• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Anyone for a game?

Yes, you are right

11. Ba4 b6
12. Bb3+ Kh8
13. a3 a6
14. f4 Ng4
15. hxg4 fxg4
16. g3 Bc5+
17. Be3 Bxe3
18. Rxe3 h6
19. Rb1
11. Ba4 b6
12. Bb3+ Kh8
13. a3 a6
14. f4 Ng4
15. hxg4 fxg4
16. g3 Bc5+
17. Be3 Bxe3
18. Rxe3 h6
19. Rb1 a5
20. Ke2
11. Ba4 b6
12. Bb3+ Kh8
13. a3 a6
14. f4 Ng4
15. hxg4 fxg4
16. g3 Bc5+
17. Be3 Bxe3
18. Rxe3 h6
19. Rb1 a5
20. Ne2

Sorry, I'm not used to the notation in english and I wrote K for the knight :crazyeyes I have to pay more attention ...
Hmmmmm, those pawns are advancing too much

11. Ba4 b6
12. Bb3+ Kh8
13. a3 a6
14. f4 Ng4
15. hxg4 fxg4
16. g3 Bc5+
17. Be3 Bxe3
18. Rxe3 h6
19. Rb1 a5
20. Ne2 b5
21. Kf2

Now it's the king, not the knight :)
Yes, useless is the word. Those movements don't help very much to get the inicitiave :)

21. Kf2 Qe5
22. Kg2 Qc5
23. Qd4
21. Kf2 Qe5
22. Kg2 Qc5
23. Qd4 Qh5
24. Rh1 Qg6
25. f5

Yes, very slow. My pieces are quite blocked and I don't manage to carry out a good attack. But I think this situation is not going to last very much :D
Well it's looks like that it's becoming more and more a trench war :D indeed. No action, unless you are doing something. And yes, it's true, my pieces are blocked a lot. I have only one or 2 choices to play each time... :(
21. Kf2 Qe5
22. Kg2 Qc5
23. Qd4 Qh5
24. Rh1 Qg6
25. f5 Qg5
26. Nf4 Bb7
21. Kf2 Qe5
22. Kg2 Qc5
23. Qd4 Qh5
24. Rh1 Qg6
25. f5 Qg5
26. Nf4 Bb7
27. Ng6+

Well, I think I'm doing something :D
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