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AI declaring pointless wars / never offer peace


Oct 10, 2008
not sure if other player have similara problems, but somestimes often enough it appears in mp that the AI declares very very pointless wars. they sit at the other end of the map, even have the same religion and so on and moving though half of the map to reach me and by the time they are there, their army is no longer up to date (tech wise). shouldnt they rather have war with their direct neighbours or something?

second thing is, in all the games i have ever played (mp only, deity, no agro AI) i yet have to see they offer me peace. why is that?
second thing is, in all the games i have ever played (mp only, deity, no agro AI) i yet have to see they offer me peace. why is that?

Click "let us bury the hatchet" and they will offer you techs and stuff if they're losing.
but that means i have to ask for peace right? would be nice if they tried to offer peace (at least at a point where the should have recognzid that they will be vanished if there is no peace)
but that means i have to ask for peace right? would be nice if they tried to offer peace (at least at a point where the should have recognzid that they will be vanished if there is no peace)

Yeah you have to ask. Would be nice if they did, but you can't have it all as they say. :p
This can also be an indication that one of people you are currently at war with brought them in. I usually notice that it comes in waves, where 3+ of them will all come into the war at the same time.
ok that makes sense fish sticks, but the part they never ever offer peace still remains
not sure if other player have similara problems, but somestimes often enough it appears in mp that the AI declares very very pointless wars. they sit at the other end of the map, even have the same religion and so on and moving though half of the map to reach me and by the time they are there, their army is no longer up to date (tech wise). shouldnt they rather have war with their direct neighbours or something?

second thing is, in all the games i have ever played (mp only, deity, no agro AI) i yet have to see they offer me peace. why is that?

My understanding is that the issue of DOW's from the other side of the map is an issue in the core BtS code, it isn't an FfH issue. Dresden's unofficial patch/Mod, I think, addresses it. I'm not 'up' on the issue but apparently something is going wrong with the distance calculations and I think Dresden fixed it.

I'm pretty sure that the AI won't go to peace because, without fighting and losses (since you are half the world away from each other), it doesn't see any reason to go to peace. It isn't suffering war weariness and the AI probably thinks it is stronger than you are, so getting to peace is hard until you find each other and inflcit some losses or you pass them on the power graph.

Best wishes,

Yeah, since several versions back I've seen the AI stop asking for peace in wars. I didn't know about that "bury the hatchet" feature and it is a very good one.

You can only wait until they stop "refusing to talk" and then select the bury the hatchet feature. I find most of the time those on the other side of the map will accept peace and throw something in as a bonus.

However, civs that have plenty of units still will not accept peace - as long as they feel they have numbers on you in terms of units in their army.
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