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Best of Civ6

I just downloaded dozens of UI mods that seemed to be no-brainers, as in, they should have been included in Civ6.
A good rule of thumb when downloading mods is to enable just one at a time when you play, so that you know which one is causing the crash. Also the descriptions on the Steam Workshop usually tell which mods are compatible with this one and which ones are definitely not
Also the descriptions on the Steam Workshop usually tell which mods are compatible with this one and which ones are definitely not
I can't state enough how many people skip this important part. It seems most People just look at the Mod Title and Pictures and sub to the Mod. Most popular Mods (or mainly the ones made by prolific and reasonable modders) have everything necessary to know about them written in the description. I have seen so many People asking Questions that were already answered in the Mods' Description, which they ofc skipped, or sometimes even repeat questions that were answered 2 comments below theirs lol. But there are ofc Mods who do a crappy Job at providing the necessary Information for People.
I ought to try some mods that simply remove whole features of the game; it might get me back into Civ 6.

Customization VI allows you to remove the World Congress, Natural Disaster, and some other stuff.

There is an option to Remove religion (or make it passive only) but it hangs the game when you get a Great Prophet, although that could be due to my other mods
There is an option to Remove religion (or make it passive only) but it hangs the game when you get a Great Prophet, although that could be due to my other mods
I always want to fix the Issues with that (and allow an option to still get the Beliefs somehow), but I never get the Time to do it (bc of too many other things to take care of). I will try to get some time in the near future to make an update to the Mod, with a couple of new Options to add as well.
It makes no sense that Civ 6 mods show up in Civ 5 or vice versa
Agreed & yet it did happen, somehow, that some (not all) of the Civ6 mods I downloaded showed up in my Civ5 game & I had to unsubscribe from them via Civ5. Perhaps that's not a Civ6 issue, but a Steam issue (installing mods in the wrong place). Don't know for sure, but given Firaxis' track record...duh

I suppose another possibility is that some modders will force you to subscribe to both their Civ5 & Civ6 version of the same mod via Steam...doesn't seem likely, but idk, I haven't published anything via Steam, so that logically makes sense, however, I have no idea if that's actually possible or not.
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A good rule of thumb when downloading mods is to enable just one at a time when you play...
I also did that btw, if that helps anyone. That's also a no-brainer, as far as I'm concerned.
So, no one else has ever had Civ6 mods show up in Civ5? Seriously, I'm the only one that's ever happened to?
I always want to fix the Issues with that (and allow an option to still get the Beliefs somehow), but I never get the Time to do it (bc of too many other things to take care of). I will try to get some time in the near future to make an update to the Mod, with a couple of new Options to add as well.

If there is a cannot play the game without it mod it’s this one for sure. Thank you very much for making this.

I can't state enough how many people skip this important part. It seems most People just look at the Mod Title and Pictures and sub to the Mod. Most popular Mods (or mainly the ones made by prolific and reasonable modders) have everything necessary to know about them written in the description. I have seen so many People asking Questions that were already answered in the Mods' Description, which they ofc skipped, or sometimes even repeat questions that were answered 2 comments below theirs lol. But there are ofc Mods who do a crappy Job at providing the necessary Information for People.

I’ve been involved in modding since I soldered a chip in my OG xbox. The above factor has got to be the primary reason modders quit the scene, the level of stupidity and entitlement has to be seen to be believed, and it has only gotten worse over time.

A lot of modders on nexus have “If you didn’t read the description I’m not respoding to you” pinned in the comments.

The one good thing is often you see idiots getting dogpiled by other posters saying exactly that, probably because people are tired of their modders getting harrassed.

To the OP, I have 18 pages of mods that affect just about everything about this game, what specifically do you want?
I really doubt that's what happened to you :) Do you have screenshots?
Sorry, but no, I didn't take screen shots. I'll do it next time I try though. I'm fully aware of how hard this may be to believe without evidence, so I'm committed to getting that evidence next time it happens. I'm honestly lost as to how this stuff happened myself, it makes zero sense at all.

Also, I don't care about your doubt, I was there & saw what happened, you didn't. All I can say for certain at this time is that some of the mods I installed for Civ6 showed up in Civ5, probably caused my old game to crash somehow, so that I felt it necessary to start a new game, because trying to load it kept crashing & some of those Civ6 mods were active in the new Civ5 game so that I had to start another new game, after disabling those mods I'd installed in Civ6 via the Civ5 interface. Now Civ5, modded with Vox Populi, is working correctly again, btw.

Specifically, the three Civ6 mods I recall that showed up in Civ5, were the one that gives your initial settler a greater vision range*, Perfect World for Civ6**, and that "more advanced setup screen" mod that puts mods in 2 columns***.

Also, I checked to see where my Civ6 mods were being installed (under Steam & under Documents) and it's in neither place. I installed dozens of mods & I can't find them installed anywhere. If that helps anyone.

* I know this exists for Civ5 also, however, I didn't like it when I tried it in Civ5, so had uninstalled it there years ago. I wanted it in Civ6, because civilization placement, with Perfect World, is so much more terrible in Civ6 than Civ5, so I felt that was necessary to plant the first city where I really wanted it to be.
** When I'd started a new game in Civ5, after installing those dozens of Civ6 mods, I initially didn't understand why there was a second copy of Perfect World in my mod list, but I checked it on anyway, it was only later, after seeing that wide-vision initial settler, that I'd realized the "less good" version of Perfect World maps had been generated in Civ5. There were a ridiculous amount of rivers, which is characteristic of Civ6 Perfect World, not the Civ5 (updated) version.
***This is what drove it home to me that Civ6 mods were happening in Civ5. I've never seen this in Civ5 before, but when I started new games, that mod was happening in Civ5. I saw installed mods show up in 2 columns, which was absolutely impossible, I thought, yet there it was. As far as I know, Civ5 was coded in Lua for many of the mods (especially UI), but Civ6 switched to a different language, I don't recall what, so how the hell did that happen? I was so confused at that point. I totally understand people not wanting to believe this without screenshots, which I wish I had taken, because I also don't want to believe this. Yet, I was there for the thing and the thing happened & I have no idea whatsoever how this might have happened.
** When I'd started a new game in Civ5, after installing those dozens of Civ6 mods, I initially didn't understand why there was a second copy of Perfect World in my mod list, but I checked it on anyway, it was only later, after seeing that wide-vision initial settler, that I'd realized the "less good" version of Perfect World maps had been generated in Civ5. There were a ridiculous amount of rivers, which is characteristic of Civ6 Perfect World, not the Civ5 (updated) version
This absolutely did not happen. Civ 6 mods absolutely would not even show up on the mod list in Civ 5 (and vice versa), much less be able to be enabled and load in.

Sounds like you were really frustrated and just got confused.
So you're telling me Civ6 mods can be enabled in and affect Civ5? :eek:
I know it sounds idiotic, but it happened as I said it happened. I don't care if you don't believe me whatsoevever. It did happen. How about you focus your efforts on finding out how it happened rather than refusing to believe it happened.
Well either way, you said you were back to Civ 5 now right? Your post made me nostalgic for PW in Civ 5. I really liked that map, as well as Planet Simulator.
If there is a cannot play the game without it mod it’s this one for sure. Thank you very much for making this.
You're very welcome! I'm happy to see it's helpful/useful to you and others. Hearing such kind words and appreciation for the mod is a big motivation to keep modding the Game, Thanks!
First time I'm hearing of this mod. As I'm playing Civ5 nowadays I'll definitely give it a try
Perfect World for Civ 5? Is that what you're referring to? If so, definitely do the updated version, not the original.

Btw, where should Civ6 mods be installed? I assumed under the documents/civ6 directory, but there's nothing there after installing dozens of mods. So, can someone please tell me where to look for those mods I installed? Where should they be?
This absolutely did not happen. Civ 6 mods absolutely would not even show up on the mod list in Civ 5 (and vice versa), much less be able to be enabled and load in.

Sounds like you were really frustrated and just got confused.
No. Again, I was there and I recall it perfectly. If you're insinuating that my neurological conditions played a role - that's not how it works. I put that warning there because I sometimes confuse one word for another word, whether I read it or write it, so sometimes my writings can be confusing to others. I use a word, feel I'm 100% right in it's usage, but I'm in fact, 100% wrong. That's all that affects others via my neurological conditions, online at least.
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