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AI will not research


Apr 18, 2011
I was tweaking the game speeds/research cost to get a game pace more to my liking and I think I've finally gotten it... however, about 1000 turns into my test game (overall max turns is 10000) I noticed on one of the pop ups that I was the most literate civilization with 4 techs researched while everyone else had 1.... I started looking and notice the only city-state on my continent had built no improvements... not even a mine on the gold next to the city. I believe the cost/time remaining for research has the AI completely flummoxed, I can think of no other reason why AIs with around twice my population base for research (I'm 7 of 8 in population and the first place has slightly over triple my population) haven't made one advance while I've made 3...

I looked in the AI xmls and found these two settings (in GlobalAIDefines.xml):


Now, I'm not sure how the AI calculated research weight in Civ V (normally I'd assume a value of the research divided by turns remaining, but with the 'per_turns_left' area I'm at a loss) so I'm unsure of which direction and how much I need to adjust these areas to get them to start researching even if it take 300+ turns to get something.

To give you some idea of what adjustments I've made... the first 1700 turns of the game are 2 years each so that means you should be at 600 BC by turn 1700 and I wanted research pace slowed so empires would just be entering the next era by about that time (assuming you didn't take the time to research every tech, in which case it'll be a little later). I originally had research cost around 2500%, but last play of this game, Japan entered the Medieval period before 2000 BC, so I just ramped it up to 10000%. Also, I have shut off free techs from 'goody huts' completely, to avoid that game-breaker (at these slow research paces a free tech that early is SERIOUSLY unbalancing).

Of course, my hopes may be seriously wasted even if I get the AI researching again since research paces will accelerate drastically when Research Agreements hit (if so I might need to remove them entirely...).

Anyhoo, anyone have any ideas how to tweak these setting (if they're even the right ones) to fix AI not researching?
Solved the issue. Adjusted the Per_turn_left setting to 0.00015 and in next game I played after I'd researched my first advance, next pop-up about literacy showed all civs had at least 2.

I suspected that setting was how much the turns remaining reduced the importance or appeal of the research and it appears I was correct.

Now if I could just get Modbuddy cooperating with my tech-tree changes I could finish this as a mod instead of playing it the old Civ IV method of backing up the xml files and altering them directly...
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