Automated work boats and missionaries disappear?


Jan 30, 2002
Seattle, USA
With the current Solver patch it appear that clicking the "automate" button on a work boat or missionary makes it disappear, instead of sending it to a useful location. Automated workers work fine, though. Anyone else noticed this?

are you sure it isn't sitting in a city? If the workboat has nowhere to go, it often sits in a city.

Best wishes,

Nope, the unit definitely disappears. I even checked the Military Advisor to make sure it wasn't hidden somewhere. And in the case of the work boat there was an unimproved clams right next to it, so it was obvious where it would go. (In fact, that's why I tried to automate it.)
are you using the BUG mod? I'm positive that, at least some time ago, the military advisor did not function correctly and that some units were not displayed in it.
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