Aid request bug?


Jan 5, 2015
Playing a game trying for (what is for me) the dreaded diplomatic victory...Usually find that I can win the other victory conditions several times over before getting the 20 points needed even while achieving the maximum points as quickly as is possible. So turned off scientific and culture victory as tourism would spike a win without trying long before getting the 20 points and some other civ may launch a spaceship while I'm on future tech 50 and avoiding it. Not going to lose my capital and by keeping my religion in all my cities I should be good. Put Kris in the game for some extra opportunities. Cranked disaster intensity up (intensity also seems to effect frequency) and playing as Cleo, so mostly it's just adding yields to my river tiles and occasionally a tornado causes a minor setback.

Anyway, to the point... Early in the game, a tornado hit one of my cities pretty harshly, and there was an option for an aid request for me, which I passed on as I can't get any diplo points for it, and frankly at turn 150 and making 1600 gold per turn and 600 faith per turn, I don't need any aid. But now that I have 17 cities and turns are taking longer causing me to save and reload the next day more often, I'm noticing that every time I load the game it's re-offering the option for me to request aid for the disaster that happened 70 turns ago, and (as always) there have not been any proposals for aid requests for the other civs... Do I have to propose (and let finish) the aid request for me before other aid requests for the other civs become available? There has since been a few disasters causing the other civs to lose population and damaged tiles, but there are no aid request proposals for them. I currently only have 7 out of the 20 points needed (won both votes in both of the congresses and have the first two wonders) so they shouldn't already be trying to block my DV...
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