Auto Testing Scenario


Oct 28, 2001
I was wondering if there was a way to run the game where the AI controls all the civs and you just watch. I want to have the computer run a scenario multiple times so I can try to balance out the different sides but it is too time consuming to do this manually.

It is an earth map so I have chosen the Japanese in order to minimize my impact on the balance of power with the rest of the world. It would be even better if the computer controlled all the civs and let them all duke it out.

The game seems to be very balanced with most civs in a tight race and no one is way ahead of the others. The only outlier is the Greeks, which despite a strong push into the Middle East, were ultimately defeated by around 1200 AD.

I would like to tweak the game balance by adding or removing different civs and adding some barbarian cities to put added pressure. Although, I'm not sure there is much I can do about the Greeks. They seem destine to be conquered repeatedly.
I know it's not what you are looking for, but when I built my scenario....I just fortified everyone, picked a far off branch for tech, and kept hitting enter.
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