Any modders working on increasing Settlement limit?


May 1, 2024
Any modders working on increasing Settlement limit? maybe increase the base by like 3? Also increasing single AI player count would be nice since the 8 total civs limit is weak, even with the vanilla map size and UI it should support about 4 more.
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Any modders working on increasing Settlement limit? maybe increase the base by like 3? Also increasing single AI player count would be nice since the 8 total civs limit is weak, even with the vanilla map size and UI it should support about 4 more.
I've had up to 20 civs in game so far but getting higher player counts to work in a stable manner on the current map sizes has been a challenge, but it's my main goal to allow 10-12 on the standard map at the minute. It's due to the landmass and distant land generation mechanic which causes issues.
I've had up to 20 civs in game so far but getting higher player counts to work in a stable manner on the current map sizes has been a challenge, but it's my main goal to allow 10-12 on the standard map at the minute. It's due to the landmass and distant land generation mechanic which causes issues.
Sweet. Thank you for working on this!
Experimenting on viceroy difficulty with a continents plus huge map size, and 10 players. Most AI players don't want to expand during Antiquity, having just 2-3 settlements until the end of the age. It seems like they're focusing more on befriending IPs than growing their on Civ. I added 30 more codices to the age of Antiquity just to make sure it wasn't an issue with that. Same thing kept happening. I tried a 3rd game giving 1+ movement to all units it slightly improved those civs, they hit 3-4 settlements til the end of the age.

It could be related to independent powers having more room to populate the bigger map size. I noticed a lot more independent powers on the map with the extra space.
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Any modders working on increasing Settlement limit? maybe increase the base by like 3? Also increasing single AI player count would be nice since the 8 total civs limit is weak, even with the vanilla map size and UI it should support about 4 more.
There are two ways to change the Settlement limit. You can edit each age and change how many settlements are allowed or you can edit the base and change how much of an effect overpopulation has on happiness, if any.

For each age go to Sid Meier's Civilization VII/Base/modules/age-*/data/ (* each age has its own folder; antiquity, exploration, modern)

Edit the file civilizations-gameeffects.xml Search for the string "SETTLEMENT_CAP" and change the value below.

For the base go to Sid Meier's Civilization VII/Base/modules/base-standard/data

Edit the file civilizations-gameeffects.xml Change the first entry. Should have "SETTLEMENT_CAP" in the string id. Change the Amount and MaxReduction.
There are two ways to change the Settlement limit. You can edit each age and change how many settlements are allowed or you can edit the base and change how much of an effect overpopulation has on happiness, if any.

For each age go to Sid Meier's Civilization VII/Base/modules/age-*/data/ (* each age has its own folder; antiquity, exploration, modern)

Edit the file civilizations-gameeffects.xml Search for the string "SETTLEMENT_CAP" and change the value below.

For the base go to Sid Meier's Civilization VII/Base/modules/base-standard/data

Edit the file civilizations-gameeffects.xml Change the first entry. Should have "SETTLEMENT_CAP" in the string id. Change the Amount and MaxReduction.
I actually ended up editing more settlements in the civics and technology progression trees, changing +1 to +2 on settlement cap increases. Worked out pretty well.
There is an existing mod to decrease settlement limits, but it includes instructions for making your own modifications. I used this to set my settlement limits quite high (8/16/24 depending on age, I think)
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