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Anyone for my second game?


Game- and Quizmaster
Nov 6, 2001
I´d like to have a second game of chess here, so if anyone is interested ... :D
I would play, but playing four games would be too much...even for me ;)
Ok I will play you then because the game with Ohwell has slowed down to a stand still and he suddenly earned a rook for doing nothing...My game with Genghis is now just a comedy of errors. Twice each now we have taken back moves or been confused...

I will start anyone unless you want to...

1. d4
Alright, let´s go! :D

1. d4 d5
1. d4 d5
2. e3 c6
1. d4 d5
2. e3 c6
3. b4 b5
1. d4 d5
2. e3 c6
3. b4 b5
4. Bb2 Nf6
1. d4 d5
2. e3 c6
3. b4 b5
4. Bb2 Nf6
5. h3 g6
1. d4 d5
2. e3 c6
3. b4 b5
4. Bb2 Nf6
5. h3 g6
6. f3

Going to play Unreal tournament for a while now but I willmake some more moves afterwards.
1. d4 d5
2. e3 c6
3. b4 b5
4. Bb2 Nf6
5. h3 g6
6. f3 a5
1. d4 d5
2. e3 c6
3. b4 b5
4. Bb2 Nf6
5. h3 g6
6. f3 a5
7. bxa5 Na6
1. d4 d5
2. e3 c6
3. b4 b5
4. Bb2 Nf6
5. h3 g6
6. f3 a5
7. bxa5 Na6
8. Qd2
1. d4 d5
2. e3 c6
3. b4 b5
4. Bb2 Nf6
5. h3 g6
6. f3 a5
7. bxa5 Na6
8. Qd2 Bg7
1. d4 d5
2. e3 c6
3. b4 b5
4. Bb2 Nf6
5. h3 g6
6. f3 a5
7. bxa5 Na6
8. Qd2 Bg7
9. a4
1. d4 d5
2. e3 c6
3. b4 b5
4. Bb2 Nf6
5. h3 g6
6. f3 a5
7. bxa5 Na6
8. Qd2 Bg7
9. a4 bxa4
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