• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).


The first small patch is on the bottom of the first post. Changes to the .biq include the introduction of the Somatophylax unit as the battle created (hero) unit, increase of Memnon's spawn time to 6 (from 5 in the old .biq), and a few other very minor changes.

The new pediaicons just fixes the Sacred Band of Astarte crash in the civilopedia.

The pediaicons fix will be backwards compatible with saved games, the .biq changes will not. Remember to start new games with the 1.03 biq not the 1.02 biq.
Hi Rickyson.

This sounds like the infamous 'folder within a folder' bug. Check whether you have the Alexanders Conquests main folder and the .biq file within the Civilization 3/Conquests/ folder.

just double checked and yeah its installed correctly,same as all the other mods i have that work fine

i use civ 3 complete so maybe its something to do with that????

(also tried installing that 1.3 you posted and that doesnt work either)
The Great Port is a small wonder, and I think I pre-placed it in Perinthus. You'll be able to link Egypt through the Port of Alexandria late in the game. Keeping the areas separate is intentional to keep turn times quick, and to (hopefully) create distinct recruitment areas. The Siege Engineers need the Macedonians resource to upgrade, so if you want to upgrade them you'll need to do so before they get too far east.
About this... after I took Heraclea, the 2 sides (europe and asia) became culturally conected. I'm now able to build anything I could both in europe and
asia. And the resources are shared. can't understand why...

The resources on passes - they will provide their bonus if worked from a city, for instance the gold around Sestus should give your economy a bit of a boost. The passes are there for a few reasons, it's intentional that you can't build mines and roads over all of them. They're to represent hills that are higher than usual and harder to improve.

Pity... it's one luxury less :(
just double checked and yeah its installed correctly,same as all the other mods i have that work fine

i use civ 3 complete so maybe its something to do with that????

(also tried installing that 1.3 you posted and that doesnt work either)
If 1.02 isn't working then 1.03 won't either - they use the same game resources. I don't know why it won't work. Some of the other people who tested and now play the mod have been using civ III complete, so it couldn't be a problem with your version. The reason I don't think it can be installed properly is that the Capital is the first building in the game - if the game is crashing due to that then it probably means that it's failing to find any buildings at all. Check that your version is sitting in your file structure as below:

If you have a folder named 'Alexander's Conquests' rather than 'AC V 1 02' then that will be the problem.

About this... after I took Heraclea, the 2 sides (europe and asia) became culturally conected. I'm now able to build anything I could both in europe and
asia. And the resources are shared. can't understand why...
Heraclea will join Europe and Asia Minor, but there's a break between Asia Minor and the Middle East which will split your empire. The regionalism is more obvious once you get further east - especially in the Bactrian (Afghan) province.

Pity... it's one luxury less :(
I wouldn't want things too easy. :) You should have plenty of buildings available early on to reduce unhappiness to a manageable level.

Just found it
Still got version 0.91. Wants to upgrade. Downloading.

Hope you enjoy. :)
If 1.02 isn't working then 1.03 won't either - they use the same game resources. I don't know why it won't work. Some of the other people who tested and now play the mod have been using civ III complete, so it couldn't be a problem with your version. The reason I don't think it can be installed properly is that the Capital is the first building in the game - if the game is crashing due to that then it probably means that it's failing to find any buildings at all. Check that your version is sitting in your file structure as below:

If you have a folder named 'Alexander's Conquests' rather than 'AC V 1 02' then that will be the problem.

i read that and thought for sure that would do it because it was named alexander's conquests and ive never had to change the name of a mod folder like that before:blush:

but i went and did that and....its still not working:mad:
i read that and thought for sure that would do it because it was named alexander's conquests and ive never had to change the name of a mod folder like that before:blush:

but i went and did that and....its still not working:mad:
Ah, we've found the problem - it is indeed the folder within a folder problem I mentioned before. You didn't need to rename the existing folder - if you look in the folder that was named 'Alexander's Conquests' then you should find that there's a single folder in there named 'AC V 1 02' that needs to be dragged one level up into the Conquests folder. The game should then work fine I hope. At the moment the game is failing because it's looking for an asset in Conquests/AC V 1 02/, but the asset is actually in Conquests/Alexanders Conquests/AC V 1 02/, hence the game crashes.
Ah, we've found the problem - it is indeed the folder within a folder problem I mentioned before. You didn't need to rename the existing folder - if you look in the folder that was named 'Alexander's Conquests' then you should find that there's a single folder in there named 'AC V 1 02' that needs to be dragged one level up into the Conquests folder. The game should then work fine I hope. At the moment the game is failing because it's looking for an asset in Conquests/AC V 1 02/, but the asset is actually in Conquests/Alexanders Conquests/AC V 1 02/, hence the game crashes.

working now:)

thanks for the help/
I just dled this, and I have several questions. A) What are all those islands on the map edges? o.o B) With the units that look like cities..do I attack them "razing" the towns, or do I just let them be, for roleplay purposes?

That's all for now. `Goes to play it.` :]
I just dled this, and I have several questions. A) What are all those islands on the map edges? o.o B) With the units that look like cities..do I attack them "razing" the towns, or do I just let them be, for roleplay purposes?

That's all for now. `Goes to play it.` :]
Hi geminisama.
A - Don't worry about them, you'll never need to go down there. If things are working properly then they allow me to force the AI to declare war on the player at the appropriate time.
B - The city units can be attacked and destroyed (razed), or you can go around them. They just allow me to make your journey more difficult in certain areas. I had been hoping to be able to link them to particularly useful terrain, but I didn't get the chance to implement this in the version that's out now - version 2.0 should fix that.

Hope you enjoy, best of luck. :)
Keroro, I d/l'd this last night & tried a game. Wow! Looks great! It's clear from the start that you put a ton or time & research into this! Thanks allot for making it public!

-I didn't get to Halicarnassus fast enough so there were at least 3 Memnons there when I arrived... They chewed my armies up so I'm gonna start over. Now I can see how important every move in the early game is. I realize now that you mention Halicarnassus' importance in this thread, but you might want to put a hint in the OP to save others allot of time at the beginning.

-I noticed the Lion resource in Anatolia. I like it, but it makes me curious. Where there reports of lions in Anatolia in the 3rd century BCE? I know there are older accounts of lions in the Levant, but was suprised at seeing them in Anatolia at that time.

-I expected to start off in control of Greece & Macedonia as Alexander was when he invaded the Persian empire. It was a huge suprise to find that Alexander doesn't rule Macedonia!:confused: At least the Greeks & Macedonians are friendly. I assume there are gameplay reasons for this-so the player isn't too strong at the beginning. My 1st instinct was to conquer Macedonia, but I headed east instead which seems to be what's intended.

-The Siege Engine unit has a Transport Capacity of 2, but I can't get any units to load into it & the pedia entry doesn't say what units can like the entry for the other Armies do. Could you clarify what it's purpose is? If it's just artillery, why does it show a Transport Capacity?

-Thanks for the nearly-complete pedia! That helps allot with so many new units! I only found a few missing entries & I don't remember what they were.

I have a feeling I'll be playing this for a long time to come! I will be back with more reports. Thanks again!

EDIT: I figured out that Greek Fire loads into the Siege Engineer. I'd suggest that the pedia entry for the Siege Engineer mention Greek Fire as the former becomes available several turns before the latter.

ANOTHER EDIT: I just noticed that you included murex as a resource in the eastern Med. Very nice!
-I expected to start off in control of Greece & Macedonia as Alexander was when he invaded the Persian empire. It was a huge suprise to find that Alexander doesn't rule Macedonia!:confused: At least the Greeks & Macedonians are friendly. I assume there are gameplay reasons for this-so the player isn't too strong at the beginning. My 1st instinct was to conquer Macedonia, but I headed east instead which seems to be what's intended.

He said at one point in one of the threads that is intended for the reason you gave. I think he goes into a little more detail if you want to try digging.
Hi Maimonides. :) Thanks for giving the mod a go. You seem to have worked out a few of the things yourself, but I'll try to fill in the other bits for you.

The transport for Siege engines - yes, that's to carry Greek Fire, and the civilopedia does need an update on that count. Thanks for spotting that.

The lions in Anatolia - I think there were a few left, though they weren't that widespread. They died out in Greece around 50 AD I think, I assumed a similar timeline for Turkey. They're in the game to represent hunting opportunities more than anything. Kings and nobles would go a long way to have the chance to hunt a lion after all.

Murex - I can't really take credit for that, it was Virote Considon's idea. :D

Memnon and Halicarnassus - That is the tricky bit in the early game, I wouldn't like to have three of those units running around. The early game is more of a headlong charge than a tactical advance, you should have enough armies and elite units to get through the Eastern Greeks pretty fast. You'll just have to concentrate your forces when Memnon puts in an appearance.

Macedonia/Greece - As againstthe flow says, it would be too easy to have all of Macedonia and Greece under your control at the beginning. Several unit producing buildings are meant to represent reinforcements from the homeland, but in fact Alexander didn't get that many reinforcements from Macedonia as he advanced through Asia. You should be able to take back Macedonia after the 'historical' part of the timeline runs out.
hey i got lots and lots of comments! this is a GREAT scenario btw.

1. you need to change the palace of susa to a great wonder, rather than a small wonder otherwise when you capture it it disappears and you cant build proskynesis (or however it's spelled)

2. you should indicate what the optimal research time is. 9 turns i assume, but i didnt know that for a while. when we worked on RFRE we made sure to indicate that 12 turns was optimal. if you fell behind you would pay for it later. but as it was i thought i should make money and so reduced it to like every 12 turns rather than 9, so i could do espionage later.

3. indicate that combined arms should NOT be researched by the player. i didnt know and got screwed out of about 6 turns of research before i got it via great library wonder (whatever it is)

4. indicate what is necessary for certain buidings, ie that you need at least 11 pop in nile alexandria before you can built that port wonder.

5. remove pollution... its pretty annoying how much you get in far flung cities. right now bithynia (northwestern anatolia) is just covered in pollution but im using all my doulos's to build up nile alexandria and charax

6. whats up with those hideouts? do i bribe them? can i bribe them? or should i just ignore? EDIT: i bribed them :)

oh! and 7. you should reassign those garrisons to the southeast of melitene to phoenicia... i know it doesnt make too much sense, but it would make sure that issus happens around phoenecia. in one attempt i took out the greeks only to have Darius's HUGE army advance against my one phalanx and a few archers... YIKES. but this way phoenecia will still be alive and so will the garrisons and so Persia will have to send its forces to the appropriate area. (ps, that whole phoenecia/issus campaign was my favorite part of the scenario. i liked being on an active-defense for once and just bombarding/picking off the massive forces assaulting me. COOL)

Right now in my game im just about to take drapasca. its week 13 331 BC, but im researching parthian campaign, so i think im a little behind tech-wise, which seems to be ok. i have a massive force of like 40 Thessalian Cavalry (best unit in the game btw... like WOAH!) and the 3 generals, Heph, Alex, and my 3 phalanxes (lost one at granicus) along with hypaspists for suppoprt and im steam-rolling through all opposition. that rebase ability is great for keeping archers and other garrison-type units up to speed.

overall, this is fantastic. im having trouble deciding whether to go on with an "alexander lives" campaign or just see it through historically... maybe ill do both!

i really like the way cities (and the citizens) are handled, they grow really nicely... if only i didnt have to pay so much maintenance! but its cool... just forces me to conquer more!

for the future, maybe remove the "pillage" ability from comp units? or at least thracian/macedonian (non player) units so they dont pillage those fantastic royal roads, as happened once.

AGAIN, great job! ill post more comments when i have them! Thanks!
sorry, one more thing... if im NOT planning on going for the regional capitals victory, is there any reason to keep doing research in era 2 past capture of persepolis?
Lots to reply to today. :) I'm glad you're enjoying the campaign, I always figured that it would appeal to fans of RFRE more than anyone else. Thanks for taking the time to write up your findings.

gah im writing too much... but both indian monarchy and macedonian monarchy are immune to bribes so how could i bribe Gandhara or Macedon?
No such thing as writing too much.
The Macedonians and Indians should (:mischief:) switch to another government after they research certain advances. If the timing is out or you're running ahead of schedule then this may not work perfectly. Let me know how the timings work out if you get as far as India. Also, let me know if it's still not easy enough to bribe the Indians - I had a bit of trouble with this while play-testing, but I think it's because they had a stack of about 50 units in Taxila.

sorry, one more thing... if im NOT planning on going for the regional capitals victory, is there any reason to keep doing research in era 2 past capture of persepolis?
Er, hmm. I can't honestly remember the tech tree perfectly, but I think there was some useful stuff in there. If I go to a V1.5 I'm planning to make some of the advances more enticing for the player, there are too many with no benefit at the moment. Moving the Port of Charax onto one of the empty advances and putting a phalangite upgrade there should encourage players to research to the end of that era.

Now the original comments:
1 - Good spot, I hadn't realised about that. I'll patch that at the weekend.

2/3 - I'll try to make the research times more obvious, maybe in the box that appears at the beginning of the scenario. Combined Arms should have a warning in it's civilopedia entry, as should all the techs that aren't meant to be researched by the player.

4 - That is soimething I can add to the pedia. :thumbsup: The Ports normally require 11 pop because they allow the city to grow into a metro, and you can't build that type of improvement until you're at city size (which is 11 in this scenario).

5 - I might reduce pollution, but not get rid of it altogether. There are quite a few buildings that reduce pollution. From memory I think they were the agora, gymnasion, theatre, er, and some more. :D Like I said the pedia should have these buildings noted.

6 - Do you mean the cities in the middle of mountains near Bactria? If so then they're menat to keep their nations in the game to make culture flips possible (revolts and uprisings...), and also to generate some troops that can teleport into your domains and stab you in the back. They're also meant to be unbribable, so something might have gone wrong there. :lol:

7 - That's an interesting idea. I have noticed that the Persians often try to attack through the Melitene area, stopping them would be useful. Persia always makes it's main attack just after the Eastern Greeks are destroyed in my experience - until then the allied Eastern Greek and Phoenician garrisons stop them getting through. If we can channel them into the area of Issus then that's obviously more historical.

Final point - With regards to the pillaging, I hadn't thought of that possibility to be honest. I believe that the only troops with the pillage ability are heavy infantry, most of which are very slow. I'm slightly surprised that the AI managed to get any heavies that far east before you. I'll take another look at it anyway.

A couple of questions. What difficulty are you playing on, and is it too easy to maintain happiness in your cities? I didn't want things to be too easy, and in playtesting I did notice that unhappiness was quite rare. Apart from Thessalians, what troops do you find you're using most? I never intended the player to have quite so many Thessalians :eek: (they're meant to be rare allied forces), I may have to see if they can be limited in some way. Making them obsolete earlier might work.

Thanks again for the feedback, if people are still playing this then I'll keep updating it. I have thought of another way that resources could be handled that might make for better play, and as mentioned I want upgradable foot companions too. There's plenty of stuff I can still polish (especially the pedia). Good luck (save often).
my turn to reply :)

re. bribes: if those nations do switch gov's it hasnt happened yet in my game. but according to my spy in Gandhara, they only have a total of like 30 units, so between the 2 cities and "radars" they cant have more than like 10-12 units each. i guess maybe im ahead of the timers?

re. teach advance: after the "conquest of persepolis" tech i turned my research off. I decided that the next tech i needed was "Eastern Revolt" in the next age and figured i could use the extra income to buy garrisons around the border areas instead of research. once the tech timers made it possible i started research... but from the next era :) Since i saw that my libraries would go obsolete at bactrian conquest part 2 (GASP!) and i think proskenesis (if i could have built it) would have done the same at sogdian conquest, i decided i would rather have those benefits than complete the teching. A few ideas for those techs though: make one of them double research rate... that would be incredibly useful and would probably make me want to research those techs. also, i would put 2 (yes, 2) wealth doubling flags for some of those techs. throughout the game i have been running a deficit and maintenance of all my improvements has actually caused me to set all cities that can (other than babylon, charax, and nile alexandria) to wealth to try and stem the bleeding. i know it is intended that all those citizens would provide huge incomes if you switch to wealth, but its not working from my experience. one city (maybe gordion?) had a pop of 7 and was making 7 gold, but then i switched to wealth and it only increased to 8 gold, which only offsets the cost of one improvement, so if i stop building improvements i would get a net gain of 2 gpt instead of breaking even.

you are right... i just checked and there are a bunch of pollution reducing improvements... its just that the maintenance starts to build up and i cant afford to be building in every city... maybe this is good actually. adds some challenge :)

6. Bactra and Sogdiana both switched to rebellios satrapy when i was near and so i bribed those mountain cities... thereby destroying the civs outright... who wants the chance of a flip anyway. haha, sorry about this exploit

in my game i kept a force outside of melitene but did not take it until after issus, both to be ready when i wanted to take it and to prevent the thracians from taking it... (ill get to this in a second)

the only unit i saw pillage was "Antipater's phalanx" which got through to Ecbatana while i was going to pasargade and persepolis and swinging around. they were maybe 2 turns ahead of me, but luckily destroyed a road that didnt matter too much.

im on monarch, happiness isnt really an issue, though i do keep my luxury slider at 20% just to prevent flips as much as i can.

honestly, apart from thessalian cavalry, i have a few (like 5 throughout my empire) sarissaphoroi, a few (like 4) greek cavalry, but the main support force for my army is hypapspists. my army of 30-40 (its bigger now) thess. cavalry plus my generals, with the phalanxes and hypaspists (and my lone stomatophylax) to move in for support and quell resistance, is too mobile for me to build or use heavy infantry. i have 3 phalagites (or whatever the macedonian version is) that are in babylon, alexandria (nile), and Byblos... since they cant move 2 or teleport, they were too much of a burden and i left them behind. they are useful on those royal roads though. so yeah, i maybe ahead because i only use mobile forces. i will say that if you only allowed me to have a limited supply of thess. cavalry, my army would probably be 25-30 hetairoi instead of 30-40 thess. just cause i like mobility. maybe cavalry should ONLY be autoproduced for the player... my strategy would have to be completely changed in that case!

again, great job though. if you need help, id be happy to be of service. now im off to take down india (at least part of it)
Lots of food for thought there. I'm glad that the Bactrians and Sogdians became rebellious, though they might have done so slightly ahead of schedule. The Gandharans should change in a similar way to 'Indian Annex'. Not the other Indians though - you'll have to take them by force. The techs will have to be altered somehow, I think there's already a change in the wealth production rate somewhere, another may be possible. Interesting to note the difficulties with maintainance and gold production.

I'm amused and dismayed in equal measure about Antipater making it to the east. He's meant to be the regent of Macedonia by Zeus! If I were Alexander I'd sack him on the spot. I never saw the computer commit him to an offensive before. I think I can just flag him for defence to convince him to stay at home.

I'll take a look at how to limit the more powerful cavalry. The standatrd Greek cavalry will still be available, but the Thessalians and Companions are supposed to be elite and shouldn't make up such a large chunk of the army. Sometimes I wish I could have a promotions system like in Civ 4. :mischief: By the way, I did put cataphracts in as a very late unit option - if you get to them I imagine you'll enjoy them. ;)

Some notes on the Indian campaign would be useful by the way, like whether it's too easy, hard, what the response of the Mauryans is when you start taking cities...
i did see that the kataphraktoi are WAY down the line... if theres anyone left to conquer at that point ill have a good time with them :)

just so you know, the indian campaign is really easy. the mauryans took "city of the brahmins" and so i decided to go around it... i blitzed down the indus and after being sufficiently far south i then sent my small reserve force over to take sangala. now i have a strong permanent garrison over in india for when i come back. but in my blitz i took pattala on the turn i finished the "battle of hydaspes" tech and so it seems like there wont be a huge battle... so my troops wont be tired and ill be able to come back to india really soon! i would give the Pauravas more elephants... i havent encountered one from them.

interesting note: the league of corinth declared on me on the eve of my indian offensive and caught me off guard! i was lucky and barely kept amphipolis and now, after island hopping, i took athens. the key is LOTS of Kretan mercs, egyptian mercs, and siege engineers to basically remove the defensive bonus of those forts. but yeah, i think Maurya will be tough cause they have 20+ elephants (according to my spy)

ill write more later
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