Lord Shadow
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- Oct 14, 2005
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Alien Strains is a modification for Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth which enhances the alien natives by adding up to three alternative strains to each base species, essentially more than tripling the variety of the new world's fauna. The variants are meant to be roughly equivalent (for the most part) in power to their parent, but each sports unique advantages and disadvantages which encourage the player to think tactically when it comes to engaging them in the most sensible circumstances. For instance, the Raptor Myrmidon is a ferocious defender but falters on the offensive, whereas the Locust Drone is faster, can pillage improvements and regain health from it but is weaker when it comes to withstanding combat.
Here's the stats for all the strains, enclosed in spoiler tags in case you'd want to encounter and figure out these new aliens like the first human explorers would! The Civilopedia articles hint at the differences between the variants in-game, in any case. But nevertheless, even though the strains are intended to be more or less in balance with the base species, the mod will probably make the game somewhat harder as the alternatives require some thought to face properly.
Spoiler :
WOLF BEETLE (Move 2, Strength 8)
- Wolf Mantis
+20% Strength (10)
-33% vs. Ranged
- Wolf Chameleon
+80% Attack and Defense while in Miasma (11)
-20% Strength (6)
- Wolf Spider (new!)
+12% per adjacent alien
-12% without adjacent aliens (7)
- Raptor Alpha
+40% Strength without adjacent aliens
-15% Strength (12)
- Raptor Myrmidon
+25% when Defending
-25% when Attacking
- Raptor Charger (new!)
+50% when Attacking
+Heavy charge
-30% Strength (10)
- Hunter Drone
+1 Vision
+Ignores zones of control
+50% when Attacking
-20% Strength (8)
- Locust Drone
+1 Move (4)
+Pillages Improvements
+Heals when pillaging
-20% Strength (8)
- Carrion Drone (new!)
+25% vs. Wounded
-25% vs. Ranged
- Basilisk
+33% Ranged Strength (13)
+30% chance to scatter on ranged attack
-50% Strength (2)
- Chimera
+1 Move (2)
+No terrain cost
=Explodes on death (20 HP damage)
-20% Ranged Strength (8)
- Salamander (new!)
+1 Range (3)
-25% Strength (3)
- Ravager Worm
+1 Move (2)
+No terrain cost
-20% Strength (38)
- Maker Worm
+25% Strength (60)
+Heals 15 HP to adjacent aliens
-30% vs. Air
- Sea Serpent
+2 Move (6)
-Deep water only
- Sea Lurker
+2 Extra attacks
-25% when Defending
- Sea Horror (new!)
+25% vs. Sea
-25% vs. Land
-25% vs. Air
- Thanatos
+Heals 25 HP with kills
-25% vs. Ranged
- Leviathan
+33% Strength (70)
+Heals 15 HP to adjacent aliens
-30% vs. Air
-1 Vision
Kudos to Nutty for providing critical coding support and Vicevirtuoso for his Modular Script Loading utility!
Compatible languages: English, Spanish
Coming soon:
- Third alternative strains for the colossal aliens.
- Something nasty.
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