[R&F] Avoiding early city flipping


Jun 28, 2008
Lately I've been playing the TSL Earth map on Immortal, and I've yet to get to turn 100 on epic before my capital rebelled.

The problem seems to be that Europe is so closely packed with civs and with two settlers for each AI vs. my measly little settler, someone is bound to generate more loyalty than me.

Is there any way to mitigate early loyalty problems (garrisons are insufficient, btw.) other than "don't play that map"?
Keep a warrior or slinger in the city, speed to either civ to get a gov and assign him or her, ot my fav, concur anyone close by and remove the need for worry. I’m not sure what your build order is but by turn 100 you should have a decent size army and a couple cities of your own. Don’t forget that a monument will provide a small amount of loyalty if needed and the gov building provides a lot for the city it’s built in. Its a tightly packed map so you don’t get much room to expand with a lot of civs nearby so you normally want to take out a neighbor or two ASAP. One other thing, you get a card for +2 loyalty for having a troop in a city and another for +2 per gov at recorded history. Remember to grow your cities fast by chopping or harvesting food if needed.
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Every population in your city is sooo vital, it is not affected by distance and it is about the ratio between enemy pop and your own.

Having 5 pop in a friendly city 5 tiles away is roughly half as strong as having 5 pop in a local city.
Having governors nearby do not help at all, one must be in the city to be of value.

Once the pressure ratio gets strong enough the odd +2 from a card makes little difference. Grow pop and take enemy cities, especially ones with many cities nearby.
a little unrelated but in TSL maps even on Giant Earth, i've seen that the loyalty war (that usually goes along real war) is a lot. England, France, Netherlands and Germany, out of these usually only 2 makes it to Renaissance, and for Germany i've never seen them survives (threat to them from Poland is bigger than threat from Spain to France apparently). Macedon also never survives but that's more of war than loyalty.

For the solution i'd say take those cities pressuring you and have them pressure everyone else (and shield your cities) instead.
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