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AI: The price of constant UN defiance

@the original topic of the first post:

Besides the poor implementation of defying resolutions, this should be categorized as a AI bug. Its obvious that Saladins AI is crippling itself far more than it would by not defying the resolution.
Had the same in one of my games, Isabella defied universal suffrage 3 times in a row, all her cities dropped to 1.
..Its not powerful Enough. For a while I kept getting the Assign a city to me thing. And the owner Refused eveyr time, We voted 15 times for thsi city, until the city eventually came to me anyway(it was 80% my culture thru most of it) Then a city near that one was on the Assign list(i try for high culture, and culture bomb my border cities) so i did that, and He refused. The whole world said yes, He said NEVER. this one went on for 10 more turns til I said Im sick of this, Did trade embargo (everyone vs him), Kicked his door down, and Declared War, gathering Any allies willing to go further than a Trade Embargo(figured it would be nice bump on relations) and Wiped him out.
It is absolutely stupid that the result of defying a resolution is unhappiness in your city. Name one country who defied a UN Resolution and whose people were upset about it? Most of the time they rally to their leader, so if anything it should give you more happiness but a MAJOR diplomatic hit. Also, the UN should be able to vote on war with anyone who defies a resolution.

Signed, that seems like the best way to handle the situation, I just got the game the other day so I haven't gotten the chance to defy the resolution but I am looking forward to it.

"The UN has passed the Nuclear Disarmerment treaty"

"Tell them to shove it up their BLEEP"
Those people who scoff at diplomatic penalties most likely play a lot of multiplayer. In a multiplayer game I would be much more leary of voting "Yes" on something like environementalism then annoying a few computer oponents. Human players don't tend to like getting stuck with civics, especially civics that are unpopular for various reasons. It certainly wouldn't be "diplomatic" to tick off the world by helping the AI foist "environmentalism" on them.

On the other hand allowing the UN to immediately vote in a trade embargo or even war on the offender sounds much more realistic. Also much more along the lines of what the real UN would do. Peace keeping missions. lol
Thing is, normally the AI wouldnt refuse every time. Saladin does so becouse of his favourite civic...

I've seen AIs refuse the first and second times, or even just the first and then cave in.
The penalty on defying should be based on resolution type, some -1 diplo modifier should be more that enough for environmentalism, etc. While defying nuclear stuff should bear more cost. For example it could work like adverse statue of Zeus: if you defy this one, then there is no was weariness in the countries at war with you AND you get negative diplo modifiers.
I agree with most of the people here. I wanted to be able to defy resolutions since vanilla and I'm glad that Firaxis gave us the option in BtS but I'm not a fan of the way they implemented them.

Like everybody else said there should be a diplo hit instead of an happiness hit. -3 with every Civ that stacks with each defiance sounds reasonable.

There should also be a loss of foreign trade routes for 10 turns or something to represent embargoes.

Also the the chance to defy a resolution should come up after the vote. Also defying should not be an veto.

Lets say the global civic environmentalism comes up. You vote no but the resolution passes. A text box asking if you want to defy the resolution comes up. If you defy you get a -3 diplo hit with all Civs that didn't defy, furthermore you lose all foreign trade routes for 10 turns. You are free not to switch to environmentalism but anybody who did not defy are forced to switch.
Actually I think the Implementation is good, although the happiness is a bit overpowered.

I think the Veto idea really does make sense, due to the idea that theUN is weak at forcing nations to do something, if a backwater objects... then it won't get pushed through on any other countries.

Thr unhappiness is a bit much though, I think a lower level of unhappiness, +diplomatic penalties (with diplomacy revised so that it has an effect on happiness) +the possibility of a UN embargo would be enough
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