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Any suggestions for Scandinavian UUs and leaders?


Oct 27, 2001
Olso, Norway
Hey Civers! I'm going to be trying (keyword, trying) to mod some Nordic CIVs into the game and I need some suggestions.
Who would you suggest as leaders for Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Estonia? (Iceland excluded for now.)
And, what type of UUs should I consider for each? I was thinking about giving the Danes a stronger or faster warrior, and the norwegians a stronger or faster early naval unit. Suggestions plz!? :)
Hey Civers! I'm going to be trying (keyword, trying) to mod some Nordic CIVs into the game and I need some suggestions.
Who would you suggest as leaders for Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Estonia? (Iceland excluded for now.)
And, what type of UUs should I consider for each? I was thinking about giving the Danes a stronger or faster warrior, and the norwegians a stronger or faster early naval unit. Suggestions plz!? :)

This sounds great, I am currently working on the Swedish civ. So maybe you could focus mainly on the others, at least to begin with. :)

My plan is to make theese leaders for Sweden:
Gustav I Vasa (1496-1560) - Economy and Organisation
Gustav II Adolf (1594-1632) - Military
Gustav III (1746-1792) - Culture

Ok, I realize now, it looks like I have very limited fantasy when it comes to names, but that's really their names! I promise! :) Besides, I think they are three of the most influential kings/leaders of Sweden, and since thay have three different kinds of strengths aswell, I think they would be the best choices. Another great thing is the fact they ruled during different times...
Gustav Adolf is the unquestioned choice for Sweden. He ruled Sweden at the height of its power and made it into a military powerhouse.
Sweden had an incredibly fast-firing cannon in the 18th century, called Geschwinda Skott. It fired 2-3 times as fast as anybody else's cannons. The problem was the range was awful.

Denmark very much experimented with rockets following the burning of Copenhagen. They developed, experimentally, a rocket that was capable of being fired from a musket/rifle, called the Rifle-Fire Rocket. Also, they possessed a machine gun long before the French's Mitrailleuse. It was inconsistent and prone to breaking down (caustic stuff, that black powder), but they used it nonetheless. Now I just need to remember what it was called.

That Finnish unit listed above is a good option. Not sure about Norway. I know that in the Napoleonic timeframe (when Norway was still a part of Denmark) they used ski-troops that were armed with rifles and made a part of the sharpshooter corps. Maybe something like that?
This guy should be the leader of Finland, he was more awesome than the secret child of Chuck Norris and Jack Bauer. 25 years as a president, made sure that USSR didn't do anything funny to Finland during the Cold War.
A couple of things really made Sweden stand out in the Enlightenment period.

1) Gustavus Adolphus introduced the concept of Regimental Guns. That is, light cannon (3-pounders, usually) that advanced with an infantry regiment, thereby lending its weight-of-fire directly to the regiment.

2) There were 2 "types" of infantry regiment in Sweden: the Indelta and the Varvade. Due to Sweden's perpetual manpower problems, most of their soldiers went home to farm and have kids when they weren't fighting. These were known as Indelta regiments. The Varvade regiments were permanent regulars. But it must be remembered that both types were considered a part of the standing army. Also, observers at the time noted how the morale of the Indelta regiments was considerably higher than that of the Varvade. This observation leads one to an interesting conclusion: the Varvade were better trained than the Indelta, as they never went home. But they had worse morale. The Indelta had worse training, but better morale. An interesting dynamic, methinks.

3) Swedish cavalry used the "chevron" formation, whereby every rider put his knee behind the knee of his compatriots, leaving very little space between horses. The Russian Dragoons (in Peter's timeframe, all Russian cavalry was called a Dragoon) in the Great Northern War couldn't even come close to being as effective as their Swedish counterparts. The qualitative difference was simply huge.
Yeah, for a UU, I was going to suggest some kind of cannon. But maybe a lancer replacement might be interesting for a second uu.
Gustavus Adolphus should definately be swedish leader and atleast one swedish unit should be related to 30 years war. That was pretty much the high point of their history and if you have two UUs, the second should probably be from same era too. I can't think of any unique buildings or a suitable special power, though the special power could be related to military efficiency I reckon.

Finland should definately NOT have Hakkapelite as unique unit. That said, Hakkapelite could be a decent Swedish second UU replacing lancer. The reason I don't like Hakkapelite is that the unique units of nations in general are based on the time that were the nations' high points in history. Finnish nationalism didn't even really exist prior to 19th century, so I definately would rather have some WW2 era infantry as I can't think of anything better.

EDIT: You can probably find a more swedish name for hakkapelite too.

As a leader I really disagree with Mannerheim too. While he is really known and revered, the guy ruled for total of 5 years (1918-1919 as regent of Kingdom of Finland and 1944-1946 as president of Finland) and is more of a great general material anyway. Urho Kaleva Kekkonen is slightly questionable person to be an awesome leader, but I'd really add him anyway as he is a person whose reign really is what half of Finland's existance as an independent nation has been. For the national bonus you can do some boring Winter War crap, but don't do it - let the unique unit take care of that. One idea would be to base something on the fact that finns have always lived between eastern and western influences - especially so during Kekkonen's era when balancing between USSR and the West was a key thing. So a diplomatic thing might work well.

But really, implementing young nations with rather small influence in even their region (Europe) like Finland and Norway well isn't easy.

Oh yeah, and if you make Finland, replace Helsinki city state with Tallinn, as I don't think Tallinn exists yet as a city state.

Leader: Svend Tveskæg (Sweyn Forkbeard)
UU: Longboat - Replaces trime, +1 Movement and +2 strength.
UB: Købstad - Replaces harbour, grants an extra traderoute.
UA: Fara í víking - All land units start with amphibious promotion.

Denmark has always been a nation dominated by naval superiority and trade and thus their play style should match that I think.
BTW, I'd suggest translating the names into the English equivalent whenever possible. It's pretty much standard Civilization procedure (so go with Sweyn Forkbeard as his name).
Mannerheim didn't become a president until after the war was already over. :splat:

But Mannerheim is certainly the most influential historical Finnish leader.
Mannerheim didn't become a president until after the war was already over. :splat:

But Mannerheim is certainly the most influential historical Finnish leader.

Mannerheim took presidency before the end of the war so that he could end the war as Ryti had agreed to not sign peace with Soviet Union. Anyway most influental? He sure is revered and known, but he really wasn't a political leader. He took the whole job just to make Finland able to end the war. Let me emphasize: he is primarily a great general, not a head of the state. He never ever even tried to get elected or continue to stay as the president.

Kekkonen was elected to power and was an actual president for a long time and was far more influental in politics than Mannerheim.

Mara as the Finnish Leader :D

But yes, Kekkonen is the most important statesman this nation has had.

As for UU, I'd suggest the Jääkäri, Infantry that ignores terrain movement cost & has a combat bonus in woods.

UA... Extra Production in Tundra? Extra Science from something?
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