Been Away For Awhile, Which Expansion?


Jun 12, 2015
Hi first let me say that I am new to this forum, so a big hello to all, I've not played V or any of the other expansions since IV version and have been away for a very long time, I've got the bug back and want to start playing again but I'm not real sure where I should start back up at since there's been so many upgrades and expansions since IV and was hoping someone might have some suggestions as to which expansion would be best to start back up with? Is it just a matter of preference?

Brave New world and Gods and Kings are the two I`d recommend (play them together). Togther they make the game. Oh and I`m not trying to sell for Firaxis, heaven forbid, it`s just my honest point of view.
There's a Game of The Year edition containing both expansions and all DLC. Great value.
Be careful. The Game of the Year edition is just the vanilla game and certain early DLC. The Complete edition includes both expansions and nearly all of the DLC.
First of all: welcome mate! Hope you'll like it here with us! :)

Secondly: Brave New World (BNW) and God's and Kings both add soooo very much to the game that it more or less becomes a new game. I find them both to be essential since you will be missing out on an extreme amount of content if you don't grab 'em. Regarding money, the steam summer sale usually let Civ 5 complete go at about 75% discount so you should be able to pick it up really cheap really soon. All the extra map and civ DLC's aren't rly that important though. Just BNW and G&K. My recommendation really is to grab them since Civ 5 without them feels a bit hollow.

Best of luck and once again: welcome! :)
Just purchased via Amazon the Sid Meier's Civilization V: The Complete Edition and have it on order, thanks again.
The game is quite different from from IV, maybe look up some YouTube videos to see the differences. Maddjinn had a series called behind the monument which was a strategy guide, but I think it was before Brave New World came out though.
Another question, where does Revolution 2, Beyond Earth and Starships fit in?
Another question, where does Revolution 2, Beyond Earth and Starships fit in?

They don`t. They are separate games. Beyond Earth is supposed to be the futuristic version of Civ 5, but I heavily don`t recommend it as it`s a shell of a game and very, very boring.

Starships is just some mediocre starship game. Don`t have a clue about revolutions. Where are you linking all this stuff?
Oh OK, Socratatus I was just reciting what I searched on google, my questions have been answered thanks! I'm just weeding out all of the confusion, thank goodness for forums.
Civ 5 Complete Edition is always on sale somewhere for about 12 bucks. I got it recently and i haven't stopped playing since. It's an excellent game.

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If you are new to Civ V, I recommend getting the DLCs; then enable them one-at-a-time :

1) Run the base "vanilla" game for the tutorials, and a game or 2 on 'settler' and 'chieftan' ;

2) Add Gods & Kings to 'enabled' list, and see the changes between vanilla and G&K, on chieftan and warlord;

3) When you're comfortable with G&K, enable Brave New World, and see what BNW changed in the game; this could take up to a week's worth of game-time (168 hours), but well worth the time to get 'cozy' in-game !
I would say just start with all the expansions enabled, and learn the game, rather than having to continuously adapt to changes.

Watch some YouTube LPs as well.
Seconding the recommendation to start with BNW. Definitely start off with tutorials, and I'd recommend at least reading the civilopedia, getting familiar with some concepts, maybe looking at some videos. But yeah, the vanilla game is frankly... really bad, in my opinion. Gods and Kings and especially Brave New World, however, add and fix so much of the game. The map DLC's are kind of pointless, though I would get the civ DLC's. The Complete edition gets you the best thing, I think.
Seconding the recommendation to start with BNW. Definitely start off with tutorials, and I'd recommend at least reading the civilopedia, getting familiar with some concepts, maybe looking at some videos. But yeah, the vanilla game is frankly... really bad, in my opinion. Gods and Kings and especially Brave New World, however, add and fix so much of the game. The map DLC's are kind of pointless, though I would get the civ DLC's. The Complete edition gets you the best thing, I think.

Reading civilopedia is really helpful. Itll get you to understand the game more particularly if you arent that good at the most difficult levels.
Definitely start with BNW. The vanilla game and G&K are highly problematic. Not only is the AI behaviour considerably more rational (even when rationally aggressive) in BNW, but the Culture Victory is properly thought out, and ideologies really bring a great element to the game. Complete Edition for sure.
I agree with skipping Vanilla. It was a little simple coming off of IV BtS and the combat mechanics changed enough with GnK that playing Vanilla first is actually a handicap!

My contrary opinion would be to buy the Complete Edition but try a couple or three GnK games before enabling BNW. There is a lot in BNW, and despite being a civ series veteran, I think I would have been a little overwhelmed if I had started with that. GnK offers plenty that is new and different from IV. That said, yes the AI behavior is considerably more rational, and the BNW additions are mostly late game -- so you may indeed be able to jump right in!
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