 :c5culture: Culture, 2 :c5faith: Faith, (1 :c5culture: Culture and 1 :c5faith: Faith) / era
Mt. Kailash: 3 :c5faith: Faith, (2 :c5faith: Faith) / era
Mt. Kilimanjaro: 2 :c5culture: Culture, (2 :c5culture: Culture) / era, Attitude Training
Mt. Sinai: 2 :c5food: Food, 1 :c5faith: Faith, (2 :c5faith: Faith) / era
Oasis: 1 :c5food: Food,1 :c5gold: Gold
Old Faithful: 3 :c5science: Science, (2 :c5culture: Culture) / era
Rock of Gibraltar: 1 :c5food: Food, 1 :c5production: Production, 1 :c5gold: Gold, (2 :c5gold: Gold) / era
Sri Pada: 1 :c5food: Food, 1 :c5faith: Faith, (2 :c5food: Food) / era, Sacred Steps
The Barringer Crater: 2 :c5production: Production, 1 :c5science: Science, (2 :c5science: Science) / era
The Grand Mesa: 1 :c5culture: Culture, 2 :c5food: Food, (2 :c5food: Food) / era
The Great Barrier Reef: 1 :c5food: Food, 1 :c5science: Science, 1 :c5culture: Culture, (1 :c5science: Science) / era
Uluru: 1 :c5food: Food, 2 :c5faith: Faith, (2 :c5production: Production) / era

Spoiler Resource and Monopoly Changes :

Bonus Resources:
Base: +1 :c5food: Food
Plantation: +1 :c5food: Food

Base: +1 :c5food: Food
Camp: +1 :c5food: Food

Base: +1 :c5food: Food
Pasture: +1 :c5production: Production

Base: +1 :c5food: Food
Camp: +1 :c5food: Food

Base: +1 :c5food: Food
Fishing Boats: +1 :c5gold: Gold

Base: +1 :c5food: Food
Pasture: +1 :c5gold: Gold

Base: +1 :c5production: Production
Quarry: +1 :c5production: Production

Base: +1 :c5food: Food
Farm: +1 :c5food: Food

Strategic Resources:
Base: +1 :c5production: Production
Mine: +1 :c5production: Production

Base: +1 :c5production: Production
Mine: +1 :c5production: Production

Base: +1 :c5production: Production
Pasture: +1 :c5production: Production

Base: +1 :c5production: Production
Mine: +1 :c5science: Science

Base: +1 :c5production: Production
Oil Well/Offshore Platform: +1 :c5production: Production

Base: +1 :c5production: Production, +1 :c5science: Science
Quarry: +1 :c5science: Science

Luxury Resources:
Base: +1 :c5production: Production
Quarry: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +6 Empire-Wide :c5happy: Happiness

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +1 :c5culture: Culture from Resource tiles

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Plantation: +1 :c5food: Food
Monopoly: +1 :c5culture: Culture from Resource tiles

Base: +1 :c5food: Food
Plantation: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +1 :c5science: Science from Resource tiles

Base: +2 :c5gold: Gold
Plantation: +1 :c5faith: Faith
Monopoly: +6 Empire-Wide :c5happy: Happiness

Base: +1 :c5food: Food
Plantation: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +1 :c5culture: Culture from Resource tiles

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Plantation: +1 :c5science: Science
Monopoly: +5% :c5production: Production in all owned Cities

Base: +1 :c5production: Production
Mine: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +5% :c5production: Production in all owned Cities

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Fishing Boats: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +1 :c5science: Science from Resource tiles

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Plantation: +1 :c5culture: Culture
Monopoly: +1 :c5gold: Gold from Resource tiles

Base: +1 :c5food: Food
Fishing Boats: +1 :c5food: Food
Monopoly: +1 :c5food: Food from Resource tiles

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Plantation: +1 :c5culture: Culture
Monopoly: +1 :c5gold: Gold from Resource tiles

Base: +1 :c5food: Food
Camp: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +6 Empire-Wide :c5happy: Happiness

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Mine: +1 :c5production: Production
Monopoly: +5% :c5gold: Gold in all owned Cities

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +6 Empire-Wide :c5happy: Happiness

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Mine: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +10% :c5goldenage: Golden Age Length, +1 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points from Resource tiles.

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Plantation: +1 :c5faith: Faith
Monopoly: +1 :c5faith: Faith from Resource tiles

Base: +1 :c5production: Production
Camp: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +10% :c5goldenage: Golden Age Length, +1 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points from Resource tiles.

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Quarry: +1 :c5culture: Culture
Monopoly: +10% :c5goldenage: Golden Age Length, +1 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points from Resource tiles.

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +6 Empire-Wide :c5happy: Happiness

Lapis Lazuli:
Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Quarry: +1 :c5science: Science
Monopoly: +10% :c5goldenage: Golden Age Length, +1 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points from Resource tiles.

Base: +1 :c5production: Production
Quarry: +1 :c5production: Production
Monopoly: +5% :c5culture: Culture in all owned Cities.

Base: +1 :c5production: Production, +1 :c5gold: Gold
Plantation: +1 :c5culture: Culture
Monopoly: +5% :c5production: Production in all owned Cities.

Base: +1 :c5food: Food
Plantation: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +5% :c5food: Food in all owned Cities.

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Fishing Boats: +1 :c5production: Production
Monopoly: +1 :c5faith: Faith from Resource tiles

Base: +1 :c5food: Food, +1 :c5gold: Gold
Plantation: +1 :c5faith: Faith
Monopoly: +1 :c5food: Food from Resource tiles

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Plantation: +1 :c5culture: Culture
Monopoly: +1 :c5gold: Gold from Resource tiles

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +10% :c5goldenage: Golden Age Length, +1 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points from Resource tiles.

Base: +1 :c5food: Food
Mine: +1 :c5food: Food
Monopoly: +5% :c5food: Food in all owned Cities.

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Plantation: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +5% :c5gold: Gold in all owned Cities.

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Mine: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +1 :c5culture: Culture from Resource tiles.

Base: +1 :c5food: Food
Plantation: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +5% :c5food: Food in all owned Cities.

Base: +1 :c5production: Production
Plantation: +1 :c5production: Production
Monopoly: +5% :c5culture: Culture in all owned Cities.

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Plantation: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +1 :c5faith: Faith from Resource tiles.

Base: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Camp: +1 :c5food: Food
Monopoly: +1 :c5food: Food from Resource tiles.

Base: +1 :c5production: Production
Fishing Boats: +1 :c5science: Science
Monopoly: +5% :c5science: Science in all owned Cities.

Base: +1 :c5food: Food
Plantation: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Monopoly: +1 :c5faith: Faith from Resource tiles.

Spoiler Improvement Changes :

Base: +1 :c5science: Science

Base: +1 :c5food: Food
Two-Adjacent Bonus: +1 :c5production: Production

Base: +1 :c5food: Food and :c5culture: Culture

Holy Site:
Base: +2 :c5faith: Faith

Base: +1 :c5science: Science and :c5faith: Faith

Base: +2 :c5production: Production

Base: +1 :c5production: Production
Adjacent Bonus: +1 :c5culture: Culture

Terrace Farm:
Base: +1 :c5food: Farm
Nearby Mountain Bonus: +1 :c5food: Food

Base: +2 :c5gold: Gold and +1 :c5food: Food
Roads: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Railroad: TBD

Spoiler Unit and Promotion Changes :

Forage (When you reveal tiles, gain :c5food: Food in the nearest owned City)
Ignore Terrain Cost

Spoiler Misc Changes :

Workers and Military Units (Up to Enlightenment Era) stop City's growth until completed (like Settlers).

City HP and healing rate increased.

Yields from meeting City-States decreased. A lot less influence gained and less yields overall rewarded from all City-State quests.

Specialists provide much lower base yields

Stronger Barbarians and more presence (to be tested).



  • AG's Tweaks Mod v0.3.zip
    26 KB · Views: 32
Last edited:
Are you lowering tech/policy/food/production costs across the board to account for having everything nerfed? If not, won't the games take much longer? Although intriguing, I don't think early conquering is currently OP or too ahead of the pace compared to the other 2 ancient trees, so I believe this entire mod will be too punishing for domination. Only one way to find out though!

I coincidentally just started a game last night using just your v2 progress tweak, and I'm enjoying (especially the new 'Equality') how it's allowed me to actually utilize an early thick approach -- it did almost immediately grant me my next policy though, like the other poster mentioned, yet I wouldn't say it's OP, as I'm still trailing in policies against 2 culture heavy neighbors, China and Japan. Mind you, I see you just tweaked it again in your new release, so I may have to give this another go with the new values to see what feels best.
Are you lowering tech/policy/food/production costs across the board to account for having everything nerfed? If not, won't the games take much longer? Although intriguing, I don't think early conquering is currently OP or too ahead of the pace compared to the other 2 ancient trees, so I believe this entire mod will be too punishing for domination. Only one way to find out though!

I coincidentally just started a game last night using just your v2 progress tweak, and I'm enjoying (especially the new 'Equality') how it's allowed me to actually utilize an early thick approach -- it did almost immediately grant me my next policy though, like the other poster mentioned, yet I wouldn't say it's OP, as I'm still trailing in policies against 2 culture heavy neighbors, China and Japan. Mind you, I see you just tweaked it again in your new release, so I may have to give this another go with the new values to see what feels best.

I do have plans for lowering policy and production but I need some games to get a better feel for it. If I get more player feedback, that can speed up the changes. I'm also considering adding an extra policy to each tree but that's just an idea right now. Food is an interesting yield because producing units cost population like Settlers. I wouldn't mind if early Cities stay relatively small until, for instance, the Industrial Era. Then, we can have a population explosion. At least, that's the design I have in mind. Tech is another interesting discussion because I do feel that techs sometimes get researched very quickly and you feel the eras just fly by. This may change or stay the same.

As for domination, I want to nerf it early on because I don't want any civilization being eliminated or severely crippled early on. That does mean Authority has a different focus. That's why I wanted to make Barbarians more relevant. This will be a trickier thing to balance. My hope for early game focus is: Tradition = strong capital, Progress = thick/wide, Authority = benefit from barbarian hordes.

Ya, I don't think the change was OP. It propels you quickly to your second policy but you still have to work to get future policies. As for the tweaks in v0.3, those can change or a new Progress policy might be added to compensate for something. Overall, I added a ton of changes so I can't say for certain how things will look. The main goal for v0.3 was cutting back most of the yields from the policies. v0.3 will be a very different game indeed as you'll notice very quickly. The pathfinder change is gonna be a....game changer.
Made some changes to Ancient Era. Changes are as follows:

Cheaper Prophet
Less Science from Tradition
Less Production from policies and more from kills for Authority
Inca Science on Mountains removed
Reworked Celtic Pantheons
Reworked Units (Costs, Combat Strength and Ranged Combat Strength)

Spoiler AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.1 [Ancient Era Rework 2] :

Spoiler Building Changes :

No longer scales to population

Spoiler Great People Change :

Great Prophet:
Initial cost lowered to 400

Spoiler Policy Change :

+1 :c5culture: Culture to Palace in opener
Scaler loses +1 :c5science: Science and replaced with :c5food: Food

Scaler loses +1 :c5production: Production. Instead, each policy sees killing units giving :c5production: Production (15% per policy up to 90%)
Opener, Imperium and Discipline gives +1 :c5production: Production.

Spoiler Civilization Change :

Inca loses :c5science: Science on Mountains.

Spoiler Celtic Pantheon Changes :

Bran, the Sleeping Guardian:
+25% increase in City Ranged Combat Strength and +25% :c5food: Growth. +5 :c5culture: Culture and :c5gold: Gold when a :c5citizen: Citizen is born, scaling with Era. +1 :c5happy: Happiness per following City, +3 :c5food: Food from Ceilidh Hall.

Cernunnos, the Horned Stag:
+1 :c5food: Food and +1 :c5production: Production from Forests and Jungles. +1 :c5science: Science from Herbalist. +2 :c5culture: Culture from Ceilidh Hall.

Dagda, the All-Father:
+1 :c5culture: Culture, :c5gold: Gold, :c5production: Production, and :c5science: Science in the :c5capital: Capital, and for every 6 Followers of your Pantheon in owned Cities. +5 HP healed per turn in Friendly Territory. +2 :c5happy: Happiness from Ceilidh Hall.

Epona, the Great Mare:
+3 Border Growth in every City. Receive 5 :c5science: Science, :c5culture: Culture and :c5food: Food when your Borders expand, scaling with Era. +5 Border Growth from Ceilidh Hall.

Lugh, the Skilled One:
+1 :c5science: Science, :c5culture: Culture, :c5food: Food and :c5gold: Gold in Cities with a Specialist. +1 :c5production: Production to Specialists. +10% :c5production: Production towards Wonders. +3 :c5production: Production from Ceilidh Hall.

Mannanan, Son of the Sea:
+1 :c5food: Food, :c5production: Production and :c5gold: Gold in coastal Cities. +1 :c5production: Production and :c5gold: Gold for Fishing Boats and Atolls. +2 Great Admiral Points from Ceilidh Hall.

Morrigan, the Harbinger:
Earn :c5gold: Gold (100), :c5culture: Culture (100) and :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points (50) if you Kill a unit or Pillage a non-road improvement (10 with scaling). +2 Great General Points from Ceilidh Hall.

Nuanda, the Silver-Handed:
+10% :c5gold: Gold and :c5science: Science from "We Love the King Days". +1 :c5gold: Gold, :c5science: Science and :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points for every Unique Luxury Resource on Empire and per active Trade Route to or from the City. +3 :c5gold: Gold from Ceilidh Hall.

Ogma, the Learned:
Great Works give +1 :c5science: Science and :c5production: Production. +2 :c5science: Science, :c5culture: Culture, Great Scientist Points and Great Artist Points in :c5capital: Capital. +2 :c5science: Science from Ceilidh Hall.

Rhiannon, the Sovereign:
+1 :c5culture: Culture in every City. +1 :c5gold: Gold and :c5production: Production from every Resource connected with a normal Improvement. Pastures and Stables produce +1 :c5science: Science.+3 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points from Ceilidh Hall.

Spoiler Unit Changes :

35 :c5production: or 70 :c5faith:
4 :c5strength: CS
6 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

Barbarian Archer:
4 :c5strength: CS
7 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

Barbarian Spearman:
10 :c5strength: CS

7 :c5strength: CS

65 :c5production:

Chariot Archer:
35 :c5production: or 70 :c5faith:
5 :c5strength: CS
5 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

Companion Cavalry:
13 :c5strength: CS

5 :c5strength: CS
7 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

50 :c5production: or 70 :c5faith:
11 :c5strength: CS

45 :c5production: or 70 :c5faith:
11 :c5strength: CS

55 :c5production: or 70:c5faith:
10 :c5strength: CS

25 :c5production: or 70 :c5faith:
8 :c5strength: CS

15 :c5production: or 70 :c5faith:
5 :c5strength: CS

Pictish Warrior:
45 :c5production: or 70 :c5faith:
10 :c5strength: CS

65 :c5production: or 70 :c5faith:
12 :c5strength: CS

Siege Tower:
65 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:

35 :c5production: or 70 :c5faith:
4 :c5strength: CS
7 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

50 :c5production: or 70 :c5faith:
9 :c5strength: CS

War Chariot:
35 :c5production: or 70 :c5faith:
7 :c5strength: CS
6 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

War Elephant:
60 :c5production: or 80 :c5faith:
13 :c5strength: CS

25 :c5production: or 70 :c5faith:
6 :c5strength: CS

30 :c5production:

50 :c5production:

Spoiler Removed Changes :

Pathfinder loses Forage Promotion. (Too difficult to balance)



  • AG's Tweaks Mod v0.3.1.zip
    30.9 KB · Views: 27
Made changes to the Classical Era. Still need more games before I can decide on what to do with tech and policy costs.

Tweaked all Classical Era Buildings
Tweaked all Classical Era Units
Tweaked all Founder and Follower Beliefs
Made changes to the Skirmisher Line (in hopes of giving them their own niche) 
Pushed diplomatic unit and building to Renaissance (To be reworked in the future)

Spoiler AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.2 [Classical Era Rework 1] :

Spoiler Building Changes :

+2 :c5culture: Culture and +1 :tourism: Tourism
+20% :c5greatperson: Great Writer Rate in the City, and Writer's Guild in the City produce +3 :c5gold: Gold.
When a Unit defeats an Enemy Unit in battle, receive +5 Border Growth in this City, scaling with Era; if the Unit was created by this City, also receive 15 :c5culture: Culture, scaling with Era.
Dye: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Silk: +1 :c5culture: Culture
Lapis Lazuli: +1 :c5culture: Culture

+1 :c5culture: Culture
+10% :c5greatperson: Great Writer Rate in the City, and Writer's Guild in the City produce +2 :c5gold: Gold.
Dye: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Silk: +1 :c5culture: Culture
Lapis Lazuli: +1 :c5culture: Culture

-2 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5gold: Poverty

+1 :tourism: Tourism for every 5 :c5citizen: Citizens in the City.
Barracks and Armory in City: +1 :c5production: Production.
Perfume: +1 :c5gold: Culture
Olives: +1 :c5food: Food

+1 :c5culture: Culture
Temple in the City: +1 :c5culture: Culture
Amphitheaters, Garden and Candi in the City: +1 :c5gold: Gold
+5% :c5culture: Culture in the City during :c5goldenage: Golden Ages.
No longer limited to fresh water Cities. Can be build everywhere.

Burial Tomb:
+2 :c5gold: Gold and :c5faith: Faith
Removed :c5gold: Gold and :c5food: from every 2 Desert or 2 Tundra tiles worked by the City.
Land Trade Routes gain +50% Range and +2 :c5gold: Gold, Merchant Specialists in this City gain +1 :c5gold: Gold.
Truffle: +1 :c5gold: Gold.
Cotton: +1 :c5production: Production
Fur: +1 :c5production: Production

Removed :c5gold: Gold and :c5food: from every 3 Desert or 3 Tundra tiles worked by the City.
Land Trade Routes gain +50% Range and +1 :c5gold: Gold, Merchant Specialists in this City gain +1 :c5gold: Gold.
Truffle: +1 :c5gold: Gold.
Cotton: +1 :c5production: Production
Fur: +1 :c5production: Production

+2 :c5culture: Culture and +1 :c5production: Production
When a Unit defeats an Enemy Unit in battle, receive +3 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points in this City, scaling with Era; if the Unit was created by this City, also receive +5 Great General points (if Land) or +10 Great Admiral points (if Sea), scaling with Era. City connection produce +2% more :c5gold: Gold.
+1 :tourism: Tourism for every 4 :c5citizen: Citizens in the City.
Barracks and Armory in City: +1 :c5production: Production.
Perfume: +1 :c5gold: Culture
Olives: +1 :c5food: Food


Floating Gardens:
No Maintenance
+1 :c5culture: Culture
Each worked Lake tile provides no :c5food: Food, and River tiles produce +1 :c5food: Food.
No additional :c5food: Food and :c5production: Production from scaling population.

No :c5science: Science. +1 :c5production: Production
Mines worked by this City gain +1 :c5production: Production.
Iron: +1 :c5production: Production
Copper: +1 :c5gold: Gold

Harappan Reservoir:
+2 :c5food: Food and :c5production: Production
Grants no :c5production: Production from Flood Plains and +1 :c5food: Food from Lakes and Oases. Farms worked by this City gain +1 :c5production: Production.
-2 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5gold: Poverty

No Maintenance
+1 :c5science: Science

+1 :c5food: Food from Coast and Ocean Tiles.
+1 :c5gold: Gold from Fishing Boats.
Internal Trade Routes from this City generate +2 :c5food: Food.
No Military Units Supply increase.

Paper Maker:
No Maintenance.
+2 :c5gold: Gold.
+5% :c5gold: Gold in the City during "We Love the Empress Day."
No additional :c5gold: Gold from scaling population.

+1 :c5culture: Culture
When a Unit created by this City pillages a Tile, gain 10 :c5gold: Gold and :c5culture: Culture in this City, scaling with Era.
+2 :c5food: Food from Coast and Ocean Tiles.
+1 :c5gold: Gold from Fishing Boats.
Internal Trade Routes from this City generate +4 :c5food: Food.
No Military Units Supply increase.

Satrap's Court:
+2 :c5happy: Happiness
+2 :c5gold: Gold
+1 :c5gold: Gold and :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points for Scientist, Engineer, and Merchant Specialists in the City. Eliminates extra :c5angry: Unhappiness from an Occupied City (if it is Occupied).

1 :c5gold: Maintenance
+1 :c5science: Science from Jungle and Snow tiles worked by the City. +10% :c5science: Science in the City during :c5goldenage: Golden Ages. Gain 20% of the :c5science: Science output of the City as an instant boost to your current Research when a :c5citizen: Citizen is born in this City.

Siege Foundry:
+1 :c5science: Science and +2 :c5production: Production
Mines worked by this City gain +2 :c5production: Production.
When you construct a Unit in this City, gain :c5science: Science equal to 10% of the Unit's :c5production: Production cost.
Iron: +1 :c5production: Production
Copper: +1 :c5gold: Gold

Generates +10% Religious Pressure.
Incense: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Wine: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Amber: +1 :c5culture: Culture

+1 :c5culture: Culture and +5 :c5faith: Faith
Contains 1 slot for a :greatwork: Great Work of Music. Doubles Religious Pressure generated by Trade Routes, and generates +20% Religious Pressure.
Incense: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Wine: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Amber: +1 :c5culture: Culture

Water Mill:
No Maintenance
+2 :c5production: Production
No additional :c5production: Production from scaling population.

Writers' Guild:
+2 :c5greatperson: Great Writer Points

Spoiler Wonders and National Wonder Changes :

Arsenale di Venezia:

Circus Maximus:
+5% :c5culture: Culture and :c5gold: Gold during "We Love the King Day" in the City, in which it is built. All Arenas in the Empire gain +1 :c5gold: Gold.

East India Company:
+2 :c5gold: Gold
Receive an additional copy of all Luxury Resources around this City. Incoming :trade: Trade Routes generate +2 :c5gold: Gold for the City and +1 :c5gold: Gold for Trade Route owner.

Great Cothon:
+2 :c5gold: Gold
Receive an additional copy of all Luxury Resources around this City. Incoming :trade: Trade Routes generate +3 :c5gold: Gold for the City and +1 :c5gold: Gold for Trade Route owner. Grants 1 Additional Trade Routes. All Harbors gain +1 :c5production: Production and +1 :c5culture: Culture and all Lighthouses gain +1 :c5production: Production and +1 :c5culture: Culture. -10% :c5unhappy: Unhappiness Needs Modifier for :c5gold: Poverty in all Cities.
(Remove the Resource Diversity Modifier!)

Heroic Epic:

Murano Glassworks:
Unique Building for Venice. :c5greatperson: Great Person Improvements and Villages worked by all Cities gain +2 :c5food: Food and +1 :tourism: Tourism.

National Monument:
+10% :c5greatperson: Great People generation in this City. Receive 5 :c5culture: Culture when a :c5citizen: Citizen is born in the City, and 25 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points whenever you unlock a Policy, scaling with Era.

Piazza San Marco:
Unique National Monument for Venice. +25% :c5greatperson: Great People rate in City. Increases the Military Unit Supply Cap by 2.

Rialto District:
Unique Building for Venice. Cost of :c5gold: Gold purchases in all Cities reduced by 10% (15% in :c5capital: Capital). Provides 1 Additional Delegate in the World Congress for every 50 :c5gold: Gold produced (caps at 25% of all City-States ever alive).

Royal Library:
+1 :c5culture: Culture and +3 :c5science: Science. +1 :c5greatperson: Great Scientist Points.
+10% :c5science: Science in the City during :c5goldenage: Golden Ages. All Libraries produce +1 :c5science: Science and all Universities produce +1 :c5science: Science.

School of Philosophy:
+3 :c5science: Science. +1 :c5greatperson: Great Scientist Points.
+10% :c5science: Science in the City during :c5goldenage: Golden Ages.

Scrivener's Office:
moved from Writing to Printing Press

Spoiler Unit Changes :

60 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
9 :c5strength: CS
12 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

7 :c5strength: CS
13 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

Barbarian Swordsman:
15 :c5strength: CS

Barbarian Composite Bowman:
12 :c5strength: CS
15 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

Battering Ram:
12 :c5strength: CS

110 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
17 :c5strength: CS

70 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
10 :c5strength: CS
13 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

Cargo Ship:
100 :c5production:

75 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
7 :c5strength: CS
12 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

Composite Bowman:
70 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
9 :c5strength: CS
11 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

75 :c5production: or 120 :c5faith:
9 :c5strength: CS
13 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

Moved from Writing to Civil Service

12 :c5strength: CS

Horse Archer:
75 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
8 :c5strength: CS
11 :c5rangedstrength: RCS, 2 Range
3 :c5moves: Move
HP: 75

Kris Swordsman:
80 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
14 :c5strength: CS

90 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
13 :c5strength: CS

Mohawk Warrior:
70 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
14 :c5strength: CS

50 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
9 :c5strength: CS

70 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
8 :c5strength: CS
8 :c5rangedstrength: RCS, 2 Range
3 :c5moves: Move
HP: 75

80 :c5production: or 100 :c5faith:
12 :c5strength: CS

75 :c5production: or 120 :c5faith:
12 :c5strength: CS

Spoiler Resource Changes :

Revealed tech moved from Writing to Printing Press

Spoiler Improvement Changes :

+1 :c5culture: Culture and +1 :c5gold: Gold
Road: +1 :c5production: Production
Railroad: TBD

Spoiler Belief Changes :

Apostolic Tradition:
+10 :c5food: Food in Holy City when you spread this Religion, scaling with the number of new Followers of your Religion.
Unlocks Apostolic Palace National Wonder (+3 :c5faith: Faith and :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points; +3 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

Ceremonial Burial:
When a Great Person is expended, gain 7 :c5faith: Faith and :c5culture: Culture for every City following your Religion (max 25 Cities), scaling with Era.
Unlocks Mausoleum National Wonder (+3 :c5faith: Faith, and gain :c5faith: Faith when owned unit is killed in battle, +3 :c5faith: Faith from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

Council of Elders:
When a City adopts your Religion for the first time, gain 10 :c5science: Science and :c5production: Production in your Holy City, scaling gradually based on the number of Cities following you Religion (bonus caps at 25 Cities).
Unlocks Holy Council National Wonder (+3 :c5faith: Faith, +3 :c5food: Food; +3 :c5science: Science from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

Divine Inheritance:
Holy City produces +10% of its Yields during a :c5goldenage: Golden Age.
Unlocks Celestial Throne National Wonder (+1 :c5faith: Faith, :c5culture: Culture, :c5food: Food, :c5science: Science, :c5gold: Gold and :c5production: Production;+3 :c5faith: Faith from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

Hero Worship:
Receive :c5faith: Faith and :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points when you conquer a City, as well as Great General Points (if City is landlocked) or Great Admiral Points (if City is coastal). Bonus scales with City population and Era. [Base numbers will be halved]
Unlocks Great Altar National Wonder (+3 :c5faith: Faith, +15% Military Unit :c5production: Production; +3 :c5production: Production from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

Holy Law:
When you unlock a Policy, gain 2 :c5faith: Faith, :c5science: Science and :c5gold: Gold for every Follower of your Religion (max 250 Followers).
Unlocks Divine Court National Wonder (+3 :c5faith: Faith, +3 :c5gold: Gold; +3 :c5gold: Gold from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

Theocratic Rule:
"We Love the King Day" boosts the :c5faith: Faith, :c5culture: Culture and :c5gold: Gold output of a City by 10%.
Unlocks Grand Ossuary National Wonder (+6 :c5faith: Faith; +3 :c5culture: Culture from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

Transcendent Thoughts:
When you enter a new Era, Holy City gains 6 of every Yield for each City followings your Religion (max 25 Cities), scaling with Era.
Unlocks Sacred Garden National Wonder (+3 :c5faith: Faith, +3 :c5culture: Culture; +3 :c5food: Food from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

Way of Noble Truths:
When you discover a new technology, gain 1 :c5culture: Culture, :c5food: Food and :c5production: Production for every Follower of your Religion (max 300 Followers).
Unlocks Reliquary National Wonder (+3 :c5faith: Faith, +2 :c5culture: Culture, 4 Art/Artifact slots; +3 :tourism: Tourism from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

+1 :c5food: Food for every 2 follower in the City (max +15 :c5food: Food)

Cost: 100 :c5faith: Faith
Use :c5faith: Faith to purchase Cathedrals (+2 :c5faith: Faith, +1 :c5gold: Gold; Boost Pressure of Religious Majority emanating from this City by 5%, and increases the City's resistance to conversion by 10%. Farms near this City generate +1 :c5gold: Gold. Gain +5 :c5gold: Gold in the City when its borders expand, scaling with Era.
-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5gold: Poverty)

Cost: 100 :c5faith: Faith
Use :c5faith: Faith to purchase Church (+1 :c5culture: Culture, +2 :c5faith: Faith; 10 turns of "We Love the King Day" when constructed. All Great Works in the City generate +1 :c5faith: Faith. Boost Pressure of Religious Majority emanating from this City by 15%.
-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5culture: Culture)

Receive +2 to all City yields every a Citizen is born in the City. Bonus scales with Era.

+1 :c5culture: Culture for every 3 followers in the City (max +10 :c5culture: Culture), and +1 :c5faith: Faith if you have at least one Specialist in the City.


Cost: 100 :c5faith: Faith
Use :c5faith: Faith to purchase Mandir (+2 :c5faith: Faith, +1 :c5food: Food; +5% :c5food: Food in the City. Boost Pressure of Religious Majority emanating from this City by 5%, and increases the City's resistance to conversion by 10%.
-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5gold: Poverty)

Specialists generate +1 of their primary Yield ( :c5science:/:c5gold:/:c5production:/:c5culture:/:c5faith:)

Cost: 100 :c5faith: Faith
Use :c5faith: Faith to purchase Mosque (+2 :c5faith: Faith, +1 :c5science: Science; Boost Pressure of Religious Majority emanating from this City by 10%, and increases the City's resistance to conversion by 5%. +5% :c5culture: Culture in the City during :c5goldenage: Golden Ages.
-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5science: Illiteracy)

Cost: 100 :c5faith: Faith
Use :c5faith: Faith to purchase Order (Increases the City's resistance to conversion by 15%. When a Unit created by this City defeats an Enemy Unit in battle, receive +1 :c5faith: Faith, scaling with Era. +10 XP for all Military Units produced in the City, and the Morale Promotion for Land Military Units produced in this City.
-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5food:/:c5production: Distress)

Cost: 100 :c5faith: Faith
Use :c5faith: Faith to purchase Pagoda (+1 :c5faith: Faith; +1 to all City Yields for every World Religion that has at least one Follower in this City.
-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5culture: Boredom and -2 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from Religious Unrest)

+1 :c5science: Science for every 3 follower in the City (max +10 :c5science: Science)

Cost: 100 :c5faith: Faith
Use :c5faith: Faith to purchase Stupa (+2 :c5faith: Faith, +1 :tourism: Tourism, +2 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points; Boost Pressure of Religious Majority emanating from this City by 10%, and increases the City's resistance to conversion by 5%.
-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5science: Illiteracy)

Cost: 100 :c5faith: Faith
Use :c5faith: Faith to purchase Synagogue (+2 :c5faith: Faith, +1 :c5production: Production; Boost Pressure of Religious Majority emanating from this City by 5%, and increases the City's resistance to conversion by 10%. During "We Love the King Day," City :c5science: Science increased by +5%.
-1 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5food:/:c5production: Distress)

+1 :c5gold: Gold for every 2 follower in the City (max +15 :c5gold: Gold)

+1 :c5faith: Faith, :c5production: Production and :c5food: Food in the City. 10% of the cost of :c5faith: Faith Purchases in this City is converted into :c5gold: Gold.



  • AG's Tweaks Mod v0.3.2.7z
    28 KB · Views: 27
Tweaked Medieval buildings and units
Tweaked Enhancer and Reformation Beliefs
Tweaked Ancient Era Policy Trees
Tweaked some Wonders and misc stuff

Spoiler AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.3 [Medieval Era Rework 1] :

Spoiler Building Changes :

+6 :c5gold: Gold

+5 :c5gold: Gold

+5 :c5gold: Gold

Royal Guardhouse:
Defense: +3 (Down from 5)

Defense: +3 (Down from 6)

--Medieval Era--

1 :c5gold: Maintenance
No Science

Artist Guild:
+2 :c5greatperson: Great Artist Points.

1 :c5gold: Maintenance
+1 :c5culture: Culture and +2 :c5faith: Faith
+10% :c5greatperson: Great People generation in this City. Artist Specialists produce +1 :c5gold: Gold in the City.
+5% to :c5faith: Faith and :c5culture: Culture in the City during "We Love the King Day."
Oases: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Citrus: +1 :c5food: Food
Cocoa: +1 :c5food: Food
Cloves: +1 :c5faith: Faith
Pepper: +1 :c5faith: Faith
Nutmeg: +1 :c5production: Production

1 :c5gold: Maintenance
+10 :c5strength:, +250 HP

Ceilidh Hall:
1 :c5gold: Maintenance
+2 :c5culture: Culture and :c5faith: Faith
+75 :c5culture: Culture when completed. No more WLTKD.
Ivory: +1 :c5culture: Culture

Moved to Renaissance or later...

1 :c5gold: Maintenance
+250 :tourism: Tourism with all known Civilizations when completed. No more WLTKD.
Ivory: +1 :c5culture: Culture

Custom House:
+1 :c5culture: Culture
Income Trade Routes generate +2 :c5gold: Gold for the City, and +1 :c5gold: Gold for Trade Route owner.
-2 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5gold: Poverty.
Bananas: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Coffee: +1 :c5production: Production
Tea: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Tobacco: +1 :c5gold: Gold

1 :c5gold: Maintenance
+2 :c5culture: Culture and :c5science: Science
Decreased :c5culture: Culture and :c5science: Science from promoted Units.

Ducal Stable:
1 :c5gold: Maintenance
+3 :c5production: Production
Unique Polish Stable replacement. +50 :c5culture: Culture when completed. Provides 1 Free Horse and grants +50% :c5production: Production and +25 XP for Mounted Melee Units. Increases the Military Unit Supply Cap from Population in the City by 15%. Internal Trade Routes from this City generate +3 :c5production: Production.
Horses: +1 :c5production: Production and :c5gold: Gold
Sheep: +1 :c5production: Production and :c5gold: Gold
Cattle: +1 :c5production: Production and :c5gold: Gold

1 :c5gold: Maintenance
+10% :c5greatperson: Great People generation in this City. Artist Specialists produce +1 :c5gold: Gold in the City.
Oases: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Citrus: +1 :c5food: Food
Cocoa: +1 :c5food: Food
Cloves: +1 :c5faith: Faith
Pepper: +1 :c5faith: Faith
Nutmeg: +1 :c5production: Production

+2 :c5culture: Culture and :c5gold: Gold
10% of the City's :c5gold: Gold output is added to the City's :c5science: Science every turn. +5% :c5production: Production in this City for each Trade Route your Civilization has with a City-State. Income Trade Routes generate +3 :c5gold: Gold for the City, and +1 :c5gold: Gold for Trade Route owner.
-2 :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from :c5gold: Poverty.
Bananas: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Coffee: +1 :c5production: Production
Tea: +1 :c5gold: Gold
Tobacco: +1 :c5gold: Gold

1 :c5gold: Maintenance

1 :c5gold: Maintenance
+2 :c5production: Production
+33% :c5production: Production when building Mounted Melee Units. Increases the Military Unit Supply Cap from Population in the City by 10%. Internal Trade Routes from this City generate +1 :c5production: Production.
Horses: +1 :c5production: Production
Sheep: +1 :c5production: Production
Cattle: +1 :c5production: Production

1 :c5gold: Maintenance
+2 :c5science: Science
+1 :c5science: Science from Jungle and Snow tiles worked by the City. Gain 10% of the :c5science: Science output of the City as an instant boost to your current Research when a :c5citizen: Citizen is born in this City.

Reduces enemy spy stealing rate by 50%. +1 :c5science: Science from Temples and Shrines in this City, and +1 :c5culture: Culture from Jungle and Forest tiles worked by this City.

1 :c5gold: Maintenance
+1 :c5production: Production from all Forests worked by this City. Internal Trade Routes form this City generate +2 :c5production: Production.

Spoiler Wonders and National Wonder Changes :

+1 :c5faith: Faith

A Worker spawns instead of Settler.

East India Company:
+2 :c5gold: Gold
Receive an additional copy of all Luxury Resources around this City. Incoming :trade: Trade Routes generate +2 :c5gold: Gold for the City and +1 :c5gold: Gold for Trade Route owner.

Spoiler Belief Changes :

Abode of Peace:
+1 :c5gold: Gold and :c5faith: Faith in Holy City for every 20 followers of this Religion in Foreign Cities. Quest rewards are increased by 50%.

10 :c5gold: Gold and 5 :c5faith: Faith generated per converted :c5citizen: Citizen when Removing Heresy. Removing Heresy no longer causes Resistance in Cities. +5 :c5happy: Happiness if your Spy is stationed in a foreign City.

+1 :c5culture: Culture and :c5faith: Faith in all owned Cities following this Religion. +1 :c5faith: Faith in a City for every 20 :c5gold: Gold per Turn it produces, capped at half the number of Followers in the City.

+1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5science: Science to Temples and Faith Purchased Buildings.

Reduce minimum Policy requirement for Wonders by 1. Prophets of this Religion 25% stronger, cost 25% less :c5faith: Faith. +1 to base Holy Site yields.

Sacred Calendar:
+25% :c5greatperson: Great Person rate during a :c5goldenage: GA. +1 :c5goldenage: GAP and :c5gold: Gold in Holy City for every City following this Religion.

Holy City gains +5 :c5food: Food and +1 :c5greatperson: Great Person Points per turn for all :c5greatperson: Great People.

+1 :c5faith: Faith, :c5science: Science and :c5production: Production in Holy City for every 2 followers of other Religions in owned Cities.

May spend :c5faith: Faith to purchase land units in Cities. Strategic Resource quantities increase by 1% per following City (up to 25%)

Crusader Spirit:

Defender of the Faith:
Land Units gain +10% :c5strength: CS versus Land Units in friendly territory, and an additional +10% versus Land Units of players that do not follow your Religion. +1 :c5faith: and :c5culture: Culture from all Defensive Buildings.

Divine Teachings:
May build Universities, Public Schools, and Research Labs with :c5faith: Faith, and each building gains +1 :c5science: Science. Holy City gains 10 :c5faith: Faith each time the owner expends a :c5greatperson: Great Person, scaling with Era.

Faith of the Masses:
May build Amphitheaters, Opera Houses, Museums, Broadcast Towers and Stadium with :c5faith: Faith. These buildings produce +1 :c5culture: Culture each. Holy City owner gains +1 :c5happy: Happiness for every two Cities following this Religion.

Global Commandments:
+5 :c5science: Science, :c5culture: Culture, :c5gold: Gold, :c5faith: Faith, and :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points per turn while the Host of the World Congress. Receive 75 of these yields instantly when you pass a Proposal. Bonuses scale with Era.

Holy Land:
Receive 1 additional Delegate in the World Congress for every 2 Holy Sites or 2 Landmarks you own. +25% Yields from Friendly/Allied City-State following this Religion.

Inspired Works:
Landmarks and Great Person Improvements produce +2 :c5faith: Faith and :c5science: Science. Great Works produce +1 :c5culture: Culture, and you can purchase Archaeologists with :c5faith: Faith.

Sacred Sites:
Hotels and all buildings purchased with Faith provide +1 :tourism: Tourism each. World and Natural Wonders gain +2 :tourism: Tourism each. Hermitage provides +5 :c5culture: Culture and :tourism: Tourism.

To the Glory of God:
Use :c5faith: Faith to purchase any type of :c5greatperson: Great Person (in Industrial Era). When you expend a :c5greatperson: Great Person, gain 1 :c5gold: Gold, :c5science: Science and :c5culture: Culture per City following your Religion (max 20 Cities).

Spoiler Unit Changes :

120 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
15 :c5strength: CS

Camel Archer:
125 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
15 :c5strength: CS
17 :c5rangedstrength: RCS, 2 Range
3 :c5moves: Move
HP: 75

120 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
21 :c5strength: CS

150 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
25 :c5strength: CS

120 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
19 :c5strength: CS
23 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

150 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
23 :c5strength: CS

120 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
17 :c5strength: CS
21 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

Moved to Printing Press.

120 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
14 :c5strength: CS

Free Company:
90 :c5production:
18 :c5strength: CS

130 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
14 :c5strength: CS
19 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

Great Galleass:
16 :c5strength: CS
21 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

Heavy Skirmisher:
150 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
15 :c5strength: CS
15 :c5rangedstrength: RCS, 2 Range
3 :c5moves: Move
HP: 75

130 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
16 :c5strength: CS
20 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

150 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
21 :c5strength: CS

210 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
26 :c5strength: CS

17 :c5strength: CS
22 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

120 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
19 :c5strength: CS

Mandekalu Cavalry:
150 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
22 :c5strength: CS

Maori Warrior:
90 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
20 :c5strength: CS

Naresuan's Elephant:
150 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
23 :c5strength: CS

120 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
26 :c5strength: CS

100 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
16 :c5strength: CS

120 :c5production: or 150 :c5faith:
21 :c5strength: CS

130 :c5production: or 200 :c5faith:
15 :c5strength: CS
20 :c5rangedstrength: RCS

Turtle Ship:
27 :c5strength: CS

Spoiler Improvement Changes :

No more :c5science: Science from Mathematics
+1 :c5science: Science from Philosophy

+1 :c5production: Production from Metal Casting (instead of +3)

Spoiler Policy Changes :

+2 :c5food: Food and :c5happy: Happiness in the :c5capital: Capital
+1 :c5culture: Culture in the Capital for every 2 :c5citizen: Citizens.
+5% :c5food: Growth in all Cities.
+1 :c5culture: Culture to the Palace

+3% :c5food: Growth in all Cities and +1 :c5food: Food in your :c5capital: Capital.

+1 :c5citizen: Population
Cities with a garrison gain +25% :c5rangedstrength: Ranged Combat Strength. Royal Guardhouse built in :c5capital: Capital (1 Engineer Specialist, +5 :c5strength: Defense, +50 Hit Points, +2 :c5production: Production).

:c5culture: Culture cost of tiles reduced by 20% (exponentially) in all Cities. Court Chapel built in :c5capital: Capital (1 Artist Specialist, 1 :greatwork: Great Work of Art slot, +2 :c5faith: Faith).

+1 :c5citizen: Population
National Wonders with Building requirements gain +1 :c5happy: Happiness. Court Astrologer built in :c5capital: Capital (1 Scientist Specialist, +3 :c5science: Science).

Expending a Great Person grants 25 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points and :c5culture: Culture, scaling with Era. Palace Garden built in :c5capital: Capital (1 Writer Specialist, 1 :greatwork: Great Work of Writing slot, +4 :c5food: Food; Monument and Garden provide +1 :c5culture: Culture in every City).

+1 :c5citizen: Population
Specialists in :c5capital: Capital consume half the normal amount of :c5food: Food. State Treasury built in :c5capital: Capital (1 Merchant Specialist, +4 :c5gold: Gold, +10% :c5greatperson: Great Person Rate in City).

Unlocks building the University of Sankore.
+1 :c5food: Food from all Great Person Improvements and Landmarks.
Throne Room built in :c5capital: Capital (+5% to all Yields, 1 Musician Specialist, 1 :greatwork: Great Work of Music slot, :c5goldenage: Golden Ages last 10% longer).
Allows for the purchase of Great Engineers with :c5faith: Faith starting in the Industrial Era.

+1 :c5science: Science in every City.
Receive 15 :c5culture: Culture when a Technology is researched, scaling with Era, and 15 :c5culture: Culture per Technology already unlocked (not scaling with Era).

10 :c5culture: Culture when a Technology is researched.

+1 :c5moves: Movement for all Civilian Units. Workers and Trade Units are trained 50% more quickly.
Each city you found will increase the :c5culture: Culture cost of policies by 33% less than normal.

A Worker appears near the :c5capital: Capital. +2 :c5gold: Gold in every City. Tile improvement rate increased by 25%.

A Settler appears near the :c5capital: Capital.
+1 :c5faith: Faith in every City.
+10% :c5production: Production towards buildings. Cities earn 5 :c5culture: Culture when they construct Buildings, scaling with Era.

+1 :c5food: Food in every City.
+1 :c5science: Science from :c5trade: City Connection. :c5gold: Gold maintenance for Routes reduced by 50%.

A Settler appears near the :c5capital: Capital.
+2 :c5happy: Happiness in every City. :c5unhappy: Unhappiness Needs Modifier from :c5gold: Poverty, :c5science: Illiteracy, :c5culture: Boredom and :c5food:/:c5production: Distress reduced by 10% in all Cities.

Unlocks building the Forbidden Palace.
Receive 10 :c5gold: Gold when a :c5citizen: Citizen is born in any city, scaling with Era.
+1 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points in every City.
Allows for the purchase of Great Writers with :c5faith: Faith starting in the Industrial Era.

+25% combat bonus VS Barbarians, and receive announcements when Barbarian Camps spawn in revealed territory.
Gains :c5culture: Culture when you kill Units and clear Barbarian Camps. (50%)
+1 :c5production: Production in every City.

Killing a military unit generates :c5production: Production (15% per policy up to 90%). +1 :c5gold: Gold to the Palace

Cities gain 10 :c5gold: Gold and :c5production: Production when their borders expand, scaling with Era. Gain :c5culture: Culture in :c5capital: Capital equal to 10% of Tributes demanded from City-States.

Killing a military unit generates :c5science: Science based on the :c5strength: Strength of the defeated unit (50%), and Melee units heal for 15 points after killing a military unit. Unit Supply generated by :c5citizen: Population increased by 10%.

A Settler appears near the :c5capital: Capital.
+1 :c5production: Production.
Receive 20 :c5science: Science and :c5culture: Culture when you found or conquer Cities, scaling with era. Conquest bonus also scales based on City :c5citizen: Population. Killing a military unit generates :c5food: Food based on the :c5strength: Strength of the defeated unit (25%).

+1 :c5production: Production.
Each City with a garrison generates +1 :c5happy: Happiness and +1 :c5culture: Culture. :c5gold: Gold maintenance for Units reduced by 25%.

Unit gain +10% :c5strength: Strength. Supply-free military Units spawn near Cities that reach (or have already reached) a multiple of 7 :c5citizen: Citizens for the first time. :c5war: War Weariness reduced by 25%.

Unlocks building Alhambra.
Yields from Tribute Policy doubled.
Allows the purchasing of Free Companies and Foreign Legions as their prerequisite technologies are researched.
Allows for the purchase of Great Generals with :c5faith: Faith starting in the Industrial Era.

Spoiler Misc :

Farming unlocked through Agriculture.

City regen rate increased to 150 HP/turn

Settlers require 8 Population before they can be built.



  • AG's Tweaks Mod v0.3.3.zip
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Tweaked Pantheon, Founder, Enhancer and Reformation
New Pantheons, Enhancer and Reformation
New Totem Buildings in Ancient Era
Great Prophets cost more Faith (first one went from 400 to 600)

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Spoiler AG's Tweak for VP v0.3.4 [Religion Rework 1] :

Spoiler Totems (New Addition) :

Totems are Mutually Exclusive.
Totem of Life:
Cost: 30 :c5production: Production
Unlocked at Pottery.
Can be built in Capital only.
+2 :c5food: Food and +1 :c5faith: Faith

Totem of Wealth:
Cost: 30 :c5production: Production
Unlocked at Trapping.
Can be built in Capital only.
+2 :c5gold: Gold and +1 :c5faith: Faith

Totem of Knowledge:
Cost: 30 :c5production: Production
Unlocked at The Wheel.
Can be built in Capital only.
+1 :c5science: Science and +1 :c5faith: Faith

Totem of Spirituality:
Cost: 30 :c5production: Production
Unlocked at Animal Husbandry
Can be built in Capital only.
+1 :c5culture: Culture and +1 :c5faith: Faith

Totem of Creation:
Cost: 30 :c5production: Production
Unlocked at Mining.
Can be built in Capital only.
+2 :c5production: Production and +1 :c5faith: Faith

Spoiler Pantheon Changes :

Pantheons are original/changed Pantheons while Pantheons are new Pantheons.

[Building Pantheons]
Ancestor Worship
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5production: Production from Council.

Goddess of Water:
+1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5food: Food to Wells.

God of the Sun:
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5goldenage: GAP from Granaries.

Goddess of Beauty:
+1:c5faith: Faith from World Wonders,
+1 Great Artist and Great Engineer Points in your :c5capital: Capital.

Goddess of Protection:
+2 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5culture: Culture from Barracks.

Goddess of the Home:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Shrines. + 25% faster :c5food: Growth Rate.

Tutelary Gods:
+2 :c5faith: Faith and +2 :c5production: Production from Walls.

God of Commerce:
+2 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5science: Science from Markets.

[Resource Pantheons]
God of the Earth:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Stones.

Goddess of Harvest:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Wheat

God of Stars and Sky:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Tundra and Snow tiles with resources.

Goddess of Festivals:
+1 :c5gold: Gold and :c5faith: Faith for every unique Luxury Resource owned or imported.

Spirit of the Desert:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Desert tiles with resources.

[Improvement Pantheons]
Earth Mother:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Mines on improved resources

God of Craftsmen:
+1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5gold: Gold from Quarries and Stone Works.

God of the Open Sky:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Pastures.

God of the Sea:
+1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5gold: Gold from Fishing Boats.
+1 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5production: Production from Atolls.

Goddess of Springtime:
+1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5food: Food from Plantations and Herbalists.

Goddess of the Hunt:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Camps.

[Combat Pantheons]
God of War:
+10% :c5production: Production towards Units.
Gain :c5faith: Faith from killing military units.

[Terrain Pantheons]
God of Fields:
+1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5food: Food in City per 2 worked Plains or 2 worked Grassland tiles without Hills or Features.

Goddess of Nature:
+1 :c5faith: Faith for every 2 Mountains within 3 tiles of a City (capping at the City's population). Natural Wonders gain +1 :c5faith: Faith and :c5culture: Culture.

Goddess of Swamps:
+1 :c5faith: Faith in City per worked Marsh and +1 :c5production: Production in City per 2 worked Marshes.

Goddess of Purity:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Lakes.

Goddess of Renewal:
+1 :c5faith: Faith for every 2 Jungle or 2 Forest tiles worked by a City.

Goddess of Rain:
+1 :c5faith: Faith from Coasts.

[Population/Growth Pantheons]
Goddess of Fertility:
+2 :c5faith: Faith for Cities with at least 3 :c5citizen: Citizens. +5 :c5culture: Culture when a :c5citizen: Citizen is born.

[Other Pantheons]
God of All Creation:
+1 :c5culture: Culture in the :c5capital: Capital
+1 :c5gold: Gold in :c5capital:Capital for every 2 Pantheons ever founded (caps at 8 Pantheons total).

God of Expanse:
+25% faster border growth, and gain 10 :c5faith: Faith and 5 :c5production: Production every time a City expands its borders naturally, scaling with Era and Gamespeed.

God of Labor:
+4 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points and :c5faith: Faith when a new Building is constructed.

+1 :c5faith: Faith in :c5capital: Capital. +1 :c5gold: Gold and :c5science: Science in :c5capital: Capital for every 5 Followers of your Pantheon in owned cities.

Goddess of the Wisdom:
+1 :c5science: Science and :c5faith: Faith from Palace.

Spoiler Founder Changes :

Apostolic Tradition:
+1 :c5culture: Culture, :c5food: Food and :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points to all Faith Purchased Buildings.
Unlocks Apostolic Palace National Wonder (+3 :c5faith: Faith and :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points; +3 :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

Crossroads of Faiths (formerly Ceremonial Burial):
+1 :c5faith: Faith, :c5gold: Gold and :c5food: Food in Cities with a :c5trade: City Connection and per active Trade Route to or from the City.
Unlocks Mausoleum National Wonder (+3 :c5faith: Faith, and gain :c5faith: Faith when owned unit is killed in battle, +3 :c5faith: Faith from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

Council of Elders:
Specialists generate +1 :c5food: Food and +2 of their primary yield ( :c5science: / :c5gold: / :c5production: / :c5culture: )
Unlocks Holy Council National Wonder (+3 :c5faith: Faith, +3 :c5food: Food; +3 :c5science: Science from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

Divine Inheritance:
Holy City produces +10% of its Yields during a :c5goldenage: Golden Age.
Unlocks Celestial Throne National Wonder (+1 :c5faith: Faith, :c5culture: Culture, :c5food: Food, :c5science: Science, :c5gold: Gold and :c5production: Production;+3 :c5faith: Faith from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

Hero Worship:
Earn :c5science: Science and :c5food: Food if you kill a unit.
Unlocks Great Altar National Wonder (+3 :c5faith: Faith, +15% Military Unit :c5production: Production; +3 :c5production: Production from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

Holy Law:
+6 :c5science: Science, :c5faith: Faith and :c5production: Production in your Holy City.
Unlocks Divine Court National Wonder (+3 :c5faith: Faith, +3 :c5gold: Gold; +3 :c5gold: Gold from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

Theocratic Rule:
"We Love the King Day" boosts the :c5faith: Faith, :c5culture: Culture and :c5gold: Gold output of a City by 10%.
Unlocks Grand Ossuary National Wonder (+6 :c5faith: Faith; +3 :c5culture: Culture from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

Transcendent Thoughts:
+1 :c5culture: Culture and :c5science: Science to unimproved Features.
+1 :c5food: Food, :c5production: Production and :c5gold: Gold to all normal improvements..
Unlocks Sacred Garden National Wonder (+3 :c5faith: Faith, +3 :c5culture: Culture; +3 :c5food: Food from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

Way of Noble Truths:
+1 :c5culture: Culture and :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points from Great Works. +4 :c5greatperson: Great Writer points in Holy City.
Unlocks Reliquary National Wonder (+3 :c5faith: Faith, +2 :c5culture: Culture, 4 Art/Artifact slots; +3 :tourism: Tourism from Holy Sites; unlocks Reformation Belief)

Spoiler Enhancer Changes :

Abode of Peace:
Quest rewards are increased by 50%. Use :c5faith: Faith to purchase (TBD during/after the CS Diplomacy Rework)

+1 :c5faith: Faith to all Bonus Resources and Horses.

+1 :c5culture: Culture and :c5faith: Faith from Great Works.

Caste System:
+1 :c5food: Food and :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points to Specialists.

+1 :c5food: Food and :c5production: Production to Towns, Manufactories and Academies. +2 :c5production: Production to all Cities.

+1 :c5science: Science to Shrines, Temples and all Faith Purchased Buildings.

10 :c5gold: Gold and 5 :c5faith: Faith generated per converted :c5citizen: Citizen when Removing Heresy. +1 :c5faith: Faith per 2 Followers in the City. Removing Heresy no longer causes Resistance in Cities.

Earn :c5gold: Gold if you kill a unit.

+2 :c5culture: Culture and :c5faith: Faith in all owned Cities following this Religion.

+1 :c5culture: Culture to Shrines, Temples and all Faith Purchased Buildings.

Reduce minimum Policy requirement for Wonders by 1. +4 :c5production: Production and :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points in the Holy City.

Sacred Calendar:
+25% :c5greatperson: Great Person rate and +10% :c5food: Food in the Holy City during a :c5goldenage: Golden Age.

+2 :c5greatperson: Great Writer Points, Great Artist Points and Great Musician Points in the Holy City. +1 :c5culture: Culture to all Temples.

+1 :c5faith: Faith, :c5science: Science and :c5production: Production in Holy City for every 2 followers of other Religions in owned Cities.

Theologian Studies:
+2 :c5greatperson: Great Engineer Points, Great Scientist Points and Great Merchant Points in the Holy City. +1 :c5science: Science to all Temples.

May spend :c5faith: Faith to purchase land units in Cities. Strategic Resource quantities increase by 1% per following City (up to 25%)

Spoiler Reformation Changes :

Crusader Spirit:
Land Units gain +10% :c5strength: CS versus Land Units in enemy territory, and an additional +10% versus Land Units of players that do not follow your Religion. Earn :c5science: Science if you kill a unit.

Defender of the Faith:
Land Units gain +10% :c5strength: CS versus Land Units in friendly territory, and an additional +10% versus Land Units of players that do not follow your Religion. Earn :c5food: Food if you kill a unit.

Divine Teachings:
May build Universities, Public Schools, and Research Labs with :c5faith: Faith, and each building gains +1 :c5science: Science.

Faith of the Masses:
May build Amphitheaters, Opera Houses, Museums, Broadcast Towers and Stadium with :c5faith: Faith. These buildings produce +1 :c5culture: Culture each.

Global Commandments:
+5 :c5science: Science, :c5culture: Culture, :c5gold: Gold, :c5faith: Faith, and :c5goldenage: Golden Age Points per turn while the Host of the World Congress. Receive 75 of these yields instantly when you pass a Proposal. Bonuses scale with Era.

Godly Inspiration:
Holy City produces +15% of its Yields and +25% :c5greatperson: Great Person rate during a :c5goldenage: Golden Age.

Prophets of this Religion 25% stronger, cost 25% less :c5faith: Faith. +2 :c5faith: Faith and +1 :c5culture: Culture to Holy Sites.

Holy Land:
Receive 1 additional Delegate in the World Congress for every 2 Holy Sites or 2 Landmarks you own. +25% Yields from Friendly/Allied City-State following this Religion.

+2 :c5gold: Gold and :c5faith: Faith to Shrines, Temples and all Faith Purchased Buildings.

Inspired Works:
Landmarks and Great Person Improvements produce +2 :c5faith: Faith and :c5science: Science. You can purchase Archaeologists with :c5faith: Faith.

Specialists generate +2 of their primary yield ( :c5science: / :c5gold: / :c5production: / :c5culture: )

Sacred Language:
+1 :c5science: Science and :c5production: Production from Great Works.

Sacred Sites:
Hotels and all buildings purchased with Faith provide +1 :tourism: Tourism each. World and Natural Wonders gain +2 :tourism: Tourism each. Hermitage provides +5 :c5culture: Culture and :tourism: Tourism.

To the Glory of God:
Use :c5faith: Faith to purchase any type of :c5greatperson: Great Person (in Industrial Era). When you expend a :c5greatperson: Great Person, gain 1 :c5gold: Gold, :c5science: Science and :c5culture: Culture per City following your Religion (max 20 Cities).

Spoiler Misc :

First Prophet requires 600 :c5faith: Faith to unlock.

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Your changes sound subtle yet quite game changing, in a very good way (For me at least) to slow progression down for the first few eras.

I will definitely be trying your handiwork out once I settle on a balance with my current mod additions with VP as the concrete slab to build upon, due to the amount of changes it provides which really improves upon the vanilla game for the better.

In saying that, I find with the current iteration of VP, even on Marathon pacing has started to feel it moves along just a tad too fast due to the flooding of bonuses from all sources once you establish a foothold and initial policy/tech.

The one idea of your mod in particular that I find really intriguing is the worker/military unit cost food change until Medieval era. In my opinion that is pure genius as it would absolutely tie in historically, which I am a huge fan of!

One question of note for me is what alterations have you made upon barbarian units?
As I use the mod Barbarians Evolved (Without the addition of the barbarian civ and leader) to create a 'horde' of barbarians for the first couple of eras or so in an attempt to emulate what would have been the birth of civilization where those that were too violent for societies needs would have been pushed out of the cities as they were counter-productive to settling down for prosperous growth.

Side note: I would love to have a mod that would introduce a randomized/set percentage (Based upon population size) spawn chance of barbarian unit/s up to Medieval era or so to emulate the effect of the afore-mentioned expulsion of those that were deemed unfit for society, with a loss of one population for the associated city (Maybe capital only?) which would in turn make it more paramount to keep your military units a bit closer to home in defense.
Unfortunately due to real life circumstances that have led to a whole lot of stress, I just can't wrap my head around the coding aspect of it to try and implement it for myself.
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