(VP) Harmony Ideology

Harmony Ideology v 0.7

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the effects of the Postcolonialism tenet doesn't make much sense
Aha yes ok. It's not meant to be postcolonialism in the sense decolonization of empire in an active military/revolutionary way (rebellion) since that doesn't really make sense to adopt from the perspective of the ruler (and from the perspective of the ruled--or their allies--this would be more like the Freedom tenet)
Instead it's meant to be postcolonialism in sense of shifting domestic policy with respect to conquered-now-integrated peoples as a result of the various postmodern developments. (Both those that have happened IRL and also those that maybe haven't been widespread, yet) So the mainstreaming of anti-racist sentiment, racial/geographical equality through reform and reparations, aid and investment/join partnership, etc.

So the :c5gold: on Courthouses is meant to stand for reparations. The trade routes stand for increased (non-exploitative) commerce and the lowering of tariffs/(post)imperial mercantilist policies/preference.
The trade routes is the more hand-wavy effect, but it's important for the gameplay synergy of the tenets.

If you think there's a better term to describe this I'm completely open to renaming it.

I like your idea of a combat bonus near puppet/occupied Cities! I don't think we have that at the moment in the database but we can think about adding it. As a tenet it is quite close to the Patriotic War effect, but there may be more general use on a Wonder, Unique Unit, or just an earlier Policy tree (Progress?!)
New Version
Spoiler :
Disarmament buffed: Added Pay -85% Unit Maintenance Costs
Not being able to build nukes is an awful thing when this policy offers such niche bonuses
This is now a significant gold boost for a player still having a reasonable army (use case for the Peacekeeper)
With Authority you pay no Unit Costs at all!
Conservationists change: +1 Culture changed to +1 Faith
There is too much T1 Culture and not enough T1 Religion
This Promotion is partially Religious and it fits the theme of the tenet

Fixed the override folder having the wrong filenames (from previous rushed bugfix update)

New Promo Icon for the Orienteer Promotion, thanks to @gwennog!
Hi Hokath
Foremost, I always love your works, I think they add a really special flavour to the game, especially the ideology ones, they're always a must for me in every game from the time you shared on the forum
May I suggest you a little thing? In More Unique Components, Germany has Brauhaus, that gives bonuses by adopting tenets and gifting units to CSs. I don't remember the exact values and yields, but for a "completeness" matter, could you add something similar for your Devotion and Harmony ideology? I.e., for adoption +10 faith and +10 border growth point and harmony +10 science and +10 faith, or something similar I guess
Thank you for the kind words, I hope you are looking forward to the new ideology, which is very close now. 🎁
On the Brauhaus, I was going to do as you suggested but then this passed the congress:
So it would soon be obsolete.
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