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Alternate City Lists version 2

Hello, I have several things to say to you so as to improve even more your mods !
- I'd really love to see a mod caming out for the new civilizations belonging to New Frontier Pass :D
- I have found some infos that could you help to make what I was talking last time, actually make city lists for a leader (for exemple for Aquitania) : Improved City Lists 2.0 mod from SeelingCat is doing this very well, you could ask him or take inspiration ofr his method :
- For completing your city lists (some have not 40 city names), you could take inspiratin from the lists of the same mod :
- Last thing (I think), you should update your posts so as to have Gathering Storm city lists
Keep up amzing work <3
As I said, I am not really interested in making city lists for a leader. I think city lists should be for a civ.
I will update the city lists in the first posts soon. Thanks for reminding me.
As for the New Frontier Pass, I don't have it yet, and I don't know when (and if) I will get it. Maybe after a few DLCs are out, and I know what exactly we are getting. Hopefully, there will be some discounts on the Pass along the way, although I'm very skeptical about this. Once I get the Pass, I will create a mod for it.
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