[GS] Analysing a starting location

Is this your first legendary game?

Let me know if Legendary Starts make it harder or easier for the player. I always play Sparse because I assume it makes it harder, but lately I've been thinking, especially seeing how the AI isn't very effective at trading uniques, that Legendary might actually make the game harder by making it easier for the AI
Not the first, but I usually don't play Legendary. I prefer the standard settings in that I think they're what the game is most 'balanced' towards, but sometimes I shake it up.
It is only my second time starting with a random civ though. I usually like to pick whom I'll play, but I'm loving the idea of just being given which Civ I'll be using.

I think legendary is extreme. Either it gives you a super-easy or super-hard start. On the other hand, abundant resources always make it easier. Since humans better exploit the map, the increase in the human player's advantage ends up being greater than the increase in the AI's.

In order to take profit of all the goody tiles in a passable timely manner, you need two cities. And that is where the problem lies: the secret south.
What if (in an extreme case) down there are only flat desert and resourceless coast / ocean tiles?!
ACTUALLY... there ended up being an about 16-tile desert to south-west of the mountain.

The desert hills also ended up having Iron
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Map type: Fractal
Size: Small
Number of civs: 6
Difficulty: Deity
City States: 12
Disaster level: 2

Start: Legendary
Resources: Abundant
World Age: New
Climate: wet
Temperature: standard
Water level: high

Note also that I didn't pick Teddy for myself, I let the game pick by randomising the Civ. So maybe it might not work... I'll test it without mods

Thank you! But we'll also need game and map seed numbers, locate them by mousing over the version number here, when you hit Esc in-game:
Any other city and that desert hill would be an option for me, but for standard advice it’s all about getting settlers out thick and fast for me. Because it is the capital and I’d be getting to ancestral hall damn fast with that start your whole game would skyrocket making the best use of it for settlers.

I think adding two food to the desert hill and being able to add farms to all of the rice is enough of a reason to do this, especially with Settler spam in mind.
Having the harbor adjacent to the city center is also huge in terms of taking full advantage of all that rice for explosive growth without hitting the housing cap.
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is enough
enough? You mean no need for more?
No need to start working a double culture tile?
Loss of the ability to buy out to a triple culture tile as an option?
It’s a choice, if you want the harbour then sure, move to the iron hill.
I hate the word best, there are alternatives depending on what you want to do.
enough? You mean no need for more?
No need to start working a double culture tile?
Loss of the ability to buy out to a triple culture tile as an option?
It’s a choice, if you want the harbour then sure, move to the iron hill.
I hate the word best, there are alternatives depending on what you want to do.
You're the one who used the term 'best' ???

Also I was giving an opinion based on your own analysis in terms of settler spam... Early culture is a mixed bag that will often cause you to waste culture as you hard tech through civics that you might otherwise be able to boost (and the triple culture tile is there for another city, and doesn't help this capital city pump settlers). With so many rich tiles, you want the population to work them. Settling on the desert hill is puts you down exactly 1 food per turn which is made up for when you put a farm on the rice that you would have settled on otherwise. The farm also provides more housing, as does a harbor adjacent to the city center (not possible if you settle on the first rice away from coast).

With that start you will hit housing penalties fairly quickly which will make all the food you are working lose significant comparative value.
Any other city and that desert hill would be an option for me, but for standard advice it’s all about getting settlers out thick and fast for me. Because it is the capital and I’d be getting to ancestral hall damn fast with that start your whole game would skyrocket making the best use of it for settlers.
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