Lots to reply to today.

I'm glad you're enjoying the campaign, I always figured that it would appeal to fans of RFRE more than anyone else. Thanks for taking the time to write up your findings.
gah im writing too much... but both indian monarchy and macedonian monarchy are immune to bribes so how could i bribe Gandhara or Macedon?
No such thing as writing too much.
The Macedonians and Indians should


switch to another government after they research certain advances. If the timing is out or you're running ahead of schedule then this may not work perfectly. Let me know how the timings work out if you get as far as India. Also, let me know if it's still not easy enough to bribe the Indians - I had a bit of trouble with this while play-testing, but I think it's because they had a stack of about 50 units in Taxila.
sorry, one more thing... if im NOT planning on going for the regional capitals victory, is there any reason to keep doing research in era 2 past capture of persepolis?
Er, hmm. I can't honestly remember the tech tree perfectly, but I think there was some useful stuff in there. If I go to a V1.5 I'm planning to make some of the advances more enticing for the player, there are too many with no benefit at the moment. Moving the Port of Charax onto one of the empty advances and putting a phalangite upgrade there should encourage players to research to the end of that era.
Now the original comments:
1 - Good spot, I hadn't realised about that. I'll patch that at the weekend.
2/3 - I'll try to make the research times more obvious, maybe in the box that appears at the beginning of the scenario. Combined Arms should have a warning in it's civilopedia entry, as should all the techs that aren't meant to be researched by the player.
4 - That is soimething I can add to the pedia.

The Ports normally require 11 pop because they allow the city to grow into a metro, and you can't build that type of improvement until you're at city size (which is 11 in this scenario).
5 - I might reduce pollution, but not get rid of it altogether. There are quite a few buildings that reduce pollution. From memory I think they were the agora, gymnasion, theatre, er, and some more.

Like I said the pedia should have these buildings noted.
6 - Do you mean the cities in the middle of mountains near Bactria? If so then they're menat to keep their nations in the game to make culture flips possible (revolts and uprisings...), and also to generate some troops that can teleport into your domains and stab you in the back. They're also meant to be unbribable, so something might have gone wrong there.
7 - That's an interesting idea. I have noticed that the Persians often try to attack through the Melitene area, stopping them would be useful. Persia always makes it's main attack just after the Eastern Greeks are destroyed in my experience - until then the allied Eastern Greek and Phoenician garrisons stop them getting through. If we can channel them into the area of Issus then that's obviously more historical.
Final point - With regards to the pillaging, I hadn't thought of that possibility to be honest. I believe that the only troops with the pillage ability are heavy infantry, most of which are very slow. I'm slightly surprised that the AI managed to get any heavies that far east before you. I'll take another look at it anyway.
A couple of questions. What difficulty are you playing on, and is it too easy to maintain happiness in your cities? I didn't want things to be too easy, and in playtesting I did notice that unhappiness was quite rare. Apart from Thessalians, what troops do you find you're using most? I never intended the player to have quite so many Thessalians

(they're meant to be rare allied forces), I may have to see if they can be limited in some way. Making them obsolete earlier might work.
Thanks again for the feedback, if people are still playing this then I'll keep updating it. I have thought of another way that resources could be handled that might make for better play, and as mentioned I want upgradable foot companions too. There's plenty of stuff I can still polish (especially the pedia). Good luck (save often).