[Vanilla] Artwork is blue


Dec 3, 2018
Here is the image I used for the artwork:

Here is what it looks like in-game:

Here is the .tex file I have hooked up to the image. Can anyone help me and get it back to regular colors?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
            <Element class="AssetObjects::BoolValue">
                <m_ParamName text="IsScalable"/>
            <Element class="AssetObjects::IntValue">
                <m_ParamName text="TexturePadding"/>
            <Element class="AssetObjects::BoolValue">
                <m_ParamName text="IsStandalone"/>
            <Element class="AssetObjects::BoolValue">
                <m_ParamName text="IsTiled"/>
    <m_SourceFilePath text="C:\Users\sseckman\Documents\Meow.dds"/>
    <m_SourceObjectName text=""/>
    <m_ClassName text="UserInterface"/>
            <m_ID text="DDS"/>
            <m_RelativePath text="LEADER_JASPER_KITTY_NEUTRAL.dds"/>
    <m_Description text=""/>
        <Element text="UserInterface"/>
The Red and Blue channels are the wrong way around. What format are you saving in?

Photoshop: Use .DDS plugin and export your .DDS Uncompressed.

Gimp 2: Use .DDS plugin and use Export as ABGR8 format, .DDS with Compression=None.

Paint.NET: It can only open some vanilla .dds files directly (generally albedo and normal maps), for the rest (AO, metalness, gloss, tint) you need to use Gimp 2 then you can copy/paste or save to PNG/DDS. For saving DDS from Paint.NET use the B8G8R8A8 format.

If you want a simple and quick option, I have recently added texture import to the CivNexus6 tool if you want to try that. It also handles PNG and JPG formats.
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