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Dororo: Ninja Frog
May 19, 2006
The Hinata Residence
Phillip, the second, transformed the small kingdom of Macedonia from a backwater under Greek and barbarian influence into one of the mightiest powers of the day. He transformed the Macedonian army into the most feared and well drilled force in the world. He stabilised the borders of his own Kingdom, conquered neighbouring regions and vanquished the Illyrians and Thracians on his borders. He defeated the major Greek powers of the day, routed Thebes, and established hegemony over the League of Corinth to gain backing for an expedition east.

Alexander, the Great, had a lot to live up to. Faced with mistrust or even outright hostility from the people his father had put down, he was immediately called upon to march to the far corners of the Macedonian Kingdom. He gained lip-service from the Greeks that they would honour him as their leader, campaigned against the Thracians and Illyrians, and was finally called upon to crush the Thebans again. Thebes was utterly destroyed and its people slaughtered; a taste of what was to come for those who betrayed Alexander.

That was only the start. By turns he took the Greek cities of Asia Minor, then the Levantine Coast, Egypt and Persia. By this time he was the single most powerful man in the world, yet powerless against his own ambition. He continued to Bactria, Sogdiana and Western India, campaigning across deserts, steppes and the rich waters of the Indus. The Eastern campaigns were the most bloody of his career.


In India his army finally refused to follow him further, and he turned for home, leading part of his army in a tragic journey across the Gedrosian desert, where many died. Back in Susa and Babylon he held a mass wedding and reorganised his Empire, executing satraps who had proven to be corrupt and re-shaping the army to incorporate the vast numbers of new troops he had access to. With further campaigns East and West planned he died in Babylon, possibly poisoned, possibly from Malaria or Typhoid Fever. The Empire split, and the Hellenic successor states formed that endured until Roman conquest of the East centuries later. The Ptolomies, Seleukids and Greco-Bactrians would each create a distinctive blend of Greek civilization, and carried hellenism far from the mediterranean.

Alexander's conquests are unmatched by any but the finest military minds in world history. You can re-create them now in this scenario, and you also have the option to go further. You can play a world where Alexander lives on to further conquests. Whether to go further East and meet with Chandragupta Maurya in India, or West to combat the Romans and Carthaginians is your choice. The first step is awaiting you - cross the Hellespont, battle Memnon of Rhodes at the Granacus river, and create a legacy to last forever.

First get the main download here Version 1.50, this now includes the flic files.
The biq file is available at the bottom of this post. The biq should go in Civilization 3/Conquests/Conquests.
Optional Music is available here. Otherwise I'd suggest you turn music off or play your own through winamp or a similar program.

Old hands will know exactly where they need to put the files in the download. For those new to the process, the files in the main zip and flics zip will need to be unzipped to your Civilization 3/Conquests/Conquests folder - the unzip utility that you use must retain full file paths (I'd recommend the 7-zip utility for those using Windows, it's very easy to use and will both compress and decompress your files very quickly). If you're using the music too then upzip to the same place in the same way. You should end up with an AC v 1 50 folder and an Alexander's Conquests v 1 50.biq in the Conquests folder, if not then you'll need to simply move them manually to the right location.

The scenario is tested to a fairly advanced point, though the last 100 turns or so are a bit untried. It's been tested on a Windows XP system with Conquests. I believe that everything is in place to make sure it works on Civ 3 Complete as well. Mac compatibility is something I can't help you with. :( There is a Mac sub-forum that you can post in that might be able to help.

The map is large (300x200), though the speed of the scenario is not bad because trade routes are limited and the AI cannot build settlers (therefore you don't get stupid useless cities in the middle of uninhabitable terrain). On a core 2 duo it takes about a minute to load the scenario up, and has AI turn times of about 20 seconds, other systems will be slower or quicker relative to their processing power. If anyone comes accross very long AI turn times then please send me a zip file with the save so I can investigate.

This scenario works best without random barbarians and with the AI patrol flag enabled, I recommend you go to the file Civilization 3/Conquests/Conquests.ini and change the settings for:

ActualBarbarianActivity= to a value -1 (that stops random barbarians)
NoAIPatrol= to a value of 0, add the line at the end of the file, if it's not already there.

Then, start playing. :) For various reasons only Alexander is playable in this mod, though I hope that that will provide enough of a challenge for most people - it is not a particularly easy game, I'd recommend either Regent or Monarch difficulty. Remember to go East and prioritise the capture of Halicarnassus to prevent Memnon from interfering in your plans. Let me know any problems you come accross, and any questions will be answered as soon as I'm able. Also please do post all and any comments here as you go. I appreciate all feedback, positive and negative.

EDIT 9th January 2010 - Version 1.50 released.
EDIT 12th January 2010 - Hotfix on post 139. Thanks Blue Monkey.
EDIT 20th January 2010 - Hotfix on post 156. Thanks King Coltrane.
EDIT 23rd January 2010 - Patch 1.51 on post 169.


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There is a credits file in the download. Of course, if anyone notices any of their work which I have not given credit for, then please, please let me know. I do want to thank each and every artist who has contributed work to the mod and the rest of the community at CFC.

For the next version (which is not that close at the moment):

Some map tweaking here and there, around Baktria mainly.
Some better interface graphics (if I can make them).
More difficulty in the Bactrian campaign.
More detail in the Indian Campaign.
Implementing more difficult barbarian factions for the late game.
General improvements in the civilopedia.
Anything else that comes up from the feedback, especially bugs.
Congratulations on the completion of your masterpiece! Can't wait to try it out! :thumbsup:
Ooh, replies.

Congratulations on the completion of your masterpiece! Can't wait to try it out! :thumbsup:
I remember you being the first to post in the testing thread, and you're the first here too. I hope that it's as much of a masterpiece as you hope, and that you enjoy playing. :)

may i ask how big the map if not exact size, then large or huge?
Good question, I'll update the first post with that detail when I get home. The map is pretty big, but I've attempted to cut down the amount of time it takes to play by limiting settlers, and stopping most of the sea and air trade routes. Hopefully it will be pretty playable on any computer from the last few years, though it will be slow on anything below a 1 gig processor I imagine. :(

Downloading now! :cool:
Cool. Thanks for your help all the way through the development by the way. :cool: You've tested and advised as much as anyone.
My life is a bit insane (in a good way) just now. I will download & install on both my Mac & Winbox. I can't say how soon I'll be able to report back though. The Mac is old & slow, so I can't promise to play a whole game on it, but at least I'll be able to tell if there are any fundamental installation issues. I'll still prowl the Mac forum, but AlanH usually answers questions before I get to them. He has a much newer Mac & the latest OS, so between the two of us most Mac users cans still get good support over there.
I'm back from the bar, and have updated a few of the sections above with info that was needed. Hopefully it all makes sense... Still waiting for some pictures to be approved though, I miss the old file upload system.

Ah, hell, i've been fighting with myself for over an hour now... Anyway, i'll download it now and hope that nobody who expects me to do other things reads this...
Fighting with yourself? That sounds fun. Seriously though, I hope that this comes close to living up to the RFRE scenario that we've both lost so much time to in the past. ;) I have found in playtesting that the early years in particular can take a long time to get through in this scenario.

My life is a bit insane (in a good way) just now. I will download & install on both my Mac & Winbox. I can't say how soon I'll be able to report back though. The Mac is old & slow, so I can't promise to play a whole game on it, but at least I'll be able to tell if there are any fundamental installation issues. I'll still prowl the Mac forum, but AlanH usually answers questions before I get to them. He has a much newer Mac & the latest OS, so between the two of us most Mac users cans still get good support over there.
As with V_C, thanks for your support over the development period on this scenario. One day I'll hopefully be able to post a save file that starts you off at the beginning of the Indian campaign (or maybe someone else might beat me to it? :mischief:).

As for mac support, I know that the sub-forum does a great job sorting out all sorts of problems, I hope that my humble scenario doesn't present any insurmountable challenges.
Question: Is the music from the game Pharaoh or Pharaoh: Cleopatra? I've logged many hours playing that game, and while waiting for those pesky monuments to get finished I've spent quite awhile listening to the music.

I could swear that I've heard that while playing that game. My war with the Eastern Greeks is going well. Memnon's army is no more, along with about 95% of the other forces mustered there.
Question: Is the music from the game Pharaoh or Pharaoh: Cleopatra? I've logged many hours playing that game, and while waiting for those pesky monuments to get finished I've spent quite awhile listening to the music.

I could swear that I've heard that while playing that game. My war with the Eastern Greeks is going well. Memnon's army is no more, along with about 95% of the other forces mustered there.
Thanks very much for trying it out. :) The music is all actually from the main civ 3 game. I did once put some really nice music together, but then chickened out of including it because of copyright issues.

Spoiler :
Memnon respawns if you don't take his base in Halicarnassus quickly enough.

Ooo! I wanna try this one! I hope its not too hard like RFRE :)

Thank you Keroro!
Thanks Stormrage, hope you enjoy it. :) It won't be quite so hard I don't think, though I haven't tested it at anything above Monarch level. I would imagine that Persia would be pretty overpowering at anything Emperor or above, they already get a ton of units at the lower levels.
So, I want to commend you on your great efforts for this amazing scenario.

Some feedback:

-I found several missing civilopedia entries for units, wonders, and improvments. I found this as when I usually download a scenario I browse through the civilopedia.

Well, that's really it actually. The units are very unique, and t's relatively true to Alexander's true deeds.

Great job!
@ Dodecalypse - thanks very much. If you notice any particular units or buildings that don't have civilopedia entries then could you let me know (by PM)? I intend to make it a complete civilopedia at some point, and knowing where it's missing will be a great help.

@ all - If anyone wants to post screenshots of their progress then please do. I'll add a few to the second post if there are any particularly good ones. :)
Congratulation for finishing this huge project. :clap:
@ Dodecalypse - thanks very much. If you notice any particular units or buildings that don't have civilopedia entries then could you let me know (by PM)? I intend to make it a complete civilopedia at some point, and knowing where it's missing will be a great help.

@ all - If anyone wants to post screenshots of their progress then please do. I'll add a few to the second post if there are any particularly good ones. :)

Well, I haven't made much progress per se. It's been more of defend and grow than attack and expand.

I'll try to remember to take some screen caps of a few few errors and missing entries in the upcoming weekend.
Congratulation for finishing this huge project. :clap:
Thank you very much Civinator, your encouragement at various times has been very valuable.

Well, I haven't made much progress per se. It's been more of defend and grow than attack and expand.
I'd suggest quite an aggressive approach in the early game personally, you're on a pretty tight schedule if you want to keep pace with the timeline. Also, Persia and several other factions start with loads more cities than you and can end up with an overpowering number of units if you're not careful [evil laugh :satan:].

Inteligent use of the phalanx armies are the key to moving forward.

I'll try to remember to take some screen caps of a few few errors and missing entries in the upcoming weekend.
I'd be most grateful. :)
For the next version (which is not that close at the moment):
More difficulty in the Bactrian campaign.
More detail in the Indian Campaign.
General improvements in the civilopedia (though I don't think it's bad at the moment, I have a great many entries that I want to work further on).
You know, of course that I'll be looking forward to any help I can give here.
My life is a bit insane (in a good way) just now.
I'm escaping from the insanity tonight & Thur. / Fri. so hopefully I'll get some play in.

One day I'll hopefully be able to post a save file that starts you off at the beginning of the Indian campaign (or maybe someone else might beat me to it? :mischief:).
What would you consider the "beginning" to be? Personally, I'd start with Bactria, as a lead in to India.

What do you think of eventually (whoever might take up the task :mischief:) importing the rules into an enlarged Bactria/India map, with an appropriately adjusted start?
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