Any news on next patch?

I havent heard any, the only news about any new patch is that a multiplayer patch is worked on, but that was known before release. And the patch will include hot-seat and prob PBEM. It might not be the next patch but it could be
Im sure if you just pay attenetion here someone will post about it as soon as Greg and company release anything new. Im pretty sure they said the next patch will be coming at the end of the year, so pretty much between now and christmas. The "Premium DLC" is suppose to be released at the end of this year too(xmas time most likely), and I cant see them releasing that before they release the next big patch.

Also whats going to be included in the patch should be mulitplayer stuff as the above poster stated, Ai/diplomacy work too.
Im sure if you just pay attenetion here someone will post about it as soon as Greg and company release anything new. Im pretty sure they said the next patch will be coming at the end of the year, so pretty much between now and christmas. The "Premium DLC" is suppose to be released at the end of this year too(xmas time most likely), and I cant see them releasing that before they release the next big patch.

Also whats going to be included in the patch should be mulitplayer stuff as the above poster stated, Ai/diplomacy work too.

Thats great news !
likely features that the devs removed from the game before release so they can be sold separately.. trophy women, Mcmansions and exotic trips dont pay for also might be whatever the beta testers were working on when they were suppose to be testing the game

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likely features that the devs removed from the game before release so they can be sold separately.. trophy women, Mcmansions and exotic trips dont pay for also might be whatever the beta testers were working on when they were suppose to be testing the game

Yes, mr. glass half-full. :rolleyes:

No one knows yet, but we all suspect new civilizations will be added.
I wanna know the timeframe for giving us working modding tools.....

I think next patch will still be bug-fixing and balance.
Then they will have to do hotseat, modding tools and improvements to diplomacy
2k Greg posted today that he will give us new info fairly soon. (I dont have the link but it is on the 2k forums)
The premium dlc I was talking about is the D2D preorder bonus, 2 civilizations and a scenario(or scenarios). It was said it would be released by the end of this year. Anyone can buy it too, but those who preordered at d2d get it free.
My guess is: The next patch will come out a week before the new DLC release.
The no. 1 goal for Civ5 was to milk at least 100 bucks out of all the suckers that call themselves Civ fans, with at least half a dozen DLCs released per year :rolleyes:
Well let's hope that wasn't the only goal :).

Most likely their goal was to get a playable game out before they ran out of cash, with plans of sprucing it up. Also sell some dlc to help fund that. It wouldn't be wise to end the franchise for a quick buck. Then again who knows.
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