All Things Star Wars

Sith or Jedi?

  • Sith

    Votes: 33 37.1%
  • Jedi

    Votes: 51 57.3%
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    Votes: 5 5.6%

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obi Wan makes the face , in case you are watching the whole , well knowing it is not 12 parsecs . Force as a lie detector . If you are watching it as The Star Wars , one single B Movie everybody is speaking about in 1977 , it is still valid . Mos Eisley , wretched hive of villainary and stuff , can't remember the whole line now . There is no recognition of any misuse of the word parsec in it .
obi Wan makes the face , in case you are watching the whole , well knowing it is not 12 parsecs . Force as a lie detector . If you are watching it as The Star Wars , one single B Movie everybody is speaking about in 1977 , it is still valid . Mos Eisley , wretched hive of villainary and stuff , can't remember the whole line now . There is no recognition of any misuse of the word parsec in it .
Indeed. Even if one wanted to think the expression was due to Obi Wan thinking "lol, this moron doesn't even know that a parsec isn't a unit of time", the scene itself instead of supporting this view rather relegates it to a fringe one; Obi Wan and Luke don't appear to know more about the parsec than Solo.
let us try this one then . There is this Space 1999 . Gerry Anderson , famous for puppet shows , even if those marionettes are superb and watchable even today does a sci-fi show . It is outright vilified , including editorials by the likes of Isaac Asimov . We have failed in parsec, leave us alone, is that okey for you?

or maybe the Kessel Run is a test of how much a ship can take in a given time and Han rode it for 40 lightyears and a slow ship could only make maybe perhaps 20 ? Like Stardestroyers are also said to be really fast !
I am telling you why the people who decided how to deal with this, chose otherwise. It's like thinking that "butch" can only be the name of a dog. Yes, it can be that, and also other things, much like Obi Wan could have in theory identified a misuse of parsec, but also might have had the expression for other reasons.
I am extremely dubious that these are any motivations for a retcon I don't believe formally happened in the context of a Star Wars movie.

let us try this one then . There is this Space 1999 . Gerry Anderson , famous for puppet shows , even if those marionettes are superb and watchable even today does a sci-fi show . It is outright vilified , including editorials by the likes of Isaac Asimov . We have failed in parsec, leave us alone, is that okey for you?

or maybe the Kessel Run is a test of how much a ship can take in a given time and Han rode it for 40 lightyears and a slow ship could only make maybe perhaps 20 ? Like Stardestroyers are also said to be really fast !
Star Destroyers only seem to be fast in Hyperspace, because they have immensely powerful hyperdrives.
dramatic moments where a lesser ship would have been caught by Stardestroyers .
dramatic moments where a lesser ship would have been caught by Stardestroyers .
As I said, they are fast in Hyperspace, but not so much Real Space (the latter moreso due to steering like a cow). This is seemingly common knowledge.
as the EU expanded , things were brought down a bit . A stardestroyer will accelarate at 2300g , Millennium Falcon at 3000g . Atmospheric speeds are (a stupid) 945 vs 1050 kilometers per hour ; an we know the guy who will jhave a field day on how they can't reach orbital speeds , hence are not even spaceships . Gaming concerns madd that 80 mglt for Solo , 60 for chasing Imperials . But drama requires drama and it is the never ending hyperspace problems . Eventually a hard limit of Relativity will be reached and the stardestroyer being bigger , will catch . You can not maintain the distance you made up in the initial escape ... If it steers like a cow , at that kind of limit , you are also on a cow .
as the EU expanded , things were brought down a bit . A stardestroyer will accelarate at 2300g , Millennium Falcon at 3000g . Atmospheric speeds are (a stupid) 945 vs 1050 kilometers per hour ; an we know the guy who will jhave a field day on how they can't reach orbital speeds , hence are not even spaceships . Gaming concerns madd that 80 mglt for Solo , 60 for chasing Imperials . But drama requires drama and it is the never ending hyperspace problems . Eventually a hard limit of Relativity will be reached and the stardestroyer being bigger , will catch . You can not maintain the distance you made up in the initial escape ... If it steers like a cow , at that kind of limit , you are also on a cow .
In the Space Opera genre, science is only important in areas the plot demands it to be, and even then, it's usually pseudo-science.
a lot of fake physics was written for George Lucas .
a lot of fake physics was written for George Lucas .
Fictional vehicles of allowing and describing the impossible for a Space Opera (a genre combining Science and Fantasy) franchise to function in it's own internal rules separate from the Real World. "Fake physics," sounds like a term derogatory used in harsh university peer review or toward those with unrealistic viewpoints, and is not a becoming term to use, in this context, at all.
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f*rting in the general direction of the enemy [at relativistic velocities] is a sound tactic . Mr Lucas is a film director and producer ; also has managed to stay as the small town person/businessman . He knows he doesn't know everything there is to know . So , after surprised by the success of his B-movie , meant just to make some bucks so that he could eventually have his own studio so that some exec could never cut his movie in any way again , he feared he would be ridiculed by the likes of Sagan or Asimov . Once again , the Space 1999 experience , the kind of explosion that would propel THE Moon out of orbit most likely break it into fine dust and whole other issues , he had his fake physics , boldly printed on the cover with Star Wars fonts and whatnot . The Holdo Maneouvre is banned in the Star Wars universe like since 1980 or thereabouts . There has been no need to brandish that , considering Star Wars foolishness was not even Weed , when it came evil Reaganites were out to get rid of . Yes , some political thing about why Team Abrams was not told about it , but hey , they would try to ignore it , too .
f*rting in the general direction of the enemy [at relativistic velocities] is a sound tactic . Mr Lucas is a film director and producer ; also has managed to stay as the small town person/businessman . He knows he doesn't know everything there is to know . So , after surprised by the success of his B-movie , meant just to make some bucks so that he could eventually have his own studio so that some exec could never cut his movie in any way again , he feared he would be ridiculed by the likes of Sagan or Asimov . Once again , the Space 1999 experience , the kind of explosion that would propel THE Moon out of orbit most likely break it into fine dust and whole other issues , he had his fake physics , boldly printed on the cover with Star Wars fonts and whatnot . The Holdo Maneouvre is banned in the Star Wars universe like since 1980 or thereabouts . There has been no need to brandish that , considering Star Wars foolishness was not even Weed , when it came evil Reaganites were out to get rid of . Yes , some political thing about why Team Abrams was not told about it , but hey , they would try to ignore it , too .
I'm honestly not trying to be offensive, but I'm having trouble making out the message from this post. I am politely - and sincerely - asking if you will please paraphrase to make it clear. Again, this is a sincere request, not mockery.
a certain guy is unhappy that "his civilization" is doomed or somethin

this is about some war

it must be why he is pickin on Star Wars , somethin he can surely beat with logic

as real life defies logic

it chances upon requirements about something else

george Lucas has his tome of fake physics

it cost some money . Today's nerds would have written it for free

it states for totally made up reasons in a sublight chase a stardestroyer will inevitably and eventually catch anything . It is rightly a symbol of Imperial oppression ; you can't run

had George Lucas have a reason for anything , it will be invented

though there are bootleg copies that rejects the hot-rod A-Wing
a certain guy is unhappy that "his civilization" is doomed or somethin

this is about some war

it must be why he is pickin on Star Wars , somethin he can surely beat with logic

as real life defies logic

it chances upon requirements about something else

george Lucas has his tome of fake physics

it cost some money . Today's nerds would have written it for free

it states for totally made up reasons in a sublight chase a stardestroyer will inevitably and eventually catch anything . It is rightly a symbol of Imperial oppression ; you can't run

had George Lucas have a reason for anything , it will be invented

though there are bootleg copies that rejects the hot-rod A-Wing
It is highly unlikely that this the reason, here. Genre conventions, laws for fictional worlds that differ from our own, and science taking a back seat to the plot - like so many other properties of similar genre - is almost certainly the reason. And, again, "fake physics," is not a term used in this light.
are we really talking about different things here ?

empire Strikes Back . Hyperspace is down . Han goes to Bespin . The story needs Luke to feel the danger they are in . So that he will abandon his training . And will face Vader , very possibly his death . Yoda fears it will not be Luke's death . But like , what chance Luke can have ? In a day's training ? No , it is actually 8 months of training . Very earth style boot-camp at a time hundreds of thousands of Americans remember their own ordeals in Vietnam .

mrs Lucas strikes . What will Organa and Solo will do that in that 8 months , cooped in that tube of a space junk ? This is a time when there is competition between between Luke and Han for the hand of the Princess . 8 months has nothing romantic and whatnot to make the final choice noble and stuff ...

mr Lucas says Einstein . Relativistic speeds . Will be 8 hours on the Millenium Falcon so that they will not kill each other . Also not bored enough to try other things . From later movies and stuff we know you can't track ships in hyperspace . We know Slave One followed Millennium Falcon . Currently said that Boba Fett attached a tracker on the hull . The Episode V was shot scientifically .

thought more about it , deleted the relevant scenes , because there would be no end of arguments . Got his tome . Turns out Calrissian ... Also the maps say there is 1150 lightyears between Hoth and Bespin . You see , you can't have the most isolated hideout in the galaxy within 0.8 lightyears of a gambling casino on an huge gas refinery ...
It feels to me as though the later retconning has only muddied the matter.

In context, Han's phrase clearly presupposes that his immediate audience will recognize the standard, even if they haven't (as he would have hoped) have heard of the MF having hit that standard. So maybe people don't know Michael Phelps' swim times, but if you say "You've never heard of Michael Phelps? he swam the 200 meter freestyle in a minute and 43 seconds!" you're counting on people to know/believe that represents a fast time.

The retconning in TFA works by assuming that people in-universe do know that standard, even if Rey gets the details a little wrong (Michael Phelps? you mean the guy who swam the 200 meter freestyle in under two minutes?).

So, in retrospect, we can't say that Han was just BS-ing, just making up mumbo-jumbo on the assumption that Luke and Obi Wan wouldn't know any better.

Anyway, BS is not a sufficient explanation. No doubt Han is more than capable of BS, but the BS of someone in that position wouldn't involve saying "I swam the 200 meter freestyle in 160 meters." He's trying to establish the speed of his ship ; that's what he's been challenged on. That fact even invalidates the "he traveled the route quicker by steering nearer to the black hole" explanation, because then that's specific to Kessel and wouldn't be a standard that could be applied to the Tatooine-Alderaan trip.

In context, "The MF made the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs" has to mean, "this ship can cover X distance in (impressively short) Y time."

Lucas should have just admitted he made a mistake.
rey has the exact parsecs . She sat in that cockpit for all the years all the finest sentients of Jakku failed to fix the Millennium Falcon to make it fly so that it could be sold to some dude with a lot of credits as a show piece , a trophy . Hadn't it been for woke and the Disney formula , where some young girl is like expert in 15 seconds flat , listening to the hum of the Falcon would have been Rey's training . The Jedi meditate a lot . A lot more than lightsaber exercise actually . That's how George Lucas wrote it , at a time when Rey was Kira or something .

actually that's the essense of Solo movie . Where the first team was fired for doing this or that . Was still woke , will see things cut off but you see whom Rey has been listening to , unaware she was listening to .
It feels to me as though the later retconning has only muddied the matter.

In context, Han's phrase clearly presupposes that his immediate audience will recognize the standard, even if they haven't (as he would have hoped) have heard of the MF having hit that standard. So maybe people don't know Michael Phelps' swim times, but if you say "You've never heard of Michael Phelps? he swam the 200 meter freestyle in a minute and 43 seconds!" you're counting on people to know/believe that represents a fast time.

The retconning in TFA works by assuming that people in-universe do know that standard, even if Rey gets the details a little wrong (Michael Phelps? you mean the guy who swam the 200 meter freestyle in under two minutes?).

So, in retrospect, we can't say that Han was just BS-ing, just making up mumbo-jumbo on the assumption that Luke and Obi Wan wouldn't know any better.

Anyway, BS is not a sufficient explanation. No doubt Han is more than capable of BS, but the BS of someone in that position wouldn't involve saying "I swam the 200 meter freestyle in 160 meters." He's trying to establish the speed of his ship ; that's what he's been challenged on. That fact even invalidates the "he traveled the route quicker by steering nearer to the black hole" explanation, because then that's specific to Kessel and wouldn't be a standard that could be applied to the Tatooine-Alderaan trip.

In context, "The MF made the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs" has to mean, "this ship can cover X distance in (impressively short) Y time."
Lucas should have just admitted he made a mistake.
Maybe he gambled that he can rely on willing fan myopia to avoid assumed cost of losing face? ^^ But on youtube the consensus is that it was just a stupid mistake, so the myopia was in the minority anyway.
As you said, if one wanted to make up some impressive phrase, they would at least mind to not say something nonsensical like "I run 10 meters in 8 meters". Solo may be canonically dumb, but nowhere near as dumb as thinking that a pilot would be unaware of units of time. Rather obviously the culprit isn't some meta-Solo, but Lucas.
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yes , ı can guess there is this tug of war . On what grounds George Lucas is expected to apologise , to two people in some gaming forum by the looks of it ? There are nuts who want stuff in the way they like . Insulted in Disney's rejected triology . If the results were superb and so desirable , like just repeat the thing . Surely the hardcore nuts will like the Khan clone teleporting himself from Earth to Klingon homeworld or the exact copy in SW style .
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