AI fighter use


Sep 24, 2006
The AI seems to send a awful lot of fighters at my promoted sam inf or mobile sams, should the presence of these units not discourage them from attacking stacks/units/terrain improvments that are covered in the radious of these anti air units? since the chances of not getting shot are very low and usually it's just free xp for me

I can understand them using Stealth bombers against sams as these get good evade chances but fighters have zero evasion, surely they should strafe targets of opportunity (one that don't shoot back) or only strafe sam units or stacks with sam units when the number of fighters significantly exceeds the number of sams so after the first few interceptions the rest get a free rain.

At the moment they seem to send them in dribs an drabs that see them intercepted a very high % of the time for no gain, other than more veteran sams for me, i got one up to 50 XP recently off the back of air strafes that seemed to make no sense
Personally I regard aircraft as expendable since the probability of survival of fully healthy air units even if intercepted is pretty high.

Also the same unit that intercepts one aircraft can't intercept another in the same turn so it's not a complete waste even if you lose a unit.

I do think the AI should be building more Tanks though; Sam Infs are really bad defending against them.
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