Are they making Civ 5?

Theres another editor but you have to be cool to use it.. ever notice the "Cheatcode = 0" line in the config file?


When you change the 0 to the appropriate code, all it does it let you use WorldBuilder, and kinda lets you do a few of the things you can do in World builder without opening worldbuilder. It is really just a big joke compared to what you could do with Civ3Edit.
Going back to Civ 3 with Civ 5? Please no, Civ 4 is so much better with the exception of some very minor details, like being able to destroy buildings with bombers.

What I'd like :
-Bring back the advisors
-Change style of leaders and mood a little more in the direction of Civ 1 and Civ 2. Meaning leaders being a little more serious and less cartoonish.
-Expand on Religions. It can't be that a medieval society is more happy with four religions than with one. Should cause some domestic issues

Other than that, I'd hope for some real innovations I can't think off myself without creating things that have to be micromanaged extensively.
I would like for the map generator to go back to the way 3 was. 3 had so much more interesting maps than 4 does. Also I would like for some sort of canal system to be brought in. But it should be costly. It would be really interesting if some of the boats could also travel along rivers. Namely, workboats and many of the earlier ships seeing as they are resitricted to coast anyways. I would also like if the GP system was a little more spontaneous and not as controlable.
Well, its not like jungle takes that long to clear on 4. On marathon it only takes 12 turns to clear jungle compared to Civ3's 24 turns. Plus, I have seen some standard huge maps generate miles of endless jungle on 4. Jungle is more of a treat on Civ 4 than on 3. Even on a jungle start I do pretty well. In 3 a jungle start was very limiting due to the amount of time it took to chop down.
Well, its not like jungle takes that long to clear on 4. On marathon it only takes 12 turns to clear jungle compared to Civ3's 24 turns. Plus, I have seen some standard huge maps generate miles of endless jungle on 4. Jungle is more of a treat on Civ 4 than on 3. Even on a jungle start I do pretty well. In 3 a jungle start was very limiting due to the amount of time it took to chop down.

That said, you don't want to be starting in an enormous heap of jungle in every game. Jungle isn't much fun. Back in Civ III, it seemed that at least one in three games I started had me in the middle of, or on the edge of, a million miles of jungle. Or a million miles of desert, less commonly.
Must have been bad rolls IMO. Here is a screenshot of the minimap of a randomly generated map from the editor.

That is a map that is just slightly above the standard "Huge" size. And is typically the amount of jungle in a game. Here is a screenshot of the largest of those 5 jungles. I couldn't fit the western end into the screenshot but it is roughly about 5x3 tiles.
Spoiler :

I usually get stuck with the freakin desert starts which sucks. If I am lucky enough to roll an agricultural Civ, I don't mind as much, but if not it really sucks.
I hate starting with jungles so badly!! I need to find where Editor is so I can fix this problem when I get a starting point like that.
You have a sick mind.
I liked the Palace view feature, would be nice to see it back.

They could make it quite complex and include unique items or decorations for each Civ as well as the standard additions... you know, nice chandeliers visible through the windows for Louis, some skulls on poles for Monty, etc...
Oh and on jungle, pretty funny, I was just thinking I almost never see jungle in my Civ IV starts... it got to the point where I forgot sugar was in the game!

But I usually play standard or smaller maps, I wonder if there is a connection.
Yeah, it was in the wroung Thread, NOT SORRY!!!!:p
That said, you don't want to be starting in an enormous heap of jungle in every game. Jungle isn't much fun. Back in Civ III, it seemed that at least one in three games I started had me in the middle of, or on the edge of, a million miles of jungle. Or a million miles of desert, less commonly.
Exactly which is why civ4 maps are generated so all civs usually have a descent spot to put it's first city. So you could say civ3 maps was more interesting if you found being totally surrounded by jungle interesting. I would say civ3 maps are a lot more unpredictable. Then more unpredictable the map means the game is determine more by how lucky your starting position is.
Exactly which is why civ4 maps are generated so all civs usually have a descent spot to put it's first city. So you could say civ3 maps was more interesting if you found being totally surrounded by jungle interesting. I would say civ3 maps are a lot more unpredictable. Then more unpredictable the map means the game is determine more by how lucky your starting position is.

Yes, but in Civ 3 you tended to develop your starting city the same way every game, without giving that much though to the terrain and ressources it commands. In Civ 4 my build order actually depends on the starting position. That makes Civ 4 starts much more interesting in my book.
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