Best Gen 1 Pokemon

Bulbasaur 4
Charmander 2
Psyduck 3
Slowpoke 5
Cubone 1
Poor Cubone. Was my second choice. Gz for making it into the 5

Bulbasaur 5
Charmander 2
Psyduck 1
Slowpoke 7
Bulbasaur 5
Charmander 1
Psyduck 2
Slowpoke 7
Bulbasaur 5
Psyduck 2
Slowpoke 8
Bulbasaur 3
Psyduck 3
Slowpoke 9
Bulbasaur 1
Psyduck 5
Slowpoke 9
Psyduck 6
Slowpoke 9

Ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny - go!
Psyduck 5
Slowpoke 10

I would never have thought it ended up with these two, no less my favorite pokemon from gen 1 in the final batch xD
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